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Jan. 29, 2020

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Scraped at: Jan. 31, 2020, 7:40 p.m.
Jan. 29, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Work Session January 29, 2020 URBAN RENEWAL BOARD APPROVED MINUTES The Urban Renewal Board convened the Work Session on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, at the Street‐Jones Building, 1000 East 11th Street, Room 400A, Austin TX. Chair Escobar called the Board Meeting to order at 5:16 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Manuel Escobar, Chair Roxanne Evans, Vice‐Chair Darrell Pierce Danielle Skidmore Jacqueline Watson Board Members Absent: Amit Motwani Nathaniel Bradford Staff in Attendance: Gina Copic Sandra Harkins Mark Walters PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approval of the December 2, 2019, Work Session Meeting Minutes. The motion to approve the December 2, 2019, work session minutes, was made by Commissioner Watson, seconded by Vice‐Chair Evans and approved on a 4‐0‐0 vote. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and possible action on recommended modifications to the East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan and the East 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD) to parallel the structure of the current East 12th Street NCCD. 1 Sandra Harkins, NHCD Staff, presented recommended modifications to the East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan that included, but not limited to: 1. Adding and reorganizing sections of the Urban Renewal Plan (Table of Contents) 2. Updating the History (previously Background) 3. Removing Definitions Section and replacing with Permitted Use Charts or relocating key a. Added accomplishments, to date terms to more appropriate sections 4. Amending: Vision, Purpose, Authority and Scope 5. New section for Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD) 6. Delete obsolete requirements, language, figures and tables 7. Delete all tear sheet illustrations 8. Update Duration and Modification Procedures 9. Delete the provisions that allow the Urban Renewal Board to waive certain redevelopment project controls 10. Add an Appendix Mark Walters, Zoning and Planning Staff presented a first draft of the rewrite to the East 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD). The Urban Renewal Board recessed at 6:48 p.m. The Urban Renewal Board reconvened at 6:55 p.m. Chair Escobar requested: 1. Language to be included in both documents to address future changes in LDC uses and/or a. If something changes after Council adoption of both documents, language/term 2. …

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 4:40 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Agenda original pdf

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URBAN RENEWAL BOARD OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN Monday, January 13, 2020 Street – Jones Building 1000 East 11th Street, Room 400A 6:00 p.m. Current Board Members: Manuel Escobar, Chair Roxanne Evans, Vice Chair Danielle Skidmore Amit Motwani Darrell W. Pierce Nathaniel Bradford Jacqueline Watson PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. CALL TO ORDER – Monday, January 13, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approval of the December 16, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (Speakers signed up prior to the meeting will be called in order and will each be allowed a three‐minute allotment to address their concerns. This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Urban Renewal Board of the City of Austin (URB) on any issue. The URB may not debate any non‐agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non‐agenda issue at this time however the URB may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion – JC‐0169) (Limit of three minutes each). a. Discussion and possible action to authorize the negotiation and execution of the sixth amendment to the Escrow Agreement that provides for approval of the fifth extension to the Outside Completion Date for the properties located at 1322‐1336 East 12th Street from January 31, 2020 to March 31, 2020. b. Discussion and possible action of the scoring criteria and matrix for the Urban Renewal Agency‐owned properties located in the 900 and 1100 Blocks of East 11th Street (Blocks 16 and 18) Request for Proposal and how enforcement provisions may be implemented. c. Discussion and possible action on Permitted, Prohibited and Conditional uses for East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan and the East 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD). 3. NEW BUSINESS P a g e 1 | 2 4. OLD BUSINESS AND APPOINTMENTS 5. UPDATE FROM URBAN RENEWAL BOARD COMMITTEES, WORKING GROUPS a. Discussion and possible action on recommended modifications to the East 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan and the East 11th Street Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD) to parallel the structure of the current East 12th Street NCCD. b. Discussion and …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Draft December Minutes original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING December 16, 2019 URBAN RENEWAL BOARD DRAFT MINUTES The Urban Renewal Board convened the regular meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019, at the Street‐Jones Building, 1000 East 11th Street, Room 400A, Austin TX. Chair Escobar called the Board Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Manuel Escobar, Chair Roxanne Evans, Vice‐Chair Amit Motwani Danielle Skidmore Nathaniel Bradford Jacqueline Watson Darrell Pierce Board Members Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Gina Copic Sandra Harkins PURPOSE: The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation and compliance of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted by the Austin City Council. An Urban Renewal Plan's primary purpose is to eliminate slum and blighting influence within a designated area of the city. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approval of the November 18, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes. The vote. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (The first 5 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three‐minute allotment to address their concerns. This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Austin (Agency) on any issue. The Agency may not debate any non‐agenda issue, nor may any motion to approve the November 18, 2019, regular meeting minutes, was made by Commissioner Motwani seconded by Commissioner Skidmore and approved on a 6‐0‐1 1 3. NEW BUSINESS Ethan Smith action be taken on any non‐agenda issue at this time however the Agency may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion – JC‐0169) (Limit of three minutes each). a. Authorize negotiate and execute the fifth amendment to the Escrow Agreement that provides for approval of the fifth extension to the Outside Completion Date for the properties located at 1322‐1336 East 12th Street from December 31, 2019 to January 31, 2019. December 31, 2019 to January 31, 2020, was made by Commissioner Watson with Commissioner Bradford and approved on a 7‐0‐0 vote. b. Discussion and possible action authorizing the negotiation and execution of a one‐day License Agreement with Greater Austin Black Chamber for the properties located at 920 East 11th Street and 913 Juniper Street, Austin TX 78702 on March 15, 2020, to host the SXSW Africa House. Matt Harriss, Chief Financial Officer, Butler Family Interests, provided a project briefing, which included a request for the fifth extension. The motion authorizing the …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.b - Block 18 - Stakeholder Comments Jan 2019 original pdf

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BLOCK 18 RFP COMMENTS February 11, 2019 1 Resolve existing egress enchroachment and underground utility issues for Historic Victory Grill and Comment and/or Recommendation ensure its preservation. 2 Reserve and enhance Kenny's Backyard *Is it possible to keep an outdoor music venue? We really enjoy the music from Kenny Dorham's Backyard. • The Block 18/Kenny Dorham’s space should be allowed to remain in operation until the property has been sold and the timeline dictates that site prep needs to begin. • Going forward, if not specially Kenny Dorham’s Backyard, some facility based on this model should be incorporated into whatever development plan is accepted for Block 18 • Make Block 18 an intentional and specific destination for arts, culture, music, cultural preservation, and creative industries for the District • Though commercial in nature, Block 18 development should intentionally incorporate the Victory Grill Building (and the historic legacy of the venues and businesses that once populated these blocks) into a plan for this block to function as a Cultural Hub that pays homage to what once was the center of the Central East Austin Entertainment District 3 4 5 6 7

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.b - Draft Block 16 RFP Community Benefits original pdf

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DRAFT SCORING CRITERIA - Block 16 14-Jan-19 Points (80 Point Maximum) 20 20 10 10 5 5 Project Creativity and Need Community Benefit Considerations To what extent will the project satisfy priority needs, as identified in the current Urban Renewal and the City Imagine Austin comprehensive plan? Describe the appropriateness of the proposed development for the neighborhood. Please provide: • Impact on making the commercial corridor more welcoming and on increasing the availability of pedestrian oriented retail goods or services. • Impact on other public or private investment in the neighborhood. • Jobs created as a result of the project. Additional Affordable Housing 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years Community Parking Provide parking in excess of the minimum requirements to support adjacent businesses in the corridor. Incorporation of the African American Cultural & Heritage Facility It is strongly encouraged the proposed project identify synergies with the African American Cultural and Heritage Facility (AAC&HF). Define the approach the proposed project will utilize to successfully create a sustainable synergy with the African American Cultural and Heritage Facility by providing for example; active space for community, educational and cultural uses. How will proposed project design and uses be respectful to the adjacent AAC&HF Dedrick-Hamilton house a historic structure? As part of the implementation of City Council resolution no. 20071108‐127 (see Exhibit B), relating to MBE/WBE compliance (the City of Austin program for Minority‐owned Business Enterprises / Women‐owned Business Enterprises), the Successful Proposer is encouraged to set MBE/WBE participation goals or make a good faith effort to achieve these goals in the design and construction of improvements on the subject Property. Green Building The Successful Proposer is encouraged to meet ambitious green building goals. This includes meeting a minimum Austin Energy 2 Star Green Building rating or USGBC LEED Silver rating. (Please refer to information and links provided at www.austintexas.gov/realestate) Other Public Benefits Other public benefits proposed will be given additional consideration. Affordable Housing Threshold Requirement: 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years 10 Minority and Women Owned Business

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.b - Draft Block 18 RFP Community Benefits original pdf

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DRAFT SCORING CRITERIA - Block 18 14-Jan-19 Points (80 Point Maximum) 20 20 10 10 10 5 5 Project Creativity and Need Community Benefit Considerations To what extent will the project satisfy priority needs, as identified in the current Urban Renewal and the City Imagine Austin comprehensive plan? Describe the appropriateness of the proposed development for the neighborhood. Please provide: • Impact on making the commercial corridor more welcoming and on increasing the availability of pedestrian oriented retail goods or services. • Impact on other public or private investment in the neighborhood. • Jobs created as a result of the project. Additional Affordable Housing 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years Community Parking Provide parking in excess of the minimum requirements to support adjacent businesses in the corridor Incorporation of the Historic Victory Grill It is strongly encouraged the proposed project identify synergies with the Historic Victory Grill. Define the approach the proposed project will utilize to successfully create a sustainable synergy with the Historic Victory Grill. How will proposed project design and uses be respectful to this historic structure? Minority and Women Owned Business As part of the implementation of City Council resolution no. 20071108‐127 (see Exhibit B), relating to MBE/WBE compliance (the City of Austin program for Minority‐owned Business Enterprises / Women‐owned Business Enterprises), the Successful Proposer is encouraged to set MBE/WBE participation goals or make a good faith effort to achieve these goals in the design and construction of improvements on the subject Property. Green Building Other Public Benefits The Successful Proposer is encouraged to meet ambitious green building goals. This includes meeting a minimum Austin Energy 2 Star Green Building rating or USGBC LEED Silver rating. Other public benefits proposed will be given additional consideration. Affordable Housing Threshold Requirement: 25% of residential units. Rental = 60% MFI for 40 years; Ownership = 80% MFI for 99 years

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.b - E 11th and 12th Street Development Strategy Community Engagement Summary original pdf

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Page 1 of 7 pages


Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.b - General Stakeholder Comments Jan 2019 original pdf

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BLOCKS 16 AND 18 RFP GENERAL COMMENTS Comment and/or Recommendation February 11, 2019 1 Partner Actively with GNDC, Blackshear, Blackand D.C.'S Give them a say in housing 1. Affordable Grocery Store. It's a food desert. 2. Document the history of Robertson Hill that’s being erased. Define the following terms: "priority needs"/"more welcoming"/"impact" Baseline positive “impact” requirements: 1. Compatibility of maximum heights, intensity of uses, light and sound pollution with adjacent residential and cultural uses and historic assets; and 2. Long-term dedication of space for existing and new local businesses at affordable rates, as well as for on-grade programmable public space • Specify “Permanent and temporary jobs.” • Prioritize services not yet present on the corridor that are compatible with all adjacent uses, such as a pharmacy and a pick-up/drop-off drycleaners. • Hew to plain intent and letter of URP; no variances or bonus entitlements-such as to maximum height, FAR, setbacks, protection of heritage trees. Affordable Housing What is the baseline affordable housing requirement from which additional units will be gauged? Per forum-25%. Ownership unis at 60% MFI for 99 year and below should be weighted significantly higher than current proposed criteria (+5 points) Community Parking Prioritize projects with a holistic parking demand management program that includes: Public parking to support existing local businesses Innovative approach to accommodating alternative modes of transportation, bus, bike locks, bike showers, scooters, Vespas, commercial loading zone, etc.; and A mix of uses on-site that balance 24/7 demand of parking Minority and women owned business Theses points should be all-or-nothing based on: 1. Meeting a quantitative baseline % participation; and 2. Executed partnership agreements (MOU’s?) at time of application Please clarify requirements for City projects/state regulations and aim to match them. 2 3 4 5 6 Page 1 of 7 BLOCKS 16 AND 18 RFP GENERAL COMMENTS Comment and/or Recommendation February 11, 2019 Green Building 2 Star/Silver should be a baseline requirement for submission; 5 points for Gold Star Reward incorporation of alternative energy (such as solar) on-site Other Public Benefits Baseline requirement for award consideration: demonstrated timely, substantive engagement with RHNA, OCEAN and Six Square. Demonstrated community support (15 points) – letters of support from all of the following: RHNA, OCEAN and Six Square. We urge the board to set specific, baseline qualifications for proposal consideration that reflect community needs and priorities. Requiring upfront what our community and the city most value should help ensure …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.c - DRAFT General Notes original pdf

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General Notes/Comments/Responses for Urban Renewal Agency, December 16, 2019; January 13, 2020 Regular Meeting 1. Does the Planning Commission (PC) have the authority to impose other conditions on a Conditional Use application, above and beyond those called out in a footnote. Do they always require a site plan at their public hearing? Response: PC can add conditions as they desire and that are within the boundaries established in the code 2. Can there be Permitted Uses with Exceptions? Response: PC is a valid use for this scenario. PC means, the use is permitted, but under some circumstances may be conditional. 3. What are nonconforming use rules? Nonconforming Uses - (§ 25-2-941) means a land use that does not conform to current use regulations, but did conform to the use regulations in effect at the time the use was established. Uses Conforming on MARCH 1, 1984. (§ 25-2-942) The use of a building, structure, or property that conformed with the zoning regulations in effect on March 1, 1984 is a conforming use notwithstanding the requirements of this chapter. Per 12th Street NCCD - Current existing uses that are now prohibited, are allowed to continue as legal non-conforming uses as per the Land Development Code, Section 25-2-941. Determination of Nonconforming Use Regulation Group (§ 25-2-946) This code section begins to set forth the process for determining if a property in conforming or not and what the level of non-conformance means in regard to additions or improvements that are allowed. This is spelled out in greater detail in 25-2-946. Abandonment of Nonconforming Use (25-2-945) A) A person abandons a nonconforming use if: (1) the person changes the use of property from a nonconforming use to a conforming use; or (2) the person discontinues the nonconforming use for 90 consecutive days. (C) A person may not resume an abandoned nonconforming use. (B) A seasonal discontinuance of a use, or a temporary discontinuance of a use for maintenance or repair, is excluded from a calculation of the 90-day period described in Subsection (A)(2). 4. Regarding the question about Kenny Dorham’s Backyard and what permitted use it falls under, based on the Temporary Use Permit #2019-008619, its under Article 6- Temporary Uses; 25-2-921-Temporary Uses Described: (C) An outdoor public, religious, patriotic, or historic assembly or exhibit, including a festival, benefit, fund raising event, or similar use that typically attracts a mass audience may be permitted as …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.c - Draft Permitted Use - Civic original pdf

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DRAFT URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 16, 2019 CIVIC USES EAST 11TH ST NCCD AND URPLAN PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USE - COMPARISON / PROPOSED USE CHART EAST 12TH STREET NCCD USES ARE ONLY BEING PROVIDED FOR COMPARISON East 11th Street NCCD and E 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan Uses Proposed Use Chart 11th Street NCCD and 11th and 12th St Urban Renewal Plan - 12/2/2019; 12/16/2019; 01/13/2020 Rationale/Notes/Responses East 12th Street NCCD Uses Current Use Chart - 12th Street NCCD SUBDISTRICT 1 SUBDISTRICT 2 SUBDISTRICT 2A SUBDISTRICT 3 (Uses are (Uses are (Uses are (Uses are limited to what limited to what limited to what limited to what base zoning base zoning base zoning base zoning allows) allows) allows) allows) College & University facilities College & University facilities Civic Uses Administrative Services Aviation Facilities Camp Cemetery Club or Lodge Community Events Community Recreation (Private) Community Recreation (Public) — — — — C P P — P P — — — — C P P — P P — — — — C P P — P P — — — — C P P — P P Civic Uses Administrative Services Aviation Facilities Camp Cemetery Club or Lodge Community Events Community Recreation (Private) Community Recreation (Public) Communication Service Facilities Communication Service Facilities SUBDISTRICT SUBDISTRICT Urban Renewal Plan 1 — — — — — C — — C C 2 — — — — — C — — C C — — — — — C — — C C Congregate Living P P P P Congregate Living C C C Conditions: Save and except 1017 E 11th St (M W St Joseph Grand Lodge) and 1704 E 12th St (MW Mt Carmel Grand Lodge) Only allow on the second floor. (Are there other conditions the Board wants to impose on this use?) Question: Can this use be prohibited? Response: Yes, Communication Service Facilities can be prohibited, but a Telecommunications Tower cannot be prohibited. Discussion regarding heavily conditioning Community Recreation (Private) Question: Is this a facility? Response: Congregate Living is for an assisted living facility with 15 or more persons, under 15 residents would be an appropriate group home use. Question: Can we have it as a permitted use, with exceptions? Response: Yes PAGE 1 of 4 DRAFT URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 16, 2019 CIVIC USES EAST 11TH ST NCCD AND URPLAN PERMITTED, …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.c - Draft Permitted Use - Commercial original pdf

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DRAFT E 11TH ST NCCD AND URPLAN PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USE - COMPARISON / PROPOSED USE CHART URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING - 1/13/2020 COMMERCIAL USES EAST 12TH STREET NCCD USES ARE ONLY BEING PROVIDED FOR COMPARISON East 12th Street NCCD Uses Current Use Chart - 12th Street NCCD 12/16/2019; 1/13/2020 Rationale/Notes East 11th Street NCCD and E 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan Uses Proposed Use Chart - 11th Street NCCD and 11th and 12th St Urban Renewal Plan - SUBDISTRICT 1 (Uses are limited SUBDISTRICT 2 (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) to what base zoning allows) SUBDISTRICT 2A (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) SUBDISTRICT 3 (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) SUBDISTRICT SUBDISTRICT 2 Urban Renewal Plan Commercial Uses Administrative and Business Offices Adult-Oriented Businesses Agricultural Sales and Services Alternative Financial Services Art Gallery Art Workshop Automotive Rental Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing Bail Bond Services Building Maintenance Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Campground Carriage Stable Commercial Uses Administrative and Business Offices Adult-Oriented Businesses Agricultural Sales and Services Alternative Financial Services Art Gallery Art Workshop Automotive Rental Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing Bail Bond Services Building Maintenance Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Campground Carriage Stable P — P P P P — — — — — P P P — — — — P P P P P — P P P P — — — — — P P P — — — — P P P P P — P P P P — — — — — P P P — — — — P P P P P — P P P P — — — — — P P P — — — P P P P Commercial (Blood) Plasma Center Commercial (Blood) Plasma Center Commercial Off-Street Parking Communications Services Construction Sales and Services Consumer Convenience Services Commercial Off-Street Parking Communications Services Construction Sales and Services Consumer Convenience Services Cocktail Lounge * — Cocktail Lounge C — 1 PC — — — P P — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PC — — — P P — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PC — — — P P — — — — — — — …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 3.c - Draft Permitted Use - Residential original pdf

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DRAFT URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING - 1/13/2020 RESIDENTIAL USES EAST 11TH ST NCCD AND URPLAN PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USE - COMPARISON / PROPOSED USE CHART EAST 12TH STREET NCCD USES ARE ONLY BEING PROVIDED FOR COMPARISON East 12th Street NCCD Uses Current Use Chart - 12th Street NCCD 12/2/2019; 12/16/2019; 1/13/2020 Rationale/Notes/Responses East 11th Street NCCD and E 11th and 12th Street Urban Renewal Plan Uses Proposed Use Chart - 11th Street NCCD and 11th and 12th St Urban Renewal Plan - SUBDISTRICT 1 (Uses are limited SUBDISTRICT 2 (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) to what base zoning allows) SUBDISTRICT 2A (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) SUBDISTRICT 3 (Uses are limited to what base zoning allows) Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast (Group 1) Residential Uses Bed and Breakfast (Group 1) SUBDISTRICT 1 SUBDISTRICT 2 Urban Renewal Plan Bed and Breakfast (Group 2) Bed and Breakfast (Group 2) — — — Condominium Residential — Condominium Residential — — — P P — — — — P P P — P P — P P P — P P — P P P — P C — Conservation Single Family Residential Duplex Residential Group Residential Mobile Home Residential Conservation Single Family Residential Duplex Residential Group Residential Mobile Home Residential PC — — C — PC — — C — PC — — C — Group 1 - 5 rental units if the building in which the bed and breakfast residential use is located in is more than 50 Years or 3 rental units if the building in which the bed and breakfast residential use is located is 50 years old or less. Group 2 - 10 rental units if the building in which the bed and breakfast residential use is located in is more than 50 Years or 5 rental units if the building in which the bed and breakfast residential use is located is 50 years old or less. Not on ground floor fronting E 11th and 12th Streets Save and except all existing uses Question: Would CO-OPs fall under this category? Response: Yes PAGE 1 of 3 Multi-Family Residential — P P P Multi-Family Residential DRAFT URBAN RENEWAL BOARD REGULAR MEETING - 1/13/2020 RESIDENTIAL USES EAST 11TH ST NCCD AND URPLAN PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USE - COMPARISON / PROPOSED USE CHART East 12th Street NCCD Uses Current Use Chart - 12th …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Item 4.b - Design Guidelines - FAR Comparison original pdf

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Marshall Apartments View looking North Floor Area = 52,000 sf Site Area = 186, 915 sf FAR = 0.28 Street Jones Building View looking North-West Floor Area = 58,312 Site Area = 48,963 FAR = 1.19 Eleven Apartments View looking North-West Floor Area = 203,757 sf Site Area = 127,635 sf FAR = 1.60 Parking Garage Access Block 16- View looking North-West Parking garage access from E. 11th St. and Juniper Street Floor Area = 55,180 sf Site Area = 42,451 sf FAR = 1.30 Food Trailers / ARA Property Music Plaza Floor Area = 91,555 Site Area = 44,110 FAR = 2.07 Parking Garage Access Block 18- View looking North-East Parking garage access from Waller Street

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 p.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Meeting Audio original link

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Scraped at: Jan. 25, 2020, 4:10 a.m.
Jan. 13, 2020

Approved Minutes original pdf

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Page 1 of 18 pages

URBAN RENEWAL BOARD APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING January 13, 2020 The Urban Renewal Street-Jones Board convened 1000 East 11th Street, Room Building, the regular meeting on Monday, 400A, Austin TX. January 13, 2020, at the Chair Escobar called the Board Meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. in Attendance: Chair Vice-Chair Board Members Manuel Escobar, Roxanne Amit Motwani Danielle Jacqueline Watson Skidmore Evans, Absent: Board Members Darrell Pierce Nathaniel Bradford Staff in Attendance: Gina Copic Sandra Harkins Mark Walters PURPOSE: and compliance An Urban Renewal designated Plan's area of the city. The Board of Commissioners primary responsibility the implementation is to oversee of approved Urban Renewal Plans that are adopted primary purpose is to eliminate by the Austin slum and blighting City Council. within influence a 1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Approval of the December 16, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes. The motion to approve was made by Commissioner Motwani seconded on a 4-0-0 vote. minutes by Commissioner the December 16, 2019, regular meeting Watson and approved with corrections, Commissioner Skidmore arrived after the approval of minutes. 2.CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: being called to order will each be allowed GENERAL (The first 5 speakers up prior to the meeting a three-minute allotment to address their concerns. signed 1

Scraped at: Feb. 11, 2020, 4:40 p.m.