C.4.2 - 1517 Murray Lane - Postponement Request — original pdf
From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Jacki C Contreras, Kalan; Brummett, Elizabeth Rice, Andrew Re: Speaker registration instructions for January 25 Historic Landmark Commission meeting Monday, January 25, 2021 10:37:14 AM Hi Everyone, After my brief call with Kalan this morning and the clarifications on the process below I think the most effective use of everyone’s time is if we postpone for tonight and use the coming days to gather new elevations and plans and substitute the current demolition application for the active renovation application. Elizabeth would you mind getting us on the agenda for ARC for February and for HLC meeting that follows that. I will look into switching the permits. Thank you all for your time on this. Best wishes, Jacki On Jan 25, 2021, at 9:01 AM, Contreras, Kalan <Kalan.Contreras@austintexas.gov> wrote: Hi, Jacki, Sure thing! Ordinarily, significant changes to a building’s main façade that are visible from the street need to appear before the HLC. If the new plans do not significantly differ from the previously approved window changes, however, we can administratively approve them. If they are more dramatic or otherwise involve marked deviation from the approved plans, the HLC will need to re-review. If the Commission votes to postpone this month, we can roll your new plans into February’s hearing without starting the process over. If you’d like to speak in general to the demolition alternatives you’re considering at this meeting, you’re absolutely entitled to that; if you want to have elevations available to the Commission before speaking, we can postpone to February to give y’all some time to attend ARC. Each option will probably grant you a similar general timeframe, as far as redesign and HLC approval goes, so it really just depends on your comfort level with the project proposal and testimony/feedback options Elizabeth mentioned earlier. Best, Kalan Contreras MSHP | Senior Planner, Historic Preservation Office kalan.contreras@austintexas.gov | 512.974.2727