B-04 Alta Blue Goose FINAL TIA Memo- 06.27.2022.pdf — original pdf

MEMORANDUM Date: To: CC: Reference: Transportation Impact Analysis Final Memo June 27, 2022 Santiago Araque, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates. Inc. Bryan Golden, Maria Cardenas, Austin Transportation Department Alta Blue Goose Zoning Case Number C14-2021-0194C Summary of the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA): Austin Transportation Department (ATD) has reviewed the “Alta Blue Goose TIA” dated February 18, 2022, and the subsequent update received on April 14, 2022 prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. The proposed development is in Travis County, north of Blue Goose Road between Cameron Road and Harris Branch Parkway in the City of Austin Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, as shown in Figure 2. The site is currently on land being rezoned and annexed concurrently. The development is anticipated to contain 890 single-family dwelling units and a 300,000 square foot commercial shopping center. The project includes the future alignment of Braker Lane as per the ASMP and the future realignment of Blue Goose Road. It should be noted that the section of Blue Goose Road that is proposed to be realigned is in Travis County jurisdiction. The existing site is vacant and is expected to be built in one phase. It is estimated that the full buildout will be completed in the year 2024. A TIA was performed for this zoning case to better understand the existing and future traffic patterns in the surrounding area and to identify any potential impacts from the introduction of traffic associated with the proposed development. The site proposes access onto future Braker Lane, which is classified as a Level 3 collector street with 120 feet of required right- of-way. Braker Lane is anticipated to be a 4-lane roadway with approximately 26 feet of pavement width for vehicular travel lanes, 2 lanes in each direction, a buffered bike lane, and sidewalk on both sides. The roadway will be divided by a median of approximately 14 feet width from face of curb to face of curb. Bike lanes and 6-foot sidewalks will be adjacent to the road, divided by a 4-foot-wide buffer in both directions of travel. Figure 1: Future Braker Lane Page 1 of 6 As a transportation condition of approval for the above referenced zoning application, the applicant shall comply with the recommendations below: 1. Dedicate 120 feet of right-of-way per the ASMP for future Braker Lane at the time of final plat. 2. Design and construct Braker Lane extension and the realignment of Blue Goose Road. Improvements to be built by the applicant should be included at the time of Subdivision Construction Plan. No temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) shall be issued until the construction of the identified improvements is complete. Exhibit A shows the site location and the extent of the improvement. 3. Install a traffic signal at the following intersections: a. Blue Goose Road and Braker Lane b. Harris Branch Parkway and Giles Lane Improvements to be built by the applicant should be included at the time of Subdivision Construction Plan. No temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) shall be issued until the construction of the identified improvement is complete. Exhibit A shows the site location and the extent of the improvements. 4. Design and construct an eastbound left turn lane at Braker Lane and Giles Lane at the time of first Site Plan. Note that the applicant shall address any necessary signal modifications at this intersection as a result of this improvement. No temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) shall be issued until the construction of the identified improvement is complete. 5. Development of this property should not vary from the approved uses or deviate from the approved intensities and estimated traffic generation assumptions within the finalized TIA document, including land uses, trip generation, trip distribution, traffic controls, driveway locations and other identified conditions. Any change in the assumptions made to the TIA document shall be reviewed by ATD and may require a new or updated TIA/addendum. 6. The findings and recommendations of this TIA memorandum remain valid until five (5) years from the date of the traffic counts in the TIA or the date of this memo, whichever comes first, after which a revised TIA or addendum may be required. 7. The applicant shall provide an electronic copy of the final, updated version of the TIA report, including all supplemental documents, before 3rd reading. 8. Street Impact Fee Ordinances 20201220-061 and 20201210- 062 have been adopted by City Council and are effective as of December 21, 2020. The City shall start collecting street impact fees with all building permits issued on or after June 21, 2022. For more information, please visit the Street Impact Fee website: austintexas.gov/streetimpactfee. Page 2 of 6 Assumptions 1. The anticipated build out year is 2024. 2. Based on TxDOT Traffic Count Database System (TCDS), a growth rate of 4.50% was used in the analysis. 3. The scope of the TIA was based on an approved TIA scope from Travis County with revisions to accommodate the City of Austin TIA requirements, as the site is currently located in the City of Austin ETJ. 4. No TDM was required during the TIA scoping process. 5. The proposed project will have seven driveways: • The residential tract will provide access via two full access driveways on the proposed extension of Braker Lane. • The commercial lot will be composed of two full access driveways on the future realignment of Blue Goose Road, one full access driveway on the proposed Braker Lane and two right-in-right-out driveways on Braker Lane. 6. Listed below are the background projects that were assumed to contribute trips to the surrounding roadway network in addition to forecasted site traffic: • Braker Valley (C8J-2013-0192) • Northwind Apartments (SP-2021-0384C.SH) • Barr Lane Concrete Recycling (SP-2020-0245D) • Yager Multifamily (C8J-2020-0080.0A) • Legacy at Parmer ( SP-2020-0227D) • BKO Parmer (SP-2021-0034D) 7. Blue Goose Rd between Samsung Blvd and Harris Branch Pkwy is assumed to be widened by Travis County as a part of the Capital Improvement Program Project, Braker Lane North Extension. Page 3 of 6 Proposed Conditions: Trip Generation and Land Use Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, the proposed mixed-use development will generate 20,462 Unadjusted Average Daily Vehicle Trips (ADT). In conformance with the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, a pass-by reduction of 34% was assumed for the shopping center during the PM peak period. No internal trip capture reduction was applied. Table 1 below shows the adjusted trip generation after existing trips and TDM reductions. Table 1: Trip Generation ITE Code Land Use Size / Unit 210 Single Family Detached Housing 820 Shopping Center Total Unadjusted Trips Total Pass-By Trips (Shopping Center-34%) Total Adjusted Trips 890 DU 7,770 300,000 SF 24-Hour Two-Way Volume AM Peak Hour 12,692 20,462 - 20,462 637 282 919 - 348 PM Peak Hour 828 1,225 2,054 (417) 1,637 Page 4 of 6 Summary of Recommended Improvements: Table 2. Recommended Improvements (Construction) Intersection Improvement Cost Developer's Share Braker Lane from Cameron Road to Blue Goose Road Design and construct Braker Lane roadway extension and realignment of Blue Goose Rd $3,186,407 100% Residential Driveway 1/Blue Goose Road & Braker Lane Braker Lane & Giles Lane Install Signal $ 350,000 100% Construct eastbound left turn lane Install Signal Total $ 92,750 $350,000 100% 100% $3,979,157 Please contact me at (512) 974-4073 if you have questions or require additional information. Nazlie Saeedi, P.E. Austin Transportation Department Page 5 of 6 Exhibit A Figure 2: Site Map Figure 3: Summary of Improvements Page 6 of 6