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CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Interpretation Appeal 1 and Appeal 2 Decision Sheet ITEM02 DATE: October 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0025 ___Y____Thomas Ates (D1) ___Y____Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) ___Y____Jessica Cohen (D3) ___Y____Yung-ju Kim (D4) ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne (D5) ___Y____Jeffery Bowen (D6) ___Y____Janel Venzant (D7) ___Y____Margaret Shahrestani (D8) ___Y____Brian Poteet (D9) ___Y____Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPELLANT’S AGENT: Nicholl Wade APPELLANT: Warren Konkel OWNER: Christy May ADDRESS: 6708 BRIDGE HILL CV SUMMARY OF APPEAL: Appellant challenges issuance of Building Permit 2023-12958 BP on the grounds that the City incorrectly approved impervious cover (IC) of approximately 12,811 square feet, which exceeds IC limitations applicable within the Lake Austin (LA) zoning district. BOARD’S DECISION: Aug 12, 2024 - POSTPONED TO September 9, 2024, DUE TO NOT HAVING ENOUGH BOARD MEMBERS FOR VOTING PURPOSES; September 9, 2024 The public hearing was closed by Madam Chair Jessica Cohen, Board member Michael Von Ohlen’s motion to deny the appeal request and uphold staff’s decision; Board member Brian Poteet second on 8-1 votes (Board member Maggie Shahrestani nay); APPEAL REQUEST DENIED AND UPHELD STAFF’S DECISION. October 14, 2024 - Reconsideration request: Board member Michael Von Ohlen’s motion to deny reconsideration request; Vice Chair Melissa Hawthorne second on 10-0 votes; reconsideration request DENIED. Building Permit 2023-129658 BP RENOTIFICATION-SUMMARY OF APPEAL: Appellant challenges issuance of: and on the grounds that the City of Austin incorrectly approved impervious cover (IC) of approximately 12,811 square feet, which exceeds IC limitations applicable within the Lake Austin (LA) zoning district. Building Permit 2023-129659BP FINDING: 1. There is a reasonable doubt of difference of interpretation as to the specific intent of the regulations or map in that: 2. An appeal of use provisions could clearly permit a use which is in character with the uses enumerated for the various zones and with the objectives of the zone in question because: 3. The interpretation will not grant a special privilege to one property inconsistent with other properties or uses similarly situated in that: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Chair Diana Ramirez for
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM03 DATE: Monday October 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0028 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Haim Joseph Mahlof - Green Bay Remodeling Inc. OWNER: Wendy Jo Peterson ADDRESS: 1406 3rd ST VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting the following variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-779 (Small Lot Single-Family Residential Use) from setback requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested) in order to attach a second story deck in a “SF-4A-NP”, Single-Family - Neighborhood Plan zoning district (Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan). BOARD’S DECISION: September 9, 2024 The public hearing was closed by Madam Chair Jessica Cohen, Board member Michael Von Ohlen’s motion to postpone to October 14, 2024; Vice Chair Melissa Hawthorne second on 9-0 votes; POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 14, 2024. OCTOBER 14, 2024 POSTPONED TO November 14, 2024, BY APPLICANT FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Chair
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM04 DATE: Monday October 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0031 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Victoria Haase OWNER: Austin Area School for Dyslexics, Inc. ADDRESS: 2615 ½ HILLVIEW RD VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section: 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations): Height Requirements to increase the height from 35 feet (maximum allowed) to 50 o feet (requested) o (required) to 15 feet (requested) o (required) to 5 feet (requested) o (requested) o percent (requested) Setback Requirements to decrease the minimum front yard setback from 25 feet Setback Requirements to decrease the minimum rear yard setback from 10 feet Building Coverage to increase from 40 percent (maximum allowed) to 60% Impervious Coverage to increase from 45 percent (maximum allowed) to 60 25-2-832 (Private Schools) (1) a site must be located on a street that has a paved width of at least 40 feet (required) to 30 feet (requested) from the site to where it connects with another street that has a paved width of at least 40 feet (required) to 30 feet (requested) in order to erect school buildings and structured sub-grade parking facilities in a “SF-3- NP”, Single-Family-Neighborhood Plan zoning district (West Austin Neighborhood Group). BOARD’S DECISION: POSTPONED TO November 14, 2024, BY APPLICANT FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair the purpose of the regulations of the zoning district in which the property is located because: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Madam Chair for
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM05 DATE: Monday October 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0032 ___Y____Thomas Ates (D1) ___Y____Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) ___Y____Jessica Cohen (D3) ___Y____Yung-ju Kim (D4) ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne (D5) ___Y____Jeffery Bowen (D6) ___Y____Janel Venzant (D7) ___Y____Margaret Shahrestani (D8) ___Y____Brian Poteet (D9) ___Y____Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Michele Rogerson Lynch OWNER: Sunoco – Vincent Record ADDRESS: 3201 SH 71 SVRD WB VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-814 (Service Station Use) (3) to increase the queue lanes from 8 (required) to 12 (requested) in order to erect a 7-Eleven Service Station in a “GR-CO” Community Commercial zoning district. BOARD’S DECISION: The public hearing was closed by Madam Chair Jessica Cohen, Madam Chair Jessica Cohen’s motion to approve; Board member Michael Von Ohlen second on 10-0 votes; GRANTED. FINDING: 1. The Zoning regulations applicable to the property do not allow for a reasonable use because: modern service station designs utilize the racetrack/single pump layout for maximum vehicle/pedestrian safely and accessibility, both the Transportation Criteria Manual and Code Section 25-2-814 are outdated and should be updated to be more in line with safer on site maneuvering and to be in line with Austin’s Environmental goals to be carbon free by 2050. 2. (a) The hardship for which the variance is requested is unique to the property in that: the size and configuration of the property does not allow for adequate room to design the proposed service station with the City of Austin’s accepted double stack design while maintaining the adequate maneuvering and queuing space required for service stations by the Transportation Criteria Manual, specifically the throat length of the driveway on Eva Street as well as the required detention limit shifting the development in the northern portion of the site, the southern portion of the site is constrained by Austin Energy easement that cannot be encroached upon. (b) The hardship is not general to the area in which the property is located because: the race track/single fueling pump configuration is considered standard prototypical among most major fueling stations today and is the preferred product for vehicle accessibility and pedestrian safety. 3. The variance will not alter the character of the area adjacent to the property, will not impair the use of adjacent conforming property, and will not impair …
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM06 DATE: Monday October 14, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0034 ___Y____Thomas Ates (D1) ___Y____Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) ___Y____Jessica Cohen (D3) ___Y____Yung-ju Kim (D4) ___Y____Melissa Hawthorne (D5) ___Y____Jeffery Bowen (D6) ___Y____Janel Venzant (D7) ___Y____Margaret Shahrestani (D8) ___Y____Brian Poteet (D9) ___Y____Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPLICANT: Robert Allison OWNER: Brad Hoskins ADDRESS: 705 BROWNLEE CIR VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting a variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section, 25-2- 773 (Duplex, Two-Unit, and Three-Unit Residential Uses): (B) (7) Impervious Coverage to increase from 45 percent (maximum allowed) to 65 o percent (requested) (E) (4) F.A.R to increase from 40% (required) to 50% (requested) o in order to remodel a residence in a “MF-3-NP”, Multi-Family-Neighborhood Plan zoning district (West Austin Neighborhood Group). 25-2-773 - DUPLEX, TWO-UNIT, AND THREE-UNIT RESIDENTIAL USES. (A) To the extent of conflict, this section supersedes the base zoning district regulations. (B) For a duplex, two-unit, and three-unit residential use: (1) minimum lot area is 5,750 square feet; (2) minimum front yard setback is 15 feet; (3) minimum rear yard setback is: (a) the base zoning district minimum rear yard setback; or (b) five feet when the lot is adjacent to: (i) an alley; or (ii) another lot with a use that is permitted in a multifamily base zoning district or less restrictive base zoning district; (4) minimum street-side yard setback for a lot located on a corner and: (a) on a Level 1 street is the greater of five feet from the property line or 10 feet from curb, or in the absence of curbs, from the edge of the pavement; or (b) on a Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 street is 10 feet from the property line; (5) minimum number of street-facing entrances is one; (6) maximum building coverage is 40 percent; and (7) maximum impervious cover is 45 percent. (E) This subsection applies to the area established in Subsection 1.2.1 of Chapter 252, Subchapter F (Residential Design and Compatibility Standards). (1) In this subsection, (a) EXISTING DWELLING UNIT means a dwelling unit that is: (i) legally permitted and occupied before December 7, 2023; or (ii) described in an application for a residential permit that was submitted on or before December 7, 2023. (b) GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total enclosed area of all floors in …
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, October 14, 2024 The BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT convened in a Regular meeting on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 301 West 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Jessica Cohen called the Board of Adjustment Meeting to order at 5:35 PM. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance in-Person: Jessica Cohen-Chair, Melissa Hawthorne-Vice Chair, Michael Von Ohlen Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Thomas Ates, Jeffery Bowen, Bianca A. Medina-Leal, Yung-ju Kim, Brian Poteet, Maggie Shahrestani, Janel Venzant PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (4) four speakers signed up/register prior (no later than noon the day before the meeting) to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Regular meeting on September 9, 2024. On-Line Link: Draft Minutes for September 9, 2024 The minutes from the meeting September 9, 2024, were approved on Vice Chair’s Melissa Hawthorne motion, Board member Michael Von Ohlen second on a 9-1-0 vote (Board member Jeffrey Bowen abstained). PUBLIC HEARINGS Discussion and action on the following cases. Postponement requests to November 14, 2024: Item 3 by applicant, Item 4 by applicant and Item 6 by neighborhood association (OWANA) Board member Michael Von Ohlen’s motion to approve postponement requests for Items 3, 4 and 6 to November 14, 2024; Vice Chair Melissa Hawthorne second on 10-0 votes; Item 6 Owner opposes to the postponement request by OWANA and requests open for discussion; substitute motion, Board member Michael Von Ohlen motion to approve postponement requests for Items 3 and 4 only to November 14, 2024, and Item 6 open for discussion; Vice-Chair Melissa Hawthorne second on 9-1 vote (Chair Jessica Cohen nay). Reconsideration Appeal case: 2. C15-2024-0025 Appellant’s Agent: Nicholl Wade - Appellant: Warren Konkel Owner: Christy May 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Building Permit 2023-129658 BP On-Line Link: ITEM02 ADV PACKET APPEAL1 PART1, PART2, PART3 and APPEAL2 PART 1, PART2, PART3, PART4 PRESENTATION by appellant; PRESENTATION by owner; PRESENTATION by staff Summary of Appeal: Appellant challenges issuance of: and on the grounds that the City of Austin incorrectly approved impervious cover (IC) of approximately 12,811 square feet, which exceeds IC limitations applicable within the Lake Austin (LA) zoning district. Reconsideration request: Board member Michael Von Ohlen’s motion to deny reconsideration request; Vice Chair Melissa Hawthorne second …
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, August 12, 2024 The BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT convened in a Regular meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 301 West 2nd Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Jessica Cohen called the Board of Adjustment Meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance in-Person: Jessica Cohen-Chair Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Melissa Hawthorne-Vice Chair, Thomas Ates, Jeffery Bowen, Bianca A. Medina-Leal, Maggie Shahrestani Board Member/Commissioners absent: Brian Poteet, Marcel Gutierrez-Garza, Yung-ju Kim, Janel Venzant, Michael Von Ohlen PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first (4) four speakers signed up/register prior (no later than noon the day before the meeting) to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Board of Adjustment Regular meeting on July 8, 2024. On-Line Link: Draft Minutes for July 8, 2024 The minutes from the meeting July 8, 2024, were approved on Vice Chair’s Melissa Hawthorne motion, Chair Jessica Cohen second on a 6-0 vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS Discussion and action on the following cases. Madam Chair Jessica Cohen motion to postpone cases Item02 and Item03 to September 9, 2024, due to not having enough board members for voting purposes; Vice-chair Melissa Hawthorne second on 6-0 votes; POSTPONED CASES FOR ITEM02 AND ITEM03 TO September 9, 2024, DUE TO NOT HAVING ENOUGH BOARD MEMBERS FOR VOTING PURPOSES. New Variance case: 2. C15-2024-0024 Christi Lane 2104 Westover Road On-Line Link: ITEM02 ADV PACKET PART1, PART2, PART3; PRESENTATION The applicant is requesting the following variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-899 (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the height from eight (8) feet (maximum allowed) to twelve (12) feet (requested), in order to erect a fence on the east property line in a “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family-Neighborhood Plan zoning district (West Austin Neighborhood Group). Note: The Land Development Code 25-2-899 Fences as Accessory Uses (A) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a fence: (1) is permitted as an accessory use in any zoning district; and (2) must comply with the requirements of this section. (B) In this section: (1) an ornamental fence is a fence with an open design that has a ratio of solid material to open space of not more than one to four; and (2) a solid fence is a fence other than an ornamental …
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Decision Sheet ITEM02 DATE: Monday August 12, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0024 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) OWNER/APPLICANT: CHRISTI LANE ADDRESS: 2104 WESTOVER RD VARIANCE REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting the following variance(s) from the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-899 (Fences as Accessory Uses) to increase the height from eight (8) feet (maximum allowed) to twelve (12) feet (requested), in order to erect a fence on the east property line in a “SF-3-NP”, Single-Family-Neighborhood Plan zoning district (West Austin Neighborhood Group). Note: The Land Development Code 25-2-899 Fences as Accessory Uses (A) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a fence: (1) is permitted as an accessory use in any zoning district; and (2) must comply with the requirements of this section. (B) In this section: (1) an ornamental fence is a fence with an open design that has a ratio of solid material to open space of not more than one to four; and (2) a solid fence is a fence other than an ornamental fence. (C) The height restrictions of this section do not apply to an ornamental fence. (D) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a solid fence constructed along a property line may not exceed a height of six feet measured from the natural grade up. (E) If there is a change in grade of at least one foot measured along any run of a solid fence along a property line, then the portion of the fence where the grade change occurs may be constructed to a maximum height of seven feet. (F) a solid fence along a property line may be constructed to a maximum height of eight feet if each owner of property that adjoins a section of the fence that exceeds a height of six feet files written consent to the construction of the fence with the building official; and (1) there is a change in grade of at least two feet within 50 feet of the boundary between adjoining properties; or ITEM02/1 (2) a structure, including a telephone junction box, exists that is reasonably likely to enable a child to climb over a six-foot fence and …
ITEM02/18 ITEM02/19 ITEM02/20 ITEM02/21 ITEM02/22 Similar properties in the area reflect protective measures in place. First photo illustrates 2103 Winstead Ln, which is located at the next exit on Mopac in my neighborhood (0.5 mile from my home), Tarrytown. The wall built by the DOT measuring 15’ in some places protects this property from 3 angles, circled in yellow. This property owner also suffered from repeat vehicles damaging the property before the wall was built. ITEM02/23 ITEM02/24 The next property is even closer to me, on the other side of MoPac with a similar juxtaposition to the highway, at the northbound Westover exit ramp. 1709 Westover has property without a dissected lot, but is also completely protected by the 15’ DOT wall circled in yellow. ITEM02/25 ITEM02/26 Image below: My property, 2104 Westover, located on the southbound Westover exit ramp has no protection from a 15’ wall. The wall, again circled in yellow, ends distinctly before the property. ITEM02/27 ITEM02/28 ITEM02/29 From: To: Subject: Date: Ramirez, Elaine C15-2024-0024 Monday, August 12, 2024 3:17:23 PM You don't often get email from . Learn why this is important External Email - Exercise Caution Good afternoon, Ms. Ramirez, I hope it’s not too late, but I just wanted to offer our full support to Christi Lane at 2104 Westover Rd. for replacing her fence at a height higher than allowed. Even though it is not directly in our backyard, it helps with noise from the highway, and is pretty much not visible to anyone but her and people driving on the feeder road. Thank you for your time, Maren Curtis & Patrick Mahaffey 2109 Westover Rd CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "". ITEM02/30
BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2024-0026 BOA DATE: September 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 4812 Palisade Dr OWNER: Ryan Scurlock COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 AGENT: N/A ZONING: LA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 BLK A CLIFF OVER LAKE AUSTIN II THE VARIANCE REQUEST: Section 25-2-551 (Lake Austin (LA) District Regulations) (C)(3) from setback requirements to: (a) increase the maximum impervious cover on a slope with a gradient of 15 percent or less from 40.75 percent (maximum allowed) to 41.15 percent (requested) (b) increase the maximum impervious cover on a slope with a gradient of 15 percent and not more than 25 percent from 17.10 percent (maximum allowed) to 18.32 percent (requested) SUMMARY: erect a swimming pool & spa ISSUES: lot size LA SF-2 Site North South LA LA East PUD West ZONING LAND USES Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: 2222 Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, Inc. Austin Independent School District Austin Neighborhoods Council Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Long Canyon Phase II & III Homeowners Assn Inc. Preservation Austin TNR BCP – Travis County Natural Resources ITEM03/1 August 23, 2024 Ryan Scurlock 4812 Palisade Dr Austin TX, 78731 Re: C15-2024-0026 Dear Ryan, Property Description: LOT 1 BLK A CLIFF OVER LAKE AUSTIN II THE Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance request from LDC Section 25-2- 551 at 4812 Palisade Drive. Austin Energy does not oppose the request, provided that any proposed or existing improvements follow Austin Energy’s Clearance & Safety Criteria, the National Electric Safety Code, and OSHA requirements. Any removal or relocation of existing facilities will be at the owner’s/applicant’s expense. Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: .10.0CLSARE If you require further information or have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact our office. Thank you for contacting Austin Energy. Rosemary Avila, Planning Officer Infrastructure Support Services | Austin Energy 4815 Mueller Blvd Austin, TX 78723 (512) 972-8488 ITEM03/2 Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see WARNING: Filing of this appeal stops all affected construction activity. This application is a fillable PDF that can be completed electronically. To ensure your information is saved, click here to Save the form to your computer, then open your …
VARIANCE REQUEST: decrease the minimum front yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested). BOA GENERAL REVIEW COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2024-0028 BOA DATE: September 9, 2024 ADDRESS: 1406 S 3rd St OWNER: Wendy Jo Peterson COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 AGENT: Haim Mahlof ZONING: SF-4A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4 BLK A JEWELL SUBD SUMMARY: attach a 2nd story deck ISSUES: lot size and lot configuration ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-4A-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-3-NP SF-4A-NP Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Neighborhoods Council Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Association Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Bouldin Creek Zoning Committee Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Perry Grid 614 Preservation Austin South Central Coalition ITEM04/1 August 27, 2024 Mr.. Green Bay Remodeling Inc 1406 S 3rd St Austin TX, 78704 Property Description: LOT 4 BLK A JEWELL SUBD Re: C15-2024-0028 Austin Energy (AE) has reviewed your application for the above referenced property, requesting that the Board of Adjustment consider a variance request from LDC Section 25-2-779 at 1406 S 3RD STREET. Austin Energy does not oppose the request, provided that any proposed or existing improvements follow Austin Energy’s Clearance & Safety Criteria, the National Electric Safety Code, and OSHA requirements. Any removal or relocation of existing facilities will be at the owner’s/applicant’s expense. Please use this link to be advised of our clearance and safety requirements which are additional conditions of the above review action: SARE If you require further information or have any questions regarding the above comments, please contact our office. Thank you for contacting Austin Energy. Rosemary Avila, Planning Officer Infrastructure Support Services | Austin Energy 4815 Mueller Blvd Austin, TX 78723 (512) 972-8488 ITEM04/2 Board of Adjustment General/Parking Variance Application | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see WARNING: Filing of this appeal stops all affected construction activity. This application is a fillable PDF that can be completed electronically. To ensure your information is saved, click here to Save the form to your computer, then open your copy and continue. The Tab key may be used to navigate to each field; Shift + Tab moves to the previous field. The Enter key activates links, emails, and buttons. Use the Up & Down Arrow keys to scroll through drop-down lists and check boxes, and hit Enter to make a selection. The application …
CITY OF AUSTIN Board of Adjustment Interpretation Appeal Decision Sheet ITEM03 DATE: August 12, 2024 CASE NUMBER: C15-2024-0025 _______Thomas Ates (D1) _______Bianca A Medina-Leal (D2) _______Jessica Cohen (D3) _______Yung-ju Kim (D4) _______Melissa Hawthorne (D5) _______Jeffery Bowen (D6) _______Janel Venzant (D7) _______Margaret Shahrestani (D8) _______Brian Poteet (D9) _______Michael Von Ohlen (D10) _______Marcel Gutierrez-Garza (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) _______Suzanne Valentine (Alternate) (M) _______VACANT (Alternate) (M) APPELLANT’S AGENT: Nicholl Wade APPELLANT: Warren Konkel OWNER: Christy May ADDRESS: 6708 BRIDGE HILL CV SUMMARY OF APPEAL: Appellant challenges issuance of Building Permit 2023-12958 BP on the grounds that the City incorrectly approved impervious cover (IC) of approximately 12,811 square feet, which exceeds IC limitations applicable within the Lake Austin (LA) zoning district. BOARD’S DECISION: POSTPONED TO September 9, 2024, DUE TO NOT HAVING ENOUGH BOARD MEMBERS FOR VOTING PURPOSES FINDING: 1. There is a reasonable doubt of difference of interpretation as to the specific intent of the regulations or map in that: ITEM05/1-APPEAL1 2. An appeal of use provisions could clearly permit a use which is in character with the uses enumerated for the various zones and with the objectives of the zone in question because: 3. The interpretation will not grant a special privilege to one property inconsistent with other properties or uses similarly situated in that: Elaine Ramirez Executive Liaison Jessica Cohen Chair forITEM05/2-APPEAL1 BOA INTERPRETATION APPEAL COVERSHEET RE-NOTIFICATION CASE: C15-2024-0025 BOA DATE: September 9, 2024 ADDRESS: 6708 Bridge Hill Cv COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 OWNER: Christi S. May APPELLANT: Warren Konkel APPELLANT’S AGENT: Nicholl Wade ZONING: SF-3 / LA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUBD APPEAL REQUEST: an appeal challenging staff decision regarding impervious cover approved with building permit 2023-129658BP & 2023-129659BP. SUMMARY: any proposed development must comply with the provisions of the LDC ISSUES: errors on permit application, does not remedy unpermitted construction from 2014 and 2021, vastly exceeds the “grandfathered original construction” IC allowance of 11,408 sq. ft. ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-2 / LA SF-2 / LA SF-2 / LA SF-2 LA Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Lake Austin NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District BRNA ASSOCIATION INC. City of Rollingwood Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Glenlake Neighborhood Association Save Our Springs Alliance TNR BCP – Travis County Natural Resources The Creek at Riverbend Neighborhood Association ITEM05/3-APPEAL1 BOA INTERPRETATION APPEAL COVERSHEET CASE: C15-2024-0025 BOA DATE: August 12th, 2024 ADDRESS: 6708 Bridge Hill Cv COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 APPELLANT: …
I I I -+i-1-11{,-'41', '~---+-----+--"/_1,p '· le" i~ ~---- ---,---.-- ---~rl ---- i I i 1 __________ L ______ _ ,- \ i:--c---.. \1/ '' I I I " ' " II 11 ' I MASTER BEDROOM ., ; J I ': I 1 I I ( -•~- J C- , ,----" I f ;' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I IV") r \ / ✓ I I , , I ' KITCHEN I I "·" I I '"'',, 41-01' ~ , , , - - - - - - - - ' - · - - - - - -~ _,_ .. 0 -, ~ - - - - - - - - , Ir, ! , t i I "-_ -"',u~u~u---.---r-u--.'--4-r , , ~~ ---,l-----c,"-1~-~;-;-----Jjl-- BREJKFAST I AREA 1 LIVING ROOM 1 , ' :H I i I I I ' ' II ------ --1 I " i- i - FAMILY ROOM - --+---+- 1 I STUDY , ' 1 -STAIR UP J ,, wooD -- ·, ./Vll;:JJ ~ ' f ?~ >( ' UTILITY' P.R. 0 oo \ - - - - - t:t'.:::::==-:::::==,-t::...=•--=r'· -~-""--=---i;====r-i====:;1•r--___J_ 1, .I , i,;:- I /1 n GARAGE i ,---- ---,-- / . , FLOOR PLAN ____________ _ MAY RESIDENCE 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Austin, Texas TilE OFFICE OF EDWARD B. FRIERSON AJA ARCHITECT 4307 FARJIILLS DR. AUSTIN, 'IX 78731 Ali R1GtfB Rf:SllRv,;o FM AActil'l'l'?CT DRAWWGS AH) SP£C1F!CA11()1"S J.S INS'iRLJ!RcNTS Of sat\llCE SHAJ...L f\EMAJN Tl-IE 'lJ-IEY SHAU NOT 81: use:, CN PROPERTY OF TI-£ MCHITT'CT OTHER PROJEClS ~ ElCJEMI~ OF 'TJ;!S PROJECT EXCEPT BY AGR£EMEfiT IN 'M<ITING AND 'J\1111, APPROPAIJPRIAT'f: COMPeti- SATION TO TI-£ NtCHITECT CONl'RACTOR lS kl':SPONSIBLE FOO CONFIRMING AND CQJ!P:tiU,TING O!r.lOlSICf,IS AT THE JOB SftE. Tl-IE ARClilTE,;;T WU. WOT BE RESf'Ol'ISl&l.f FOR CONS'fJIUCTION MEAHS, MaHOOO TECHNIQUE$ 00 FOR SAFETV PRECAI/TIOHS AHO~ IH COtlN£CTIQN Willi THE PROJECT ................................... , .. , ........... ,,,,,, .. ,., TITLE: FLOOR PLAN SHEET: A 1.1 · SCALE: ITEM05/45-APPEAL1 c= I t- _j I I L L I ....I I L t I L ...! I I L ...L .. , - - -1 r I ., I I ' ' I I ; ; .. - - - - - - - - - - t- …
Contact Information Owner Phone Email Mailing Address Phone Email 5 c Christy May Applicant/ Agent Aqua Permits Mailing Address 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Mailing Address 6504 Betty Cook Dr Phone Email Phone Email s f General Contractor lnovative Home Construction Design Professional Edward B. Frerson, Architect Mailing Address 4307 Farhills Drive Austin TX 78731 i Authorization ~ I understand that in accordance with Sections 25-1-411 and 25-11-66 of the Land Development Code (LDC), non-compliance with the LDC may be cause for the Building Official to suspend or revoke a permit and/or license. ~ I further understand that no portion of any roof structure may overhang in any public utility or drainage easement. I acknowledge that customer will bear the expense of any necessary relocation of existing utilities to clear this driveway location and/or the cost to repair any damage to existing utilities caused during construction. Water services, meters, and wastewater cleanouts are not permitted within or beneath driveways or sidewalks. Private plumbing appurtenances will not be located in public right-of-way or public easements. Private plumbing lines will not cross lot lines. t/ I agree that this application is good for twelve (12) months after the date it is filed, and will expire if not approved for compliance within that time frame. If the application expires, a new submittal will be required and compliance with current code may be required. ~ I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information provided in this application is complete and accurate. I further acknowledge that, should any information contained herein prove incorrect, the building official may suspend or revoke any resulting permit and/or license. ~ As owner or authorized agent, my signature authorizes staff to visit and inspect the property for which this application is being submitted. I understand that without consent the review process may be delayed. ~ I also understand that ifthere is a septic system located on the property, I am required to complete an On-site Sewage Facility (a.k.a. an OSSF or septic system) application by contacting Austin Water at (512) 972-0050 or . This initiates the septic system permitting requirement needed to proceed with the development review process. ~ Erosion and Sedimentation Controls are required per Section 25-8-181 of the LDC. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a Stop Work Order and/or legal action by the City of Austin including criminal …
double studs, face nail 10d @24"o.c NAILING SCHEDULE· joist to sill or girder, toe nail 1"x6" subfloor or less to each joist, face nail 2" subfloor to Joist or girder, blmd and face nail sole plate to joist or blocking, face nail top or sole plate to stud, end nail stud to sole plate, toe nail double top plates, face nail sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panels double top plates, minimum 48" offset of end joints, face nail m lapped area blocking between joists or rafters to top plate, toe nail rim joist to top plate, toe nail top plates, laps at corners and mtersect1ons, face nail bwlt-up header, two pieces with 112" spacer continued header, two pieces ceiling jrnsts to plate, toe nail continuous header to stud, toe nail ceiling Joist, laps over partilions, face na,I ceiling joist to parallel rafters, face nail rafter to plate, toe nail 1" brace to each stud and plate, face nail 1 "x6" sheathing to each beanng, face nail 1 "x8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail wider than 1 "x8" sheathing to each beanng, face nail 2" planks roof rafters to ridge, valley or hip rafters toe nail face nail collar ties to rafters, face nail 3-8d 2-8d 2-16d 2-16d 3-8d or 2-16d 16d @16"o.c 10d@24"oc 3-16d @16" 0 C 8-16d 3-8d 8d@6"o C 2-10d 16d@ 16"o.c each edge 16d@16"oc each edge 3-8d 4-8d 3-10d 3-10d 2-16d 2-Bd or 2 stpls 1 3/4 2-Bd or 2 stpls 1 3/4 3-8d or 3 stpls 1 3/4 3-8d or 4 stpls 1 3/4 2-16d@ ea bearing 4-16d 3-16d 3-8d bu,lt-up corner studs 10d @24"0 C built-up girders and beams, 2" lumber layers, at top and bottom and staggered. Two nails at ends and at each splice. 10d @ 32"o.c. 5116" to 112" wood structural panel 6d (wall) 8d (rooD 8d 10d 19/32" to 1" wood structural panel 1-118" to 1-1/4" wcod structural panel 6" edge 12" field 6" edge 12" field 6" edge 12" field 112" gypsum sheathing 4" edge8" field 1-1/2" galv. roofing nail or 1-112" screw, type w ors 1-314" galv roofing nail or 1-518" screw, type w ors 518" gypsum sheathing 4" edge8" field WOOD FRAMING. (continued) FLOOR TRUSSES: DRAINAGE WATERPROOFING AND VENTILATION DESIGN DATA Trusses to be designed by truss engineer employed by truss 1. manufacturer and in accordance wrth National Design Spec1ficat1on for Wood Construction, …
12” Mulch Sock Site Specific Project Notes: 5’ Chain Link Fence Per COA regulations Full CRZ 20” Cedar Elm 1 0' - 0 " 5' - 0" 20' - 0" New Grass Area New Grass Area Stainless Steel Collection Bin 1. 2. Due to the IC limitations of this property the entire project is being constructed over existing impervious coverage. The new pool is being constructed to ensure that it does not replace any existing pool water area with new IC or pool coping. Slope Map + Analysis Symbol Slope Area IC Allowance IC Allowed Actual IC White 0-15% 37,424.5 7,484.9 12,751.96 Light Gray 15-25% 4,107.0 Dark Gray 25-35% 977.0 Black 35%+ 1046.0 20% 20% 10% 0 821.4 97.7 0 870 0 24 Totals 8,404 P U E 5 ' - 0 " S e t b a c k 2 0 ' - 0 " 5' - 0" PUE 20” Cedar Elm 5' - 0 " 10' - 0" Lower Paver Patio " 0 ' - 0 2 Existing Pool Existing Conc. Patio 26” Live Oak 13' - 0" 6' - 6" r e v a P r e w o L o i t a P Wood Deck with Cabana Below (conc. Slab) IC Schedule Area Name Existing IC Proposed IC Driveway Rock Wall 7,002 393 7,002 403.5 House Slab 4,615.5 4,615.5 Conc. Patio 2,079 Pool Coping Cabana Slab Walkway 86 244 259 533 73 741 259 Total IC 14,678.5 13,647 5' - 0" PUE Tree Legend 1) - 20” Cedar Elm 2) - 26” Live Oak 3) - 19” Two Trunk Live Oak 10' - 0" Setback Existing House y a w k l a W g n i t s i x E Conc. Wall Conc. Wall Existing Driveway Conc. Wall Conc. Wall Building Information Area Name Existing Proposed 1st Floor Conditioned 2nd Floor Conditioned Covered Parking Covered Patio Cabana 3,321 1,909 532 640.5 244 3,321 1,909 532 1,381.5 741 6 ' - 0 " 2 10' - 0" Setback Two Trunk Live Oak - 19" Electrical Meter 4' - 9 " 6 " - 9 ' " 0 - ' 9 1 Mulch the Full CRZ Area not in the existing pool deck 1 3 ' - 0 " 6 ' - 6 " 26' - 0" Negative Edge Pool Water Existing Pool Coping Existing Pool Water Conc. Patio Building Slab Covered Patio DN 26” …
Exhibit 4 ITEM05/150-APPEAL1 ITEM05/151-APPEAL1 ITEM05/152-APPEAL1 ITEM05/153-APPEAL1 ITEM05/154-APPEAL1 ITEM05/155-APPEAL1 ITEM05/156-APPEAL1 ITEM05/157-APPEAL1 ITEM05/158-APPEAL1 ITEM05/159-APPEAL1 ITEM05/160-APPEAL1 ITEM05/161-APPEAL1 ITEM05/162-APPEAL1 ITEM05/163-APPEAL1 City of Austin Development Services Department P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767 VESTED RIGHTS DETERMINATION Findings This determination is made under City Code 25-1-541 in response to a claim that the project identified below is vested to earlier regulations and entitled to be reviewed under those regulations. The determination may be reconsidered once at the request of the applicant. Project Name: Pool/Cabana Reconstruction Address: 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Case No. VR-2024-0037000 Date of Application: 6/4/2024 Date of Determination: 6/12/2024 nation: 6/12/2024 Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _______________ _______________________________ 6/12/2024 See “Grounds for Determination” (reverse) for a summary of the most common grounds for approval or denial. Additional grounds may also apply. Determination” (reverse) for a summ (X) DENIED Primary Grounds: PROJECT COMPLETE Findings: The project initiated with the submittal of the Bridge Hill Subdivision plat for this lot, was completed with the construction of the residence authorized by building permit 1987- 010020-BP and accessory swimming pool authorized by building permit 1989-006985-BP. The proposed application is redevelopment of existing permitting and unpermitted improvements and is considered a new project. ITEM05/164-APPEAL1 ITEM05/165-APPEAL1 City of Austin Development Services Department P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767 FINDINGS ON RECONSIDERATION OF VESTED RIGHTS DETERMINATION N/A Project Name: 6708 Bridge Hill Cove Address: BP (Building Permit) No. 2023-129658 Case No.: June 4, 2024 Application Date: Determination Date: July 19, 2024 Determination by: Brent Lloyd DSD Development Officer (X) APPROVED Vesting Date: N/A Findings & Conclusions: 1. On June 4, 2024, applicant submitted a petition for vested rights claiming that proposed development under the above-referenced building permit was entitled to review under regulations in effect on the date the 1981 plat application was filed, as modified by the Planning Commission’s subsequent conditions of approval. 2. On June 12, 2024, DSD denied the vested rights claim on the grounds that: “The project initiated with the submittal of the Bridge Hill Subdivision plat for this lot, was completed with the construction of the residence authorized by building permit 1987-010020-BP and accessory swimming pool authorized by building permit 1989- 006985-BP. The proposed application is redevelopment of existing permitting and unpermitted improvements and is considered a new project.” 3. Upon receiving DSD’s determination, the applicant submitted a request for reconsideration challenging the determination and requesting approval of a “limited redevelopment” exception pursuant to a 1995 administrative policy …
ITEM05/182-APPEAL1 PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk’s website | City Clerk’s FAQ’s From: Leitch, Steve <> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 12:42 PM To: Ramirez, Elaine <> Subject: c15-2024-0025 Good afternoon, Mrs. Ramirez, I would like to ask for a postponement of this case. In recognition of the fact that a second appeal has been filed, which will not be heard until next month’s Board of Adjustment meeting, I believe that it would be most efficient to hear both appeals simultaneously at the September meeting. Thank you for your consideration and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Steve Leitch Division Manager, Expedited Plan Review City of Austin Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Rd., Austin, TX 78752 Office: 512-978-1676 ITEM05/183-APPEAL1 Schedule a virtual or in-person appointment for your development and permitting questions. Please contact my direct supervisor with any kudos or concerns at PER CITY ORDINANCE: All individuals scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official are requested to provide responses to the questions at the following link: DSD Visitor Log. Please note that all information provided is subject to public disclosure via DSD’s open data portal. For more information please visit: City of Austin Ordinance 2016-0922-005 | City Clerk’s website | City Clerk’s FAQ’s ITEM05/184-APPEAL1 ITEM05/185-APPEAL1 Written comments must be submitted before or at a public hearing. Your comments should include board or commission, or Council; Case Number; and the contact person listed received will become part of the public record of this case. the scheduled to the contact person listed on the notice. All comments the name of the date of the public hearing; the on the notice Case Number: ClS-2024-0025 Contact: Elaine Ramirez, 512-974-22 Public Hearine: Board of Adiustment, 02 Your Name (please print) tp -=fo '3 -ts<z-n>&t � t..t... CJ. ,A..-IS!'TI,..\ th: am in favor object �-"{} • Z::>--v--f Date PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION and/or their agent(s) are expected to attend a public Although applicants hearing, you are not required have the opportunity to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development environm ental organization affecting …
BOA INTERPRETATION APPEAL COVERSHEET RE-NOTIFICATION CASE: C15-2024-0025 BOA DATE: September 9, 2024 ADDRESS: 6708 Bridge Hill Cv COUNCIL DISTRICT: 10 OWNER: Christi S. May APPELLANT: Warren Konkel APPELLANT’S AGENT: Nicholl Wade ZONING: SF-3 / LA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 BRIDGE HILL SUBD APPEAL REQUEST: an appeal challenging staff decision regarding impervious cover approved with building permit 2023-129658BP & 2023-129659BP. SUMMARY: any proposed development must comply with the provisions of the LDC ISSUES: errors on permit application, does not remedy unpermitted construction from 2014 and 2021, vastly exceeds the “grandfathered original construction” IC allowance of 11,408 sq. ft. ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West SF-2 / LA SF-2 / LA SF-2 / LA SF-2 LA Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Single-Family Lake Austin NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District BRNA ASSOCIATION INC. City of Rollingwood Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Glenlake Neighborhood Association Save Our Springs Alliance TNR BCP – Travis County Natural Resources The Creek at Riverbend Neighborhood Association ITEM05/1-APPEAL2 ITEM05/2-APPEAL2 ITEM05/3-APPEAL2 ITEM05/4-APPEAL2 ITEM05/5-APPEAL2 ITEM05/6-APPEAL2 ITEM05/7-APPEAL2 ITEM05/8-APPEAL2 ITEM05/9-APPEAL2 ITEM05/10-APPEAL2 ITEM05/11-APPEAL2 ITEM05/12-APPEAL2 ITEM05/13-APPEAL2 ITEM05/14-APPEAL2 ITEM05/15-APPEAL2 ITEM05/16-APPEAL2 ITEM05/17-APPEAL2 ITEM05/18-APPEAL2 ITEM05/19-APPEAL2 ITEM05/20-APPEAL2 ITEM05/21-APPEAL2 ITEM05/22-APPEAL2 ITEM05/23-APPEAL2 ITEM05/24-APPEAL2 ITEM05/25-APPEAL2 ITEM05/26-APPEAL2 ITEM05/27-APPEAL2 ITEM05/28-APPEAL2 ITEM05/29-APPEAL2 ITEM05/30-APPEAL2 ITEM05/31-APPEAL2