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Feb. 11, 2020

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Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting 11 February 2020 The Urban Transportation Commission convened in a meeting on February 11, 2020 at 721 Barton Springs Road (Town Lake Center Room 130) in Austin, Texas. Daniel Hennessey Alex Reyna Allie Runas Commission Members in Attendance: Daniel Alvarado Mario Champion Kelly Davis Commission Members Absent: Kelly Blume City Staff in Attendance: Emily Smith Eric Bollich Samuel Franco Susan Somers Cynthia Weatherby Michael Wilfley Janae Spence Amanda Ross CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Daniel Hennessey called the commission meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL One person addressed the commission regarding items not on the agenda: Carlos León. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING The December 10, 2019 minutes were approved on Commissioner Weatherby motion, Commissioner Somers second on an 8 - 0 vote with Commissioner Davis off of the dais and Commissioners Blume and Franco absent. 2. NEW BUSINESS Action A. Electric bikes and scooters on Austin trails (pilot program conclusions) – Discussion and Possible A presentation was made by Amanda Ross, Natural Resources Division Manager, Austin Parks and Recreation Department. One person addressed the commission regarding the item: Jim Brennan. B. Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority general update – Briefing A presentation was made by Steve Pustelnyk, Director of Community Relations, CTRMA. 3. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Capital Metro – Project Connect (Champion, Alvarado; March) B. CAMPO 2045 Plan (Somers, Davis; March) C. Taxicab franchise update (Staff; March) D. Urban Trails Plan and Sidewalk/ADA Transition Plan Updates (Staff; April) ADJOURNMENT Chair Champion adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. without objection.

Scraped at: July 10, 2020, 11:20 p.m.