0000 Zoning and Platting Commission Q and A Report - Final — original pdf
June 16, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Q and A Report B-1. C14-2019-0162 - Slaughter and Cullen; District 2 Questions: Commissioner King As, I understand, the backup for this case indicates that the site is located in the Southpark Meadows Regional Center. The backup defines a Regional Center as: "the most urban of the three activity centers outlined in the growth concept map. These centers are the places where the greatest density of people and jobs and the tallest buildings in the region will be located." The Growth Concept map on pages A-30 and A-31 of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan (IACP) shows Southpark Meadows as a Neighborhood Center. The IACP defines a Neighborhood Center as: "the smallest and least intense of the three types of activity centers outlined in the Growth Concept Map." Given that this site is located in a Neighborhood Center and not a Regional Center, does staff still recommend this zoning request? Why or why not? How may the public obtain a copy of the Southpark Meadows Neighborhood Center plan? Staff Response: Staff is still recommending this rezoning request. I confirmed with Comprehensive Long Range Planning Staff that the property is actually located in an Imagine Austin Town Center (rather than a Regional Center or a Neighborhood Center) and along an Activity Corridor. Town Centers and Activity Corridors support retail and commercial uses, which includes restaurants. Revised comments from Comprehensive Planning are attached and will be incorporated into future editions of the Staff report. The Long Range Planning staff has responded that there is no existing plan, nor plan in progress for the Southpark Meadows Center identified in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. See attached exhibit B-1. B-03 - C14-2020-0050 3100 Scofield Parkway Questions Commissioner King Could you please help me find the compliance report that was submitted on this same parcel in March 2015 to go from LR to CS-CO? Page 6 of the compliance report for this case indicates that the March 2015 zoning application was not approved. I'm trying to find the meeting date and minutes for the ZAP meeting at which the March 2015 zoning application was apparently denied. Staff Response: The previous zoning case for this property, case C14-2016-0035 (Scofield Farms), was withdrawn by the applicant on July 24, 2016 before a zoning case report was compiled and before the Zoning and Platting Commission reviewed the case. B-4 C14-2020-0055 - Cooper Tract Commercial Questions Commissioner King Staff response in red. • Does any portion of this site have frontage on SH 130? – Yes. The site has 1313.98’ of frontage abutting Hwy 130. • Will this site have access to SH 130 via easement through another property? If yes, which property will provide the easement? Is the easement perpetual or permanent? The site has direct access to 130 - abuts the 130 ROW. • When will the proposed extension of Braker Lane through this site be started? Because of the need for the City to acquire other ROW for the Braker extension and since none of it in this area has been acquired yet, we anticipate the construction of the extension is 5 or more years out. The applicant’s transportation engineer is estimating that construction would begin in about 5 years, but the exact date is unknown at this time. I’m waiting for confirmation of that estimate from ATD. • May ZAP require the development of this site to be phased so that the Broker Lane extension must be completed before development may proceed on Tract 2 (CS-MU proposed zoning)? This is not something that can be required at time of zoning. The construction of the Braker extension is not within the applicant’s control because it extends through other parcels that this Applicant does not own. The City has to find the funds to build the other segments of the extension and has to acquire the right of way to build them. The applicant has been working with ATD and are agreeing to dedicate the ROW now, but since other property owners have not yet agreed to do so, there is no way to know when the extension will be completed. Further, ATD has said they do not want the applicant to construct the segment of Braker until the connecting segments are also ready to be constructed. Until then, Tract 2 will take access through Tract 1. B-6. SPC-2019-0563D - Professional Contract Services Questions: Commissioner King Staff response in purple. 1. Are competitive bids required for all contracts and bids associated with all phases of this case? No, this does not apply to this case. This is not a city project. The project owner is a non-profit organization, PCSI. 2. Does staff recommendation for this case include competitive bids for all phases of this case? Why or why not? No, because the answer to #1 is no. Does not apply. 3. If this 25-year development phase is approved, will the site be grandfathered into the land development regulations in effect as of the date of the application for this case? Yes, as long as the permit remains active and they are building from the approved plans, new regulations (besides new life safety related regulations), would not come into play. 4. Can the property owners request an extension to the 25-year development phase? Yes, in accordance with the typical site plan extension process in LDC 25-5-62. 5. Will the site plans for all phases of the case require approval by the Zoning and Platting Commission? The Commission’s decision on this item tomorrow will apply to all currently proposed phases (2) shown in the Site plan. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Fox, Kathleen Rhoades, Wendy Dugan, Matthew RE: Item. B-1 - C14-2019-0162 – REVISED COMPLIANCE REPORT Monday, June 15, 2020 6:21:33 PM 9012 CULLEN LN and 166 W SLAUGHTER LN C14-2019-0162 GR-CO and GR-CO to GR-CO and GR-CO Dec 5, 2019 The subject tract for this zoning case is located along the Imagine Austin Slaughter Lane Activity Corridor and is within the Imagine Austin Southpark Meadows Town Center. The subject property, which is ‘L’ shaped, is 1.273 acres in size and abuts Cullen Lane and Slaughter Lane and is not located within the boundaries of a small area plan. Surrounding land uses includes vacant land, a club, and a nursery school to the north; to the south is small shopping center and the Southpark Meadows Shopping Center; to the east is a bank and a restaurant and both uses have a drive thru; and to the west vacant land and single family houses. Cullen Lane is a narrow rural road with no curb or gutters. The proposed use is restaurant and the removal of some of the existing conditional overlays so that restaurant uses (Limited and General) would be a permitted use on this property. The remaining Conditional Overlays would still apply. Existing conditional overlays on this site: A 50 foot vegetative buffer along the western property line where it is adjacent to or within 50 feet of a single family house. A 25 food vegetative buffer along the western property line where adjacent to the detention pond. The maximum building height is no greater than 35 feet from grade level. Signage restrictions The Land Use shall not generate more than 3,000 trips per day. Prohibited uses below, which includes restaurants: Connectivity Cullen Lane is a narrow rural road with no curb or gutters. The only public sidewalk is only located at the property that contains the bank. Public sidewalks are located along Slaughter Lane. A transit stop is located within 300 feet from the subject property, on Slaughter Lane. Bike lanes are located along both side of this portion of Slaughter Lane. The mobility and connectivity options in the area are average. Imagine Austin The subject tract falls within the boundaries of the Imagine Austin Southpark Meadows Town Center. Like many Imagine Austin Centers, this center is represented by a circle or globular shape that reflects the general location where the center should be located in the future. The center’s actual boundaries would need to be clarified through a small area planning process. Town Centers are intended to have a variety of housing types and a range of employers with regional customer and employee bases, and provide goods and services for the center as well as the surrounding areas. The project is also located along the West Slaughter Lane, an Imagine Austin Corridor. Activity Corridors are intended to allow people to reside, work, shop, access services, people watch, recreate, and hang out without traveling far distances. They are characterized by a variety of activities and types of buildings located along the roadway — shopping, restaurants and cafés, parks, schools, single-family houses, apartments, public buildings, houses of worship, mixed-use buildings, and offices. The following Imagine Austin policies are applicable to this case: · LUT P1. Align land use and transportation planning and decision-making to achieve a compact and connected city in line with the growth concept map. · LUT P3. Promote development in compact centers, communities, or along corridors that are connected by roads and transit that are designed to encourage walking and bicycling, and reduce health care, housing and transportation costs. · LUT P4. Protect neighborhood character by directing growth to areas of change that includes designated redevelopment areas, corridors and infill sites. Recognize that different neighborhoods have different characteristics and new and infill development should be sensitive to the predominant character of these communities. Based on this property being situated within a Town Center and along Activity Corridor, which supports retail and commercial uses; the existing mobility options available in the area (public sidewalks, bike lanes, and a transit stop); and the Imagine Austin policies referenced above that supports a variety of development, including a retail/commercial uses along major corridors and centers, this project supports the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. Kathleen Fox Senior Planner City of Austin | Planning & Zoning Dept. P.O. Box 1088 Austin, Texas 78767 Tel | 512.974.7877 Email | kathleen.fox@austintexas.gov From: Rhoades, Wendy Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 6:12 PM