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July 27, 2020

B.3 - 1406 Enfield Road - Changes to the back of the house original pdf

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KARTWHEEL STUDIO | 1406 e n f i e l d d r i v e 19 05 E 1 2t h Street, Au stin , TX PROJECT INFORMATION: CONTACTS: LOCATION: 1406 Enfield Road, Austin, TX 78703 PROJEC T DESCRIPTION: This project is the renovation of a single-family residence located in the Cit y of Austin at 1406 Enfield Road, 78703. The existing house is approximately 3,310 square feet with 2 stories and a basement. The design anticipates no addition of square footage. The project will consist of removing and reconfiguring interior walls, replacing interior finishes, adding millwork, and replacing /adding windows and a door on the rear- facing wall. The project is planned to compliment the current design aesthetic and materialit y of the existing house. The house is currently registered as a landmark by the cit y of Austin. APPLICANT: CARY DEVORE Email: cddevo@gmail.com DESIGN: K ART WHEEL STUDIO Contact: David Clark Email: david@kar t wheel.co Phone: 512- 820 -1518 SQUARE FOOTAGES: Lot Size - 13,114 SF Level 1 - 1,543 SF Level 2 - 1,543 SF Basement (Approx.) - 225 SF Building Total - 3,310 SF 22 1406 ENFIELD DRIVEKARTWHEEL STUDIO PHOTOS OF EXISTING BUILDING: FRONT-FACING REAR-FACING 33 1406 ENFIELD DRIVEKARTWHEEL STUDIO S I D E W A L K D A O R D L E I F N E K L A W E D I S EXISTING WALL 1 SITE PLAN OVERALL Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" ALLEY 10' R.O.W PROPERTY LINE EXISTING WALL 570' NEW ELECTRICAL CABLE WITHIN THE PROPERTY TO BE TRENCHED UNDERGROUND (T.B.C.) NEW WALL SLIDING AUTOMOBILE GATE E N I L G D L B ' 0 3 DN BRICK PAVER laundry " 0 - ' 4 DN (2R) porte cochere D N foyer N R U T E R R A I dining kitchen WATER MULCH living E C A L P E R F I ELECTRICAL SPA " 0 - ' 3 1 DN GRAVEL sun room RAISED PLANTER DN 2R DN FIRE PIT AC CONC. PAD AC DN 2R 568' SUV SUV SUV SUV POOL EQUIPMENT 3.5' X 10' POOL 45' x 13' pool 50'-0" LAWN Q B B TV DINNING DN 1R DN 1R pool house MURPHY BED pool equipment K C A B T E S D R A Y R A E R ' 0 1 K C A B T E S D R …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:40 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.3 - 1406 Enfield Road - Landscape and pool improvements original pdf

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Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:41 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.3 - 1406 Enfield Road - REVISED Changes to the back of the house original pdf

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KARTWHEEL STUDIO | 1406 e n f i e l d d r i v e 19 05 E 1 2t h Street, Au stin , TX PROJECT INFORMATION: CONTACTS: LOCATION: 1406 Enfield Road, Austin, TX 78703 PROJEC T DESCRIPTION: This project is the renovation of a single-family residence located in the Cit y of Austin at 1406 Enfield Road, 78703. The existing house is approximately 3,310 square feet with 2 stories and a basement. The design anticipates no addition of square footage. The project will consist of removing and reconfiguring interior walls, replacing interior finishes, adding millwork, and replacing /adding windows and a door on the rear- facing wall. The project is planned to compliment the current design aesthetic and materialit y of the existing house. The house is currently registered as a landmark by the cit y of Austin. APPLICANT: CARY DEVORE Email: cddevo@gmail.com DESIGN: K ART WHEEL STUDIO Contact: David Clark Email: david@kar t wheel.co Phone: 512- 820 -1518 SQUARE FOOTAGES: Lot Size - 13,114 SF Level 1 - 1,543 SF Level 2 - 1,543 SF Basement (Approx.) - 225 SF Building Total - 3,310 SF 22 1406 ENFIELD DRIVEKARTWHEEL STUDIO PHOTOS OF EXISTING BUILDING: FRONT-FACING REAR-FACING 33 1406 ENFIELD DRIVEKARTWHEEL STUDIO S I D E W A L K ALLEY 10' R.O.W 570' 25'-0" PROPERTY LINE EXISTING AUTOMATIC DOUBLE LEAF GATE EXISTING WALL D A O R D L E I F N E K L A W E D I S NEW DRIVEWAY IN LOCATION OF EXISTING " 6 - ' 8 EXISTING FRONT ENTRY EXISTING PLANTING BED RESIDENCE 42'-0" EXISTING SELF CLOSING GATE EXISTING GRAVEL TO REMAIN T1 E N I L G D L B ' 0 3 EXISTING LAWN TO REMAIN " 3 - ' 2 1 AC AC ELECTRICAL PANEL PLANTING BED NEW ELECTRICAL METER SPA NEW CONCRETE POOL DECK NEW POOL 12'-0" FROM O.E. WATERLINE TO FINISH MULCH IN CRZ EXISTING GRAVEL TO REMAIN T2 EXISTING WALL T3 T4 568' T5 T6 EXISTING PERIMETER FENCE TO REMAIN 1 SITE PLAN OVERALL Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" E O E O E O E O E O E O E O PEA GRAVEL 5' SIDE SETBACK O E O E EXISTING LAWN TO REMAIN O O E E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E O E …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.3 - 1406 Enfield Road - Staff Report original pdf

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H ISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS B.3 - 1 JU LY 27, 2020 C14H-2009-0058 G R AHAM-BYBEE RESIDENCE 1406 ENFIELD ROAD PR OPOSAL House: Remove and replace two sets of windows and the door on the back of the house; modify door and window openings. Yard: Demolish the detached garage and install a new back yard pool, remove stone wall along the alley; new concrete landscape paved areas in the back yard. PR OJECT SPECIFICATIONS The applicant proposes to: 1. Demolish the existing one-story, hipped-roof, board-and-batten detached garage that appears to be of historic age, but is not related stylistically to the house. 2. Remove the existing brick and concrete runner drive and replace it with a brick drive. 3. Remove stone walkways and steps and construct a concrete patio. 4. Install a new in-ground pool in the back yard. 5. Remove a historic-age stone wall at the alley side of the property. 6. Remove and replace two sets of windows and the door on the back of the house. The windows on the ground floor of the house will be replaced with a bi-fold set of windows that will open on a track rather than the double-hung windows currently in place; there is a double set of windows on the second story of the house that will be replaced with a smaller aluminum-clad window with stucco infill around the smaller opening to match the house. The proposed replacement door on the back of the house will be wood with wood sidelights. STA NDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate projects on historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 1) A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships. Evaluation: The proposed project does not alter the residential use or character of the property. 2) The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. Evaluation: The applicant proposes modifications to the rear of the house, including the removal and replacement of several windows and the back door. The proposed replacement window on the second floor will be smaller than the existing and will B.3 …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.4 - 8009 E. 9th Street - Project description original pdf

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Good Morning Steve and Cara, As you should know, GNDC has an affordable senior housing project in the works for the Lopez Property. We are at the point where the site plan can be approved, however, because the property has historic zoning, the site development permit cannot be issued until your office provides a certificate of appropriateness. We have until mid-August to get that done, but would love to have it sooner. We have made great efforts in the design process to maintain the structural and historic integrity of the Routon-Alvarez-Lopez House; stepping the tower away from the house (despite the incredible site constraints we face), removed balconies, reduced the size and minimized the visual impact of the hallway connecting the tower with the house. I joke with people that we should have started with the idea of of relocating to house to a site somewhere else and then, when that got shot down, moved to a design where we built over top of the house, and then, after that got shot down, proposed our initial design and it would have been hailed as wonderful. Instead, we tried to design as sensitively as possible from the start while being responsible to our mission of providing as much affordable housing as possible on a site with zoning and development entitlements that call for dense and tall buildings and prohibit the development of single-family structures. As you know, GNDC includes historic preservation as part of our mission, so the idea of demolition or relocation is something we would turn to only as a last resort. We're going through a Section 106 review and the Texas Historical Commission reviewed our initial designs (which were sent to you as early as January and again in March) and they made recommendations for changes which we then incorporated into the designs that I've attached. On May 27th, Lydia Woods-Boone,Program Coordinator for the Federal and State Review Program responded to the revised design as follows: Thank you for taking the time to change the design in order to more appropriately work with the historic structure. This design is greatly improved and seems to address all of our concerns. Please have the applicant resubmit the project with these designs through our eTRAC system so they can be formally reviewed under the Section 106 process. If there are any additional questions just let me know. Mr. Hatch, Thanks, Lydia …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.4 - 809 E. 9th Street - Staff Report original pdf

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H ISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS B.4 - 1 JU LY 27, 2020 C14H-2011-0002 ROU TON-ALVAREZ-LOPEZ HOUSE 809 E. 9TH STREET Construct a mid-rise residential tower adjacent to the house. PR OPOSAL PR OJECT SPECIFICATIONS The applicant proposes the construction of a mid-rise residential tower to provide affordable housing for seniors at the rear of the historic house. The proposed residential tower will be 9 stories (just over 112 feet) tall, with a slanted roof. The building will have stucco, glazed brick, and siding as its principal materials. There will be 6’-8” between the back wall of the house and the closest wall of the proposed building. The house will be used as a community room for the proposed new affordable housing project. STA NDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate projects on historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 1) A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships. Evaluation: This project does not really affect the physical structure or the use of the existing house. It had a residential use historically, and is now being proposed as a community room for the adjacent residential project. 2) The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. Evaluation: The house will not be affected by the construction of the adjacent building. No work is proposed for the historic house. The new building is over 6 feet from the back of the historic house; there will be an effect on the spatial relationships which currently exist on this property, but the general context of the neighborhood has changed dramatically over the past few years with the construction of adjacent apartment buildings. 3) Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. Evaluation: No work is proposed for the historic house. 4) Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. Evaluation: N/A 5) Distinctive materials, features, …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.4 - 809 E. 9th Street - THC Coordination letter original pdf

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Hello Steve & Elizabeth, We received a No Adverse Effects determination from the Texas Historical Commission on Wednesday. See below. Tom Hatch addressed your question regarding the connection between the Lopez House and the new residential tower. I'm hoping between those two factors your office will be able to issue a certificate of appropriateness soon. I hope all is well with you. Mark Re: Project Review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and/or the Antiquities Code of Texas THC Tracking #202013678 La Vista de Lopez 809 E 9th Street Austin,TX 78702 Dear Dawn Perkins: Thank you for your submittal regarding the above-referenced project. This response represents the comments of the State Historic Preservation Officer, the Executive Director of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), pursuant to review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The review staff, led by Charles Peveto and Lydia Woods, has completed its review and has made the following determinations based on the information submitted for review: Above-Ground Resources • Property/properties are eligible for listing or already listed in the National Register of Historic Places. • No adverse effects on historic properties. We have the following comments: The changes made to the design reflect the recommendations made by the THC in previous submission. Therefore, we have determined that this new design will have no adverse effect on the historic resource, La Vista de Lopez. We look forward to further consultation with your office and hope to maintain a partnership that will foster effective historic preservation. Thank you for your cooperation in this review process, and for your efforts to preserve the irreplaceable heritage of Texas. If the project changes, or if new historic properties are found, please contact the review staff. If you have any questions concerning our review or if we can be of further assistance, please email the following reviewers: charles.peveto@thc.texas.gov, lydia.woods@thc.texas.gov. This response has been sent through the electronic THC review and compliance system (eTRAC). Submitting your project via eTRAC eliminates mailing delays and allows you to check the status of the review, receive an electronic response, and generate reports on your submissions. For more information, visit http://thc.texas.gov/etrac-system. Sincerely, for Mark Wolfe, State Historic Preservation Officer Executive Director, Texas Historical Commission Thanks, Mark -- Mark C. Rogers, Executive Director Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation 813 East 8th Street, Austin Texas 78702 512-479-6275 ext. 6

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.4 - 8090 E. 9th Street - PLANS original pdf

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SIDEWALK SIDEWALK P A D T R A N S F O R M E R I E X S T N G I 1 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 1 A M E N T Y I D D D W W W I S D E W A L K U P U P SLOPE 1:12 N O T F O R R E G U L A T O R Y A P P R O V A L, P E R MITTIN G O R C O N S T R U C TIO N FOR CITY OF AUSTIN USE SITE PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = 1' -0" hatch + ulland owen a r c h i t e c t s 1010 East 11th Street Austin, Texas 78702 T: 512.474.8548 F: 512.474.8643 www.huoarchitects.com Civil Engineer: Civilitude LLC 5110 Lancaster Ct Austin, TX 78723 512.761.6161 Structural Engineer: TDI Engineering 5906 Old Fredericksburg Rd. Ste. 300 Austin, Tx 78749 512.301.3389 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineer: Aptus Engineering LLC 1919 South 1st St. Building B, Austin TX 78704 512.852.5059 Z E P O L E D A T S V A L I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A T E E R T S H T 9 T S A E 9 0 8 hatch + ulland owen a r c h i t e c t s 1010 East 11th Street Austin, Texas 78702 T: 512.474.8548 F: 512.474.8643 www.huoarchitects.com Civil Engineer: Civilitude LLC 5110 Lancaster Ct Austin, TX 78723 512.761.6161 Structural Engineer: TDI Engineering 5906 Old Fredericksburg Rd. Ste. 300 Austin, Tx 78749 512.301.3389 Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineer: Aptus Engineering LLC 1919 South 1st St. Building B, Austin TX 78704 512.852.5059 Z E P O L E D A T S V A L I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A T E E R T S H T 9 T S A E 9 0 8 N O T F O R R E G U L A T O R Y A P P R O V A L, P E R MITTIN G O R C O N ST R U C TIO N FOR CITY OF AUSTIN USE 8- YARD DUMPSTER 8- YARD DUMPSTER (TRASH) (RECYCLE) A AMENITY W W W D D D …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.6 - GF-2020-098312 - 506 Barton Blvd - The UMLAUF original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS B.6 - 1 JULY 27, 2020 THE UMLAUF 506 BARTON BOULEVARD GF-2020-098312 PROPOSAL This application is pursuant to a Heritage Grant application to replace the roof in-kind, repoint brick, and repair roof framing in a rear area. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The project has three parts: 1) Replace the existing roof with 3-tab asphalt shingles and standing-seam metal. This is an in-kind replacement. 2) Repoint the brick cladding with hydraulic cement where cracks evidence a foundation shift. The mortar will not match existing; the applicant states that cement must be used to prevent water infiltration. 3) Close underpinning with chopped limestone to prevent animal entry; work will match existing. 4) Reframe the rear (north) laundry area: replace rotted roof joists, tongue and groove decking, and fascia. No changes will be made to exterior walls. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate projects on historic landmarks and to any other properties receiving Hotel Occupancy Tax funding through a Heritage Grant. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 6) Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. The roof and pointing are in-kind work that will match existing materials. The project meets this standard. 7) Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. Hydraulic cement will be used for repointing. The applicant is consulting with historic preservation professionals at the City’s Parks and Recreation Department to ensure that treatments will not damage historic materials, and the department will have a representative on-site during the repairs. The project meets this standard. The project meets this standard. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Not reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the project, except for the mortar; authorize staff to review and administratively approve the mortar type.

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.6 - The UMLAUF - Application and photos original pdf

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UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing shingles: southeast slope UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing shingle roof – west slope UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing shingle roof – south and eastern slopes UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Metal roof, west slope with flashing and limestone UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing metal roof – north slope UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing metal roof – rusted vents and flashing UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing metal roof – rusted vents and flashing UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/ repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing shingle roofing South slopes and ridge UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Existing shingle ridge UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair 506 Barton Blvd Austin TX 78704 Underside of rotten eaves UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair – back porch UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/ repair – back porch viewed from east UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/repair – back porch dilapidation UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 – Hole under porch UMLAUF – Heritage Grant 2018 Roof replacement/ repair – Cracks in limestone

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.7 - Aldridge Place Historic District sign toppers - Hyde Park Topper Approval (2012) original pdf

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Hyde Park Topper Approval Minutes from November 26, 2012 Staff report HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION NOVEMBER 26, 2012 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS LHD-2012-0034 Sign Toppers Hyde Park Local Historic District PROPOSAL Fabricate and install five "sign toppers" identifying the Hyde Park Local Historic District. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Proposal calls for the fabrication and installation of signs identifying the Hyde Park Local Historic District. The signs will be funded by the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) and will be installed by the City's Transportation Department on top of existing street signs at the following intersections: Southeast corner of W. 40th Street and Avenue B with the sign parallel to Avenue B. Northeast corner of e. 44th Street and Avenue G with the sign parallel to Avenue G. Northeast corner of E. 39th Street and Avenue G with the sign parallel to E. 39th St. Northeast corner of E. 43rd Street and Avenue F with the sign parallel to Avenue F Northeast corner of W. 44th Street and Avenue B with the sign parallel to Avenue B The approximately 9" x 24" signs will be fabricated of aluminum with black background with white/silver reflective graphics and text. The HPNA has requested that the design include the City of Austin seal, name of the district, the date Hyde Park neighborhood was established, and the date the Local Historic District was established. The intent is for the approved design to become the standard template for signage in all City of Austin local historic districts, and that sign toppers only be allowed for Local Historic Districts. Funding for additional signs in the Hyde Park Local Historic District and in other districts is not currently available. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Hyde Park Local Historic District Goals and Design Standards do not specifically provide guidance for this type of street sign, however the signs as proposed do not adversely impact the historic character or integrity of the district or streetscape. Additionally, by identifying the historic district, they provide important recognition of the efforts of residents to establish the LHD, as well as identify the zoning classification for residents and visitors. Historic Preservation Office staff met with representatives of the Harthan Street Local Historic District and Castle Hill Local Historic District, as well as residents from neighborhoods interested in pursuing LHD zoning, to obtain feedback on the proposed design. Most people expressed the opinion that including dates for both the establishment …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.7 - Aldridge Place Sign Topper Locations original pdf

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Aldridge Place Historic District Sign Topper Locations

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

B.7 - HR-2020-109100 - Aldridge Place sign toppers original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION JULY 27, 2020 APPLICATION FOR A HISTORIC SIGN PERMIT HR-2020-109100 MULTIPLE LOCATIONS ALDRIDGE PLACE HISTORIC DISTRICT B.7 - 1 PROPOSAL Fabricate and install 19 sign toppers identifying the Aldridge Place Historic District. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The proposed signs will be identical in material, color, dimensions, and design to the Hyde Park Historic District signs installed circa 2012, but for the district name. The Commission approved the Hyde Park signs in November 2012 with the intent of the approved design to become the standard template for signage in all locally designated historic districts. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS STANDARDS FOR REVIEW Not reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the signs.

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.1 - NRD-2020-0004 - 92 Rainey St.pdf original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS C.1 - 1 JULY 27, 2020 NRD-2020-0004 92 RAINEY STREET RAINEY STREET NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT PROPOSAL Demolish a ca. 1911-12 contributing bungalow and construct a new high-rise tower in its place. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Demolish existing contributing building. 2) Construct new 53-floor, 606’ tower, occupying two adjacent lots at 90 (now Container Bar) and 92 Rainey Street. The tower includes: a) Below-ground garage b) Commercial space (first and second floors plus third-floor bar area): i. Materials throughout include a transparent glass curtainwall system with metal mullions; simplified pilasters of textured stone at bay divisions; recessed mural panels with overhead lighting, and textured concrete cladding. Flat metal awnings above each tenant entrance at 1 and 1.5 stories are topped with lit signage. ii. At the east elevation, vertically-articulated panel systems of varying widths define tenant spaces. A metal shipping container with viewport projects from recessed bar space at the second floor, hovering above the streetscape. An angled precast concrete panel projects through both recessed bar spaces. c) Hotel and residential spaces: i. The tower is clad in a reflective glass curtainwall system throughout, with precast concrete accent panels on secondary facades. ii. Levels 8-52 are set back from the lower section of the tower (at roughly 177’). iii. After level 24, which separates the hotel units from residences and short-term rental units, glass balconies project from the north and south elevations. d) Roof deck RESEARCH The house at 92 Rainey Street was built around 1911. Its first owner was farrier Alonzo B. Cook, who ran a shop on Congress Avenue. From 1914 to 1920, the house had several short-term occupants, including a painter, a grocer, and a night watchman. By 1920, it had been purchased by Emil and Edith Bohls. Emil Bohls owned a restaurant in 1920, but he soon opened an auto paint shop on 5th Street. By 1937, as Austin’s automobile culture continued to grow, Bohls had expanded his repertoire to include a tourist camp and filling station on South Congress Avenue. By 1939, the Bohls family sold the home to Charles B. and Pearl Eustace. The Eustace family had lived across the street at 95 Rainey since 1922. Charles had recently retired from the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company after a 39-year tenure. As one of the earliest telephone employees in Austin, he was an active member of the …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.1.1 - NRD-2020-0004_92RaineyApplicantPhotos.pdf original pdf

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- 90.92 RAINEY STREET Austin, TX 0 2 0 2 Y R A U N A J . M O C S R E N T R A P N E S L E N dwg. AUSTIN, TX | 318222 | JANUARY 10, 20209092 Rainey© Nelsen Partners, Inc. 2020dwg. EAST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION 92 RAINEY - BUNGALOW BAR AUSTIN, TX | 318222 | JANUARY 10, 20209092 Rainey© Nelsen Partners, Inc. 2020dwg. WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION AUSTIN, TX | 318222 | JANUARY 10, 20209092 Rainey© Nelsen Partners, Inc. 2020dwg. BUNGALOW BAR- UNDER CONSTRUCTION CERCA 2010-2011 AUSTIN, TX | 318222 | JANUARY 10, 20209092 Rainey© Nelsen Partners, Inc. 2020dwg. EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION 90 RAINEY - CONTAINER BAR AUSTIN, TX | 318222 | JANUARY 10, 20209092 Rainey© Nelsen Partners, Inc. 2020dwg.

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.1.3 - NRD-2020-0004_92Rainey_2010alterations.pdf original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS NRD-2010-0125 PROPOSAL 92 Rainey Street C.3. - 1 NOVEMBER 15, 2010 Rainey Street Modifications to the north, west, and south facades of the house; construction of a new walk-in cooler on the north side of the house, a wraparound deck on the south and west sides, a new separate restroom building in back of the house, installation of a steel trellis on the back of the house, and replacement of the composition shingle roof with a metal roof. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The applicant proposes modifications to the exterior of the house to accommodate a walk-in cooler on the north side and a wood deck wrapping around the south and west sides, and the construction of a separate building behind the house for restrooms, storage, and an outdoor bar area. The front of the house will see the fewest modifications: only a deteriorating plaster porch pier and porch railing will be removed. On the north wall, the existing wood windows will be removed to accommodate the addition of the walk-in cooler, which will have wood siding and a flat roof. On the south wall, the existing wood-sided infill with a vinyl window will be removed and be replaced with a door and a steel-framed fixed sash window. On the west (rear) wall, the existing back door and window will be removed, as will the wood-sided infill that wraps around from the south side of the house. The infill section will have the wraparound of the steel-framed fixed sash window from the south side of the building. A new deck will surround the house on the south and west sides, and provide access to a new structure in the back yard, housing restrooms and storage. The existing composition shingle roof on the house will be replaced with a metal roof. STAFF COMMENTS STAFF RECOMMENDATION The ca. 1927 bungalow is contributing to the Rainey Street National Register Historic District. Release the building permit after completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package consisting of photographs of all four elevations and a measured sketch plan to record existing conditions and for archiving at the Austin History Center. Staff requests that the applicant reconsider the installation of the steel-framed glass at the rear of the building in favor of an architectural feature more compatible with the Craftsman detailing of the house. Overall, the appearance of the house …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.2 - NRD-2020-0025_2338 Columbus Dr.pdf original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS JULY 27, 2020 NRD-2020-0025 2338 COLUMBUS DRIVE C.2 - 1 ZILKER PARK NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT PROPOSAL Construct a new maintenance barn, pole barns, pond, and associated support structures. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Construction of a maintenance barn. The proposed barn will be clad in prefinished corrugated metal panels. Flat prefinished metal canopies will shade windows and entrances, and an irregular, angled metal shed roofline extends over bay doors at the south and east elevations. Rectangular fixed-pane windows are arranged in a regular pattern at south and west elevations, while a single horizontal window appears on the east façade. 2) Construction of two shed-roofed pole barns. 3) Construction of a biofiltration pond. 4) Construction of a staff parking lot. 5) Construction of a chemical storage building and rainwater tanks. The storage building will be constructed of split-face concrete masonry units, with a metal shed roof. 6) Construction of a security fence. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate new construction projects in National Register historic districts. Applicable standards include: 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. No historic buildings, structures, or significant landscape features will be removed. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. The proposed new building is differentiated from historic park structures in its siting, materials, and form. While its massing, cladding, and roofline are at odds with the rustic setting and character-defining features of historic park buildings, it does not appear to be entirely visible from Columbus Drive, and will not be accessible to the public. The pole barns and other support structures are sited far back from the road and should not be visible from the street. Significant tree cover in this area will also shield the new construction from view of other areas of the park. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.2.1 - NRD-2020-0025_2338 Columbus_Zilker application.pdf original pdf

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June 15, 2020 Project Description  The Parks and Recreation Department’s (PARD) existing maintenance barn is undersized for Zilker Park maintenance staff’s current needs. The barn is also located within the Barton Creek Watershed, very near Barton Springs Pool.  The maintenance barn staff is responsible to maintain the entire Zilker Park including the pool, grounds and buildings.  The new maintenance barn will be located within the Eanes Creek Watershed, in a less-trafficked area of Zilker Park and will consist of more office space, work space, and storage space.  The building is expected to achieve LEED Silver. Project Location Project Location with Aerial Site Plan  1,780 SF office space  2,548 SF maintenance bay  2 pole barns for storage  Biofiltration pond for stormwater quality  Parking for staff  Vegetative Filter Strips  Rainwater collection and solar power in progress Site Views Landscaping Plan Trees removed to accommodate the construction of the facility will be replaced at rates indicated by the Environmental Criteria Manual. No heritage trees will be removed. Building Perspective View Building Floor Plan Building Exterior Elevations South View North View Pre finished Metal Wall PanelsPre finished Metal CanopyPre finished Metal Wall Panels Building Exterior Elevations West View, front door East View Pre finished Metal Wall PanelsPre finished Metal CanopySplit Face CMUPre finished Metal Wall PanelsSplit Face CMU Sustainable Construction and Design  Bicycle racks and showers for PARD staff  Occupant-controlled lighting  Stormwater quality protected with  Ample daylight in the office space biofiltration pond  Electric vehicle charging station  During construction, use products with recycled content and regional sourcing  Native and non-invasive adapted,  FSC-certified wood drought-tolerant landscaping  High-reflectance roofing  Using concrete as a Heat Island Reduction instead of asphalt  Indoor and outdoor water use reduction  Improved energy performance  Recycling collection  Low-emitting materials, including paint, adhesives/sealants/coatings, and flooring systems  Dark-sky compliant outdoor light fixtures or salvaged  75% of construction waste to be recycled

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.3 - NRD-2020-0027_2607 McCallum Dr.pdf original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS JULY 27, 2020 NRD-2020-0027 2607 MCCALLUM DRIVE OLD WEST AUSTIN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT C.3 - 1 PROPOSAL Demolish a ca. 1941 contributing house. RESEARCH The house at 2607 McCallum Drive was built for Joseph McElroy Alexander, an office supply salesman with the Steck Company, and his wife Mildred. The Alexanders and their children lived in the home until at least 1952; by 1955, it had been sold to oilman Robert M. Payne and his wife Mary J. Payne, a dedicated United Fund volunteer. STAFF COMMENTS The house contributes to the Old West Austin National Register Historic District. New construction plans will require Historic Landmark Commission review when submitted. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain moderate integrity, with modifications completed during the historic period. 3) Properties must meet two historic designation criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2- 352). The property may demonstrate significance according to City Code: a. Architecture. The house is constructed with Monterrey-style influences. b. Historical association. There do not appear to be significant historical associations. c. Archaeology. The house was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d. Community value. The house does not possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Comment on and release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, consisting of photographs of all elevations, a dimensioned sketch plan, and a narrative history, for archiving at the Austin History Center. Alternately, the Commission may choose to initiate a 180-day demolition delay, as the building contributes to a National Register Historic District. LOCATION MAP C.1 - 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos C.1 - 3 Source: Google Street View C.1 - 4 Occupancy History City Directory Research, July 2020 Note: Due to facility closure, post-1959 directory research is unavailable. 1959 1955 1952 1949 1947 Robert M. and Mary J. Payne, owners Independent oil operator Robert M. Payne, owner Joseph M. and Mildred Alexander, owners Salesman, Steck Co. Joseph M. and Mildred Alexander, owners Salesman, Steck …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.
July 27, 2020

C.4 - 1404 Hardouin - Existing plans and photos original pdf

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Architecture 1408 Ethridge Ave / Austin, Texas 78703 1404 Hardouin Ave Not for regulatory appproval, permitting, or construction. Site Plan Scale 1:20 NEW FIRST FLOOR PORCH ROOF SLOPE (VERIFY) 2 : 12 METAL 2 : 12 SLOPE METAL NEW ROOF 6 : 12 SLOPE ASPHALT SHINGLE BALCONY (UNCOVERED) SLOPE (VERIFY) 2 : 12 METAL NEW ROOF 2 1 : 4 E P O L S 2 1 : 4 E P O L S 2 1 : 4 E P O L S 4 : 12 SLOPE 4 : 12 SLOPE ASPHALT SHINGLE 4 : 12 SLOPE ASPHALT SHINGLE 2 1 : 6 E P O L S ASPHALT SHINGLE 2 1 : 6 E P O L S 2 1 : 6 E P O L S 6 : 12 SLOPE ASPHALT SHINGLE NEW CHIMNEY ASPHALT SHINGLE ASPHALT SHINGLE 2 1 : 6 E P O L S Architecture 1408 Ethridge Ave / Austin, Texas 78703 1404 Hardouin Ave Not for regulatory appproval, permitting, or construction. Roof Plan Scale: 1/8"=1'-0" 07.15.20 VERIFY 12 6 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF SECOND FLOOR CLG. " 1 1 - ' 8 " 1 1 " 0 - ' 9 FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. SECOND FLOOR F.F.E. FIRST FLOOR CLG. METAL AWNING NEW BRICK STONE WOOD CLAD WINDOW. TYP. WOOD VERIFY 12 6 VERIFY 12 4 NEW BRICK BRICK STEEL OR WOOD CLAD WINDOW Architecture 1408 Ethridge Ave / Austin, Texas 78703 1404 Hardouin Ave Not for regulatory appproval, permitting, or construction. South Elevation Scale: 1 8"=1'-0" VERIFY 12 6 VERIFY 12 6 VERIFY 12 4 VERIFY 12 4 " 1 1 - ' 8 " 1 1 " 0 - ' 9 SECOND FLOOR CLG. SECOND FLOOR F.F.E. FIRST FLOOR CLG. FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. Architecture 1408 Ethridge Ave / Austin, Texas 78703 1404 Hardouin Ave Not for regulatory appproval, permitting, or construction. East Elevation Scale: 1 8"=1'-0" VERIFY 12 4 WOOD CLAD WINDOW. TYP. STEEL OR WOOD CLAD WINDOW. TYP. VERIFY 12 4 VERIFY 12 6 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF METAL ROOF SECOND FLOOR CLG. METAL RAIL NEW BRICK NEW BRICK METAL ROOF SECOND FLOOR F.F.E. FIRST FLOOR CLG. METAL AWNING " 1 1 - ' 8 " 1 1 " 0 - ' 9 FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. Architecture 1408 Ethridge Ave / Austin, Texas 78703 1404 Hardouin Ave Not for regulatory appproval, permitting, or construction. North Elevation Scale: 1 8"=1'-0" ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF VERIFY 12 …

Scraped at: July 24, 2020, 4:43 p.m.