Water and Wastewater CommissionJune 12, 2024

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Landscape Transformation Activities Water & Wastewater Commission | June 12, 2024 Kevin Critendon P.E., Assistant Director, Environmental, Planning & Development Ser vices Steve Villatoro, Super visor, Enforcement & Compliance Why New Water Conservation Measures?  Lakes are 50% full  Highland Lakes inflow • 2022 - record low • 2023 – 4th lowest  El Niño will shift to La Niña  Drought Stage 2 restrictions  Per-person use has declined but plateaued 2 Landscape Transformation Strategy  From traditional landscaping to plants with reduced water needs  New single-family residential  Potential limits on turf and irrigation  Savings goal of 2,490 AF (811 MG) by 2040 3 Public Engagement & Input  Public and stakeholder meetings • February, May, June, & November 2022 • August 2023  Smaller stakeholder group meetings  Speak Up Austin! page • 2 surveys (256 and 303 responses) • Majority of local responses favored regulating landscape transformation 4 Internal City Stakeholders  Watershed Protection Department (WPD)  Development Services Department (DSD)  Austin Energy (AE) – Green Building  Office of Sustainability  Equity Office  Planning and Housing Department  Wildlife Austin (PARD)  Austin Fire Department – (Wildland-Urban Interface) 5 Stakeholder Meetings  Home Builders Association of Greater Austin (HBA) • Concern about project delays  Central Texas Professional Irrigation Association - • Supported increased enforcement • Supported high-efficiency irrigation system components  Association of Professional Landscape Architects (CTPIA) (ASLA)  Texas Nursery and Landscape Assoc. 6 (TNLA – Region 8) Additional Meetings  Other utilities in Texas • New Braunfels • City of Frisco • Model homes with 50% turf reduction • Post-installation inspections (within 1-2 days) • Irrigation check-up • Georgetown • Residential landscape ordinance 7 Steps to Transform Landscapes Build with savings Set customers up for success Encourage alternative water 8 Build with Savings  Enhanced Soil Inspections • A minimum of 6 inches of topsoil • Topsoil mix composed of 20% compost • Estimated Water Savings: 10% reduction 9  Required residential plant list • Apply commercial plant requirements to residential • Grow Green Plant Guide as a model Build with Savings  Limit irrigation area • Up to 50% of landscape area; front yard or back • Estimated Water Savings: 35% annually per home 10 Set Customers Up for Success Est. Water Savings Potential Cost 22% savings $543 plus labor 10% savings Austin Water inspection 5% savings Austin Water staff time Require pressure reduction devices (new irrigation systems) Require post-installation inspection (new irrigation systems) Offer new home irrigation check-ups within 90 days 11 Encourage Alternative Water Required plumbing for laundry to landscape • New homes with laundry on exterior wall • Estimated water supply: 3,500 gallons/year • Potential cost: $109 plus labor 12 Encourage Alternative Water  Incentivize builders to add rainwater harvesting • Incentivize building homes with 500-gallon tanks/systems • Estimated water supply: 5,000 gallons/year • Estimated cost: No required costs 13 Summary Activity Potential Savings or Supply (gal/yr/home) Anticipated Implementation Soil and compost requirements in new homes (existing code) Inspection of new irrigation systems Require irrigation pressure devices for new irrigation systems (2024 Uniform Plumbing Code) Limit irrigation area in new homes (2024 Uniform Plumbing Code) Require laundry to landscape-ready plumbing in new homes (2024 Uniform Plumbing Code) 1,800 800 1,800 9,800 3,500 June 2023 Summer 2024 January 2025 January 2025 January 2025 Required plant list in new homes Undetermined To be determined Irrigation check ups for new irrigation systems (pending inspection implementation) 400 To be determined Builder-scale rainwater harvesting rebate for new homes 5,000 To be determined 14 Questions?