Historic Landmark CommissionJan. 25, 2021

B.2.1 - 121 Laurel Lane - PLANS — original pdf

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GENERAL NOTES PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEET INDEX 1. It is the intent of these Contract Documents to establish a high quality level of material and workmanship, but not necessarily to note and call for every last item of work to be done. Any item not specifically covered but deemed necessary for satisfactory completion of the work shall be accomplished by the Contractor in a manner consistent with the quality of work without additional cost to the owner. All material and methods of installation shall be in accordance with industry standards and manufacturer's recommendations. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for a thorough review of all drawings specifications and existing conditions prior to commencement of work. This includes but is not limited to site utilities and the structural scope of work. The failure of the Contractor to report discrepancies and seek modification or change prior to commencement of work shall be construed as full acceptance of the condition in question by the Contractor. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for all work depicted by the Contract Documents regardless of whether the Subcontractors agree as to whose jurisdiction certain areas of the scope of work are under. 3. It shall be assumed that the Contractor and the Subcontractors are sufficiently experienced to be considered qualified in their respective work responsibilities. The Contractor shall insure that the Owner receives acceptable workmanship common to the industry from all Subcontractors and material suppliers and is responsible for hiring qualified staff personnel and/ or Subcontractors as necessary. 4. The Contractor shall verify the location of all existing utilities so that the work may proceed safely and be coordinated among all Subcontractors and personnel involved. The Contractor shall notify the Owner and Designer in advance of any work required by public utility entities that will affect the cost of schedule of the work. 5. The contractor shall meet all safety requirements applicable in the city of Austin and maintain a safe working environment for all personnel and occupants during the entire project. The jobsite is to be kept orderly and as clean as possible during all construction activities. 6. This drawing set is provided to communicate only the basic design of the building. Structural design by others, all plumbing and Electrical shall also be design build and shall be coordinated by contractor. 7. Any errors and omissions or inconsistencies found in these drawings shall be brought to the Architects attention immediately. Do not proceed with work until all issues have been resolved in writing. 8. Do not scale the drawings, written dimensions take precedence over scale dimensions. 9. All new construction dimensions are drawn to the face of new studs as shown on the drawings. Any inconsistencies shall be brought to the Designer's attention prior to the commencement of work. 10. The Contractor shall verify all grades and grading requirements prior to the commencement of work. Grades shown are approximate, therefore all stairs and finish floor elevations shall be coordinated in the field. Note: Two consecutive steps shall constitute a stair, and stairs shall not exceed 7 3/4" rise or a 10" run per code. Mount one handrail per stair to continue the length of the run at 34" above the nosing typical. All stairs shall be built in conformance with all codes as applicable. 11. All 'clear' and 'minimum' dimensions shall be within 1/8" along it's full length. No adjustments shall be made without the Designer's prior written consent. 12. Locations of all partitions and doors shall be approved by the Designer or Owner in the field prior to construction. The Contractor shall notify the Designer or Owner of any conflicts or discrepancies in the location of new construction. 13. Larger scale drawings take precedence over small scale, details take precedence over all. Contractor shall notify the Designer of any discrepancies in writing prior to commencement of work. 14. The Contractor and Owner shall take responsibility to meet all code and manufacturer's requirements. It is the responsibility of the Builder to insure the project conforms to all codes applicable at the time of construction. Note: Manufacturers installation guidelines take precedence over diagrammatic details and drawings. Any inconsistencies shall be brought to the Owner's attention prior to the commencement of work. SITE NOTES EROSION CONTROL 1. The contractor shall install erosion/sedimentation controls and tree/natural area protective fencing prior to any site preparation work (clearing, grubbing or excavation). 2. The contractor is required to inspect the controls and fences at weekly intervals and after significant rainfall events to insure that they are functioning properly. The person(s) responsible for maintenance of controls and fences shall immediately make any necessary repairs to damaged areas. Silt accumulation at controls must be removed when the depth reaches six (6) inches. TREE PROTECTION 1. All trees and natural areas shown on plan to be preserved shall be protected during construction with temporary fencing. 2. Protective fences shall be erected according to City of Austin Standards for Tree Protection. 3. Protective fences shall be installed prior to the start of any site preparation work (clearing, grubbing or grading), and shall be maintained throughout all phases of the construction project. 4. Erosion and sedimentation control barriers shall be installed or maintained in a manner which does not result in soil build-up within tree drip lines. 5. Protective fences shall surround the trees or group of trees, and will be located at the outermost limit of branches (drip line) , for natural areas, protective fences shall follow the Limit of Construction line, in order to prevent the following: A. Soil compaction in the root zone area resulting from vehicular traffic or storage of equipment or materials; B. Root zone disturbances due to grade changes (greater than 6 inches cut or fill), or trenching not reviewed and authorized by the City Aborist; C. Wounds to exposed roots, trunk or limbs by mechanical equipment; D. Other activities detrimental to trees such as chemical storage, cement truck cleaning, and fires. Address: 121 Laurel Ln Austin, Texas 78705 Legal: LOT 11, and the East 5.8' of Lot 12 Block 2 University Heights Zoning: SF-3 North University NCCD / Aldridge Place PROJECT INFORMATION Owner: Rindi McDonald 121 Laurel Ln Austin, Texas 78705 Architect: Donald Harris AIA 512.297.4206 VICINITY MAP Hemphill Park W 32nd St W 33rd St 121 Laurel Ln Laurel Ln Speedway Guadalupe St W 30nd St W 29nd St G u a d a l u p e S t SYMBOLS North Window Type designation see window schedule Detail / Title Detail / Title Number 1 Sheet Number Exterior Elevation Elevation Number Sheet Number Interior Elevation(s) Elevation Number Sheet Number A1.0 A2.0 A2.1 A2.2 A3.0 A3.1 A4.0 Cover Sheet / General Notes/ Site Plan First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Roof Plan Elevations Elevations Building Sections A6.0 Details E1 Elect Layout/ MEP Notes ZONING CALCULATIONS Building Coverage (roofed areas) 1st Floor Conditioned Area 2nd Floor Conditioned Area 1022 1198 Garage (detached) Covered Patios Covered Porches pool Lot Area per Plat: % Building Coverage on Lot: Conditioned Area: Yielded Floor Area Ratio on Lot: Impervious Coverage Total Building Coverage on Lot Driveway Area Sidewalks & Walkways Uncovered Patios Uncovered Wood Decks Air Conditioner Pads Concrete Slabs or Decks Other Impervious Coverage House (existing) 178 36 7044 25.7% 2220 2689 0.3817 1236 615 97 18 ADU 0 469 416 161 469 577 429 9 Impervious Coverage: total allowable % Impervious Coverage on Lot: 1966 2981 3169.8 42.3% 1015 Total Building Area: 2434 1046 350 water surface 6'-6" 26" POST OAK Page 1 PLACE MULCH IN DRIVEWAY AT TREE CRZ'S DURING CONSTRUCTION LAUREL LANE Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 www.donharrisarchitect.com Building & Impervious Coverage EXISTING DRIVEWAY EXISTING SIDEWALK S61°00'00"E 58.80' EXISTING CURB 7'-3" 1/4 CRZ 14'-6" 1/2 CRZ 1 9 5 29" POST OAK 2 9 5 97 sq ft 20" POST OAK 3 9 5 LOT 11 7,038 sq ft HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 1 593.50' 33 sq ft 25' FRONT YARD SETBACK E S U O H T S E U G / E G A R A G D E S O P O R P n L l e r u a L 1 2 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A NORTH H T R O N T C E J O R P ' 2 6 . 9 1 1 ' W " 7 4 6 3 ° 8 2 S 5 ' I S D E Y A R D S E T B A C K 12" PECAN EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING PORCH 178 sq ft PAVERS AND COPING 429 sq ft 3 9 5 2 9 5 NEW POOL 350 sq ft JOB No. 2020-121 REVISION 8.15.2020 SCHEMATIC 10.10.2020 PERMIT SET 1.18.2021 UPDATE 1 HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 2 594.00' 4 9 5 9 8 5 5 ' I S D E Y A R D S E T B A C K EXISTING DRIVEWAY 615 sq ft S P A C E 2 " 0 - ' 0 4 1 E N A L P K C A B T E S 2 E N A L P K C A B T E S " 0 - ' 0 4 " 1 - ' 8 1 3 E N A L P K C A B T E S OH ' E " 8 4 6 3 ° 8 2 N ' 7 7 . 9 1 1 " 0 - ' 4 2 GARAGE/ ADU FFE 591.00' 1 E C A P S " 9 - ' 0 1 5'-7" 24'-0" 10' REAR YARD SETBACK 58.80' OH N61°08'44"W POWER POLE Site Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1/16"=1'-0" ON 11X17 HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 3 594.00' OH SHEET NUMBER A1.0 3 A4.0 24'-0" 15'-3" 3'-10" 4'-11" 2 A4.0 " 2 / 1 5 - ' 4 8 x 2 9-10x9-6 " 2 / 1 5 - ' 4 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 " 1 1 - ' 4 3 A4.0 9" 15'-3" 4'-4" 3'-10" 4'-11" 8'-9" 1 A4.0 " 2 / 1 5 2 A4.0 GARAGE " 2 / 1 6 - ' 9 1 1 A4.0 PORCH P U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STAIR POOL EQUIP 4'-5 1/2" 1 A4.0 " 0 - ' 4 2 " 2 / 1 7 - ' 2 1 " 2 / 1 4 - ' 1 1 " 0 1 - ' 3 " 2 / 1 6 - ' 7 " 0 - ' 4 2 " 1 - ' 9 1 " 2 / 1 5 18'-5 1/2" 24'-0" 3 A4.0 Foundation SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 5 1/2" 5'-6 1/2" 1 A4.0 19'-6 1/2" 3 A4.0 Proposed Floor Plan SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" NEW WALL FULL HEIGHT 2x6 @ 16"O.C. WOOD FRAME NEW WALL FULL HEIGHT 2x4 @ 16"O.C. WOOD FRAME NEW WALL PARTIAL HEIGHT LEGEND DOOR NOTES WINDOW NOTES 1. COORDINATE HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS WITH DOOR MANUFACTURER. 2. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR SIZES. WIDTH AND HEIGHT DIMENSIONS ARE TYPICALLY DOOR LEAF SIZE. COORDINATE FRAMING R.O. FOR ADJACENT DOOR AND WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO ALIGN HEAD HEIGHT AS SHOWN OR NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 3. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT ALL DOORS WITH LIGHTS. 4. PROVIDE SMOKE AND FIRE GASKETS AND CLOSER AT ALL RATED DOOR ASSEMBLIES. 5. PROVIDE RATED DOOR ASSEMBLIES WHERE NOTED ON PLAN. 6. PROVIDE SILLS AND THRESHOLDS AT ALL EXTERIOR DOORS. PROVIDE WOOD THRESHOLDS AT INTERIOR DOORS TO MATCH WOOD FLOOR WHERE APPLICABLE. 7. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING WEATHERLAPPED ELASTOMERIC FLASHING AT THE HEAD AND JAMBS. 8. COORDINATE ALL DOORS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE FLOOR FINISHES. 9. SUBMIT DOOR CUT SHEETS FOR OWNER APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING. 10. PROVIDE WEATHERSTRIPPING AT ALL DOORS. ANY DAMAGED WEATHERSTRIPPING SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED. 11. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT SHOWER STALLS AND BUILT IN FURNITURE WITH GLASS DOORS. ANDERSEN 100 WINDOWS 1. DOUBLE GLAZED, LOW-E W/ U-VALUE OF 0.50 OR LOWER AND SHGH .20 OR LOWER, AS APPROVED BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT 2. REFER TO PLANS FOR TYPE AND SIZES. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FRAME SIZE. VERIFY ROUGH OPENINGS AND WINDOW SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER AND LOCATION. NOTIFY DESIGNER OF ANY NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS IN ROUGH OPENING REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ANY MODIFICATIONS. COORDINATE ASSEMBLY REQUIREMENTS WITH FRAMING REQUIREMENTS. 3. COORDINATE PIECES OF WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO PRODUCE A UNIFIED, WEATHER TIGHT UNIT. 4. ALL WINDOWS SHALL BE INSTALLED USING WEATHERLAPPED ELASTOMERIC FLASHING AT THE HEAD JAMB AND SILLS 5. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT ALL WINDOWS LOCATED WITHIN 18" OF A DOOR, WHERE THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE WINDOW IS LESS THAN 18" FROM THE FLOOR, ADJACENT TO A SHOWER OR TUB LESS THAN 60" TO SILL. " 2 / 1 5 5 1/2" " 0 - ' 4 2 " 4 - ' 5 " 2 / 1 3 - ' 7 " 2 / 1 4 - ' 1 1 Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 www.donharrisarchitect.com E S U O H T S E U G / E G A R A G D E S O P O R P n L l e r u a L 1 2 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A JOB No. 2020-121 REVISION 8.15.2020 SCHEMATIC 10.10.2020 PERMIT SET 1.18.2021 UPDATE 1 SHEET NUMBER A2.0 H T R O N T C E J O R P 3 A4.0 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 1 A4.0 3 A4.0 24'-0" 18'-11" 1 A4.0 5'-1" 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 6060 FCS 2 A4.0 28º 28º º 8 2 º 8 2 3 A4.0 Roof Plan SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" 1 A4.0 " 6 - ' 2 1 " 6 - ' 1 1 STUDIO/GUEST 10' CEILING X O O ' 9 X " 0 1 - ' 1 1 2 6 D 8' SOFFIT 5'-9" 3'-0" 9'-5 1/2" 4'-4" 3'-0" 2-6x8-0 BEDROOM BATH 0 - 8 x 6 - 2 ENTRY " 7 - ' 5 0 - 8 x 6 - 2 0 - 9 x 0 - 3 2'-6" SHOWER FX 6060 CS 2660 19'-6 1/2" 0 6 6 2 CS CS 2660 9'-6" 3 A4.0 Second Floor SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" STAIR N D " 0 - ' 4 " 2 / 1 6 - ' 3 1 A4.0 10'-1/2" 4'-5 1/2" " 0 - ' 4 2 " 6 - ' 2 1 " 6 - ' 1 1 Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 www.donharrisarchitect.com E S U O H T S E U G / E G A R A G D E S O P O R P n L l e r u a L 1 2 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A JOB No. 2020-121 REVISION 8.15.2020 SCHEMATIC 10.10.2020 PERMIT SET 1.18.2021 UPDATE 1 SHEET NUMBER A2.1 H T R O N T C E J O R P STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF 1 A4.0 40'-0" SETBACK PLANE 2 STANDING SEAM MTL ROOF 2 A4.0 18'-3 1/2" SETBACK PLANE 3 Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 www.donharrisarchitect.com 45° " 0 - ' 5 1 I E N L Y T R E P O R P " 0 - ' 9 " 0 - ' 7 FFE 591.00 DRIVEWAY BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING, PAINTED CEDAR SIDING TRANSOM WINDOW GARAGE " 6 - ' 6 STEEL FRAME FOLDING GARGE DOOR W/ CEDAR SIDING 1 A4.0 " 0 - ' 0 1 " 0 - ' 9 45° " 0 - ' 5 1 I T N O P T S E S O L C T A E N L Y T R E P O R P R A E R I BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 2 AND 3 594.00' West SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FFE 591.00 2 A4.0 " 0 - ' 0 1 " 0 - ' 7 " 6 - ' 2 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 2 594.00' POOL North SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 18'-3 1/2" SETBACK PLANE 3 " 0 - ' 9 BOARD AND BATTEN SIDING 45° " 0 - ' 5 1 I T N O P T S E S O L C T A E N L Y T R E P O R P R A E R I " 9 - ' 1 2 I T H G E H L L A R E V O HIGH POINT SETBACK PLANE 2 AND 3 594.00' East SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 40'-0" SETBACK PLANE 2 3 A4.0 1 A4.0 " 0 - ' 9 " 0 - ' 5 1 " 0 - ' 0 1 " 6 - ' 8 SETBACK PLANE 3 594.00' FFE 591.00 FFE 591.00 3 A4.0 1 A4.0 South SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" E S U O H T S E U G / E G A R A G D E S O P O R P n L l e r u a L 1 2 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A JOB No. 2020-121 REVISION 8.15.2020 SCHEMATIC 10.10.2020 PERMIT SET 1.18.2021 UPDATE 1 SHEET NUMBER A3.0 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 STAIR 3 A4.0 1 A4.0 GARAGE 3 A4.0 1 A4.0 2 A4.0 2 A4.0 " 0 - ' 0 1 " 6 - ' 9 " 0 - ' 9 DEN/ OFFICE " 0 - ' 0 1 " 0 - ' 8 BEDROOM BEAM PORCH BEAM FLOOR TRUSSES GARAGE " 6 - ' 2 1 Building Section SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 Building Section SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 Building Section SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Don Harris | Architect 512.297.4206 www.donharrisarchitect.com E S U O H T S E U G / E G A R A G D E S O P O R P n L l e r u a L 1 2 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A JOB No. 2020-121 REVISION 8.15.2020 SCHEMATIC 10.10.2020 PERMIT SET 1.18.2021 UPDATE 1 SHEET NUMBER A4.0