Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works for All COA Strategic Direction: October 6, 2021 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Austin Water October 14, 2021 Client: Kevin Critendon Agenda Item Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a cost participation agreement with Milestone Community Builders for the City to reimburse the developer in an amount not to exceed $6,066,135 for costs associated with the design and construction of an oversized water main and elevated water reservoir related to Service Extension Request No. 4577R to provide water service to a proposed single-family development located at 1300 Lost Creek Boulevard; and approve an ordinance waiving the requirements of Section 25-9-66(B) of the City Code related to such cost participation payment. (District 8) Amount and Source of Funding Funding is included in the Proposed Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Capital Budget of Austin Water. October 6, 2021 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: N/A N/A N/A The Marshall Tract project consists of approximately 37.25 acres of land located at 1300 Lost Creek Boulevard (the “Property”). The Property is located entirely within the City of Austin’s (the “City”) Full-Purpose Jurisdiction, Impact Fee Boundary, Austin Water’s service area for water, the Drinking Water Protection Zone, and the Barton Creek Watershed. A map of the property location is attached. Milestone Community Builders (the “Applicant”) is proposing to develop approximately 50 single-family homes. The Applicant requested that the City provide water utility service to the Property as proposed in Service Extension Request (SER) No. 4577R. Austin Water will provide retail wastewater service to the Property. In accordance with Chapter 25-9 of the City Code, the City has asked the Applicant to oversize the water main and elevated water reservoir in order to serve additional properties and enhance service to existing customers within the South Lost Creek Boosted water pressure zone consistent with the City’s long range planning goals for this area. If approved by City Council, the City will cost participate in this construction project only to the extent of the City’s proportionate share of the oversized main and elevator water reservoir. The proposed oversized improvements include construction of an elevated water reservoir within the Property and approximately 4,000 feet of 16-inch water main from the existing Lost Creek pump station on Quaker Ridge Drive and extending north along Quacker Ridge …
Water & Wastewater Commission Review and Recommendation Government That Works for All COA Strategic Direction: October 6, 2021 Commission Meeting Date: Council Meeting Date: Department: Austin Water October 14, 2021 Client: Kevin Critendon Agenda Item Recommend approval of Service Extension Request No. 5067 for wastewater service to a 0.62-acre tract located at 10802 D K Ranch Road within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s Limited Purpose Jurisdiction and Austin Water’s service area. (District 10) There is no anticipated fiscal impact. Amount and Source of Funding N/A N/A Purchasing Language: Prior Council Action: Boards and Commission Action: MBE/WBE: August 4, 2021 – Recommended by the Environmental Commission on a vote of 6-0. October 6, 2021 – To be reviewed by the Water and Wastewater Commission. N/A The Karanam Subdivision project consists of approximately 0.62 acres of land located at 10802 D K Ranch Road (the “Property”). The Property is located entirely within the City of Austin’s (the “City”) Limited Purpose Jurisdiction, Impact Fee Boundary, Austin Water’s service area for wastewater, the Drinking Water Protection Zone, and the Bull Creek Watershed. A map of the property location is attached. Applicant: Guru Prasad Karanam (the “Owner”) is proposing to develop approximately two single- family homes. The Owner requested that the City provide wastewater utility service to the Property as proposed in Service Extension Request (SER) No. 5067. The Property is currently developed with an existing single-family home served by an on-site sewage facility (OSSF) and receives City of Austin retail water service. The Owner is proposing to subdivide the Property into two lots and will abandon the existing OSSF. Austin Water will provide retail water service to each proposed single-family home. City Code § 25-9-35 requires City Council approval for this SER because the Property is located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone and outside the City’s full-purpose corporate limits. The City will not cost participate on this project. Infrastructure Improvements: To serve the Property, the Owner will be required to construct approximately 400 feet of low-pressure force main from the existing 8-inch gravity wastewater main and extend west along Nashfara Cove and then south along D. K. Ranch Road to the Property. The proposed wastewater improvements are sized to serve the needs of the Property and will conform to all City Code requirements. These improvements will be designed in accordance with City’s Environmental Criteria Manual and Utilities Criteria Manual and will …
EMMA S. BARRIENTOS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM 600 River St. Austin, TX 78701 BOARD MEMBERS David Goujon, Chair Arthur Navarro, Vice Chair Gerardo Gandy, Member Ricardo Maga Rojas, Member Tomas Salas, Member Wayne Lopes, Member Claudia Massey, Member Endi Silva, Member AGENDA Citizens wishing to speak on the agenda and non-agenda related items must sign up at least ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Citizens may speak on non-agenda items under the Citizens Communications section of the agenda. Citizens may speak on an agenda related item after a presentation on the item has been made, except that Citizens may not speak after City staff reports. Speakers signed up at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns. Boards and Commissions follow the same rules as City Council meetings. CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed (3) three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. August 4, 2021 b. August 17, 2021 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. PRESENTATIONS on Phase 2 updates. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Staff Report on ESB-MACC program highlights. a. Presentation by Mari Boren from the City of Austin’s Public Works department a. Discussion and possible action on the Phase 2 community engagement process, Schematic Design, and the remaining design schedule. (Goujon, Navarro) 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Reports on all working groups. (Goujon, Navarro) 1. Arts 2. Budget 3. Transportation 4. Phase 2 Project 5. Ethnographic Research 6. Awards of Excellence 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Michelle Rojas at the Parks and Recreation Department, at 512-974-3771, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board, please contact Michelle Rojas at 512-974-3771 or michelle.rojas@austintexas.gov. COVID Safety Measures – Masks are required to attend meeting …
CITY OF AUSTIN COMMISSION FOR WOMEN REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 12:00 p.m. City Hall Boards & Commissions Room (Room 1101) 301 W. Second St. Austin, TX 78701 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten (10) speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the Commission for Women regular meeting on a. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the following working groups: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 7, 2021. 2. OLD BUSINESS i. Homelessness ii. Safety iii. Health iv. Recognition of Equity for Women and Girls b. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Joint Inclusion Committee. c. Discussion and possible action regarding updates from the Winter Storm Review Task d. Discussion and possible action regarding 2021 and 2022 Commission Working Groups. e. Discussion and possible action regarding the City of Austin FY2022 budget. Force. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation by Laura Ward, Executive Director, and Maria Kiehn, Director, Community of Support, Saint Louise House, followed by discussion and possible action on programs to support women and children experiencing homelessness. b. Presentation by Amber Price, Community Health Paramedic for Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST), Austin Travis County Emergency Medical Services, and discussion and possible action regarding programs and services for persons experiencing homelessness. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please contact Jonathan Babiak, Office of Civil Rights, at 512-974-3203 or jonathan.babiak@austintexas.gov, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Commission for Women, please contact Jonathan Babiak, Office of Civil Rights, at 512-974-3203 or jonathan.babiak@austintexas.gov.
M E M O R A N D U M Chair and Members of the Environmental Commission To: From: Date: Subject: Proposed release of approximately 31 acres of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction Andrei Lubomudrov Housing and Planning Department September 30, 2021 (“ETJ”) to the Village of Webberville The Village of Webberville, at the behest of a property owner, has requested the release of approximately 31 acres of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to be included in Webberville’s ETJ. The 111-acre property in question is divided between Austin and Webberville’s ETJ, with the latter covering most of the tract at 80 acres. The tract is located in eastern Travis County near Webberville adjacent to the Colorado River. Releasing the proposed area would create a unified set of regulations for the property and streamline the development review process. In accordance with the City Council adopted policy regarding ETJ adjustments, requests for ETJ release are typically reviewed by staff from several city departments and evaluated in terms of: • Annexation potential • Environmental impacts • • Long-term effects of cumulative ETJ releases • Hardship or extenuating circumstances Impact on infrastructure investments Annexation of this tract by the City of Austin is not feasible in the long-term given its location of about 4.5 miles from the full purpose jurisdiction. Generally, Austin City Council looks for equivalent environmental protection to be provided on land released from the City’s jurisdiction. Staff from Watershed Protection has reviewed the submitted documents and identified no cause for concern with this request. The Village of Webberville ETJ Release October 6, 2021 Webberville has similar ETJ regulations to the City of Austin in this case that will protect the environment and floodplain. The area in question for release is fully covered in the Colorado River floodplain and will not be developed. Any development on the site would be subject to Village of Webberville’s ETJ regulations, which includes their Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (to restrict or prohibit uses within the floodplain) and Water Quality Protection Ordinance (Modeled after the SOS ordinance). Finally, releasing this area would not negatively impact any existing or planned City investments in utility or roadway infrastructure. The area is not served by City maintained roads. Further, Austin Water has no concerns with this release. The tract is primarily in the Aqua WSC CCN with a smaller portion in the Manville WSC CCN for water and no wastewater CCNs. Austin's water …
MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF ZONING CASE MANAGER REQUEST: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA October 6, 2021 305 S. Congress Planned Unit Development, C814-89-0003.02 Richard Suttle Armbrust & Brown, PLLC LOCATION: 305 S. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78704 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 9 Atha Phillips, Environmental Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Kate Clark, Senior Planner, Housing and Planning Department WATERSHED: Colorado River Basin To amend the current PUD. Current proposal is not considered environmentally superior and thus not recommended but would be with the following conditions. 1. Except for items listed in the amended ordinance, the PUD will be subject to the code at the time of site plan application. Dedicate by deed the area of approximately 6.53 acres as public parkland located along the Lady Bird Lake frontage; and 1.59 acres of parkland easements. The parkland and easements shall not be restricted. Provide public equitable access from S. Congress ROW to the Hike and Bike trail that does not force visitors through the development. Provide $100 over what is required by current code to build park amenities. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete a Parkland Improvement Agreement that includes maintenance for the water quality ponds located within the parkland. 6. Move and narrow the proposed pier to a location that does not impact existing 7. 8. 9. trees. Relocate the trail a minimum of 25’ from the edge of the shoreline except at approved shoreline access points and restore the area between the shoreline and trail with riparian or wetland vegetation on the east side. Protect shoreline and vegetation with a split rail fence. Eliminate redundant paths or trails within the critical water quality zone and reduce proposed impervious cover within the CWQZ to 10%, this number will include proposed concrete sidewalks. Preserve or transplant 100% of all Heritage trees and preserve 77% of tree overall on-site. 10. Provide 1000 cubic feet of soil for street trees, can be shared by a maximum of two trees. Proposed trees and shrubs shall be native or adaptive to Central Texas. 11. 12. Provide green stormwater infrastructure for all phases of the PUD project. A. The project shall capture the maximum amount of stormwater within the project through cisterns, use this water within the building per Water Forward goals and rain gardens located along the extension of Barton Springs Road …
C814-89-0003.02 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C814-89-0003.02 – 305 S. Congress PUD DISTRICT: 9 ZONING FROM: PUD-NP TO: PUD-NP, to change conditions of zoning ADDRESSES: 227 S. Congress, 227 ½ S. Congress, 301 S. Congress, 305 S. Congress, 305 ½ S. Congress, 307 ½ S. Congress and 313 S. Congress SITE AREA: 18.86 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Richard T. Suttle Jr. (Trustee) AGENT: Armbrust & Brown PLLC (Richard Suttle) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, kate.clark@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends rezoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning to amend the planned unit development to modify the permitted land uses and site development regulations along with the additional conditions for superiority found on Pages 11-14. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: September 28, 2021 Voted to not recommend the PUD amendment as superior and directed staff to continue working with the applicant to negotiate unresolved superiority items and Board concerns. Vote: 6-1. [Board Member Cottam Sajbel – 1st, Chair Lewis – 2nd, with Vice Chair DePalma and Board Members Barnard, Di Carlo and Faust voting in favor; Board Member Rinaldi voted nay; Board Member Taylor abstained; Board Member Hugman was absent; two vacancies]. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: October 6, 2021 Scheduled for Environmental Commission SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: October 18, 2021 Scheduled for South Central Waterfront Advisory Board C814-89-0003.02 2 SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: October 2021 To be Scheduled for Small Area Planning Joint Committee PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION/RECOMMENDATION: October 26, 2021 To be Scheduled for Planning Commission October 26, 2020 Approved an indefinite postponement request by staff. Vote: 11-0. [Vice Chair Hempel – 1st, Commissioner Azhar – 2nd; Commissioner Shieh was absent]. May 26, 2020 Approved an indefinite postponement request by staff on the consent agenda. Vote: 12-0. [Vice Chair Hempel – 1st, Commissioner Schneider – 2nd; Commissioner Llanes Pulido was off the dais]. December 17, 2019 Approved an indefinite postponement request by staff on the consent agenda. Vote: 10-0. [Commissioner Howard – 1st, Commissioner Flores – 2nd; Commissioners Anderson, Llanes Pulido and Chair Shaw were off the dais]. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: To be Scheduled for City Council ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES On September 28, 2021 this rezoning case was heard by the Parks and Recreation Board. Board Members expressed concerns about the number of remaining details left to be finalized regarding park superiority. They asked staff to continue working with the applicant on unresolved superiority items. On …
Existing Site Survey EXISTING HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL 1 / 8 Submitted: July 24, 2019Updated: June 26, 2020Updated: July 9, 2021Updated: April 14, 2021305 S. CONGRESS PUDCASE NUMBER: C814-89-0003.02Updated: October 12, 2020 Existing Zoning Map PUD-NP E U N E V S A S E R G N O H C T U O S T E E R T T S H 1S PUD-NP T U O S CS-1-V-NP P-NP B A R T O N S P R I N G S R O A D CS-1-V-NP CS-1-V-NP LI-NP CS-NP CS-1-NP W E S T R I V CS-1-V-NP E R S I D E D R I V E CS-V-NP L-NP 0 150’ 300’ 450’ 600’ Site Boundary (821,517 sf/18.86 acre) PUD-NP LADY BIRD LAKE P E 1ST STREET DRISKILL STEET DAVIS STREET CBD CBD T E E R T Y S AIN E R RIVER STREET 2 / 8 Submitted: July 24, 2019Updated: June 26, 2020Updated: July 9, 2021Updated: April 14, 2021305 S. CONGRESS PUDCASE NUMBER: C814-89-0003.02Updated: October 12, 2020 Property Boundary and Right of Way Map S O U T H C O N G R E S S A V E N U E B A RT O N S P RIN G S R O A D 0 100’ 200’ 300’ Site Boundary (821,517 sf/18.86 acre) Area 2: Future Barton Springs R.O.W. (85,816 sf/1.97 acre) BOUNDARY LINE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN CITY OF AUSTIN AND MILLER AND TRUSTEE VOL. 2221, PG. 69 VOL. 4297, PG. 439 VOL. 4439, PG. 1203 VOL. 4435, PG. 1744 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SHORELINE 429’ ELEVATION LADY BIRD LAKE 3 / 8 Submitted: July 24, 2019Updated: June 26, 2020Updated: July 9, 2021Updated: April 14, 2021305 S. CONGRESS PUDCASE NUMBER: C814-89-0003.02Updated: October 12, 2020 Barton Springs Rd PUD Congress Avenue Barton Springs Rd PUD Street Sections and Internal Private Driveway Typical Sections A A’ E’ E C B’ B D’ C’ D C C’ STREET SECTION A-A’ SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE EDGE CONDITION INTERNAL PVT DRIVEWAY SECTION C-C’ ENTRY STREET TYPICAL SECTION 66' WIDE i e n L y t r e p o r P 66' 56' 11' 67' e n i l b r u C s e n i l b r u C Active Ground Floor Active Ground Floor Active Ground Floor 30' PEDESTRIAN + LANDSCAPE PEDESTRIAN VEHICULAR LANE EXISTING BIKE LANE SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE 11' 7' 14' 10' …
HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PRESERVATION PLAN COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 6, 2021 – 11:00 A.M. Street-Jones Building, Room 300A 1000 E. 11th Street Austin, Texas COMMISSION MEMBERS: Ben Heimsath Terri Myers Beth Valenzuela AGENDA CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 7, 2021 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Debrief from September 23 working group meeting A.1. Decision-making structure A.2. Criteria for success A.3. Equity evaluation framework Review and comment on brief for October 14 working group meeting Process for focus group appointment Update on Technical Advisory Committee Preparation for upcoming working group meetings: E.1. November 18, 2021 E.2. December 9, 2021 B. C. D. E. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or 1 1. 2. alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-1686 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Preservation Plan Committee, please contact Cara Bertron, Senior Planner, at 512-974-1446. 2
1. 2. HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PRESERVATION PLAN COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 7, 2021 – 12:30 P.M. Street-Jones Building, Room 400A 1000 E. 11th Street Austin, Texas COMMISSION MEMBERS: Ben Heimsath X Terri Myers Beth Valenzuela, Chair X DRAFT MINUTES CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No citizen communication. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Approve the minutes from August 25, 2021 by Myers, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 2-0. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Debrief from working group’s equity workshop, held August 30, 2021 • Workshop provided common terminology, historical and current background on causes of inequity • Foundation for future discussions and process • Discussion about brief content • See project website for brief, presentation, and meeting summary: www.bit.ly/ATXpresplan B. Launch of community survey in mid-September • Discussion of question and copy language • Future opportunity (during phase 2?): ask people about places that are important to them, endangered places, meaning of loss • Add phone number to flyer so that staff can manually enter responses • Provide hard copies of survey at libraries, senior centers—postcards? • Include responses in appendix to final plan 1 C. Preparation for upcoming working group meetings: C.1. September 23, 2021 • Shorter brief • Focus on process • Staff will send draft of equity evaluation framework after 9/16 Drafting Committee meeting with deadline for feedback C.2. October 14, 2021 • Include information on state legislation (historic districts, supermajority requirements) and federal framework (CLG, etc.) ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Adjourn the meeting by Myers, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 2-0. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Preservation Plan Committee, please contact Cara Bertron, Senior Planner, at 512-974-1446. 2
Village of Webberville request for 31 acres of Austin ETJ Environmental Commission October 6, 2021 ETJ release area is fully within Colorado River floodplain Whole property is about 111 acres; majority is already in Webberville ETJ (80 acres) Access to site is through Webberville No development is planned for portion of site with City of Austin ETJ Subject Tract 2 Background In accordance with the City Council adopted policy regarding ETJ adjustments, requests for ETJ release are typically reviewed by staff from several city departments and evaluated in terms of: Annexation potential Environmental impacts Impact on infrastructure investments Long-term effects of cumulative ETJ releases Hardship or extenuating circumstances Environmental Impact Review Generally, the Austin City Council looks for equivalent environmental protection to be provided on land released from the City’s jurisdiction City staff assessed the area in terms of its environmental sensitivity, and evaluated regulations that would apply should the release be granted 6 Proposed Release Area 6 Summary ETJ Release Request Request from property owner, supported by Village of Webberville, for release of 31 acres of ETJ in east Travis County Webberville regulations for this site were found to be comparable to Austin in terms of environment and floodplain Location 4.5 miles from Austin full purpose jurisdiction makes annexation not feasible in long term Release would accommodate streamlined development review regulations The Environmental Commission is asked to make a recommendation to support the ETJ release request 7
MACC Staff Report – Aug 4, 2021 Website - Facebook - Digital Programs REINTEGRATION: MACC Current Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am-6:00pm & Saturday 12:00pm-4:00pm June-July Programming: Camps, Community Gallery Exhibit, Office/Admin, LAAP Rehearsals Public events can start August 20th, planning for outdoor-only / indoor limited to 10 people EXHIBITS Amado Castillo, Colores de Mi Alma Exhibit dates: July 2- Sept 4, 2021, Community Gallery Closing Reception Saturday, Aug 28 6-8pm (outside) Guests can reserve a time for their gallery visit on Eventbrite Austin, Texas born and raised, Amado Castillo III grew up on the Eastside during the late 1970’s, mentored by Raul Valdez. DIGITAL EXHIBIT Amuletos, Luis Guerra, retrospective & new works September 15-Nov 28, Sam Coronado Gallery DIGITAL EXHIBIT Recuerdos, Memories of the MACC/ FotoATX September 15-Nov 28, Community Gallery DIGITAL EXHIBIT AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE & VIVA MEXICO Awards of Excellence 9/17 -Selection Packets have gone out, the selection committee has voted. -Selection Committee: Olga Campos-Benz, Denise Hernandez, Nora Comstock, Rupert & JoAnne Reyes, Sally Hernandez, Rosemary Banda -Outdoor event Friday, Sept 17, tables on Zocalo for winners & invited guests -Limited public attendance, but will be filmed and edited into a digital program for the public to view -Extended invitation to the Board for attendance, please look out for invite -Nomination guidelines & past winners: MACC AustinTexas.gov/MaccAwards Viva 9/18 -Luis Guerra-Exhibit Opening Sept 15th. -Festival/ UT Panel- Evening of Sept 16 -Awards of Excellence Sept 17 -Main Festival Sept 18 INTERNSHIPS - Jazmin Trenco will complete her Smithsonian Affiliate Digital Learning and Engagement Internship 8/6/2021. OUTREACH: -Hillside Concert Series, July 27 5-8pm Pan Am Rec Center -Back to School Bash Aug 7 Palmer Event Center -Waterloo Greenway community Grand Opening Aug 14 11am-4pm -Fiesta Austin Sept 11am-6pm Fiesta Gardens SUMMER CAMP/ EDUCATION: - Cosech Camp- students ages 5-12 divided into 2 “pods” for social distancing. Outdoor check-in/out. - Academia Cuauhtli Summer Camp Aug 2-6 - Sabados en Familia, ACE after school will start up again in Fall 2021. LAAP / RENTALS/ GARDEN: Healing Hearts Spanish Community Session Aug 7 2pm on Zoom, get zoom link in Facebook Event CAMINOS The 5th class of Caminos is currently being hired! 20 teens from 12 different Austin-area high schools were interviewed by a panel consisting of an ex-caminante, a MACC employee and a community artist/cultural org. 11 students were selected and their hiring forms are being sent to HR this week. Their …
My ATX Water PROGRAM UPDATE Water & Wastewater Commission October 6, 2021 Agenda: May 13, 2021 AW Oversight Committee Briefing Deployment Progress • Cumulative Meter Installations • Citywide Full Implementation • Disaster Recovery and Meter-to-Bill Certification • Improving Resilience Customer Outreach / Portal Engagement Preliminary Data – Alerts & Notifications DEPLOYMENT PROGRESS Cumulative Meter Installations 13,714 meters installed Meter Installation Map myatxwater.org Citywide Full Implementation Citywide Deployment • 28% Data Collection Units installed • ~32,500 field surveys complete • Supply chain adjustments Workforce Development • AW – New full-time positions • Aclara – Install technicians Disaster Recovery and Meter-to-Bill Certification IT Integration • Disaster Recovery Scope Completed Meter Certification Process • Test meters for accurate reads • Inspect for consistency and reliability • Assess data integrity • 10 criteria for validation Improving Resilience Winter Storm Uri impacted water infrastructure first in SW Austin Several thousand My ATX Water meters installed throughout SW Austin Enables near real-time monitoring of water loss during future extreme events • Improved communications • Enhanced resilience CUSTOMER OUTREACH & PORTAL ENGAGMENT Customer Outreach Virtual community information meetings Customer mailer (2-4 weeks prior to install) Email (~1 week prior to install) Neighborhood yard signs NextDoor posts HOA/Neighborhood Association notification Portal Engagement Portal registrations – 5,668 customers • Invitation one week after meter install • 75% of registrations from email invites Portal notifications – more than 1 million • Invitations to register • Preinstall notifications • Continuous Use (Leak) Detection • High Use notifications • Billing / Conservation messaging • Emergency messaging PRELIMINARY DATA: Alerts & Notifications Portal Notifications Leak Alerts - Preliminary Data 8,482 Continuous Usage Alerts • 7,894 emails • 278 texts • 41 robocalls • 519 letters AW Customer Service Division assists with trouble-shooting private-side leaks and bill adjustments Customer Satisfaction “Love my spouse, but they didn’t tell me they forgot to shut off our hose out back. Also, this alert was extremely useful. Thank you!” Questions?
Invitation for Bid Contracting: Austin Water Procurements Presented by: Rolando Fernandez, Jr. Capital Contracting Office 1 Presentation Overview • CCO’s Vision, Mission and Goals • Austin Water Invitation for Bid (IFB) Procurements • Comparison: Pre-Bid vs. Bids Received • Process for Low Attendance at Pre-Bid Meetings • Outreach Efforts • Additional Efforts • Questions 2 The Capital Contracting Office Vision: To be a valuable business partner in Capital Project Delivery. Mission: The mission of the Capital Contracting Office is to procure and manage contracts supporting capital project delivery resulting in an improved quality of life for all. 3 The Capital Contracting Office Goals: • • • Improve the quality of life for Austin residents through timely completion of CIP contracts; Create an environment where people feel connected, empowered, and committed to excellence; Promote competition for CIP contracts; 4 The Capital Contracting Office Goals (cont’d): • Attract a pool of construction workers to meet the City’s construction needs by ensuring workers are paid fair for work performed and by establishing a wages construction training program to equip them to acquire the skills they need to perform and to promote into the skilled trades. 5 Invitation for Bid (IFB) Procurements Austin Water August 2019 to Present • 30 solicitations issued • Average of 4.3 bids per solicitation • 5 solicitations had only one bidder • 2 were IDIQ • 3 were small stand-alone projects 6 Austin Water: Single Bidder Procurements August 2019 - Present Project Name Ullrich WTP Low Service Pump Station Safety Improvements Davis Water Treatment Plant Gas Heater Replacements North Area Lift Stations Improvements: Spring Lake #2 Facilities: Emergency and Lift Station IDIQ 0 2 1 4 0 # Primes at Pre- Bid Solicitation Estimate Potential Reason for One Bid $125,000 Small Project $177,00 Small Project $267,660 Small Project $12,000,000 ($3M/term) Emergency Response Requirement In Situ Wastewater Line Renewal Program $4,050,000 ($1.35M/term) Specialized scope of work 7 Bidder Attendance at Pre-Bids vs. Bids Received August 2019 - Present ALL CCO IFB PROCUREMENTS AW IFB PROCUREMENTS Average # prime bidders attending pre- bid meetings is 4 and the average # bids received is 4.1 Average # prime bidders attending pre- bid meetings is 3 and the average # bids received is 4.3 The average number of bids received is higher than the average number of prime bidders attending pre-bid meetings for all CCO procurements, including those for AW. 8 Bidder Attendance …
MEETING DATE: NAME & NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME OF APPLICANT OR ORGANIZATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STAFF ZONING CASE MANAGER REQUEST: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: ITEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA October 6, 2021 305 S. Congress Planned Unit Development, C814-89-0003.02 Richard Suttle Armbrust & Brown, PLLC LOCATION: 305 S. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78704 COUNCIL DISTRICT: District 9 Atha Phillips, Environmental Program Manager, Watershed Protection Department Kate Clark, Senior Planner, Housing and Planning Department WATERSHED: Colorado River Basin To amend the current PUD. Current proposal is not considered environmentally superior and thus not recommended but would be with the following conditions. 1. Except for items listed in the amended ordinance, the PUD will be subject to the code at the time of site plan application. Dedicate by deed the area of approximately 6.53 acres as public parkland located along the Lady Bird Lake frontage; and 1.59 acres of parkland easements. The parkland and easements shall not be restricted. Provide public equitable access from S. Congress ROW to the Hike and Bike trail that does not force visitors through the development. Provide $100 over what is required by current code to build park amenities. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete a Parkland Improvement Agreement that includes maintenance for the water quality ponds located within the parkland. 6. Move and narrow the proposed pier to a location that does not impact existing 7. 8. 9. trees. Relocate the trail a minimum of 25’ from the crest of the slope along the shoreline except at approved shoreline access points and restore the area between the shoreline and trail with riparian or wetland vegetation on the east side. Protect shoreline and vegetation with a split rail fence. Eliminate redundant paths or trails within the critical water quality zone and reduce proposed impervious cover within the CWQZ to 10%, this number will include proposed concrete sidewalks. Preserve or transplant 100% of all Heritage trees and preserve 77% of tree overall on-site. 10. Provide 1000 cubic feet of soil for street trees, can be shared by a maximum of two trees. Proposed trees and shrubs shall be native or adaptive to Central Texas. 11. 12. Provide green stormwater infrastructure for all phases of the PUD project. A. The project shall capture the maximum amount of stormwater within the project through cisterns, use this water within the building per Water Forward goals and rain gardens located along the extension of …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20211006 002b Date: October 6, 2021 Subject: Village of Webberville request for release of Austin ETJ Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Perry Bedford RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Village of Webberville, at the request of a property owner, has requested the release of approximately 31 acres of the City of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to be included in Webberville’s ETJ; WHEREAS, the proposed release area is fully in the Colorado River floodplain and the environmental protections for the area would be comparable to the City of Austin; WHEREAS, the release will place the whole property under Webberville regulations and in so doing would streamline and simplify the development review process; and WHEREAS, the release area is not feasible for long-term annexation, being 4.5 miles from the City’s full purpose jurisdiction. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the release of approximately 31 acres of Austin ETJ to the Village of Webberville. For: Bedford, Qureshi, Thompson, Barrett Bixler, Ramberg, Coyne, Bristol, and Guerrero Against: Brimer Abstain: Scott Recuse: None Absent: None VOTE 8-0 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair
1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20211006 003a Date: October 6, 2021 Seconded by: Rick Brimer Subject: 305 South Congress Planned Unit Development, C814-89-0003.02 Motion by: Kevin Ramberg RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the applicant is requesting amendment to existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) from 1989; WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission recognizes the proposed PUD would require six environmental code modifications as noted in the staff presentation; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Commission also recognizes that staff considers the current proposal as not environmentally superior and thus not recommended. However, staff would recommend the PUD amendment, if fifteen staff conditions were met. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission does not recommend the requested amendment to the existing PUD at this time. However, the Commission recommends staff continue to work with the applicant to negotiate unresolved superiority items, Environmental Commission concerns and staff concerns. In the future, the Environmental Commission may recommend the PUD amendment with the following: 1. Section 25-2-1176(A)(1) is modified to allow construction of the pier and boardwalk to extend up to 70' from the shoreline. Section 25-2-1176(A)(4) is modified to exceed the allowed 20% of the shoreline. 2. 3. Section 25-8-63(11)(a)(IV) is modified to allow the project to exceed 15% of site area allowed by code. 4. Section 25-8-261 and the ECM is modified to allow development within the Critical Water Quality Zone that is in accordance with the PUD Land Use Plan and Open Space Plan. This includes vegetation filter strips, rain gardens, bio-filtration ponds, stormwater outfall structures, park improvements including hard surface trails, bicycle trails, picnic facilities, playscapes, concessions including food and beverage vendors, bicycle rentals, sports equipment rentals, boat rentals, dining facilities, performance and special event facilities, boardwalks, sidewalks, pavilions, gazeboes, restrooms, exercise equipment and courses, beach lawn with steps into the water, boat landings, piers, rail station, stream bank stabilization and other similar facilities. Capping impervious cover at 24.5%. Only 5% allowed by code for development within the CWQZ and only 15% is allowed by the Waterfront Overlay. 5. Section 25-8-261(H) is modified to allow green stormwater quality controls (as defined by ECM) within 50 feet of the shoreline of Lady Bird Lake and within the 100-year floodplain. 6. Section 25-8-367 is modified to allow the administrative approval of the steps on the shoreline as opposed to seeking Council approval as required by code. Staff Conditions: 1. Except for items listed in the amended ordinance, the PUD will …
ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MOTION 20211006 002b Date: October 6, 2021 Subject: Village of Webberville request for release of Austin ETJ Motion by: Kevin Ramberg Seconded by: Perry Bedford RATIONALE: WHEREAS, the Village of Webberville, at the request of a property owner, has requested the release of approximately 31 acres of the City of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to be included in Webberville’s ETJ; WHEREAS, the proposed release area is fully in the Colorado River floodplain and the environmental protections for the area would be comparable to the City of Austin; WHEREAS, the release will place the whole property under Webberville regulations and in so doing would streamline and simplify the development review process; and WHEREAS, the release area is not feasible for long-term annexation, being 4.5 miles from the City’s full purpose jurisdiction. THEREFORE, the Environmental Commission recommends approval of the release of approximately 31 acres of Austin ETJ to the Village of Webberville. For: Bedford, Qureshi, Thompson, Barrett Bixler, Ramberg, Coyne, Bristol, and Guerrero Against: Brimer Abstain: Scott Recuse: None Absent: None VOTE 8-1 Approved By: Linda Guerrero, Environmental Commission Chair