C.13.0 - 1616 Northumberland Rd.pdf — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 2021 PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS GF-2020 194583 1616 NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD OLD WEST AUSTIN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT C.13 - 1 PROPOSAL Demolish a ca. 1940 house. ARCHITECTURE 1616 Northumberland is a two-story house clad in horizontal wood siding with second-floor balcony, 6:6 wood windows, and side-gabled roof. The Historic Landmark Commission approved a partial demolition and porch remodel in April of 2020. RESEARCH The house at 1616 Northumberland Road was constructed in 1940 for Francis J. and Jane Johson Amsler. Francis Amsler was employed by the E.M. Scarbrough Company for almost 50 years, beginning his career as a teenager in 1923 before advancing to credit manager, treasurer, and vice-president of the company. Amsler was active in Austin’s business and retail community throughout his long career, serving as head of the Better Business Bureau, president of the Texas State Retail Merchants’ Association, chairman of the Austin Advertising Review Board, chairman of Downtown Austin Unlimited, and president of the Retail Credit Executives of Texas. The Amslers contributed to Austin in other ways as well; Jane Amsler was active in the Red Cross and Francis Amsler served the Austin Community War Chest, Child and Family Services, and the United Fund. The Amslers lived at 1616 Northumberland until at least 1974. STAFF COMMENTS Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building does not retain integrity. 3) Properties must meet two historic designation criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). The property has been evaluated and does not meet two criteria: a) Architecture. The building displays Monterey and Colonial Revival influences. b) Historical association. There do not appear to be historical associations; however, the Commission may consider the contributions of retail executive Francis Amsler to Austin business and advertising. c) Archaeology. The house was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d) Community value. The house does not possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e) Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then release the permit. New construction plans will require Commission review. LOCATION MAP C.13 - 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos C.13 - 3 Source: Google Street View, accessed 2021 C.13 - 4 Source: Applicant, 2021 Occupancy History City Directory Research, Austin History Center, 2020 Note: Post-1959 directory research unavailable due to facility closure. 1959 Francis J. Amsler, owner 1955 1952 1949 1947 Francis J. and Jane J. Amsler, owners Treasurer, E.M. Scarborough Company Francis J. and Jane J. Amsler, owners Credit manager, E.M. Scarborough and Sons Francis J. and Jane J. Amsler, owners Credit manager, E.M. Scarborough and Sons Francis J. and Jane J. Amsler, owners Credit manager, E.M. Scarborough and Sons 1944-45 Francis J. and Jane J. Amsler, owners Credit manager, E.M. Scarborough and Sons 1941 Address not listed. Biographical Information C.13 - 5 The Austin Statesman: May 23, 1934 The Austin American: Sep 8, 1935 C.13 - 6 The Austin American: Sep 27, 1942 and Jul 1, 1945 C.13 - 7 The Austin Statesman: Jan 29, 1952 The Austin Statesman: May 25, 1960 The Austin American: Nov 5, 1961 The Austin Statesman: Nov 21, 1963 C.13 - 8 The Austin Statesman: Aug 1, 1963 The Austin American: Apr 17, 1966 C.13 - 9 The Austin Statesman: Feb 4, 1973 C.13 - 10 The Austin American Statesman: Dec 11, 1974 The Austin American Statesman: Jul 27, 1980 Building Permits Building permit, 8-8-40 Water tap permit, 8-12-40 C.13 - 11 Sewer tap permit, 8-12-40 Water tap permit, 5-25-57 Building permit for addition, 11-12-59