Parkland Events Task Force - Sept. 27, 2016

Parkland Events Task Force Regular Meeting of the Parkland Events Task Force - Meeting Location:Zilker Botanical Garden

Meeting Location: Zilker Botanical Garden original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE September 27 2016, 4 pm – 6 pm Zilker Botanical Garden Meeting Room 2220 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78746 TASK FORCE MEMBERSColin Wallis, Mayor Adler Kannou Curette, District 1 Alykhan Mohamed, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Debbie Stanley, District 4 David King, District 5 Stacy Farrugia, District 6 Patrick Brewer, District 7 Michael Joyce, District 8 Ingrid Weigand, District 9 Carol Lee, District 10 Bobby Garza, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee James Russell, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Jeff Smith, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Pam Thompson, Environmental Board Rick Cofer, Parks and Recreation Board Buddy Quaid, Austin Music Commission AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Approve Minutes from September 20, 2016 meeting. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION 1) The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. D. NEW BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1) Final report draft executive summary. 2) Final report. E. OLD BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1) Draft policy recommendations. 2) Draft Green Event policies. 3) Impacts and impact reduction measures, policies, or practices of special events regarding impact mitigation on surrounding neighborhoods, areas and businesses. 4) Special event policies related to event day or use, limits, process, scheduling, and coordination. F. NEW BUSINESS: FUTURE ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE MEMBERS OR CITY STAFF Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for possible briefing, discussion, and action at a FUTURE meeting. G. ADJOURNMENT The task force may take up items in any order, and may take action on any item except citizen’s communication. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Jason Maurer, with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, at 512-974-2427, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Parkland Events Task Force, please contact Jason Maurer at or by phone at 512-974-2427.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Recommendation Number: 20160920-E4 original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: 20160920-E4: Special event policies related to event day or use, limits, process, scheduling, and coordination. Adopt an ordinance to require a majority vote by the Council to override a staff approval or denial of an application for an event on City of Austin parkland. Date of Approval: _____September 20, 2016______ Record of the vote: Approved 7 yes, 2 no, 1 abstain. Attest: City Staff Liaison to Task Force

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Recommendation Number: 20160927-D2 original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: 20160927-D2: Final Report review and approval. The task force adopts the final recommendations, green events policy items, and limits recommendations. Date of Approval: _____September 27, 2016______ Record of the vote: Approved on a 10 yes – 2 no – 1 abstain vote. Attest: City Staff Liaison to Task Force

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4 original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4: Special event policies related to event day or use, limits, process, scheduling, and coordination. Whereas the City of Austin has established limits on the number of events that can be held at Townlake Metropolitan Park to mitigate continued impact, including sound, traffic and parking, to the surrounding neighborhoods, and preserve park access and use for the Austin public Whereas in 2016 the Long Center began unilaterally to host its own events and rent its property to event organizers that are outside those established limits (the Skyline Theater Concert Series), Whereas the use of the external premises as a concert venue are not expressly prohibited in the lease agreement between the City of Austin and the Long Center, that use does not meet the spirit of the original Voter Referendum passed on November 3, 1998. That vote approved the lease of what was then the Palmer Auditorium to the nonprofit group Arts Center Stage which would renovate the building to create a community performing arts venue, Whereas this use also does not meet the spirit of the Long Center’s own mission, which is: The Long Center is founded on the belief that the performing arts are essential components in the quality of life of our community. Our performing arts organizations—from the smallest to the largest—deserve and need facilities that reflect their contribution to the community. Therefore, our mission is to create and manage a state-of-the-art, multi-venue facility that will host the broad spectrum of Austin's performing arts organizations, Whereas the Parkland Events Taskforce understands that the Long Center needs to develop new revenue streams, Therefore, be it resolved that the City of Austin enforce existing contract provisions, review the existing lease agreement with the Long Center, and establish an agreement for the use of alienated park for outdoor events, Be it resolved if the Long Center wishes to establish other new events outside the physical structure of its venue, the City of Austin, (Austin Center for Events, Parks and Recreation Department), the Long Center, as well as the affected neighborhoods will develop a working group to consider gaining permits and approval for such events, Direct the City Manager to establish a permanent committee that includes the Long Center, PARD, Palmer Events Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Opera, Austin Symphony, Daugherty Arts Center, adjacent neighborhoods, producers for events at Vic Mathias Shores, and Austin Parks …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4 original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4: Final Report review and approval. The task force adopts the definitions regarding park use and access. Working Definitions Open – full accessibility – normal day in the park without event uses Closed – no accessibility - ticketed participation only Partially Open (greater than 50% available without a ticket and unfenced) Minimally Open (more than 50% closed, only available to ticketed patrons) In Use – no fences, no barriers, significant portion of the park reserved/impacted by the event. Includes increased pedestrian and vehicular activity Definitions should apply to all parks. Date of Approval: _____September 27, 2016______ Record of the vote: Unanimous approval 13-0 vote. Attest: City Staff Liaison to Task Force

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Draft Minutes Final Meeting original pdf

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PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE September 27 2016, 4 pm – 6 pm Zilker Botanical Garden Meeting Room 2220 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78746 Task Force Members Present Task Force Members Absent Kannou Curette, District 1 Colin Wallis, Mayor Adler Alykhan Mohamed, District 2 Stacy Farrugia, District 6 Debbie Stanley, District 4 Patrick Brewer, District 7 David King, District 5 Michael Joyce, District 8 Ingrid Weigand, District 9 Carol Lee, District 10 Bobby Garza, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee James Russell, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Jeff Smith, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Pam Thompson, Environmental Board Rick Cofer, Parks and Recreation Board Buddy Quaid, Austin Music Commission Minutes A. Meeting Called to Order- @ 4:01 pm by James Russell B. Approval of Minutes 1. Approved Minutes from September 20, 2016 meeting Motion by Jeff Smith Seconded by Bobby Garza, motion passed with no objections. C. Citizen Communication- None D. New Business: a. Final report approval-Motion to approve made by Ingrid Weigand, seconded by Buddy Quaid motion passed 10 voted Yes 2 No and 1 abstained E. MEETING ADJOURNED

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Parkland Events Task Force Final Report original pdf

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Final Report and Recommendations This document provides the analyses and deliberations of the Parkland Events Task Force, to develop and report recommendations for changes relevant to Austin City Council Resolution No. 20150305-025 Parkland Events Task Force Table of Contents Interactive Menu: Select a BLUE link to directly navigate to a specific report section. Executive Summary ....................................................................... 1 Annotated Final Recommendations ............................................. 3 Task Force Overview ..................................................................... 5 Introduction ................................................................................. 5 Membership ................................................................................. 6 Meeting Details ............................................................................ 8 City Council Resolution .............................................................. 9 Scope of Work and Data .............................................................. 13 Scope of Work ............................................................................ 13 Resources and Data Provided to the Task Force ................... 14 Task Force Additional Information Requests ........................ 15 Final Recommendations .............................................................. 16 Public Outreach and Gathering Public Input ........................... 34 Outreach Methods ..................................................................... 35 Summary Results of Outreach ................................................. 35 Work Plan and Structure ............................................................ 37 Work Plan .................................................................................. 37 Work Groups and Subcommittees .......................................... 38 Definitions .................................................................................. 38 Appendix ....................................................................................... 40 Report Table of Contents Page 1 of 73 Executive Summary The Parkland Events Task Force (PETF or Task Force) was created by resolution 20150305-025 approved by the Austin City Council on June 5, 2015. The Task Force held its first meeting on August 25, 2015, when all seventeen members were seated. The Council resolution directed the Task Force to “develop recommendations to ensure that all City parks, but most particularly Auditorium/Vic Mathias Shores, Zilker Park, and Festival Beach, remain first and foremost assets for the citizens of Austin to enjoy and that the parks are preserved and enhanced for future generations of Austinites and visitors to experience and enjoy.” This overarching directive guided the Task Force through its deliberations and informed the following key Task Force recommendations:  The number of events at Auditorium/Vic Mathias Shores, Zilker Park, and Festival Beach should be reduced through attrition to achieve a better balance between events and public access to these parks.  Bolm Road Park, John Trevino, Jr. Park, Onion Creek Metropolitan Park, and Walter E. Long Park should be considered as potential sites for events to help ensure that neighborhoods in East Austin have more equitable opportunities for cultural and neighborhood-oriented events and to serve as alternative sites for events at over-utilized urban parks. Affected neighborhoods should have a formal role in the decisions about and planning for events at nearby parks.  The City should conduct a comprehensive financial analysis of the fees for events …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:48 p.m.

Parkland Events Task Force Final Report Draft original pdf

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Parkland Events Task Force Final Report Page 1 of 1 Executive Summary The Parkland Events Task Force was created by resolution 20150305-025 approved by the Austin City Council on June 5, 2015. The Task Force held its first meeting on August 25, 2015, when all seventeen members were seated. The Council resolution directed the Task Force to “develop recommendations to ensure that all City parks, but most particularly Auditorium Shores, Zilker Park, and Festival Beach, remain first and foremost assets for the citizens of Austin to enjoy and that the parks are preserved and enhanced for future generations of Austinites and visitors to experience and enjoy.” This overarching directive guided the Task Force through its deliberations and informed the following key Task Force recommendations: • The number of events at Auditorium Shores, Zilker Park, and Festival Beach should be reduced through attrition to achieve a better balance between events and public access to these parks. • Bolm Road Park, Johnny Trevino, Jr. Park, Onion Creek Metropolitan Park, and Walter E. Long Park should be considered as potential sites for events to help ensure that neighborhoods in East Austin have more equitable opportunities for cultural and neighborhood-oriented events and to serve as alternative sites for events at over-utilized urban parks. Affected neighborhoods should have a formal role in the decisions about and planning for events at nearby parks. • The City should conduct a comprehensive financial analysis of the fees for events to ensure that they are sufficient to cover all of the City’s costs associated with events including but not limited to use of parkland and public right-of-ways; street, road, and trail closures; police, fire, and emergency services; traffic and parking management; and short- and long-term maintenance. • A pre- and post-event evaluation matrix should be developed and utilized by the parks department to identify the economic and community benefits that events provide and to mitigate the impacts that they have on public access to parks, traffic, neighborhoods, parkland trees, and the environment. • Policies to protect parkland trees, vegetation, and environmentally sensitive areas should be enhanced and enforced; and “green events” polices to protect air and water quality, promote recyclable materials and reduce landfill waste should be emphasized. (The complete list of Task Force recommendations and resolutions is located in Appendix ???.) The Task Force referenced a wide array of public input to produce the recommendations. The input ranged …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:49 p.m.

Potential Policy Recommendations Draft original pdf

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Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 1 of 14 DRAFT Recommendations Focus Area Main Menu ALL DRAFT ITEMS APPROVED BY CONSENSUS, UNLESS NOTED UNDER LINE ITEMS WITH VOTE. A Applications and permits: B Planning and coordination: C Environment: D Fees: E Limits on events on parkland: F Alternative venues: G Impacts: H Fee waivers and City co-sponsored events: I Foundations and Non-profits: J Items Recommended for Inclusion in the Citywide Special Events Ordinance: K Other/Prior Action Items: Appendix A Green Event Policies *Parkland Events Task Force = PETF Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 2 of 14 A Applications and permits: Main Menu As a principle, the PETF supports and encourages low and no-cost events (in terms of ticket price) in the Austin Park system. 1. Establish criteria for approving permit applications for events. City staff will use the planning evaluation matrix when reviewing potential and reoccurring events. SEE MATRIX 2. Adopt an ordinance to require a majority vote by the Council to override a staff approval or denial of an application for an event on City of Austin parkland.  Vote: 9 Yes -1 No -0 Abstain to approve draft language.  Vote reconsidering: 7 Yes, 2 No, 1 abstain. B Planning and coordination: Main Menu 1. Establish a standing committee to help plan and coordinate events at the Long Center, Palmer Events Center, Vic Mathias Shores, and Butler Park. The committee should include representatives from adjacent neighborhoods, Long Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Symphony, Parks and Recreation Department, Palmer Events Center, Austin Opera, Daugherty Arts Center, event producers, Austin Parks Foundation, and Austin Center for Events (ACE). SEE FULL RESOLUTION “Direct the City Manager to establish a permanent committee that includes the Long Center, PARD, Palmer Events Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Opera, Austin Symphony, Daugherty Arts Center, adjacent neighborhoods, producers for events at Vic Mathias Shores, and Austin Parks Foundation to establish a permanent committee to coordinate and plan events at Town Lake Metropolitan Park. The committee shall include an equitable balance of members.” 9/20/16 – The prior recommendation is amended to include an equitable balance of Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 3 of 14 members. “Direct the City Manager to establish a permanent committee that includes the Long Center, PARD, Palmer Events Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Opera, Austin Symphony, Daugherty Arts Center, adjacent neighborhoods, producers for events at …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 10:49 p.m.