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Question and Answer Report Zoning and Platting Meeting May 5, 2020 3. Rezoning: C14-2020-0012 - Plaza Volente Residential; District 6 Question: Commissioner Aguirre I noted in the citizen comments, some are asking for information on the ZAP meeting so they can share their concerns. How were they notified and provided information of the meeting and of the rule changes to sign up to speak during this meeting specific to this case? In regards to this case, there is an indication that this was reviewed by the fire department. Please provide a copy of the review. Because this is a flag lot, I am concerned about there being only one point of ingress/egress to the proposed apartment units. Also, was there an Environmental Resource Inventory done? If so, please provide it. Response: Staff / Agent Staff: I responded to each person who sent me comments on the zoning cases on this agenda with the following information: Hi Mr./Ms. __, I have asked the Commission Liaison to add your comments to the backup material for this case. Information concerning the Zoning and Platting meetings can be found at: http://www.austintexas.gov/content/zoning-and-platting-commission The Commission Liaison has provided information on how to sign up to speak at the public hearing next Tuesday (please see attached). If you have additional questions, please let me know. Thank you, Sherri Sirwaitis City of Austin Planning & Zoning Department sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov 512-974-3057(office) Here is the review by AFD for this rezoning request that was included in the zoning case report (please see attached): Project Name: Plaza Volente Residential Address: 11411 N FM 620 RD File Number: C14-2020-0012 NPZ Fire Review - Yvonne Espinoza (512) 974-0185 AFD did not review the site for adequate fire department access or available water and hydrants. AFD cannot search for hazards in areas that are out of the Austin Full Purpose or Limited Purpose area. 2/19/20, Update “0”- APPROVED WITH COMMENTS The Fire Department will review access issues for the property during Subdivision and Site Plan Review. The applicant has not provided an Environmental Resource Inventory with the rezoning application. I will ask the agent if they have this information at this time, or if it will be provided during the Site Plan Review process for the property. See attachment, Exhibit B-03 A 9.541-ACRE 11411 AND 11409 N FM620 ROAD TRACT CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURE MEMO TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS Date: December 9, 2019 Project: 9.541-acre 11411 and 11409 N FM 620 Road Tract To: CWS Capital Partners | Jarrett Sullivan From: aci Group, LLC - TBPG License No. 50260 | Mark Adams Subject: Critical Environmental Feature (CEF) Memo Mr. Sullivan, The City of Austin considered Critical Environmental Features (CEFs) as “features that are of critical importance to the protection of environmental resources and include bluff, springs, canyon rimrocks, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands.” aci consulting has preformed a CEF survey on the 9.541-acre 11411 and 11409 N FM 620 Road Tract in accordance with Section 25-8-121 of the City of Austin Land Development Code (LCD). Site reconnaissance investigations were conducted by Luke Rome, P.G. and Kara Posso, G.I.T. of aci consulting on November 20, 2019. The field investigation identified three features related to karst geology. After thorough evaluation, these three features were determined to be non- sensitive regarding the potential to serve as a source of point recharge. There were no CEFs identified within the limits of the subject area. Included in this memorandum are the photographs, descriptions, and recommended buffers (when applicable) for each of the features. A map of the site and findings are displayed in Figure 1. 11411 & 11409 N FM620 Road Tract CEF Survey Memo 1 22-19-129 December 2019 austin • denver KJ-01 GPS: N. 30.450567 W. -97.824118 KJ-01 is solution-cavity within epikarst limestone. The feature consists of two connected apertures that appear to have been enhanced by animal burrowing. The first aperture is 1.5 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep. The second larger aperture is approximately 3 feet by 2 feet and extends downwards 3 feet as well. The infill materials consist of roots from a nearby persimmon as well as moderately compacted organic and clay rich soils, spines from ashe juniper, and loose leaf litter. The feature is located along a gentle hillside and has a catchment area less than 1.6 acres. Consistent with the rest of the site, the immediate area around the feature consisted of large limestone boulders and slabs suspended in soils that were detached from the underlying bedrock, as epikarst generally is in this area. Due to the lack of subsurface connection to bedrock and a direct pathway or conduit for point recharge, the feature is not considered a Critical Environmental Feature as defined by the City of Austin and does not warrant protective buffering. View of KJ-01 11411 & 11409 N FM620 Road Tract CEF Survey Memo 2 22-19-129 December 2019 austin • denver KJ-02 GPS: N. 30.450516 W. -97.824246 KJ-02 is an epikarst feature with limited subsurface development influenced by root heave (ashe juniper). The opening of the feature exists along the edge of a one-foot thick limestone slab that extends 10 feet along a trend of 120°. The opening and edges of the feature were lightly excavated by hand to investigate the origin of the feature. As a result of the light excavation the feature was determined to be a product of root heave where several large roots of an ashe juniper uplifted the limestone slab. Infill material below the slab consisted of loose leaf litter, moderately compacted soils rich in clay, and organic matter. As the feature lacked a subsurface connection to bedrock and a direct pathway or conduit for point reacharge, it is not considered a Critical Environmental Feature as defined by the City of Austin and does not warrant protective buffering. View of KJ-02 11411 & 11409 N FM620 Road Tract CEF Survey Memo 3 22-19-129 December 2019 austin • denver KJ-03 GPS: N. 30.451667 W. -97.825218 KJ-03 is a solution cavity in epikarst limestone with limited subsurface development. The dimensions of the feature are 2 feet by 1 foot by 3 feet deep. The infill materials consist of loose leaf litter, dark soils rich in clay, and organic material. The feature is located along a hillside and has small catchment area that is less than 1.6 acres. Due to the lack of subsurface connection to bedrock and a direct pathway or conduit for point recharge, it is not considered a Critical Environmental Feature as defined by the City of Austin and does not warrant protective buffering. View of KJ-03 11411 & 11409 N FM620 Road Tract CEF Survey Memo 4 22-19-129 December 2019 austin • denver 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 4 d x m . s g n i d n i F f o p a M _ 1 e r u g i e F \ o m M F E C - 1 k s a T \ s p a M \ S I G \ s t c a r T c a 5 . 9 + c a 5 2 l l i m n o s r e d n A d n a 0 2 6 9 2 1 - 9 1 - 2 2 \ s r e d l o F t c e j o r P \ P : 9 9 8 4 9 9 2 9 9 9 9 0 ³ 1 0 2 4 4 2 0 1 1 0 2 8 6 2 0 1 1 0 2 6 1026 1026 1024 1 0 2 2 1020 1018 City of Austin 1024 2 2 0 1 Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone 1018 1 0 2 4 Ked 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 14 10 1 0 0 6 1002 1012 998 1004 1000 996 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 8 KJ-03 4 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1016 1 0 0 4 1000 992 994 9 9 2 4 9 9 990 986 988 994 Ked 976 982 984 984 980 97 8 9 7 4 2 7 9 9 6 2 960 9 6 0 9 6 0 9 6 8 9 6 4 4 5 9 9 5 6 9 7 0 966 9 6 0 952 958 948 9 4 6 9 5 0 9 4 9 4 4 2 9 4 0 8 3 9 Kcp 9 3 6 KJ-02 KJ-01 0 8 9 9 7 2 960 962 9 6 0 9 5 8 This map is intended for planning purposes only. All map data should be considered preliminary. All boundaries and designations are subject to confirmation. 250 125 0 250 Feet 1:3,000 1 inch = 250 feet Subject Area Features (Non-CEF) 9.541-acre 11411 and 11409 N FM 620 Road Tract Figure 1: Map of Findings aci Project No.: 22-19-129 December 2019