PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240122-XXX Seconded By: Zilker Park Boat Rental Contract Extension Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends that Austin City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of the contract extension with Zilker Park Boat Rentals between February 2024 and February 2025. Rationale: This recommendation was referred to the Parks and Recreation Board by the Contracts and Concessions Committee at the January 19, 2024 meeting on Board Member Becker’s motion, Board Member Reed’s second on a 3-0 vote. Board Members Taylor and Villalobos absent. Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: 1 of 1
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Chapter 14 Ordinance Repeal and Replace REVISIONS Presented by: Kimberly McNeeley January 22, 2024 Kimberly McNeeley, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Revision Goals • Simplify- improve understandability • Incorporate Working Group Recommendations (Chapter 14) Chapter 14 Repeal and Replace REVISIONS • 14-1-51 Definitions removed Public Information Officer • 14-1-55 Naming and Renaming Policy • 14-1-55 (C) A public recreation area may not be renamed for a period of 25 years from the date the council approves a naming or renaming under this article unless council approves a resolution initiating a renaming of a public recreation area before the 25-year period ends. Chapter 14 Repeal and Replace REVISIONS • 14-1-57 (C) Community Engagement (3) (d) disaggregate engagement feedback to compare district-based feedback to total community feedback and consider racial, ethnic, gender, and economic disparities. • 14-1-57 (D) For a newly constructed public recreation area or park feature, the deadline to submit nominations must be at least 90 days before the date of the first community engagement activity. Previous Discussion Reminder • 14-1-52 APPLICABILITY AND INTENT (F) Unless the name is related to the Confederacy, a public recreation area or park feature with the same name for 50 or more years is considered an iconic park and is not subject to this article. Recommendation Make a recommendation to City Council to amend City Code relating to the naming or renaming facilities, features and properties that are part of the City’s park system Questions?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 14-1 (DEDICATION OF OR NAMING A PUBLIC FACILITY OR PROPERTY) RELATING TO NAMING AND RENAMING PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS AND FEATURES, AND RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTIONS AT PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS AD FEATURES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. City Code Section 14-1-31 (Definitions) is amended to amend the definition of “Facility” to read: (1) FACILITY includes a City building, structure, or other facility directly used by the public but does not include [excluding] a police facility under Section 14-1- 35 (Procedure for Naming a Police Facility) or a public recreation area [park facility] under Article 5 [Section 14-1-36] (Naming or Renaming a Public Recreation Area and Park Features; and Recognizing Contributions at Public Recreation Areas and on Park Feature [Park Facility]). PART 2. City Code Sections 14-1-36 (Requirements for Naming or Renaming a Park Facility), 14-1-37 (Park Naming Policy), 14-1-38 (Procedure for Naming a Feature), and 14-1-39 (Procedure for Naming or Renaming a Facility) are repealed and replaced with a new Article 5 to read as follows: ARTICLE 5. NAMING AND RENAMING PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS AND PARK FEATURES; AND RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTIONS AT PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS AND ON PARK FEATURES. § 14-1-51 DEFINITIONS. (A) In this article, (1) CONTRIBUTION means a culturally significant contribution, a valuable contribution, or creditable service; (2) CREDITABLE SERVICE means a minimum of 10 years dedicated either through employment, volunteerism, or advocacy to the benefit of the department or park system; (3) CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION means a community recognized aesthetic, historical, scientific, or social contribution that 1/16/2024 1:06 PM Chapter 14-1 Naming/Renaming Parks Page 1 of 8 COA Law Department 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 meaningfully impact the built environment, programmatic opportunities, sense of community, or positive advocacy for the department; (4) DEPARTMENT means the Parks and Recreation Department; (5) DIRECTOR means the director of the department; (6) LOCAL REFERENCE means a geographic feature, nature-based element, community, cultural or historical reference that is found in proximity to a public recreation area; (7) NOMINEE means an individual, an entity, …
January 22, 2024. Urban Renewal Board 1/22/2024 1 Request for Proposal (RFP) Process initiating Phase II Focus: Development Team & Vision/Approach Focus: Project Specifics/Finances Phase I Phase II RFP Registration and Release Evaluation Committee reviews proposals and selects a shortlist Evaluation Committee conducts interviews with shortlisted teams Shortlisted teams record short presentation for community feedback AEDC releases requirements and community feedback to shortlisted teams AEDC releases requirements and community feedback to shortlisted teams Urban Renewal Board votes on recommended team City Council votes on recommended team Aug-Oct 2023 Nov 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023 Jan 2023 Feb 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Anticipated Schedule: Jan-June 2024 1/22/2024 2 • 2 Proposals Advancing to Phase 2 • National and Local Collaboration •Conceptual Vision and Project Team 1/22/2024 3 •Final Developer Selection Follows Phase 2 Proposing Team Vision: Austin Revitalization Authority (ARA), Legacy Real Estate Developers 1/22/2024 4 Proposing Team : ARA / Legacy Please see team’s full presentation, below is only a brief selection BLOCK 16 BLOCK 18 1/22/2024 5 Please see team’s full presentation, below is only a brief selection BLOCK 18 Perspective view from courtyard BLOCK 18 Perspective view from Juniper and Waller St Proposing Team : ARA / Legacy 1/22/2024 6 Proposing Team Vision: Servitas/Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation aka: Pleasant Hill Collaborative 1/22/2024 7 Proposing Team : Pleasant Hill Collaborative Please see team’s full presentation, above is only a brief selection BLOCK 16 BLOCK 18 1/22/2024 8 Please see team’s full presentation, below is only a brief selection BLOCK 16 Adjacent to the Austin African American Culture and Heritage Facility BLOCK 18 Perspective along Juniper St 1/22/2024 9 9 Program Distribution Analysis by Hayat Brown PHC 16 1 PHC 18 2 131,509 195,984 ARA/ Legacy 16 ARA/Legacy 18 188,626 171,357 Total Project Residential Multifamily GSF Townhome GSF Retail Food-based Retail Affordable Retail/Working Spaces Community Uses* Cultural Venue(s) Office Parking Other 108,023 0 0 6,942 0 0 0 0 0 16,544 33,386 17,374 0 6,542 0 0 27,084 13,451 86,615 11,532 TOTAL 327,493 141,409 17,374 0 13,484 0 0 27,084 13,451 86,615 28,076 102,3473 7,140 5,703 2,729 0 0 0 9,680 61,027 0 56,6884 0 1,552 4,228 0 0 27,457 18,659 62,773 0 TOTAL 359,983 159,035 7,140 7,255 6,957 0 0 27,457 28,339 123,800 0 Inconsistencies between appendix data above & proposal: 1 Proposal = 105,138 GSF-Multifamily; 5,932 GSF-Retail; 1,010 GSF-Office; 4,000 GSF-Other 2 Proposal = 0 GSF-Food-based Retail; …
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240122-4 January 22, 2024 Seconded By: Holly Reed Zilker Park Boat Rental Contract Extension Date: Subject: Motioned By: Lane Becker Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends that Austin City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of the contract extension with Zilker Park Boat Rentals between February 2024 and February 2025. Rationale: This recommendation was referred to the Parks and Recreation Board by the Contracts and Concessions Committee at the January 19, 2024 meeting on Board Member Becker’s motion, Board Member Reed’s second on a 3-0 vote. Board Members Taylor and Villalobos absent. Vote The motion to recommend that Austin City Council authorize the negotiation and execution of the contract extension with Zilker Park Boat Rentals between February 2024 and February 2025 was approved on Board Member Becker’s motion, Board Member Reed’s second on a 10-0 vote. Board Member Orme absent. For: Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Jannifer Franklin, Julie Hayes, Lisa Hugman, Nicole Merritt, Holly Reed, Kim Taylor, Pedro Villalobos. Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Shelby Orme. Attest: Tim Dombeck, Board and Council Liaison, Parks and Recreation Department. 1 of 1
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240122-6 January 22, 2024 Bull Creek Greenbelt Temporary Staging Area Date: Subject: Motioned By: Jennifer Franklin Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends that Austin City Council approve a Temporary Staging Area, not to exceed 540 Calendar days on parkland located at Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt (8020 Spicewood Springs Rd) Total Mitigation is $70,652. Vote Seconded By: Julie Hayes The motion to recommend that Austin City Council approve a Temporary Staging Area, not to exceed 540 Calendar days on parkland located at Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt (8020 Spicewood Springs Rd) Total Mitigation is $70,652 was approved on Board Member Franklin’s motion, Board Member Hayes’ second on a 8-0 vote. Board Members Hugman and Reed abstaining. Board Member Orme absent. For: Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Jannifer Franklin, Julie Hayes, Nicole Merritt, Kim Taylor, Pedro Villalobos. Against: None. Abstain: Lisa Hugman, Holly Reed. Absent: Shelby Orme. Attest: Tim Dombeck, Board and Council Liaison, Parks and Recreation Department. 1 of 1
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240122-7 January 22, 2024 The Trail Conservancy Holly Project Date: Subject: Motioned By: Nicole Merritt Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends that Austin City Council approve the negotiation and execution of a Parkland Improvement and Maintenance Agreement with The Trail Conservancy for the Holly Project. Vote Seconded By: Julie Hayes The motion to recommend to Austin City Council to approve the negotiation and execution of a Parkland Improvement and Maintenance Agreement with The Trail Conservancy for the Holly Project was approved on Board Member Merritt’s motion, Board Member Hayes’ second on an 8-0 vote. Board Members Hugman and Reed abstaining. Board Member Orme absent. For: Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Jannifer Franklin, Julie Hayes, Nicole Merritt, Kim Taylor, Pedro Villalobos. Against: None. Abstain: Lisa Hugman, Holly Reed. Absent: Shelby Orme. Attest: Tim Dombeck, Board and Council Liaison, Parks and Recreation Department. 1 of 1
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240122-8 January 22, 2024 Local Standards of Care Date: Subject: Motioned By: Stephanie Bazan Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends that Austin City Council approve the renewal of the Local Standards of Care for the City Parks and Recreation Department's Youth Recreation Programs (20230413-055). Vote Seconded By: Kim Taylor The motion to recommend to Austin City Council to approve the renewal of the Local Standards of Care for the City Parks and Recreation Department's Youth Recreation Programs (20230413-055) was approved on Board Member Bazan’s motion, Board Member Taylor’s second on a 10-0 vote. Board Member Orme absent. Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Jannifer Franklin, Julie Hayes, Lisa Hugman, Nicole Merritt, Holly Reed, Kim Taylor, Pedro Villalobos. For: Against: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Shelby Orme. Attest: Tim Dombeck, Board and Council Liaison, Parks and Recreation Department. 1 of 1
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S UPDATE DATE: January 2024 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Onion Creek Metropolitan Park All Abilities Project: The first community meeting took place on January 18th at 6:30 p.m. This initial meeting introduced the project and sought ideas and inspiration from the community. In addition, community members interested in more in-depth conversations can participate in a small group decision during the week of January 29th. The different interests and topics include mobility, hearing, vision, autism spectrum disorder and other sensory needs, and intellectual or developmental disabilities. Space is limited for these meetings, and interested people are encouraged to register for the particular interest meeting. Registration link Project webpage District 2 Bolm District Park Vision Plan Community Engagement Round #2 Virtual Meeting: The Department will be hosting the second community meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 13th at 6:00 p.m. Project team members will present design concepts around themes developed through feedback and responses to the first community survey. This will also mark the launch of the second community survey. Additional project information, including a link to register for the meeting and dates for community pop- ups, can be found at the project’s website. Project Webpage District 3 Bolm District Park 1 PLANNING UPDATES: All Abilities Playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park: The Parks and Recreation Department (Department) has teamed with Austin Parks Foundation and their consultant team, TBG Partners and Cultural Strategies, to design and develop an all abilities playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park in alignment with the 2015 Vision Plan. The purpose of the project is to create a destination playground to serve residents of all ages and abilities. Much work has already been done to identify important stakeholders, establish a technical advisory board, and draft a community engagement plan and schedule. The first round of community engagement kicked off with a virtual meeting on January 18th. This meeting will be followed by a survey, six small group discussions with those the playground intends to serve directly, and four in-person tabling events. Two additional rounds of similar community engagement efforts are expected to be completed by July 2024, when the schematic phase of the historic project will begin. District 2 Current conditions at Onion Creek Metro Park 2 Parkland Acquisition: On January 18th, Council approved the filing of eminent domain proceedings to acquire approximately 11 acres for public parkland at 12000 S. IH 35, Austin, …
URBAN RENEWAL BOARD MEETING MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 The URBAN RENEWAL BOARD convened on MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024, at the Permitting and Development Center - 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. in Austin, Texas. Chair Manuel Escobar called the Urban Renewal Board meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Manuel Escobar, Commissioners Kobla Tetey, Jacqueline Watson and Amit Motwani were present. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioner Danielle Skidmore attended remotely. Commissioner Hawkins logged into the meeting at 6:47pm, recused herself and left the dais due to a potential conflict of interest on items 5 and 6. Vice Chair Pierce joined the meeting at 7:05pm. Board Members Absent/off the dais at call to order: Commissioners Darrell Pierce and Tam Hawkins PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No speakers signed up to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the amended minutes of the URB’s regular meeting on December 18, 2023. On Commissioner Motwani’s motion, Commissioner Tetey’s second, the December 18, 2023, minutes were approved, on a 5-0-0 vote. Vice Chair Pierce and Commissioner Hawkins were off the dais. 1. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action regarding the City Manager’s evaluation of the continued need for the URP and the URA, and the URB’s recommendation to Council (Chair Escobar) Mandy DeMayo gave the update and relayed that a memorandum is currently under review before going to Council. Discussion and possible action related to updates on future development of Blocks 16 & 18 from Austin Economic Development Corporation, including the Request for Proposals process focused on the evaluation criteria and program requirements related to Phase Two of the Request for Proposals (Anne Gatling Haynes and Jose Lopez, AEDC) Anne Gatling Haynes and Jose Lopez gave the update. On Commissioner Watson’s motion, Commissioner Motwani’s second, the URB voted to authorize Chair Escobar as the Designated Representative to authorize and approve the final form of the Phase Two Request for Proposals prior to its release. Commissioner Pierce was off the dais; Commissioner Hawkins recused herself and was off the dais. Discussion and possible action on amending the Memorandum of Understanding between the Urban Renewal Agency and Austin Economic Development Corporation to add the Project fee schedule as an exhibit in relation to the development of Blocks 16 & 18 (Anne Gatling Haynes and Jose Lopez, AEDC) Anne Gatling Haynes gave the update. Chair Escobar recessed the meeting …
PARB Working Group - Budget December 8, 2023, 12pm - 1pm Virtual Attendees: Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Nicole Merritt, Shelby Orme Absent: Jennifer Franklin 1. Overview of General Timeline & Goals of Working Group Board Member Flowers gave an overview of the budget timeline at the City of Austin. The financial analysis period begins in January and the Chief Administrative Officer of PARD will begin internal processes at that time. It is recommended that the Board submit any recommendations to Council by March. Recommendations can be made after that time, but it is not ideal. Goal of the working group is to make substantive recommendations to Council, informed by PARD needs and board member preferences, with sufficient support for maximum success during the budget process. It was determined that for transparency, minutes would be taken at each meeting and posted as backup and the next PARB meeting on this update item. 2. Strategy for Types of Budget Requests (Basis v. Unmet Need) - Backup & Collaboration with Other Boards We reviewed the two types of budget requests that come from the department, those that have a basis (in Council resolution, audit finding, state law, etc.) or those that are unmet needs. We agreed that we preferred to support those that have a basis, when possible, and that if there were urgent needs we were aware of without a basis, we may need to advocate with our council members for a basis to be established. We also discussed a need for collaborating with other Boards to strengthen recommendations, where we might have shared goals. The following boards were mentioned as possible collaborations - Joint Inclusion Committee (all Quality of Life boards/commissions); Environmental Commission, Joint Sustainability, Urban Transportation Commission, Affordable Housing Commission. Board Member Orme volunteered to look through the whole list of boards/commissions and share a full set of recommendations with the group. Additionally, Board Member Merritt suggested we should make a spreadsheet to track possible recommendations and volunteered to start that. 3. Board Member Ideas/Concerns/Goals for Working Group Board Member Merritt suggested it would be helpful to provide a cheat sheet to the full Board on timeline and what they might consider as they bring forward items for budget consideration. Board Member Flowers agreed to draft something and circulate it. Board Member Becker suggested we look at past PARB recommendations related to budget- cycle and volunteered to pull those and …
ELECTRIC UTILITY COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES Monday, January 22, 2024 The Electric Utility Commission convened in a Special Called meeting on Monday, January 22, 2024, at Austin Energy Headquarters, 4815 Mueller Blvd, Austin, TX 78723. Chair Dave Tuttle called the Electric Utility Commission meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Dave Tuttle, Chair; Cesar Benavides, Mick Long, Cyrus Reed, Kay Trostle Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Kaiba White, Vice Chair PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were no speakers under general communications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Electric Utility Commission Regular Meeting on November 13, 2023. The motion approving the minutes of the Electric Utility Commission meeting of November 13, 2023, were approved on Commissioner Reed’s motion, Commissioner Tuttle’s second on an 6-0 vote with Commissioners Alvarez, Blackburn and Chapman absent and two vacancies. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS The motion to approve recommendation 2 failed on Commissioner Reed’s motion, Commissioner Tuttle’s second on a (5-1) with Commissioners Alvarez, Blackburn and Chapman absent and two vacancies. The members voting aye were Commissioners Tuttle, Benavides, Long, Reed and Trostle. Commissioner White voted nay. The motion to approve recommendation 3 was approved on Commissioner Tuttle’s motion, Commissioner Trostle’s second on a (6-0) Commissioners Alvarez, Blackburn and Chapman absent and two vacancies. The motion to approve recommendation 4 was approved on Commissioner Trostle’s motion, Commissioner Tuttle’s second on a (6-0) Commissioners Alvarez, Blackburn and Chapman absent and two vacancies. 2. Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of two contracts for tree growth regulator services with Edko LLC and T&S Growth Solutions, LLC, each for up to three years for total contract amounts not to exceed $5,000,000, divided between the contractors. 3. Recommend authorizing execution of two contracts for batteries, battery banks and battery testing services with Direct Current Preventive Maintenance LLC d/b/a DCPM and Exponential Power Inc. each for up to five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $3,500,000 divided between the contractors. 4. Approve the creation of a Budget & Audit working group to provide recommendations on the FY 24/25 Austin Energy budget to the Commission. (Sponsors: Chapman, Trostle) DISCUSSION ITEMS The presentation was made by Stephanie Koudelka, Finance Director. 5. Presentation by Abbe Ramanan, Clean Energy Group, regarding green hydrogen. The presentation was made by Abbe Ramanan, Clean Energy Group. 6. Discussion on hydrogen technology by Michael Hoffman, Austin Energy Environmental Services Manager; Michael Webber, University …
HUMAN RIGHTS MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting MINUTES Monday, January 22, 2024 The Human Rights Commission convened in REGULAR CALLED meeting on Monday, January 22, 2024 at Austin City Hall, Board & Commission Room, 1101301 West 2nd Street, Austin, Texas 78701 Chair I. Griffith called the Human Rights Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Board members/Commissioner in Attendance: Chair I. Griffith, M. Aslam, J. Clemmons, M. Davis, K. Duhon, L. Garcia, M. Krueger, M. Stevenson, A. Weigel, G. Zeidan, APPROVAL OF MINUTES – COMPLETED 1. Approve the minutes of the Human Rights Commission meeting on November 27, 2023 The minutes from the meeting 11/27/2023 were approved on G. Zeidan and J. Clemmons seconded the motion; motion carried 8 – 0. K. Duhon & M. Davis were off the dais. S. Raghavan was absent. 2. Approve the minutes of the Human Rights Commission special meeting on Dec 11, 2022 Moved to February 2024 Meeting STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. Introduce the new Commissioner and allow opportunity for introductions. Chair I. Griffith welcomed the new Commissioner, Raghavan DISCUSSION ITEMS 2024 objectives 4. Discussion with a member from Austin Police Department to hear about APD’s goals and Discussion lead by Lt. Elijah Myrick with the Austin Police Department 5. Update from the Join Inclusion Committee by Morgan Davis or Meebs Aslam Updated from Commissioner Daivs and Aslam. HUMAN RIGHTS MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 6. Commissioner Davis to present and share information about ATX Kind Updated from Commissioner Daivs. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Update from the Join Inclusion Committee by Morgan Davis or Meebs Aslam Commissioner Davis to present and share information about ATX Kind Commissioner Clemmons suggested to draft a recommendation on making Austin a Trans sanctuary City for the February Meeting Commissioner Davis and Clemmons to provide an update about recommendation Commissioner Aslam suggested a recommendation on the CDC report for the February ADJOURNMENT Commissioner M. Davis adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. without objection. The Minutes from the meeting of January 22, 2024 were approved on M. Davis motion; M. Krueger seconded the motion; motion passed 6 – 0; Raghavan off the dais; A. Weigel, L. Garcia, and M. Steveson were absent
PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2024 The PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD convened in a REGULAR meeting on January 22, 2024 at 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Villalobos called the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Pedro Villalobos, Lisa Hugman, Holly Reed. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Kathryn Flowers, Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Jennifer Franklin, Julie Hayes, Nicole Merritt, Kim Taylor. Board Members Absent: Shelby Orme. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Allison Johnson - Pease Park Conservancy Diana Prechter - Trail of Lights Admission Fees Claire Krebs - Festival Beach Community Garden Grace Gilker - I-35 Food Forest sound barrier Kayla Reese - Austin Parks Foundation Saira Rabbani - Norwood House Restoration Aubrea Rudder - Austin Rowing Club Santiago - Various topics APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meetings of October 23, 2023 and November 27, 2023. The motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meetings of October 23, 2023 and November 27, 2023 was approved on Board Member Hugman’s motion, Board Member Villalobos’ second on a 10-0 vote. Board Member Orme absent. 2. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board Finance Committee meeting of March 23, 2023. The motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board Finance Committee meeting of March 23, 2023 was approved on Board Member Hugman’s motion, Board Member Flower’s second on a 10-0 vote. Board Member Orme absent. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2024 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and possible action on letters of support for PARD Staff and Community Groups that participated in a 50,000 square foot graffiti abatement and park maintenance project at the Heath Eiland and Morgan Moss BMX Skate Park, and for PARD staff that prepared six recreation centers to accept portable generators as a supplemental/alternative power source should electric power be unavailable. Sonny Chandler, Parks Grounds Manager and Sarah Talkington, Consulting Engineer, Parks and Recreation Department gave a presentation and answered questions. The motion to approve letters of support for Community Groups that participated in a 50,000 square foot graffiti abatement and park maintenance project at the Heath Eiland and Morgan Moss BMX Skate Park, and for PARD staff that prepared six recreation centers to …
1. REGULAR CALLED MEETING of the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT ADVISORY BOARD JANUARY 19, 2024 AT 8:00AM ONE TEXAS CENTER, STE 125, TRAINING ROOM 505 BARTON SPRINGS RD AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 Some members of the BOARD/COMMISSION may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Edna Staniszewski at or at (512) 974-1260. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Lea Downey Gallatin, Chair Kergin Bedell Mikaela Frissell Kate Garza Nicole Golden, Vice-Chair Dr. Anu Kapadia Faye Mills KatyJo Muncie Robin G. Sontheimer Roy Woody CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first 5 (five) speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES the minutes of Approve ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING on NOVEMBER 17, 2023. the DOWNTOWN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COURT 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AUSTIN HOMELESSNESS SYSTEM FEEDBACK Individuals sharing first-hand account regarding their experiences being served through Austin’s homelessness system. Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be allowed a three-minute allotment to provide their feedback to the Board. DISCUSSION ITEMS FY24 DACC Budget Update (Downey Gallatin/Golden) – Albert Castro, Financial, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) FY25 City of Austin Budget Timeline (Downey Gallatin/Golden) - Albert Castro, Financial, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) DACC Advisory Board Annual outlook and procedures (Downey Gallatin/ Golden) – Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) Status of DACC operations (Downey Gallatin/Golden) – Robert Kingham, Court Administrator, Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Edna Staniszewski at Downtown Austin Community Court, at (512) 974-1260), for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Downtown Austin …