Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Pilot Proposal Austin, TX Resource Management Commission November 16, 2021 Overview Purpose of Pilot CenterPoint Energy proposes to introduce targeted program offerings that will deliver cost- effective energy savings, promote awareness of energy conservation, and provide customers in Austin Texas with opportunities to reduce natural gas usage in their homes and businesses. • Specific Objectives affordability of energy; • Reduce end-use natural gas consumption to conserve resources and improve • Provide environmental benefits by influencing the use of energy efficient equipment and technology that reduces carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases; and • Promote energy-conscious attitudes and behaviors that support energy conservation and sustainability 2 Overview Pilot Development The Pilot is designed with a “Quick-Start” approach and offers programs that can be implemented with minimal budget and complexity while still providing cost-effective energy-savings opportunities to customers. • Factors Evaluated in Pilot Design Identify programs best suited for a small-scale pilot Develop measure level energy savings Develop cost projections Evaluate cost-effectiveness Determine the most effective marketing and delivery channels • Proposed Program Offerings Prescriptive Equipment Rebates DIY Home Conservation Improvement Products Commercial Direct Install Equipment • • • • • • • • 3 Overview Pilot Plan Summary • Projections Budget: $20,114 Annual Energy Savings: 9,581 Ccf Net Economic Benefits: $41,616 • Implementation Period • Twelve-month pilot (January 2022 – December 2022) • Funding • • • • The Company seeks to recover program costs concurrently with implementation of the pilot through a ratepayer funded mechanism. 4 High Efficiency Equipment Rebates Description The High-Efficiency Equipment Rebates program is designed to promote energy-efficient solutions to residential, and commercial customers by offering incentives for the purchase and installation of new high-efficiency natural gas equipment. • Eligible Equipment Equipment Efficiency Customer Rebate Natural Gas Force Air Furnace 95% AFUE or Higher Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater .87 UEF or Higher Natural Gas Storage Tank Water Heater .70 UEF or Higher Smart Thermostat ENERGY STAR Qualified $600 $350 $100 $50 • Program Projections Budget: $10,500 • • • • Annual Energy Savings: 2,306 Ccf Net Economic Benefits: $18,854 Participating Customers: 40 5 Home Conservation Improvement Products Description CenterPoint Energy’s Home Conservation Improvement Products program will provide free water and energy saving equipment to residential customers. • Eligible Equipment Low-Flow Showerheads Low-Flow Kitchen Faucet Aerators Low-Flow Bathroom Faucet Aerators • Program Projections Budget: $2,989 Annual Energy Savings: 890 Ccf Net Economic …
Historic Landmark Commission Applications under Review for November 15, 2021 Meeting Meeting will be held in person at City Hall Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Public participation for this Public Hearing will be in-person only and no remote (by telephone) participation will be offered. To participate at this meeting, you must go to City Hall at 301 W. 2nd Street and attend in-person. Face coverings are required, regardless of vaccination status. For more information on the change in meeting format, please review the City of Austin’s statement here: governors-covid-19-exemptions This list does not constitute a formal agenda and is subject to change. A final agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Historic zoning applications A.1. 10621 Pioneer Farms Dr. – Commission-initiated historic zoning following relocation of Evangelical Lutheran Church (postponed September 27, 2021) 13300 Dessau Rd. – Commission-initiated removal of historic zoning following relocation of Evangelical Lutheran Church (postponed September 27, 2021) 1601 Cedar Avenue – Commission-initiated historic zoning 301 San Jacinto Boulevard – Commission-initiated historic zoning A.2. A.3. A.4. Historic landmark and historic district applications 3810 Duval Street – Hyde Park Local Historic District – Addition/remodel and ADU 1600 Gaston Avenue – Davis House – Notes 807 Baylor Street – Castle Hill Local Historic District – Rehabilitate residence and B.1 B.2 B.3 construct addition National Register district permit applications C.1. 1411 Ethridge – Old West Austin National Register District – Demolish a contributing house (postponed October 25, 2021) – Applicant-requested postponement to November 15, 2021 1519 W. 32nd Street – Old West Austin National Register District – Construct second-floor addition and replace windows, siding, porch (postponed October 25, 2021) 2515 Harris Boulevard – Old West Austin National Register District – Addition/remodel 1012 Shelley Avenue – West Line National Register District – Demolish rear addition; construct new rear addition and ADU. C.2. C.3. C.4. 1 C.5. C.6. C.7. 1508 W. 29th Street – Old West Austin National Register District – Addition 504 Leland Street – Travis Heights – Fairview Park National Register District – Demolish existing one-story house and construct a two-story house. 514 Terrace Drive – Travis Heights – Fairview Park National Register District -Window replacement Demolition and relocation permit applications (all total demolitions unless otherwise noted) D.1. D.2. D.3. D.4. D.5. D.6. D.7. D.8. D.9. 812 W. 12th Street (postponed October 25, 2021) 3506 Duval Street (Partial Demolition) …
LIBRARY COMMISSION MEETING November 15, 2021 - 5:30 PM Central Library Conference Room Fourth Floor 710 W Cesar Chavez St. AUSTIN, TEXAS The Library Commission shall make recommendations to the city council on matters relating to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the public libraries. Section 2-1-150 of the City Code. General Communication & Communication on Agenda Items: The first 5 speakers signed up for citizen communication prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda during the time set aside for general citizen communication. Those who wish to speak on agenda items must be signed up prior to the meeting being called to order and will be allowed three minutes to speak when the agenda item comes up. CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Julia Aguilar; Patricia Dabbert, Chair; JC Dwyer; Eric Frierson; Lynda Infante; Ryan Marquess; Courtney Rosenthal; Steven Self, Vice-Chair; and Lily Trieu AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Approval of Minutes from the October 25, 2021 Regular Meeting 3. Staff Briefing: Austin Public Library Outreach Update, Melissa Sanchez, Outreach a. Discussion of a reception for Library Foundation and Austin History Center Association staff and board members at the December 13 meeting 6. Discussion of Director’s Report for November covering programming highlights, Manager 4. Old Business a. None 5. New Business facilities, and APL Priorities 7. Future Agenda Items ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Sharon Herfurth at the Library Department, at 512- 974-7420 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Library Commission, please contact Sharon Herfurth at 512- 974-7420 or
Library Commission Meeting Minutes 25 October, 2021 REGULAR MEETING 25 October, 2021 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION MINUTES The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, October 25, 2021 at the Central Library, 710 W Cesar Chavez, in Austin, Texas. Chair Dabbert called the Board Meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Pat Dabbert and Commission Members Julia Aguilar, JC Dwyer, Lynda Infante, Ryan Marquess, and Courtney Rosenthal Board Members Absent: Vice Chair Steven Self and Commission Members Eric Frierson and Lily Trieu Citizen Communication: General None 1. Welcome and Introductions Chair Dabbert introduced Kerry McGuire, the new Library Foundation Development Manager. 2. Approval of Minutes from the September 27, 2021 Regular Meeting The minutes of the regular meeting were approved as corrected on a 6-0 vote. The correction was to strike the last sentence, “Adjournment: Chair Dabbert adjourned the meeting at 11:49 a.m. without objection.” Vice Chair Self and Commission Members Frierson and Trieu absent. 3. Approval of Minutes from the October 9, 2021 Special Called Meeting The minutes of the special called meeting were approved on a 6-0 vote. Vice Chair Self and Commission Members Frierson and Trieu absent. 4. Staff Briefing: Austin Public Library Performance Metrics Emi Johnson, Business Process, Improvement & Innovation, gave the briefing. 5. Old Business: none 6. New Business for meetings to 6 PM. a. Discussion and possible action on the Library Commission meeting schedule for 2022 The 2022 meeting schedule was approved without objection with a change in the starting time Library Commission Meeting Minutes 25 October, 2021 b. Discussion of reactivating the Fine Free Libraries working group The working group members will be Commission Members Dwyer and Infante and Vice Chair Self. Emi Johnson will provide staff support. 7. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for October covering programming highlights, facilities, and APL Priorities Director Weeks gave the report. 8. Future Agenda Items Volunteer Services Update and introduction of new volunteer coordinator Usage Data & Demographics of Library Users Redistricting & Demographics of Austin Residents Outreach & the Bookmobile Adjournment: Chair Dabbert adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m. without objection.
URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING November 15, 2021 AT 6:00PM 1000 East 11th Street, Room 400A CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Manuel Escobar, Chair Darrell W. Pierce, Vice Chair Danielle Skidmore Amit Motwani PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. Nathaniel Bradford Jacqueline Watson Kobla Tetey to oversee is AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding agenda items and items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of the October 18, 2021, Regular Meeting Minutes. 2. NEW BUSINESS 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Presentation from the East Austin Creative Coalition regarding the organization’s work and Resolution #20210902-048, and discussion. a. Presentation from City staff on the status of the Urban Renewal Plan and Neighborhood Conservation Combining District amendments, discussion, and possible action. b. Discussion regarding letter from Austin Revitalization Authority (ARA) to the Urban Renewal Agency (URA) related to URA owned property (1100 E 11th St and 920 E 11th St), procedure around unsolicited proposals for property disposition, and the response the Board received related to the letter. c. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Memorandum of Understanding and Interlocal Agreement Addendum with AEDC related to the property disposition of Urban Renewal Agency owned property (1100 E 11th St and 920 E 11th St). FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Laura Keating at Housing and Planning Department, at (512-974-3458 or, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Urban Renewal Board, please contact Laura Keating at (512-974-3458 or
CITY OF AUSTIN FIREFIGHTERS’, POLICE OFFICERS’ AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PERSONNEL’S CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:00 a.m. Human Resources Department’s Learning and Research Center 5202 E Ben White, Bldg. 500, Room 249 Austin, TX 78741 AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION (No Public Discussion on These Items) The Commission will announce it will go into closed session to receive advice from Legal Counsel, or to discuss matters of litigatio n and personnel matters pursuant to Texas Government Code (LGC) Chapter 551, Section 551.071 and Section 551.074. If necessary, the Commission will go into closed session, as permitted by law regarding any item on this agenda. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approve the minutes from the Firefighters’, Police Officers’, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel’s Civil Service Commission Regular Meeting of November 1, 2021. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action regarding the request of an Austin Fire Department candidate to the Commission to appoint three-member boards per Chapter 143.022(c) LGC for another mental or physical examination. (Zachary Pitre) b. Discussion and possible action regarding the request of an Austin Fire Department candidate to the Commission to appoint three-member boards per Chapter 143.022(c) LGC for another mental or physical examination. (Raechel Liska) c. Discussion and possible action to have Fire Captain Phil Mueller’s name stricken f rom the 2021 Promotional Eligibility List for the rank of Fire Battalion Chief, Pursuant to Civil Service Commission Rule 7.21. 3. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Receive an overview of Parliamentary Procedure Training presented to City of Austin Board and Commissions liaisons by Office of the City Clerk in October 2021. b. Report from the Civil Service Office regarding exam processes, disciplinary hearings and fit for duty actions. c. Future Meetings Schedule. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reason able modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meetin g lo catio n s are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Michael Sullivan at the Human Resources Department, at 512-974-3314, for additional information; TTY users’ route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the City of Austin Firefighters’, Police Officers’, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel’s Civil Service Commission, please …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION MONDAY, November 15, 2021 – 6:00 PM MEETING WILL BE HELD IN PERSON AT CITY HALL Council Chambers 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: COMMISSION MEMBERS: Terri Myers, Chair Ben Heimsath, Vice Chair Anissa Castillo Witt Featherston Kevin Koch Carl Larosche Kelly Little Trey McWhorter Blake Tollett Beth Valenzuela Caroline Wright AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. October 25, 2021 – Offered for consent approval 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. C14H-1982-0001-F – 916 Congress St. – Larmour, Jacob Block F update Presenters: Eric Tyler 1 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Discussion and Possible Action on Applications for Historic Zoning, Discussion and Action on Applications for Historic District Zoning, and Requests to Consider Initiation of Historic Zoning Cases A.1. C14H-2000-0005; HR-2021-103182 – 10621 Pioneer Farms Dr. – Consent postponement to December 17, 2021 Evangelical Lutheran Church Council District 1 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning on the Evangelical Lutheran Church building when relocated to 10621 Pioneer Farms Dr. Applicant: Mike Ward City Staff: Elizabeth Brummett, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-1264 Staff Recommendation: Postpone to allow the relocation to be completed. A.2. C14H-2000-0005; HR-2021-103182 – 13300 Dessau Rd. – Consent postponement to December 17, 2021 Evangelical Lutheran Church Council District 7 Proposal: Commission-initiated removal of historic zoning from the parcel from which the Evangelical Lutheran Church is being moved. Applicant: Mike Ward City Staff: Elizabeth Brummett, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-1264 Staff Recommendation: Postpone to allow the relocation to be completed. A.3. PR-2021-139064 – 1601 Cedar Ave. – Discussion Council District 1 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Garrett Hill City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning. A.4. DA-2021-132111 – 301 San Jacinto Street – Discussion Council District 9 Proposal: Commission-initiated historic zoning. Applicant: Amanda Surman City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 512-974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning. B. Discussion and Possible Action on Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness B.1. HR-2021-157034 – 3810 Duval St. – Discussion Hyde Park Local Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Construct additions to contributing house and noncontributing ADU. 2 Applicant: Michael …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION 2022 Proposed Meeting Dates Monday, January 24, 2022 Monday, February 28, 2022 Monday, March 28, 2022 Monday, April 25, 2022 Monday, May 23, 2022 Monday, June 27, 2022 Monday, July 25, 2022 Monday, August 22, 2022 Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday, October 24, 2022 Monday, November 28, 2022 Monday, December 19, 2022
A.3 - 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET HLC DATE: PC DATE: October 25, 2021 November 15, 2021 CASE NUMBER: PR-21-139164 COUNCIL DISTRICT: 1 APPLICANT: Historic Landmark Commission HISTORIC NAME: Mack and Gertrude Blocker House WATERSHED: Boggy Creek ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: 1601 Cedar Avenue ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP to SF-3-H-NP SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from single family residence – Neighborhood Plan (SF-3-NP) combining district to single family residence – Historic Landmark – Neighborhood Plan (SF-3-H-NP) combining district zoning. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION: Architecture and historical associations. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: October 25, 2021: Initiated historic zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The East Austin Historic Resources Survey (2016) recommends this house as contributing to a potential local or National Register Historic District. ACTION: PHONE: 974-6454 ORDINANCE NUMBER: CITY COUNCIL DATE: ORDINANCE READINGS: 1ST 2ND 3RD CASE MANAGER: Steve Sadowsky NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Chestnut Addition Neighborhood Assn. (C.A.N.A.), Chestnut Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, Chestnut Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation (CNRC), Del Valle Community Coalition, East Austin Conservancy, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Neighbors United for Progress, Preservation Austin, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: Architecture: One-story, rectangular-plan, hipped roof, frame transitional-style house with a partial-width inset porch with a segmental-arched bargeboard, raised rail, paired battered timber posts, A.3 -2 and boxed panel spandrels; replacement single 6:6 fenestration; central, hipped roof frame attic vent dormer. The building is a good example of a transitional house, a period representing a bridge between the Victorian styles known for their architectural ornamentation and the more reserved and smaller-scale bungalow styles of the 1920s. Transitional houses were generally taller than the later bungalows, but began to exhibit a lower form than the Victorians of the past; a slow move from verticality to horizontality. Although the windows have been replaced, the house reflects a high degree of integrity for its age, and is also unusual for its continuous ownership by a Black family in an era where a house like this would have likely started off with white owners. The house appears to have architectural significance. Historical Associations: According to Travis County real estate records, Mack Blocker purchased this property in the fall of 1914. The lot was across the street from his wife’s father’s property. He and his wife, the former Gertrude Parker, lived …
Third Coast Home Inspection 1601 Cedar Ave Austin, TX 78702 Third Coast home Inspection 512-293-6033 Third Coast Home Inspection 8906 Ampezo Trail Austin, TX 78749 Phone: Fax: Email: PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT Prepared For: Garrett Hill (Name of Client) Concerning: 1601 Cedar Ave, Austin, TX 78702 (Address or Other Identification of Inspected Property) By: Craig A Boarini, Lic #10498 (Name and License Number of Inspector) 10/22/2021 (Date) (Name, License Number of Sponsoring Inspector) PURPOSE, LIMITATIONS AND INSPECTOR / CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES This property inspection report may include an inspection agreement (contract), addenda, and other information related to property conditions. If any item or comment is unclear, you should ask the inspector to clarify the findings. It is important that you carefully read ALL of this information. This inspection is subject to the rules (“Rules”) of the Texas Real Estate Commission (“TREC”), which can be found at The TREC Standards of Practice (Sections 535.227-535.233 of the Rules) are the minimum standards for inspections by TREC- licensed inspectors. An inspection addresses only those components and conditions that are present, visible, and accessible at the time of the inspection. While there may be other parts, components or systems present, only those items specifically noted as being inspected were inspected. The inspector is NOT required to turn on decommissioned equipment, systems, utility services or apply an open flame or light a pilot to operate any appliance. The inspector is NOT required to climb over obstacles, move furnishings or stored items. The inspection report may address issues that are code-based or may refer to a particular code; however, this is NOT a code compliance inspection and does NOT verify compliance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. The inspection does NOT imply insurability or warrantability of the structure or its components. Although some safety issues may be addressed in this report, this inspection is NOT a safety/code inspection, and the inspector is NOT required to identify all potential hazards. In this report, the inspector shall indicate, by checking the appropriate boxes on the form, whether each item was inspected, not inspected, not present or deficient and explain the findings in the corresponding section in the body of the report form. The inspector must check the Deficient (D) box if a condition exists that adversely and materially affects the performance of a system or component or constitutes a hazard to life, limb or property as specified by the TREC …
Allen, Amber From: Sent: To: Subject: Sarah Arvey Tuesday, October 19, 2021 9:18 AM PAZ Preservation East Austin historic home needs to be saved *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** PR-2021-139064 Dear Commission, As a 10 year resident of East Austin, in the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood, I have witnessed the demolition of countless older homes like 1601 Cedar Ave. For the most part, developers replace these older homes of character and historic importance with homes in truly atrocious architectural styles that have nothing to do with the original homes and neighborhood styles. Quite often, these new homes are sold and turned into STR for tourists. Please consider recommending that 1601 Cedar Ave (PR‐2021‐139064) be designated historical, and worthy of saving from demolition. Thank you, Sarah Arvey ‐‐ ********************************* Sarah R. Arvey, Ph CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1 Allen, Amber From: Sent: To: Subject: Abby Rodgers Tuesday, October 19, 2021 9:20 AM PAZ Preservation Statement of Opposition *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello, I'm emailing to oppose the tear down of the house at 1601 Cedar Ave, Austin, TX 78702. I think this house should be a historic building based on its age and architecture. Too many of these historic houses that are in good condition are being torn down for new model homes to be built, making the east side lose its history and charm. Best, Abby Rodgers East side resident CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1 Allen, Amber From: Sent: To: Subject: Donna Hoffman Wednesday, October 20, 2021 6:58 AM PAZ Preservation PR-2021-139064 Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello Austin Preservation staff. Please take all necessary steps to preserve the 1915 bungalow in the above referenced case. It’s craftsman style porch with the arch between the columns and the dormer above are typical of the early historic development of east Austin and should be preserved. Please add me to your mailing list and keep …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS NOVEMBER 14, 2021 HR-2021-157034 HYDE PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT 3810 DUVAL STREET B.1 – 1 PROPOSAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Construct additions to a contributing house and noncontributing ADU. 1) Construct second-floor addition at south and west elevation, with dormers at north elevation. Proposed materials include fiber-cement shingle siding, composition roofing shingles, wood windows, and steel exterior stairs. 2) Add screened porch at west elevation and open porch at rear. Proposed materials include fiber-cement shingle siding and concrete porch and ramp, enclosed by a wood porch with metal screens. 3) Construct second-floor addition to existing ADU. Proposed materials include fiber-cement shingle siding, vinyl windows, and composition shingle roofing. ARCHITECTURE 1.5-story cross-gabled Craftsman bungalow with brick and stucco cladding, decorative bargeboards and gable ends, a partial-width porch with gabled roof, exposed rafter tails, and brick-clad piers. Fenestration includes single and mulled wood windows with decorative screens. The existing ADU is a one-story building with horizontal wood siding, a side- gabled roof with exposed rafter tails, and varying fenestration types. DESIGN STANDARDS The Hyde Park Design Standards are used to evaluate projects within the historic district. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 4.1: Preservation of Historic Character. Construct additions so as to require the removal or modification of a minimum of historic fabric. Do not construct additions which will require the removal of any portion of the front façade. Design additions to existing residential buildings to reflect the form and style of the existing house. The proposed first-story rear addition requires removal of minimal historic fabric, while the second-floor addition removes a significant amount of existing roof material. It appears to incorporate an existing non-historic dormer addition. 4.2: Location. Locate new additions and alterations to the rear or rear side of the building so that they will be less visible from the street. While the proposed rear addition is appropriately sited, the second-floor addition is located atop the existing ridgeline at the main façade. The large staircase at the south elevation may also be visible from the street. 4.3: Roof, Fenestration, and Siding. 1. Make the pitch and height of the roof of the addition compatible to that of the existing house. 2. Make windows visible from the street on any addition compatible with those on the existing house in terms of sash configuration, proportion, spacing and placement. 3. Use exterior siding materials on …
Existing Front Facade– Main HouseLocation of secondfloor addition Existing Rear Facade– Main HouseLocation of secondfloor additionLocation of firstfloor addition Location of secondfloor additionExisting Side Elevation– Main House Existing Side Elevation– Main HouseLocation of secondfloor addition Existing Front Facade Elevation– ADULocation of first &second flooraddition Existing Rear Facade Elevation– ADULocation of second flooraddition Location of first &second flooradditionExisting Side Elevation– ADU Location of secondfloor additionExisting Side Elevation– ADU 3 8 1 0 D U V A L 3 8 1 0 D U V A L MAIN HOUSE: FIRST FLOOR SCREEN PORCH ADDITION + SECOND FLOOR ADDTION & REMODEL GUEST HOUSE: FIRST FLOOR ADDITION + SECOND FLOOR ADDTION spot 614.2' 1 Isometric View Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" McMANSION AREA CALCS : SF-3-NP LOT AREA BUILDABLE AREA (less setbacks) Max Impervious Coverage (45%) F.A.R. & Max Building Coverage (40%) = Total 12245 8256 5510 4898 x e = = = R 25'-0" 100% CRZ = e = R 20'-11 7/8" 50% CRZ #202 = e A/C R 10'-6" 25% CRZ = R 42'-0" 100% CRZ EXISTING GREEN HOUSE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING SHED TO REMAIN e = " 0 - ' 0 1 K C A B T E S D R A Y R A E R e = = X x = p o w e r p o l e INDEX OF SHEETS: (*) INCLUDED IN PERMIT FILING SET A 0 . 1 C O V E R | A R C H I T E C T U R A L S I T E P L A N A 1 . 0 D E M O L I T I O N P L A N S – M A I N H O U S E A 1 . 1 P R O P O S E D M A I N H O U S E F L O O R P L A N S A 2 . 0 E X T E R I O R E L E VAT I O N S A 3 . 0 A D U D E TA I L S REMOVE 88 SQFT OF IMP. COVER " 4 / 3 7 - ' 1 e = = REMOVE " 0 - ' 0 4 3 # N O T R O P I spot 614.6' NEW ELEC. METER LOCATION = = = CONSTRUCTION TO MEET 2015 …
Allen, Amber From: Sent: To: Subject: Genie Miller Sunday, November 7, 2021 1:59 PM PAZ Preservation 1600 Gaston Avenue Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** I am in favor of case # HR 21‐148730‐1600 Gaston Avenue Eugenia Miller 1510 Gaston Avenue 78703‐2419 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS NOVEMBER 14, 2021 HR-2021-154877 OLD WEST AUSTIN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 1411 ETHRIDGE AVENUE C.1 – 1 PROPOSAL ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH Demolish a ca. 1939 contributing building and associated outbuildings. Two-story, symmetrical-plan, cross-gabled Classical Revival house with 6:6 and 9:9 wood windows, horizontal siding, and a full-width porch supported by boxed columns. Details include dentils at cornice, sidelights and transom at front door, Classical cornice returns at gable ends, and wood shutters. The house and outbuildings at 1411 Ethridge Avenue were built in 1939 for Claude A. and Clara Williams. Claude Williams served as Texas’ assistant Secretary of State at the time of the home’s construction. He went on to head the Texas Unemployment Commission. By 1949, Dr. Revace (called Sam) and Margaret Ann Swearingen had purchased the property. Dr. Sam Swearingen served as the chief of staff, chief of surgery, and chairman of the Board of Trustees at Brackenridge Hospital; he later became chief of staff at the Austin State Hospital, medical director of the Denton State School, and medical director of the San Angelo State Center. PROPERTY EVALUATION The property contributes to the Old West Austin National Register district. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain high integrity. 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated the property and determined that it may meet two criteria: a. Architecture. The building is constructed in the Classical Revival style. b. Historical association. The property is associated with Claude A. Williams and Dr. Revace “Sam” Swearingen. c. Archaeology. The property was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d. Community value. The property does not possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property may include a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. Further landscape research may be required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Consider initiating historic zoning. Should the Commission decide against initiation, require completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package prior to permit release. Additionally, new construction in National Register districts must be reviewed by the Commission prior to release of the …
Allen, Amber From: Sent: To: Subject: Janice Jenkins Tuesday, October 19, 2021 10:37 PM PAZ Preservation 1411 Ethridge Ave Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Case #: HR 21‐154877‐1411 Ethridge Ave I would like to know more information and am not in favor of a demolition to this lovely home of early time built in Pemberton Heights. We are losing our architectural heritage. This belonged to the Villasenor family with history in Austin with many attributes such as Lois Villasenor being the first Hispanic woman to serve on the Texas Funeral Service Commission as a 1989 appointee of the former Governor Clements, Jr. and many other recognitions. Thank you, Jan Jenkins 1404 Ethridge Ave CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 1