B-05 C14-2022-0043 - 8110 Springdale Road; District 1.pdf — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 1 TO: LI CASE: C14-2022-0043 – 8110 Springdale Road ZONING FROM: I-RR ADDRESS: 8110 Springdale Road SITE AREA: 1.959 acres (85,334 square feet) PROPERTY OWNER: RCI Holdings, Inc. AGENT: St Elmo Brewing LLC (Bryan Winslow) CASE MANAGER: Michael Dietz; michael.dietz@austintexas.gov; (512) 974-7617 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant limited industrial services (LI) district zoning. For a summary of the basis of Staff’s recommendation, see the Case Manager Comments section of this report. ZONING AND PLATTING ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 19, 2022 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: September 1, 2022 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area consists of one platted lot, which is located near the intersection of Springdale Road and Tuscany Way, south of U.S Route 290. The site is currently zoned as interim rural residence (I-RR), representing a low-density residential zoning designation assigned as part of the property’s annexation in December 2004 (Ordinance No. 041118-13). A creek abuts the rear property lines, flowing approximately north to south. The subject site is mostly rectangular in shape, although the southwest corner juts inward, likely due to the curvature of the creek. The site is currently developed with a vacant two- 1 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 2 story commercial building and large parking lot, with a concrete wall towards the rear to separate the parking lot from the vegetated area near the creek. Numerous trees are located towards the front of the property and along the northern property line. Springdale Road is partially within the Austin city limits, but also runs outside of the city limits; the area immediately to the south of the subject property is within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The portions of Springdale Road that are within the city limits feature primarily industrial uses, although there are also pockets of low-density residential uses and a small commercial corridor along U.S. Route 290. There are light industrial uses, including a truck rental business and plumbing supply store, to the north and west of the subject site (LI- CO). An undeveloped property zoned for low-density residential uses is to the east, across the road from the subject property (I-RR), although that property is surrounded by other properties zoned for limited industrial uses. The property to the south is undeveloped and is not located within the city limits. Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map) and A-1 (Aerial Exhibit). A series of easements are recorded over the subject property. A 20-foot drainage easement (DE) runs along the western portion of the site, parallel to the rear property lines and adjacent to the creek. A 7.5-foot public utility easement (PUE) then runs adjacent to the DE, also parallel to the rear property lines. A 20-foot channel easement is also located in the northwest corner of the site, where drainage flows from the easement into the channel. Lastly, a 15-foot easement for future public right-of-way is recorded along the front property line. The applicant has requested limited industrial services (LI) district zoning. The application indicates that the applicant intends to convert the existing structure into a brewery and accompanying tasting room. The LI district establishes a maximum building height of 60 feet, a maximum floor area ratio of 1:1, and a maximum building coverage of 75%. In order to sell beer or ale for on-site consumption as a permitted use, the brewery would need to be located at least 540 feet away from any single-family residential uses; although the site across the street is zoned for single-family residential uses, it is undeveloped, and a parcel zoned interim single-family residential – standard lot (I-SF-2) to the southeast is currently occupied by a non-residential use. As such, the closest single-family residence to the subject site appears to be over 1,000 feet away, as measured from lot line to lot line. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The limited industrial services (LI) district is the designation for a commercial service use or limited manufacturing use generally located on a moderately sized site. The LI zoning designation is applicable in areas where light industrial or commercial uses are appropriate, but more intensive industrial uses would not be appropriate due to one or more factors, including the lot size, location, and nature of the proposed use. The proposal would be consistent with the purpose statement of the LI zoning district. 2 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 3 Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. 2. The requested LI zoning would allow for a range of commercial or light industrial uses to be conducted on-site by right. Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request because the location is appropriate for a limited industrial services designation and the proposal would add greater cohesion to the existing land uses in the area. The areas immediately to the north and west of the site are zoned LI-CO, while the area across to the street is zoned I-RR. The area south of the subject property is not located within the city limits. The conditional overlay is recommended by staff to ensure uses that could be problematic are barred from the site, thus matching the conditional overlay to the already existing to the north and west. Public transit options in the area are somewhat limited at this time, with no bus or rail stops within the immediate vicinity of the subject site, and only three established bus routes accessible at the intersection of Manor Road and Pecan Brook Drive, located half a mile to the south. Nonetheless, given the existing land use pattern within the area, the proposal would be compatible with the adjacent and nearby uses. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: I-RR ZONING Site South ETJ (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) LI-CO North/ West East LAND USES Vacant commercial building Undeveloped Truck rental business; plumbing supply store I-RR Undeveloped NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: None TIA: A Traffic Impact Analysis shall be required at the time of site plan, if triggered, per Land Development Code Chapter 25-6-113. WATERSHED: Walnut Creek Watershed – Suburban CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR: No SCHOOLS: Jordan Elementary School Dobie Middle School LBJ High School SCENIC ROADWAY: No 3 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 4 NUMBER REQUEST COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL I-RR to LI To Grant COMMUNITY REGISTRY LIST: 511 – Austin Neighborhoods Council 742 – Austin Independent School District 774 – Del Valle Independent School District 1195 – Imperial Neighborhood Association 1197 – East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team 1228 – Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group 1258 – Del Valle Community Coalition 1363 – SEL Texas 1403 – Knollwood on the Colorado Neighborhood Association 1530 – Friends of Austin Neighborhoods 1550 – Homeless Neighborhood Association 1595 – Neighborhoods United for Progress 1616 – Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation 1774 – Austin Lost and Found Pets AREA CASE HISTORIES: C14-2019-0076 – 8107 Springdale Rd. C14-2013-0026 – Springdale Business Center – 8301 Springdale Road I-RR to LI C14-2011-0143 – 8115 Altoga Drive I-RR to LI C14-2009-0015 – Reagan 290 – 9211 E Hwy US 290 DR and I-RR to LI To Grant LI-CO I-SF-2 to LI C14-2008-0157 – Wolf Rezoning – 4707 Commercial Park Drive Approved (08-19- 2019). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (05-09- 2013). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (01-12- 2012). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (05-14- 2009). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (09-25- 2008). To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day 4 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 5 I-RR to LI-CO I-SF-2 to LI-CO I-SF-2 to LI-CO I-SF-2 to LI-CO DR and I-RR to GR-CO and LI-CO C14-06-0108 – Springdale Road Commercial No. 2, Tract 1 – 8210 Springdale Road C14-05-0216 – Annexation Zoning (Commercial Park Drive) – 4803 Commercial Park Drive C14-05-0214 – Annexation Zoning – 4603 Commercial Park Drive C14-05-0173 – Annexation Zoning – 4903 Commercial Park Drive C14-05-0164 – Watson Tract Zoning – E Hwy US 290 (approximately 360 ft. west from Springdale Road) To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day To Grant LI-CO with a restriction of up to 2,000 cumulative vehicle trips per day Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (07-26- 2006). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (03-23- 2006). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (03-23- 2006). Approved LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (12-15- 2005). Approved GR-CO and LI-CO as recommended by the Commission (07-27- 2005). RELATED CASES: The property was annexed into the city limits in December 2004 (C7A-04-021, Ord. 041118- 13). The property is platted as Lot 1 of the Springdale Commercial II subdivision plat recorded in Vol. 79, Page 86, Plat Records, Travis County, Texas. 5 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 6 EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: Name ASMP Classification ASMP Required ROW Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route Springdale Rd. Level 3 94’ 92’ 65’ No Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) Yes Buffered Bike Lane OTHER STAFF COMMENTS: Inclusive Planning Yes Y Imagine Austin Decision Guidelines Compact and Connected Measures Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map: Located close to, within or adjacent to an Imagine Austin Activity Center, Imagine Austin Activity Corridor, or Imagine Austin Job Center as identified on the Growth Concept Map. Name(s) of Activity Center/Activity Corridor/Job Center: adjoins Springdale Road Activity Corridor Mobility and Public Transit: Located within 0.25 miles of public transit stop and/or Y Mobility and Bike/Ped Access: Adjoins a public sidewalk, shared path, and/or light rail station. bike lane. (only bike lanes) Y Connectivity, Good and Services, Employment: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles to goods and services, and/or employment center. Connectivity and Food Access: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a grocery store/farmers market. Connectivity and Education: Is located within 0.50 miles from a public school or university. Y Connectivity and Healthy Living: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles from a recreational area, park and/or walking trail. Connectivity and Health: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of health facility (ex: hospital, urgent care, doctor’s office, drugstore clinic, specialized outpatient care.) Housing Affordability: Provides a minimum of 10% of units for workforce housing (80% MFI or less) and/or fee in lieu for affordable house. Housing Choice: Expands the number of units and housing choice that suits a variety of household sizes, incomes, and lifestyle needs of a diverse population (ex: apartments, triplex, granny flat, live/work units, cottage homes, and townhomes) in support of Imagine Austin and the Strategic Housing Blueprint. 6 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 7 Mixed Use: Provides mixed use development (minimum 10% residential and 10% non-residential floor area). Culture and Creative Economy: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a cultural resource (ex: library, theater, museum, cultural center). Total Number of “Yes’s” 4 Drainage The applicant would be required to submit a pre- and post-development drainage analysis at the subdivision and site plan stage of the development process. The City’s Land Development Code and Drainage Criteria Manual require that the applicant demonstrate through engineering analysis that the proposed development will have no identifiable adverse impact on surrounding properties. Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the Walnut Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. The site is in the Desired Development Zone. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) Other Single-Family or Duplex Multifamily Commercial 50% 55% 60% 80% with Transfers 60% 60% 70% 90% According to floodplain maps there is a floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Based upon the location of the floodplain, off-site drainage should be calculated to determine whether a Critical Water Quality Zone exists within the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the two-year storm on site. 7 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 8 Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) – Planning & Design Review Parkland dedication may be required for any applicable uses at the time of site plan or subdivision. There are currently no parkland requirements for uses other than residential and hotel. Given that the application is for LI, brewery and tasting room, there may not be parkland dedication requirements or parkland impacts at the time of site plan or subdivision. Site Plan and Compatibility Standards A site plan will be required for any new development other than single-family, two-family or duplex residential. In regards to the proposed use, the sale of beer or ale produced on-site for on-site consumption shall not exceed 33% or 5,000 sq. ft. of the total floor area of the principal brewery use, whichever is less, except during a brewery tour (25-2-865). Any new development is subject to the design standards in Subchapter E of the Land Development Code. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. In the event that demolition or relocation of existing buildings is proposed, the applicant is responsible for requesting demolition or relocation permits once the site plan is approved. The City Historic Preservation Officer will review all proposed building demolitions and relocations prior to site plan approval. If a building meets city historic criteria, the Historic Landmark Commission may initiate a historic zoning case on the property. Transportation The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) adopted 04/11/2019, calls for 94 feet of right-of- way for Springdale Rd. It is recommended that 47 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline should be dedicated for Goodwin Avenue according to the Transportation with the first subdivision or site plan application. [LDC 25-6-51 and 25-6-55]. Assessment of required transportation mitigation, including the potential dedication of right of way and easements and participation in roadway and other multi-modal improvements, will occur at the time of site plan application. A Traffic Impact Analysis shall be required at the time of site plan if triggered per LDC 25-6-113. Austin Water Utility The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the land use. The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. 8 of 9B-5C14-2022-0043 Page 9 Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW: A: Zoning Map A-1: Aerial Map 9 of 9B-5