~ TO: ROM: DATE: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M Andrew Rivera, Planning Commission Coordinator Planning and Zoning Department Mashell Smith, Land Management Supervisor, Office of Real Estate Services May 5, 2020 F#10076-1901 Right of Way Alley Vacation – Right-Of-Way vacation of the Alley (0.013 acre/ 572 sq. ft.) portion being the remaining of 20-ft wide tract of land, known as the alley of East 8th Street, adjacent to Lots 16 and 17, Sarah and Lydia M. Robertson’s Subdivision, out of Outlot 1, Division B, recorded in Volume 2, Page 232, Plat Records Travis County, Texas. Attached are the departmental comments and other information pertinent to the referenced alley vacation. The area being requested for vacation will be used for future development of multi- family development ~ affordable senior housing. All affected departments and private utility franchise holders have reviewed this request and recommend approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. Austin Water Utility: • A water line easement will be retained over the entire vacation tract. • The survey must be updated to show existing wastewater manhole. • AWU needs a signed agreement that transfer the City of Austin line to a private institution. • A clean out will need to be built and accepted by COA standards. The applicant has requested that this item be submitted for placement on the May 12, 2019 Planning Commission Agenda. Staff contact: Applicant: Mashell Smith, Land Management Supervisor, (512) 974-7079 Nhat Ho Civilitude Engineers & Planners (512) 761-6161, nhat@civilitude.com 809 E. 9th Street Property Owner: The applicant and/or the property owner’s representative will be present at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the development project and vacation request. 1 of 2B-23Part 1 of 3 Additional backup found at the following link: http://www.austintexas.gov/cityclerk/boards_commissions/meetings/40_1.htm 2 of 2B-23Part 1 of 3
1 of 95B-23Part 2 of 3 2 of 95B-23Part 2 of 3 From: To: Subject: Date: jennifer kuczaj CLMD Land Management File No. 10076-1901 || Objection to Alley Vacation Saturday, March 21, 2020 3:12:13 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing in objection to the proposed alley vacation for the property at 809 E. 9th Street. Vacating the alley, together with the proposed project, creates a life safety issues for all residents in the area. I encourage everyone involved in reviewing this proposal to visit the site and drive down the dead end E. 9th St. Cars are parked along the street day and night, making an exit happen in reverse only. This is the only vehicular access to the site. The entire project is unsafe for the proposed senior residents, for the adjacent Tyndall resident and the adjacent AMLI residents. Please think about the issue of adjacent residents filing out onto East 9th in the event of an emergency, next to the proposed senior tower project at the same time the tower is being evacuated at the same time emergency vehicles are trying to access the area via E. 9th. The backyard of a historic single-family home on a dead-end street is not the right place for a multi-story wood frame building due to the limited access for fire, EMS and life safety services. I strongly object to the vacation of the 572 square foot portion of the remaining 20 ft wide tract of land between E. 8th and E. 9th Street requested by the Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation as part of a proposed multi-family hi-rise building. Thank you for your time in reviewing my objections. Sincerely, Jennifer Hile Kuczaj Producer 512.699.9560 CAUTION:This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to CSIRT@austintexas.gov. 3 of 95B-23Part 2 of 3 From: To: Subject: Date: Michael Levy CLMD Land Management File No. 10076-1901 || Objection to Alley Vacation Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:06:56 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing in objection to the proposed alley vacation for the property at 809 E. 9th Street. Vacating the alley, together with the proposed project, creates a life safety …
1 of 42B-23Part 3 of 3 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Mark Rogers Smith, Mashell; CLMD Land Management Nhat M. Ho; Rachel Stone; Fayez Kazi GNDC Update Ltr 5.3.20 File #10076-1901 Sunday, May 3, 2020 12:05:20 PM GNDC_File #10076-1901_809 E 9 ROW.pdf *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Ms. Smith, I have attached a letter that I'm hoping provides the pertinent background and an update related to our application for the alley vacation adjacent to our property at 809 East 9th Street. As you probably are aware, the application was approved on consent by both the Urban Transportation Commission and Planning Commission late last year. In February of this year, also on consent, the City Council approved selling the remainder of the alley to GNDC. You already should have copies of the letter and email that I sent last month to all of the condominium owners at the Tyndall who submitted objection letters to the alley vacation. In my letter and email, I offered to meet virtually if the Tyndall owners wished to and I provided my phone number, email address and mailing address. I have had no responses of any kind from anyone. Despite their statements regarding safety, I'm quite certain the Tyndall owners are actually concerned about the loss of views of our downtown. While such a concern is reasonable, had anyone investing in a west-facing condominium at the Tyndall asked about the development potential of the Lopez Property-- 809 East 9th Street-- the developers of the Tyndall undoubtedly knew that the entitlements are the same as those for the Tyndall. While it is an investor's responsibility to understand the pros and cons of their investment, it is my responsibility to develop property owned by our corporation to its highest and best use in order to most effectively fulfill our mission. Had the developers of the Tyndall acquired the Lopez Property, their project certainly would have been built as far to the west and as tall as we plan to build on that same property. And, just as certainly, they would have wished to build using the 572 feet of the remainder of alleyway, just as we would like to do. Their objections suggest our property is not right for seniors, yet I'm also quite sure that the real estate agents for the Tyndall are not trying to dissuade any potential buyers who are 62 …
4. 5. Special Meeting of the Planning Commission May 12, 2020 Planning Commission to be held May 12, 2020 with Social Distancing Modifications Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers, including applicants and representatives, must register in advance (Day before the scheduled meeting, May 11, 2020 by Noon). To speak remotely at the May 12, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting, residents must: Call or email the board liaison at 512-974-6508 and andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov (the day before the meeting). The following information is required: 1. The speaker name. 2. Item number(s) they wish to speak on. 3. Whether they are for/against/neutral. Physical address. Telephone number (Must be the number that will be used to call-in). • Once a request to register to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call with additional information regarding the call in process. • Handouts or other information must be emailed to andrew.rivera@austintexas.gov by 1:00 PM Tuesday, May 12, 2020. This information will be provided to Commission members in advance of the meeting. • Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Postponement requests must be submitted to the case manager and Andrew Rivera by 5PM Monday, May 11, 2020 Order of Meeting Determination of Quorum / Meeting Called to Order Reading of Proposed Consent Agenda *Vote and Disposal of Consent Agenda **Determination of Discussion Postponement Items Other Business Adjournment Discussion Cases (Including public comment, staff and applicant / representative presentations) * The consent agenda may be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion. Speakers are allowed to provide testimony on an item proposed for the consent agenda. At the discretion of the Commission the item may remain on the consent agenda. ** Discussion postponement consists of public comment by 2 individuals for the postponement and 2 individuals against the postponement at 2 minutes each per speaker. Testimony should not delve into the merits of the case. The granting of a postponement must be approved by affirmative vote of the Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, May 12, 2020 The Planning Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 via Videoconference http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Greg Anderson Awais Azhar Yvette Flores – Secretary Claire Hempel Patrick Howard Fayez Kazi – Chair Conor Kenny – Vice-Chair Carmen Llanes Pulido Robert Schneider Patricia Seeger Todd Shaw James Shieh – Parliamentarian Jeffrey …
C14-2020-0007 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0007– DISTRICT: 9 2001 Guadalupe Street Zoning ZONING FROM: CS-NP TO: CS-MU-NP ADDRESS: 2001 Guadalupe Street SITE AREA: 0.201 acres (8,755 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Powell-Corbett LLC (William Corbett) AGENT: Coats-Rose (John Joseph) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, mark.graham@austintexas.gov ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant general commercial services – mixed use – neighborhood plan (CS-MU-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 12, 2020 April 28, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 12, 2020 [R. SCHNEIDER; P. HOWARD – 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO-LEFT EARLY April 14, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST TO APRIL 28, 2020. [R. SCHNEIDER, C. KENNY-2ND] (12-0) with C. LLANES PULIDO – ABSENT. March 10, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY APPLICANT TO APRIL 14, 2020. [J. SHIEH, R. SCHNEIDER-2ND] (11-0) A. AZHAR, P. HOWARD - ABSENT CITY COUNCIL ACTION: May 21, 2020: May 7, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 21, 2020 April 9, 2020: POSTPONED TO MAY 7, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: B-04REVISED1 of 36 C14-2020-0007 2 ISSUES While there is staff support for the requested Mixed Use zoning for the property at 2001 Guadalupe Street, there are other processes available that may provide more flexible development standards such as parking, height, floor to area ratio (FAR) and in return require participation in affordable housing, streetscape investments and adherence to design standards. The applicant and representatives of University Area Partners are negotiating a private Restrictive Covenants for the property. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject lot is on the east side of Guadalupe Street at the south end of “The Drag,” a nickname for the portion of Guadalupe Street along the western edge of the University of Texas (UT) Austin Campus. The lot is situated between the five-story University of Texas, McCombs Business School on the south and the two story Dobie Center retail buildings to the north, in the shadow of the 27 story Dobie residential tower. This busy section of the West Campus Neighborhood has many apartments and condominiums housing UT students as well as food, clothing, school supplies and service businesses catering to students and university employees. The 0.201 acres (8,755 square foot) parcel is located on the northeast corner of Guadalupe Street and West 20th Street. On the parcel there are three retail commercial buildings, two one story buildings and …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C814-2018-0121 -- 218 South Lamar DISTRICT: 5 ZONING FROM: CS-V TO: PUD ADDRESS: 218 South Lamar Boulevard Southbound SITE AREA: 1.260 Acres PROPERTY OWNER: Michael Pfluger, William Reid Pfluger & the Pfluger Spousal Irrevocable Trust, Reid Pfluger- Trustee AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122; heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for PUD zoning on the property, with the addition of a public restrictive covenant (RC) to attach the Transportation Mitigation Memo (Exhibit G). For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see pages 4 & 5. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: December 4, 2019: TO RECOMMEND THE PUD REZONING AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF (9-1-1). [K. Coyne- 1st, R. Nill- 2nd, P. Thompson- Nay, P. Maceo- Abstained] SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: December 11, 2019: TO RECOMMEND THE PUD REZONING AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF (5-1). [J. Thompson- 1st, C. Hempel; D. King- Nay, P. Howard- Absent] SAPJC RECOMMENDATION INCLUDES A RECOMMENDATION TO MAXIMIZE AFFORDABILITY FOR LOWER MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME RANGES. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 14, 2020: March 24, 2020: MEETING CANCELLED February 25, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO MARCH 24, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY NEIGHBORHOOD, ON CONSENT. January 28, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. January 14, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. December 17, 2019: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. B-111 of 90 C814-2018-0121 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 4, 2020: April 23, 2020: MEETING CANCELLED March 26, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO APRIL 23, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. February 6, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO MARCH 26, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. January 23, 2019: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. ORDINANCE NUMBER: B-112 of 90 C814-2018-0121 Page 3 ISSUES: A site plan is currently under review for the subject property (City File # SP-2019-0297C). During the review, it was determined that vehicular access to South Lamar would be modified and no longer match the TIA. ATD has reviewed the proposed changes and has prepared an updated TIA memorandum, which is attached to this report. Please refer to Exhibit G- Traffic Mitigation Memorandum. A petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. The petition includes 17.79% …
M E M O R A N D U M Fayez Kazi, Chair and Members of the Planning Commission TO: FROM: Andrew Linseisen, Assistant Director Development Services Department DATE: April 27, 2020 SUBJECT: Project Consent Agreement Lantana Block P, Lot 3 (SP-2014-0262C) Backup and Staff Recommendation As provided in Section 25-1-544 of the City of Austin Land Development Code, the developer of the Lantana Development on Lot 3 and 5, Block P of the Lantana Phase 1, Section 2 Subdivision has requested consideration of a Project Consent Agreement (PCA). The proposed PCA will allow the development to add a residential use to the existing approved site development permit. A PCA is a voluntary mechanism for determining applicable regulations where the extent of a project’s vested development rights are unclear or for incentivizing projects with clearly established vested rights to achieve greater compliance with current regulations. In such cases, a PCA provides a means for the Council to modify development regulations applicable to a property. The Lantana Block P, Lot 3 project is located at 7415 Southwest Parkway which was approved for a commercial and office development under Site Development Permit No SP-2014-0262C. Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the existing development have been constructed and Phase 4 is currently under construction. The Planning Commission approved a request to extend the life of the application to April 30, 2022, on June 25, 2019. The proposed PCA will apply only to the currently unconstructed Phase 5 of the project modifying the project to include a residential use. A summary of the major tenants of the proposed PCA are outlined below: No additional impervious will be added to Phase 5, the overall impervious cover in the entire development will be fixed at 17.6 acres. 6.326 acres known as Lot 8, Block P, of the Lantana Phase 1, Section 2 Subdivision will be dedicated to the City of Austin. 3.098 acres of Lot 8 will remain natural area with any development limited to pedestrian trails so that the entire site, all phases, maintain 40% natural area; 3.228 acres will be utilized for City of Austin Public Park amenities; Lot 8 will be dedicated to the City within six months of the effective date of the PCA; Extension of the life of Phase 5 of the Lantana Block P, Lot 3 Site Development Permit (SP-2014-0262C) by two years to …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C814-2018-0121 -- 218 South Lamar DISTRICT: 5 ZONING FROM: CS-V TO: PUD ADDRESS: 218 South Lamar Boulevard Southbound SITE AREA: 1.260 Acres PROPERTY OWNER: Michael Pfluger, William Reid Pfluger & the Pfluger Spousal Irrevocable Trust, Reid Pfluger- Trustee AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor) CASE MANAGER: Heather Chaffin (512-974-2122; heather.chaffin@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the Applicant’s request for PUD zoning on the property, with the addition of a public restrictive covenant (RC) to attach the Transportation Mitigation Memo (Exhibit G). For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see pages 4 & 5. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: December 4, 2019: TO RECOMMEND THE PUD REZONING AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF (9-1-1). [K. Coyne- 1st, R. Nill- 2nd, P. Thompson- Nay, P. Maceo- Abstained] SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: December 11, 2019: TO RECOMMEND THE PUD REZONING AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF (5-1). [J. Thompson- 1st, C. Hempel; D. King- Nay, P. Howard- Absent] SAPJC RECOMMENDATION INCLUDES A RECOMMENDATION TO MAXIMIZE AFFORDABILITY FOR LOWER MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME RANGES. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: May 14, 2020: March 24, 2020: MEETING CANCELLED February 25, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO MARCH 24, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY NEIGHBORHOOD, ON CONSENT. January 28, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. January 14, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. December 17, 2019: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 14, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. B-11Revised1 of 89 C814-2018-0121 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: June 4, 2020: April 23, 2020: MEETING CANCELLED March 26, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO APRIL 23, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. February 6, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO MARCH 26, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. January 23, 2019: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY STAFF, ON CONSENT. ORDINANCE NUMBER: B-11Revised2 of 89 C814-2018-0121 Page 3 ISSUES: A site plan is currently under review for the subject property (City File # SP-2019-0297C). During the review, it was determined that vehicular access to South Lamar would be modified and no longer match the TIA. ATD has reviewed the proposed changes and has prepared an updated TIA memorandum, which is attached to this report. Please refer to Exhibit G- Traffic Mitigation Memorandum. A petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. The petition includes 17.79% …
SUMMARY OF REVIEW COMMENTS REPORT F#10076-1901 RIGHT-OF-WAY ALLEY VACATION [572 SQUARE FOOT PORTION OF ALLEY BETWEEN E. 8TH AND E. 9TH] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL COMMENTS AUSTIN WATER UTILITY (AWU) ASSESSMENT: “Case No.: 10076-1901 Austin Water (AW) has no objection to the Right-Of-Way vacation of the Alley (0.013 acre/ 572 sq. ft.) portion being the remaining of 20-ft wide tract of land, known as the alley of East 8th Street, adjacent to Lots 16 and 17, Sarah and Lydia M. Robertson’s Subdivision, out of Outlot 1, Division B, recorded in Volume 2, Page 232, Plat Records Travis County, Texas. Currently there is an active 6-inch polyvinylchloride wastewater line (built in 2016), within the area requested to be vacated. The following items are needed to complete this request: 1. Survey needs to be update showing existing wastewater manhole 2. AW needs a signed agreement that transfer the City of Austin (COA) property to a private institution. 3. A new Wastewater Line Easement must be dedicated to the city covering the active wastewater line. The size of the new easement is the same as the area requested to be vacated. 4. A clean out needs to be built and accepted by COA standards. Once items are received and the as-built plans has been received and approved by AW Infrastructure Records the new easement can be requested for released. Thank you, Angela Baez Project Coordinator City of Austin | Austin Water, Infrastructure Management APPROVED COMMENTS • AUSTIN ENERGY • PARD / PLANNING & DESIGN • ATD • AT & T • PLANNING & ZONING Long Range Planning • PLANNING & ZONING Urban Design • AUSTIN RESOURCE RECOVERY • PLANNING & ZONING Zoning Review • DSD (DRAINAGE ENGINEERING) • PUBLIC WORKS OCE • DSD (Transportation Planning) • PUBLIC WORKS Sidewalks & Special Projects • EMS • PUBLIC WORKS Urban Trails Program • FIRE • GOOGLE • TEXAS GAS • WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT • GRANDE COMMUNICATIONS Page 2 MEMORANDUM Case No: Date: 10076-1901 Jan 14, 2019 PARD DSD (LUR-Drainage) DSD (LUR-Transportation) FIRE ( ) Robynne Heymans ( ) Laura Arthur ( ) Sangeeta Jain ( ) Sonny Pelayo AT&T Austin Energy Austin Resource Recovery Austin Transportation Director ( ) Joe White (cc: Eric Bollich) Austin Water Austin Water Code Compliance CTM – GAATN Google Google Google SUBJECT: ALLEY VACATION ( ) Lucy Cabading ( ) Eben Kellogg ( ) Mike Turner ( ) Michael Zavala ( ) …
COATS ROSE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION May 8, 2020 JMJOSEPH@COATSROSE.COM DIRECT: (512) 541-3593 FAX: (512) 469-9408 JOHN M. JOSEPH DIRECTOR Cathy Norman President University Area Partners, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation c/o Mike McHone P.O. Box 8142 Austin, Texas 78713-8142 Via First Class Mail Via Electronic Mail at: mchone1234@sbcglobal.net Re: 2001 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX 78705 (the “Property) incident to the City of Austin Zoning Application Case No. C14-2020-0007 (“Zoning Application”) and Offer of Resolution Ms. Norman and Mr. McHone: As you know, this firm represents the interests of Powell-Corbett, LLC (“Owner” or “Client”) with respect to the pending Zoning Application submitted to the City of Austin for the Property and which University Area Partners, Inc. (“UAP”) has filed an objection. The purpose of this letter is to outline for UAP a compromise solution that would be beneficial to UAP and to our Client such that the hearing with the City of Austin Planning Commission on our Client’s Zoning Application scheduled for May 12, 2020 is allowed to proceed unopposed. By way of background, our Client has submitted an application to the City of Austin for Commercial Services-Mixed Use Zoning (“CS-MU”). The fundamental reason for our Client’s Zoning Application is that under the University Neighborhood Overlay (“UNO”), our Client’s development of the Property will be limited to a height of 65 feet. The City of Austin Land Development Code allows a property owner 90 feet of height. This 25-foot difference translates to approximately 24, 938 square feet of density. Specifically, under UNO, developments with 65-foot height limitations typically allow a developer to achieve 5 full stories of building (95% of 8750 = 8312.5 square feet of land X 5 stories = 41,562 square feet of building). TERRACE 2, 2700 VIA FORTUNA, SUITE 350, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78746 PHONE: (512) 469-7987 FAX: (512) 469-9408 coatsrose.com 016299.000001\4833-9735-0588.v1 HOUSTON | AUSTIN | DALLAS | SAN ANTONIO | NEW ORLEANS | CINCINNATI May 8, 2020 Page 2 In contrast the Affordability Unlocked Bonus Program (“AUBP”) allows i) Type 1 height limit of 75 feet, assuming 7 stories = 58,187 square feet; and ii) Type 2 height limit of 90 feet assuming at least 8 stories = 66,500 square feet approximately. In support thereof, please see the April 17, 2020 memorandum from Charles Dunn of Hutson Land Planners Development Consultants, LLC to our Client and attached herewith as Exhibit “A” which outlines the differences between UNO and …
8703 N. Mopac NPA-2020-0031.01 C14-2020-0013 Planning Commission May 12, 2020 Site Details • 3.29 acres / 143,312 square feet • Located at the SEC of Mopac and US 183 • Zoned: LI • FLUM: Industry • Existing use: Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions • North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan – adopted August 2018 SITE SITE CS CS GR LI LO LI LO GR LI Request & - Amendment to the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan FLUM Industry Commerce - Rezoning from LI-NP (Limited Industrial – Neighborhood Plan) to CS-NP (General Commercial Services – Neighborhood Plan). SITE OFFICE / WAREHOUSE USES OFFICE USES OFFICE USES MU5B-Q MU5B-Q MU5A P NBG IG IG MU5B-Q MU5B-Q MU5B R2A MU4-Q RM3
SLIDE 1 PROPOSED TRAIL AT 4530 EAST BEN WHITE NPA-2017-0021.01 SLIDE 2 The Country Club Creek Trail is a major goal of the East Riverside/Oltorf Combined (EROC) Neighborhood Plan. The CCC Trail will eventually connect the neighborhoods of south east Austin to Mabel Davis Park, the Country Club Creek Greenbelt, and to Roy Guerrero Park. The EROC Contact Team has been working for 15 years to build, maintain, and extend the CCC Trail. The remaining unfinished section of the CCC Trail, between Oltorf and Riverside, is currently in the Design Phase. SLIDE 3 The property at 4530 East Ben White is an opportunity to extend the connections to the CCC Trail to connect Ben White to the south, and neighborhoods and businesses to the east. SLIDE 4 The proposed Recreational Use Easement will create a north-south trail that will connect Ben White to the CCC Trail. This property is also an opportunity connect the CCC Trail to the residential neighborhood, the Cypress Campus, and the proposed Mixed Use development at 5016 ½ East Ben White with an east-west trail to Sunridge Drive. SLIDE 5 This slide shows the proposed Recreational Use Easement on the property at 4530 East Ben White. SLIDE 6 The EROC Contact Team has voted to support NPA-2017-0021.01 with the understanding that the City of Austin will work with the property owner to create the Recreational Use Easement that will increase connectivity in this area. PROPOSED TRAIL AT 4530 EAST BEN WHITE CURRENT COUNTRY CLUB CREEK TRAIL EXTENSION OF COUNTRY CLUB CREEK TRAIL COUNTRY CLUB CREEK GREENBELT TRAILS RECREATIONAL USE EASEMENT EROC CONTACT TEAM REQUEST • THE EROC CONTACT TEAM REQUESTS THAT THE CITY REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT WORK WITH THE OWNER OF 4530 EAST BEN WHITE TO CREATE A RECREATIONAL USE EASEMENT THAT WILL ALLOW A TRAIL TO CONNECT BEN WHITE AND SUNRIDGE DRIVE TO THE COUNTRY CLUB CREEK GREENBELT AND THE COUNTRY CLUB CREEK TRAIL.
From: John Killough Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 11:37 AM To: DSD Help <DSDhelp@austintexas.gov> Cc: Subject: PUD At Lamar and Toomey This message is from John Killough. [] We strongly object to the change in Zoning for the PUD at S. Lamar and Toomey Road: • The change violates the purpose of the Waterfront Overlay. • The project violates Zilker Neighborhood Association’s approved Vertical Mixed Use proposal. • Although the project proposes underground parking, there is no provision for entrance and egress from the building onto already overburdened streets. Sincerely yours, John and Dianne Killough 1600 Barton Springs Rd Unit 3601 Austin, TX 78704-1193 Page 1 of 2 May 9, 2020 Herbert E. Palmer 1600 Barton Springs Rd, Unit 3101 Austin, Texas 78704 713-397-5489 To: The Austin City Council members; The Planning Commission; Case Manager, Heather Chaffin Re: Rezoning 218 South Lamar Blvd. I am requesting the Case Manager to include these comments in the case file (case 2018-171711 ZC; Reference file, C814-218-0121) for the May 12, 2020 Planning Commission Hearing and City Council scheduled hearing in June, 2020. Development at prime real estate sites in an economically and environmentally attractive city, such as Austin, is welcomed but must be thoughtfully approved. As a citizen in the city, who cares as much about the progress of our city as any one of you, I want you to make planning decisions that honor existing ordinances that belong to all of us and I want you to make it a priority to value the quality of life of every community of our city. Specifically, I am asking you, at this time, when a zoning decision is made regarding 218 South Lamar Blvd., which is at the corner of S. Lamar and Toomey Road, that you honor the Waterfront Overlay Ordinance and that you make the quality of life of the community in this part of South Austin your highest priority. First of all, the proposed PUD, which would be the construction of a large office building and its design, violates the Waterfront Overlay Ordinance. The citizens of our city entrust you to honor the planning that is already approved for this community through this Ordinance. You should want compliance as much as we want it. There is a more appropriate location for this office building to be constructed or the design should conform to the Waterfront Overlay Ordinance. I want you to …
Annette DiMeo Carlozzi 1506 Romeria Drive Austin, TX 78757 24 February 2020 Dear City Council and Planning Commission members: I was delighted to learn recently from my friend and colleague Sara Vanderbeek that there is a potential opportunity for another much-needed partnership between the arts and business communities in Austin. Apparently 218 South Lamar Boulevard, a proposed development on the site of the Schlotsky’s behind Zach Theatre, could include 1000 sq ft of gallery space on its ground floor, to be programmed by the dynamic artist-run space known as DORF. What a great idea! As a lifelong curator of contemporary art—including 7 years as head curator of Laguna Gloria Art Museum (1979-86); 18 years as contemporary and then head curator at the Blanton Museum of Art (1996-2014); and the intervening years as a director and producer in Aspen, New Orleans and Atlanta, I can testify both to the success of a rich and varied creative community in attracting/developing engaged citizens, and to the importance of community partnerships in building stability in local arts communities. And stability in an arts community confers economic health and lends vibrancy and dynamism to city life. So I write in enthusiastic support of the steps the City of Austin and these private developers are taking to carve out space and resources for the local arts economy at a time when rising rents are threatening the arts community’s very existence. Everyone wins in such inspired efforts. If all goes well, this project could serve as a model for other Austin developments to come—we certainly need as many of these alliances as possible. Please give your best efforts to providing support for this proposal. DORF is an excellent arts space—thoughtfully curated, warmly welcoming and inclusive—and I’d love to see it nested within a burgeoning arts district on the shores of Ladybird Lake. Wow, that sounds lovely…and smart! Sincerely, Annette DiMeo Carlozzi Independent curator 512.689.3860
218 South Lamar PUD C814-2018-0121 Planning Commission May 12, 2020 Proposed Project • Office Commercial Project • Office space = 160,000 SF • Pedestrian Oriented Uses = 26,000 SF • Maximum height = 96 feet • Maximum FAR= 3.55:1 • Underground structured parking – open to the public, providing much needed parking to nearby ZACH Theater patrons, and Butler Park and Town Lake Hike and Bike Trail users • 8,000 sf Public plaza Request • Establish PUD zoning on the property while maintaining the CS base zoning. CS-V PUD Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map Draft Code: South Lamar Corridor MU5A-A MU5A MU5A-A MU5A-A MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 MS3 Waterfront Overlay: Butler Shores Subdistrict SITE Code Modifications • No Environmental variances are requested • No Waterfront Overlay variances • Requested code modifications include: ▪ Allow minimal additional height overrun for necessary elevator access to the roof deck ▪ Modifications to base CS zoning: • Maximum Height: 96 feet • Maximum FAR: 3.55:1 • Minimum Setbacks: 0 PUD Superiority Level Compliance Tier 1 Items 12 of 12 Tier 1 (additional items for mixed-use developments) 3 of 3 applicable Tier 2 Items 12 of 12 applicable FAZN support Bridges support Plaza designed to connect with existing ZACH Scott plaza Consistent with Waterfront Overlay • No Waterfront Overlay variances requested Draft Code: South Lamar Corridor MU5A Cisterns/Underground Parking CISTERNS Toomey Road Ground Floor Plan THEATER FUTURE HOTEL OFFICE RESIDENTIAL PARK RESIDENTIAL RETAIL HOTEL AUTO RENTALS DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT RESTAURANT BAR COFFEE SHOP RETAIL CAR WASH DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT Superiority 1. 40% open space: exceeds Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements 2. Achieve AEGB 3-star rating, at a minimum 3. Dark Skies compliant 4. Minimum street yard landscape requirements 5. Landscaping to utilize 100% Native and adaptive exceeded by 35% plants/trees 6. Construction of 10-foot two-way bicycle track along S. Lamar with a 15-foot sidewalk/landscape zone 7. Contribution of $25,000 for cycle track improvements 8. Contribution of $27,800 for bus stop improvements 9. Provides water quality controls above Code • Green water quality controls for at least 75% of volume • Rainwater harvesting of rooftops and vertical structures • Rainwater cisterns designed for WQ treatment and stormwater detention Superiority 10. 100% of landscape irrigated by capturing of A/C condensate, rainwater harvesting or stormwater runoff 11. Shade trees will be a minimum of 3” caliper trees 12. Shade trees will have a …
Planning Commission Meeting date, May 12, 2020 Agenda Item # 11 Rezoning of 218 S Lamar from CS to PUD Locally known as the Schlotzsky’s PUD Commissioners The proposed re-zoning of this property should be rejected for the following reasons. 1. Does not meet the criteria for use of the Planned Unit Development zoning tool. PUD zoning was created to address particular zoning challenges that could not be resolved by standard zoning. But the threshold for the application of this zoning tool has several criteria that projects are required to meet: It was intended to be utilized by large tracts (either singular or multiple parcels) of 10 Acres of • more. This site is considerably less than that threshold. • PUD zoning was also intended to deal with parcels that had multiple existing zoning that the individual zoning site design standards, if respected, would preclude a reasonable use. This site has only one zoning which left unto it’s self, would allow the reasonable development of the property ( unless the developer is paying too much for the property’s current entitlements, in which case the city is not supposed to “back stop” this speculative proforma by granting additional entitlements just to off set the developer’s risk!). • The essential aspect of providing this zoning tool was to allow for a development that would result in a superior (environmental or other community/civic benefit but not just an economic benefit to the developer) product that could not be created using the existing zoning. This project is just another office building with no superior aspect to it whatsoever! 2. Does not meet the standards of the Waterfront Overlay Ordinance This project is proposed in the Butler Shores sub district of the WFO which also has specific criteria for projects • The WFO Task Force final report recommended that the Bonus Provision General to all sub districts allowed a 60% increase in the FAR if the project met eight criteria. Those criteria were 1. Residential uses 2 Pedestrian Oriented uses 3. Parking structure 4. Tree protection 5. Public Access dedication 6. Restrictions for scenic vistas 7. Impervious cover Page 1 of 5 At best this proposed project only meets 3 of these criteria and therefore would not even be allowed the 60% increase in FAR as allowed under 25-2-714 (A) (3) But assuming that by some crazy logic you could make a plausible case that …
827 West 12th Street C14-2020-0036 Planning Commission May 12, 2020 827 W. 12th St. Request • Rezone from DMU-CO to DMU-CO; the CO limits the height to 90 feet (existing CO: 60 feet). DMU-CO DMU-CO Restrictive Covenant • Maximum height: 60’ unless project participates in Downtown Density Bonus Program • Prohibited Uses: • Bail bond services • Cocktail lounge • Pawn shop • Liquor sales • Outdoor entertainment • Amplified sound SITE • Parking decoupled/leased separately for residential uses • 2:1 FAR unless developed with a residential use that makes up at least 50% of project • Great Streets required along 12th Street frontage • Any above-grade parking structure must be screened/architecturally integrated Restrictive Covenant • Maximum height: 60’ unless project participates in Downtown Density Bonus Program • Prohibited Uses: • Bail bond services • Cocktail lounge • Pawn shop • Liquor sales • Outdoor entertainment • Amplified sound SITE • Parking decoupled/leased separately for residential uses • 2:1 FAR unless developed with a residential use that makes up at least 50% of project • Great Streets required along 12th Street frontage • Any above-grade parking structure must be screened/architecturally integrated Restrictive Covenant • Maximum height: 60’ unless project participates in Downtown Density Bonus Program • Prohibited Uses: • Bail bond services • Cocktail lounge • Pawn shop • Liquor sales • Outdoor entertainment • Amplified sound SITE • Parking decoupled/leased separately for residential uses • 2:1 FAR unless developed with a residential use that makes up at least 50% of project • Great Streets required along 12th Street frontage • Any above-grade parking structure must be screened/architecturally integrated Restrictive Covenant • Maximum height: 60’ unless project participates in Downtown Density Bonus Program • Prohibited Uses: • Bail bond services • Cocktail lounge • Pawn shop • Liquor sales • Outdoor entertainment • Amplified sound SITE • Parking decoupled/leased separately for residential uses • 2:1 FAR unless developed with a residential use that makes up at least 50% of project • Great Streets required along 12th Street frontage • Any above-grade parking structure must be screened/architecturally integrated Restrictive Covenant • Maximum height: 60’ unless project participates in Downtown Density Bonus Program • Prohibited Uses: • Bail bond services • Cocktail lounge • Pawn shop • Liquor sales • Outdoor entertainment • Amplified sound SITE • Parking decoupled/leased separately for residential uses • 2:1 FAR unless developed with a residential use …
May 11, 2020 Ms. Heather Chaffin Case Manager City of Austin PAZ 505 Barton Springs Road, 5th Floor Austin, Texas 78704 Re: C14-2020-0019 – Church of Christ at East Side Dear Ms. Chaffin: My name is George Williams, and I am the Minister and Director of the Church of Christ at East Side, which is located directly to the north of the property currently under consideration for a rezoning, as shown on the location map attached. I am writing this letter in support of the rezoning application currently on file. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, George Williams DocuSign Envelope ID: 74DF6BC0-5DD3-48BB-8901-5615FDB600D4 Location Map Church of Christ at East Side Site to be rezoned DocuSign Envelope ID: 74DF6BC0-5DD3-48BB-8901-5615FDB600D4