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Regular Meeting of the Library Commission
June 24, 2019

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Library Commission Meeting Minutes 24 June, 2019 THE LIBRARY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 24 June, 2019 The Library Commission convened in a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Manchaca Road Branch, 5500 Manchaca Rd., in Austin, Texas. Chair Hanna called the Board Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Commission Members Patricia Dabbert, JC Dwyer, Aimee Finney, Catherine Hanna, Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, Daniella Ramos, Steven Self, Beth Smyer, and Chad Williams Board Members Absent: none Staff in Attendance: Dana McBee, Assistant Director for Library Support Services; Anne Bramblett, Assistant Director for Public Services; Rachel Nguyen, Communications Manager, John Daniels, Facilities Planning Manager, Sharon Herfurth, Division Manager, Office of Programs & Partnerships, Emi Johnson, Business Process Consultant, Patti Fowler, Division Manager, Central Library; Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager; Joe Faulk, Technology Director; Pamela Bowles, Division Manager, Branch Services; and Chip Pryor, IT Supervisor Sr. 1. Citizen Communication: Carlos Leon spoke about computers at APL. Wendy Price Todd spoke about the need to be able to donate to the Library through the APL website and about the Social Justice Book Club at the Twin Oaks Branch. 2. Approval of Minutes from the April 22, 2019 Regular Meeting: The minutes of the regular meeting were approved on Commission Member Williams’ motion and Commission Member Dwyer’s second on a 9-0 vote. 3. Introductions and Welcome: Chair Hanna introduced new Library Commission member Daniella Ramos. Briefing: Austin History Center Association, Chair Lee Cooke updated the commission on activities and goals of the Austin History Center Association. Briefing: Internet Access and Bandwidth at Branches, Joe Faulk, Manager, Information Systems & Business Enterprise, gave a status report on bandwidth at branches. Library Commission Meeting Minutes 24 June, 2019 4. Old Business: a. Update and discussion on changes to Library Card Non-Resident fees. Dana McBee, Assistant Director for Support Services, reported that there will be no changes to the Non-Resident card fees for FY20. b. Update on FY20 Forecast Budget. Wendy Harrison, Financial Manager gave the update. c. Discussion and possible action on FY20 budget recommendations. No action taken. 5. New Business: a. Recycled Reads working group report Citizens Nancy Harris and Chip Harris spoke. Deborah Pardo-Kaplan gave the report. Discussion and possible action about Recycled Reads will be carried over to the July meeting. 6. Discussion of Director’s Monthly Report for March 2019 covering programming highlights, volunteer services, revenue, and policy updates: Questions …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m.
June 24, 2019

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Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m.
June 24, 2019

June 2019 Director's Report original pdf

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HighlightsPleasant Hill Branch Closing June 22 for RenovationBeginning at 6 PM on Friday, June 21 the Pleasant Hill Branch Library will close for roof replacement, new HVAC equipment installation, asbestos abatement on roof, and other general refurbishments. The project is scheduled to take approximately 4 months. During the closure, Austin Public Library customers can receive full library services at other Branch locations.Bookmobile services will be offered at the nearby Dittmar Recreation Center, 1009 W. Dittmar Road, from 4 PM to 6 PM on Tuesdays beginning July 23.ProgramsYouth Summer Reading• It’s that time again! The Austin Public Library is your free ticket to a summer full of reading and loads of fun activities this June through August. You can also win prizes for reading!Teen Summer Reading• Teens age 13-18 will take over the library this summer with MAKER SPACE, and take over libraries all over town with the following events: You Print, APL Studios, K-Pop Idol Party, Cooking for the Cosmos, Library Escape Room: Return of the Demogorgon, Silent Rave & Twitch Lab• Teens who complete reading challenges will be rewarded with books.Adult Summer Reading• Adults 18+ are invited to travel To the Library and Beyond at the Austin Public Library’s Adult Summer Reading events. Get a closer look at the universe at A Celestial Conversation, party at PRIDE Prom, laugh along with Master Pancake, dance to a DJ’s beat at a Silent Rave, team up with friends for a Jigsaw Puzzle Competition or swoon under the stars at Piano Latino. Multiple locations will offer opportunities to snuggle animals at Cosmic Crafts and Cuddles and brave the Return of the Demagorgon in an all-new Escape Room. Check our event calendar for details. • Reading is its own cosmic journey, so get a reading prize with your Adult Summer Reading event schedule. Write the title of your favorite 2019 summer read on the schedule’s bottom tab and turn that tab in for a prize at your closest Austin Public Library location between June 15 – August 31, while supplies last.Exhibits• All Shades Considered is a group exhibition featuring Texas-based artists who identify as queer people of color (QPOC). Curated by Austin-based artist Ben Aqua, the exhibit showcases the creations of 17 artists working in photography, digital collage, illustration, performance, fashion design, new media, and painting. June 7 - July 7, Central Library Gallery.To see the complete up to date listing of events …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m.
June 24, 2019

Recycled Reads Working Group Report original pdf

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1 Recycled Reads Working Group Report Working Group: Commissioners Aimee Finney, Patricia Dabbert, Deborah Pardo-Kaplan June 24, 2019 Brief History: Recycled Reads has been operating since 2008 as a centralized repository for processing and selling books weeded from the Austin Public Library collection and from private donations. It is an APL program that contributes to the City of Austin’s Zero-Waste Initiative goals. To date, Recycled Reads has diverted more than 3000 tons of material from the landfill. Fifty percent of items received are weeded books from APL and 50 percent are public donations. For a number of years, Recycled Reads sales have been stagnant while its donations have been increasing, allowing for a loss of $200,000 annually. In 2017, Recycled Reads lost a major stipend/tonnage from Austin Resource Recovery (up to $60,000)—which is only currently providing $10,400 toward Recycled Reads 40 sustainability programs. Prior to the end of the lease on Burnet Road, Recycled Reads will be re-envisioning itself. Staff desires to have all Austin citizens (opportunity for all its branches) buy used books and participate in recycling/reuse program. Recycled Reads had always intended to farm out its programming to branches. 1/31/19: Director Weeks sent a recommendation to Austin City Council for a sublease of Recycled Reads to Austin Creative Reuse, a Texas non-profit for approximately 4,758 square feet of RR for 36-months. The library commission and the public became aware of the recommendation without sufficient background and did not vote to support recommendation at the commission meeting in January. A library commission working group was created to better understand the issues with Recycled Reads. 3/10/19: Working Group Meeting with Mindy Reed The RR Working Group discussed with Mindy Reed a re-envisioning of Recycled Reads. Mindy Reed said that Recycled Reads does not need the amount of space it currently uses for processing and sales. It can operate with 2500 square feet (it currently has 7,675 sq. feet). It currently has 15 dedicated volunteers. Recycled Reads used to share space with Literature Live and the Library Foundation, which is now at Faulk. Mindy Reed mentioned the idea of bringing Friends of the Library back to handle sales/processing. Mindy Reed thought that a future move to Faulk at end of lease was not a good idea because it would not be an ideal location for drop-offs or sales. Mindy Reed confirmed sales are flat due to too many of the same …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m.
June 24, 2019

RR Working Group Report Appendix original pdf

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1 Appendix Recycled Reads Fact Sheet Culled from APL Fact Sheets/Additional Questions Recycle Reads Started in 2008, opened to public in 2009 (10th anniversary this year) 5335 Burnet Rd 7,675 sq. feet Monthly revenue: $11,000-$14,000 Monthly rent: $10,092 Council approved lease renewal in 2012, 2015, and original lease in 2007. Employees: 3 FTE 2014: 2nd FTE (librarian) elevated reuse activities (worked with Austin Creative Reuse) 3rd FTE and administrative assistant added Programs: Knitting group, open mic, Ukestra, fix-it clinics, composting/chicken keeping, poetry fest, harping, music, reuse crafting. Items processed: 840,000 processed items annually (average) (60-70,000 items/month) 150,000 books sold annually (average) Goodwill picks up 20-30 tons of unsold items per month. Has diverted more than 3000 tons of materials from landfill. Revenue: 2009: $140,300 2010: $180, 250 2011: $160,200 2012: $166,150 2013: $165,100 2014: $163,450 2015: $155,165 2016: $154,353 2017: $137,180 2018: $134,010 Austin Resource Recovery (under Bob Gedert) gave a stipend per tonnage diverted until his retirement in 2017. It is providing a $10,400 grant to the library to host 40 sustainability programs and taking donated media. Funds from Austin Resource Recovery: 2012: $29,420 (tonnage: 169) 2013: $47,950 (tonnage: 192) 2014: $56,430 (tonnage: 216) 2 2015: $60,820 (tonnage: 225) 2016: $60,585 (tonnage: 303) 2017: $54,715 (tonnage: 274) (2018: tonnage: 299) Additional Questions: Responses from Mindy Reed: 1. At what point will a post-lease plan be drawn up? A post least plan is dependent upon several factors including: Will COA allow continuation of lease space? Will Austin Resource Recovery include book waste/recovery as part of its Zero Waste initiative? Can and will COA support/allow for a third party vendor to handle book waste/recovery? (Goodwill, Thrift Books, Better World Books, other thrift operations). 2. What can be done now to reduce spending and increase revenue? The community utilizes Recycled Reads as more than a depository of ex-library books and donated materials. Our various programs including Fix-it Clinics, open mic poetry and performance, knitting meet-up, mahjong and game meet-ups, live music, etc. are well attended. APL and/or COA should be willing to locate accommodations for these popular activities. While much of the work is physical labor of receiving and sorting materials, professional supervision is required to oversee staff and volunteers. Rent and utilities are the greatest expenditures to the operation. Until this overhead is addressed, spending will not be reduced. Recycled Reads is a thrift operation that only handles two commodities: books …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:55 p.m.