Update on Cultural Centers Audit — original pdf
Update on Cultural Centers Audit Division Manager, Museums and Cultural Programs Austin Parks and Recreation Center Laura Esparza Scope of the Audit PARD Programs, Financial, and Operations/Maintenance Management Systems Nine recommendations Quarterly Reports Included, but not limited to: George Washington Carver Museum, Genealogy and Cultural Center Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Asian American Resource Center Mexic-Arte Museum AUDIT 2020 RECOMMENDATIONS Status Report Q1 Recommendations 1-3 ITEM W HO/W HEN/HOW Q1 Ac c omplishments PARD/Periodically TBD by PARD 1. Periodic ally update fac ility master plans 2. ADA/Maintenanc e Issues 3. Optimize fac ility use a. Evaluate spac e usage, analy ze data and develop proposal b. Public ize ac c urate information for all spac es for rent PROPOSED SOLUTIONS/Deliverables Now that Bond funding can be used for facility expansion plans, these plans can be put on a regular schedule. PARD continues to seek funding for this. a. Evaluate space usage, analyze data and develop proposal; analyze space utilization, adjust normal business hours b. Publicize accurate information for all spaces for rent by adjusting websites to include outdoor spaces. Create videos of spaces to put on website. c. Standardize the rental packet d. Enter all events, public and non-public in Rectrac. PARD/FIND FUNDING a. Site Mgrs/FY21/Once we are back on site, staff will track # of hours each bookable room is used per day for a month. b. CC Mgmt & Staff/Sept 2021 c. Rentals Consortium/FY21/SPOC 70% complete or in progress a. COVID-19 prevents us from opening 30% To be included in CIP projects facilities; there is no data to measure at this time. b. All websites have been adjusted to reflect outdoor sites for rent. c. Working group was formed in September 2020 to work on standardizing the rental packet. Work is expected to be concluded by early February. One site (MACC) has completed putting video tours on their rental website. This will also be concluded in early February. d. Met with Program Managers to standardize the ways in which non- registration events could be entered into Rectrac. (See attachment “FW: Auditor’s Recommendations: Rectrac Entries for Internal Meetings…”) Recommendations 4-5 4. Resolve barriers to use a. evaluate current fees & determine how to make them more accessible to target population b. Identify additional accessible parking/transportation 5. Program planning managed efficiently a. additional means of soliciting feedback from community b. Revise program planning processes c. balance rentals and education programming a. PARD Community Programs Division Managers w ill form a Program Task Force to analyze fees and levels of service guides. a. PARD Division Managers/FY21/Cross- functional committee b. ESB-MACC and AARC, DAC staff should reach out to CAP Metro to set up a meeting. a. TBD b. Identified key members of the Asian American Quality of Life Board and ESB- MACC Boards to join in a meeting w ith CapMetro. W ill ask CapMetro for a meeting in January. a. CC Manager s/FY21 b. PARD/OPM—FY21 c. CC Manager s/FY21 a. CC Mgr s should utilize multiple means for soliciting input: sur veys on websites; boar d par ticipation; online evaluations; focus gr oups; fr ee pens & chocolate. b. PARD Division Mgr s will r equest a LEAN Sigma 6 pr ocess for evaluating pr ogr am planning pr ocesses. c. Space usage evaluation when we open a. Discussed multiple means of soliciting input fr om public dur ing COV ID. See Attachment “FY21 Community Engagement Plan” based on r esponses to a 10/15/20 meeting. b. Cr oss-functional team fr om PARD met with Heather Leal fr om OPM over 3 months in late 2021 to complete a LEAN Sigma 6 analysis of the pr ogr am planning/data collection pr ocess. Heather met with PARD AD Lucas Massie to deliver 5 r ecommendations. Some must be done sequentially. Two have led to fur ther cr oss-Divisional wor king teams to addr ess 1) r educing the Pr ogr am Planning Wor ksheet, and 2)eliminating the Monthly Per for mance Measur es for MCP. (See Attachment: “PARD Pr ogr amming-Final”) c. An evaluation of space usage will commence after we ar e able to open (closed due to COV ID 19.) Recommendations 6-7 a. CC Mgrs/Div Mgr/FY21 b. CC Managers/FY21 6. Ensure performance measures are accurate a. Set targets to assess performance b. Strengthen accountability processes to ensure accuracy a. Set targets for yourself for each year in SSPRs b. Ask MaryAnn MPR questions at every Division Meeting c. Track total number of rental requests every year. Define “denial” and track. d. Create a system of providing a ticket or a w rtistband for every entry into a free event. Fence in events w hen possible. a. b. c. d. W ill resume setting targets after w e re-open and can normalize operations. Staff person in charge of our data collections attends every Program/Site Managers meeting and answ ers questions. MaryAnn VacaLambert also held trainings w ith every w ork unit over TEAMS in the Fall of 2020. Developed new Performance Measurement for “denial” of rentals. (See Attachment “FY21 MPR Instructions”) Determined that the method of tracking attendance w ith verifiable evidence for outdoor events w ould be set for each event in advance based on the logistics of the event because not all outdoor events can be fenced. All events cancelled due to COVID-19 so this is pending. 7. Ensure fees are appropriately charged and tracked a. Publicize fees on City w ebsite b. Ensure fees charged match fee schedule c. Develop consistent guidance d. Establish consistent fees a. Fee schedule to go on PARD website b. CC Manager s or Super visor s must sign r ental contr acts. c. Standar dize r ental packets Standar dize application of fees. c. Done a. PARD CEU/October 2020 b. CC Manager s c. CC Manager s & Staff & Rentals Consor tium d. Done Timeline for fee changes; October 1 publicize fees. a. Completed (See Attachment “FY21 Fee Schedule.”) b. Contr act for m pr ovided by PARD does not allow for a site manager ’s signatur e. c. In pr ogr ess. A cr oss-divisional site team will complete this in ear ly Febr uar y, 2021. (See Attachment: Rentals Assignments.) d. Completed. Standar d SOP developed for application of fees. (See Attachment: “MCP Division SOP for Rentals.”) Recommendations 8-9 8. Ensure City/customer information is safeguarded, and errors/misuse are detected a. Develop/implement best practices for access management b. Provide adequate trainings c. enable audit logs/conduct periodic reviews of exception reports 9. All CC staff receive customer service and cultural sensitivity training. Training records should be easily accessible. a. PARD/Program Task Force b. Michelle Rojas will take responsibility for our trainings. c. PARD/Program Task Force (Rectrac Supervisor check monthly transactions for exceptions and aging?) a. Hold staff accountable via SSPRs to complete Training. PARD/ Develop temp training online. b. Develop ad hoc staff training forms and implement. (SSPR item) a. PARD b. PARD c. Melissa/Program Task Force/CC Managers/PARD a. Removed names of separated personnel from Rectrac access. Ensured that Rectrac roles at each site were not duplicative. b. Michelle Rojas provided a training for Rectrac Content Editors. (See Attachment “Evidence of Training.”) c. Not currently active on Rectrac during COVID closures. Managers complete quarterly reports on outstanding invoices due to Finance. (See Attachments: “Copy of AARC..” “Copy of Carver...”, “DAC Aging Report…”) a. CC Managers& PARD/FY21 b. CC Managers/CC Mgrs/FY21 b. a. Complete. (See Attachment: “fy21- supervisor-sspr-new-wk”) Awaiting PARD’s online training for temps. b. Completed. (See Attachment: “Request for Ad Hoc Training Credit.”) Contact Information Laura Esparza Division Manager of Museums and Cultural Programs Austin Parks and Recreation Department Laura.Esparza@austintexas.gov (512)974-4001