Public Safety Commission - June 6, 2022

Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Commission - Monthly Public Safety Commission Meeting

Public Safety Commission Agenda - June 6, 2022 @ 4pm original pdf

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PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING June 6, 2022 @ 4:00PM City Hall Boards and Commissions Room 301 W 2nd Street, Austin Texas Some members of the PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register please call (512) 974-5747 before noon on June 5, 2022 or email AGENDA Kathleen Hausenfluck John T. Kiracofe Rocky Lane Amanda Lewis Rebecca Webber CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Rebecca Bernhardt, Chair Nelly Paulina Ramirez, Vice Chair Michael Sierra-Arevalo Queen Austin Rebecca Gonzales Cory Hall-Martin CALL TO ORDER 4:00-4:05pm Public Communication 4:05-4:15pm (from speakers signed up to speak) Items for Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – May 2, 2022 4:20pm-4:25pm 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Austin Police Department Quarterly Report – creation of a working group on the make up of the Austin Police Department Quarterly Report metrics (sponsors: Commissioner Bernhardt and Ramirez) 4:25pm-4:30pm 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Public Safety Organizations Quarterly Report – Austin-Travis County EMS (sponsors: Commissioner Hausenfluck and Gonzales) 4:30pm-4:45pm Speaker(s): - Teresa Gardner Assistant Chief, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services b. Fiscal year 2022-2023 Budget, Public Safety Agencies, City of Austin (sponsors: Commissioner Ramirez and Bernhardt) 4:45pm-5:20pm Speaker(s): - Michelle Schmidt, Assistant Director, Austin Police Department - Dr. Ronnelle Paulson, Assistant Director, Austin Fire Department - Carlos Ledesma, Interim Assistant Director, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services - Kathy Mitchell, Policy Coordinator at Just Liberty, Community Investment Budget c. Staffing Study, Public Safety Agencies (sponsors: Commissioner Lewis and Ramirez) 5:20pm-5:35pm Speaker(s): - Joseph Chacon, Chief, Austin Police Department - Dr. Jonathan Kringen, Data and Business Technology Manager, Austin Police Department - Dr. Ronnelle Paulsen, Assistant Director, Austin Fire Department - Teresa Gardner, Assistant Chief, Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services d. How it works? What are all of the publicly available Austin Police Department data sets? Where can the public find each of them and how can they be used? (sponsors: Commissioner Ramirez and Bernhardt) 5:35pm-5:50pm Speaker(s): Jason Matson, Program Manager, Austin Police Department • • Sara Peralta, Public Information and Marketing Program Manager, Office of Police Oversight 4. Future Agenda Items …

Scraped at: June 3, 2022, 5 a.m.

AFD Staffing and Vacancy presentation - 6-6-2022 original pdf

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AUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Vacancy Staffing Plan 2022 AUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Current Staffing Levels Classification ASSISTANT CHIEF DIVISION CHIEF BATTALION CHIEF CAPTAIN LEIUTENANT FIRE SPECIALIST/DRIVER FIREFIGHTER Total CIVILIAN, FULL-TIME Department Total Vacant Authorized 0 0 0 0 0 0 108* 108 9 117* 5 8 37 72 216 225 694 1257 143 1400 • All sworn vacancies are held at the lowest rank, Firefighter • Vacancy trends correspond with • addition of new FTEs • opening of new fire stations the graduation of cadets • lag in hiring while cadet • testing is conducted • Current retirement/ separation rate for sworn is 1.5 per pay period Ch a rt d e ta ils: • va ca n cie s a s o f Ap ril 1, 2022 • in clu d e s 16 u n fu n d e d FTEs fo r Lo o p • d o e s n o t in clu d e te m p o ra ry civilia n s o r 360 sta tio n Fire Ca d e t FTEs 2 AUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Past Sworn Vacancies 3 AUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT AUSTIN FIRE DEPARTMENT Recruitment and Retention Challenges RECRUITING • Po te n tia l a d ve rse im p a ct in th e h irin g p ro ce ss p ro m p ts ta rge te d re cru itin g. • Le n gth o f tim e to go th ro u gh a ll th e ste p s in th e ca d e t h irin g p ro ce ss a s th e y a re d e ta ile d in th e Co lle ctive Ba rga in in g Agre e m e n t. RETENTION Fire figh te rs with le ss th a n 10 ye a rs o f se rvice le a vin g fo r o th e r o p p o rtu n itie s – n e w se p a ra tio n ra te o f 2.0 p e r p a y p e rio d p o ssib le CIVILIAN HIRING & RETENTION Pa y ra te s fo r p o sitio n s in h igh d e m a n d th ro u gh o u t Ce n tra …

Scraped at: June 8, 2022, 1 a.m.

EMS Quarterly Stats for PSC - mtg -6-2022 original pdf

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Emergency Medical Services Public Safety Commission Meeting FY22 Q2 Teresa Gardner, Assistant Chief 1 Incidents, Patient Contacts, Transports Jan. 2021 - Apr. 2022 Incidents | Patient Contacts | Patient Transports January 2021 - April 2022 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 - n a J 1 2 - b e F 1 2 - r a M 1 2 - r p A 1 2 - y a M 1 2 - n u J 1 2 - l u J 1 2 - g u A 1 2 - p e S 1 2 - t c O 1 2 - v o N 1 2 - c e D 2 2 - n a J 2 2 - b e F 2 2 - r a M 2 2 - r p A Incidents Patient Contacts Patient Transports 2 P1 Compliance by District FY22 Q2 Priority 1 Compliance by District FY22 Q2 82.52% 83.50% 90.16% 85.26% 86.81% 83.33% 92.49% 85.14% 75.15% 71.28% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % Goal Met 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3 P1 Response Interval by District FY22 Q2 Priority 1 Response Interval by District FY22 Q2 10.90 11.13 9.93 10.55 10.50 11.73 12.22 12.03 10.80 9.58 7.44% 7.77% 8.73% 8.53% 7.56% 9.01% 7.04% 6.64% 8.38% 7.13% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 90th Percentile (Minutes) % of Total for District 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4 Priority Percentage By District FY22 Q2 Priority Percentage by District FY22 Q2 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16.26% 14.97% 14.44% 14.81% 15.04% 13.40% 14.21% 15.70% 14.67% 12.59% 24.12% 26.81% 28.06% 25.34% 26.80% 26.26% 26.38% 28.16% 29.45% 33.13% 22.70% 23.00% 21.77% 21.43% 26.34% 25.36% 24.54% 24.39% 24.88% 23.73% 29.47% 27.45% 26.99% 29.89% 24.26% 25.96% 27.83% 25.11% 22.62% 23.43% 7.44% 7.77% 8.73% 8.53% 1 2 3 4 7.56% 5 9.01% 6 7.04% 6.64% 7 8 8.38% 9 7.13% 10 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 5 EMS Department Staffing 2nd Quarter Authorized Strength Authorized Strength Filled Sworn Filled Sworn Sworn Vacancies Sworn Vacancies Medic Openings Medic Openings 52 Field 7 Communication 528 136 Authorized Sworn Staffing Vacancies Vacancy Rate 664 Rank March 31, 2022 EMS Assistant …

Scraped at: June 8, 2022, 1 a.m.

Item 3c - EMS Staffing and Vacancy Presentation original pdf

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EMS Staffing Levels June 6, 2022 EMS Historical Vacancy Rate EMS Challenges Leading to Vacancies EMS Challenges Leading to Vacancies EMS Plan to Fill Vacancies • Recruiting • Dedicate sworn staff to Recruiting • Improve marketing and recruiting materials and presence • Website, social media, recruiting video • Increase visibility of ATCEMS nationally • Professional organizations • EMS conferences • EMS education institutions Reducing Barriers to Entry • Eliminate one-year EMS experience requirement • Reduce and clarify automatic application disqualifications • Extend each hiring cycle • Evaluate pre-requisite certification for EMS Communications Center • Currently require EMT – Basic • Consider reducing to Emergency Care Attendant Direct Hire and Community Engagement • Provide community EMT program • Partner with City of Austin leadership and community • Identify communities with limited access to professional • Successful completion earns priority status to entry-level organizations education position Reducing Barrier to Clinical Specialist Promotion • 10% of sworn vacancies • Collaboration with Office of the Chief Medical Officer • Separate clinical training and credentialing process from promotion process • Civil Service Promotion Test • Committees of sworn staff to review source material & test questions FY 2022 • 1 Commander for Recruiting • 1 Civilian for recruiting and hiring process for sworn personnel • 3 Civilian EMS Instructors • 2 Field Captains – Instructors for Academy • High fidelity simulation training lab • 7 High-fidelity manikins • AV & Computer equipment • Cadaver lab training • Textbooks for EMT classes and Promotional Exam material • Funding for more Field Training Officer stipends and training EMS Academy Dates • 2022 • 2023 • July 5th – August 26th • October 10th – December 2nd • January 30th – March 24th • April 24th – June 2nd • July 17 – September 8 • October 9 – December 1

Scraped at: June 8, 2022, 1 a.m.

Item 3c- APD staffing presentation original pdf

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M E M O R A N D U M Mayor and Council Members Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager May 19, 2022 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ATX Public Safety Vacancy Staffing Plan (Resolution No. 20220217-036) The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update regarding the development of vacancy staffing plans for the Police, Fire, and EMS Departments as directed by Resolution No. 20220217-036. Final recommendations and the timeline necessary for Council actions to implement the staffing timeline will be provided as part of the FY 2023 Proposed Budget to be presented on July 15, 2022. Presented below is a summary of the three departments’ response to the elements outlined in the Resolution. Detailed information can be found in the attachments. The following table summarizes the FY 2022 authorized sworn staffing and vacancy rates for the three Current Staffing Levels Public Safety Departments. Department Authorized Vacant % Vacant Police Fire EMS 1809 1257 664 190 108 149 10.5% 8.6% 22.4% The factors driving attrition and therefore vacancies are specific to each department and are not Challenges Leading to Vacancies summarized here. Regarding the ability to fill vacancies, the major factors are recruitment and training capacity. Training capacity is the limiting factor in comparison to recruitment due to the length of time required to train cadets, the sworn staffing required for training, and the challenge of scheduling of training classrooms and other resources at the Public Safety Training Center to accommodate multiple cadet classes. The current departmental vacancies pose an additional challenge to staffing the cadet classes, which requires sworn staff from operational units to augment the assigned training sworn staff. 1 Presented below is a summary of how each department has projected future staffing needs. The Draft Departmental Staffing Plans timeline differs based on the unique factors associated with each department, which is detailed in the attachments. Note that an evaluation of fiscal impact has not been conducted given the ongoing contract negotiations. Recommendations regarding how best to address the projected staffing needs will be addressed in the FY 2023 Proposed Budget. Department Police Fire EMS FY22 1809 1257 665 FY23 1844 1305 689 FY24 1889 1321 713 FY25 1944 1337 737 FY26 2009 761 FY27 2074 As mentioned earlier, the existing facilities at Public Safety Training Center along with availability of Training Resource Needs operational sworn staff to augment assigned training staff are the major limiting factors to …

Scraped at: June 8, 2022, 1 a.m.

Public Safety Departments Combined Budget -FY2022-23 original pdf

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Public Safety FY2022-23 Forecast June 6, 2022 City of Austin, TX Austin Police FY2022-23 Forecast June 6, 2022 City of Austin, TX Police Department Budget Overview FY2022 Totals at a Glance FY2022 Approved Budget $443.1 Million FY2022 Positions 1,809 Sworn 558.5 Civilian FY2022 Budget by Program FY2022 Budget Highlights  Reimagine Fund, Decouple Fund, Communications & Forensics back to APD  Increase funding for Pension Funds  Fully fund 2 Cadet Academy Classes  5 ViCAP Specialist Temp FTEs  CAST Rifle plate vest replacement  Forensic Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer replacement Police Department Budget Overview FY2023 Forecast FY2023 Forecast FY2023 Positions $451.7 Million* 1,812 Sworn 499.75 Civilian Police FY2023 Forecast Highlights  Personnel Cost Drivers  Interfund Transfers  Contract & Operating Increases $14.4M $4.9M $1.5M $20.8M  Total  Total  Creation of the Forensic Science Department ($12.2M) *Estimate: The FY2023 Forecast as presented in April 2022; the City proposed budget is still under development for City Council approval in August. $8.6M* or 2% Council Initiatives & Department Unfunded Priorities  Helicopter Replacement $1.5M  11 Civilian FTEs per Kroll Report Recommendation $1.2M  Civilianize 6 Sworn FTEs for Real Time Crime Center $0 o The $501K cost would be offset by an increase in Vacancy Savings  4 Sworn Detective FTEs for Sex Crimes Unit $955K  6 Civilian FTEs for Compliance with Senate Bill 111 $491K  Total $4.1M Austin Fire FY2022-23 Forecast June 6, 2022 City of Austin, TX Fire Department Budget Overview FY2022 Totals at a Glance FY2022 Approved Budget $219.4 Million FY2022 Budget by Program Transfers, Debt Service & Other, 13% Support Services, 6% Emergency Prevention, 8% Operations Support, 8% FY2022 Positions 1,257 Sworn 143 Civilian & 60 Cadet FY2022 Budget Highlights  $864K for annualized staffing for Travis Country Fire/EMS station  $699K for partial year staffing (16 FTEs)& equipment at new Loop 360 fire station  $700K Resilience Investments: Operations and Wildfire equipment & Responding to the Interface (RTI) wildfire training Fire/Emergency Response, 66%  $50K Mental Health training  $150K Tech expenses (AMANDA/ePCR) Fire Department Budget Overview FY2023 Forecast FY2023 Forecast Budget $228.7 Million* FY2023 Forecast Positions 1,258 Sworn 144 Civilian & 60 Cadets Fire FY2023 Forecast Highlights $4.2M  Personnel Cost Drivers (includes new Sworn LT reimbursed by ABIA)  Interfund Transfers  Opening of Loop 360 station (staff & land lease)  Paid Parental Leave with backfill  …

Scraped at: June 8, 2022, 1 a.m.

20220606-003b: Budget for Public Safety original pdf

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PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION No. 20220606.003b Date: Subject: June 6, 2022 Public Safety Budget Recommendation Recommendation: The Public Safety Commission recommends that the City Council take action to support the following budget items. Description of Recommendation to Council: During the June Public Safety Commission meeting, the three Public Safety organizations presented their initial budget requests. Therefore, The Public Safety Commission recommends that the Austin City Council move forward with the following budget requests: APD Fire EMS • 11 Civilian FTEs per Kroll Report Recommendation • Civilianize 6 Sworn FTEs for Real Time Crime Center • 4 Sworn Detective FTEs for Sex Crimes Unit • 6 Civilian FTEs for Compliance with Senate Bill 111 $1.2M $0 $955K $491K $2.4M $135K $195K $2.1M $366K $1.4M $397K • Prevention Inspectors, Engineers and Admins with equip/vehicles $1.2-$3.6M (9 FTEs General Fund, 12 FTEs funded elsewhere) • Del Valle Ladder staffing with OT (16 FTEs) • 3 Pick-up Trucks for Response & PPE Transport • Technology & Equipment Service Increase • Staffing (est. $1M on-going, 9 FTEs , $1.1M one-time) • Data Analytics (est. $344K on-going, 2 FTEs, $172K one-time) • Staying on the Leading Edge of EMS (est. $50k on-going, $1.4M one-time • Staff Engagement (est. $397K on-going, 1 FTE) • Revenue Enhancement $892K (est. $52K one-time, 2 FTEs, $800K on-going) or (est. $62K one-time, 9 FTEs, $892K on-going) Rationale: The Public Safety Commission believes the budget items listed in the recommendation are vital to operations of the public safety organizations. Vote: For: 6 (Commissioners Bernhardt, Gonzales, Kiracofe, Ramirez, Sierra-Arevalo, Webber) Against: 0 Abstain: Absent: (Commissioners Enyioha, Hall-Martin, Hausenfluck, Lane, Lewis) Attest: [Staff or board member can sign] __________________________________

Scraped at: July 19, 2022, 5:30 p.m.