Electric Utility CommissionMay 13, 2024

Item 15 Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan Process Update — original pdf

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Item 15 Resource Generation Plan Update Engagement Lynda Rife Rifeline Goals Serve as a neutral party to: • Create a common understanding of Austin Energy's mission of safely delivering clean, affordable, reliable energy and excellent customer service • Ensure that Austin Energy hears from diverse voices whose values are reflected in the mission of reliability, stainability and affordability. • Create a common understanding of energy options and technology and its subsequent costs and benefits. • Develop an informed consent process regarding the mix of solutions appropriate to support a growing customer base in the changing energy market in a responsive and responsible way. Process 1. Gather feedback from the Electric Utility Commission and provide monthly updates 2. Develop a series of stakeholder workshops • Invitation to Organizations that represent different perspectives. • Provide information and options. • Table discussions and report outs • Provide recommendations to update the Austin Energy Generation Plan 3. Report to Council via the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee Workshops Invited Participants: • 5 - 7 representing sustainability: environmental advocates, clean energy practitioners, etc. • 5 - 7 representing reliability: hospitals, nursing homes, manufacturing, grocery stores • 5 - 7 representing affordability: housing advocates, nonprofits, small business • 5 – 7 representing demographics and geography: students, senior citizens, impacted communities Meetings will be open to the public. Agendas June Workshop – June 7, 2024 11:30-1:30 • Electricity 101 • Austin Energy’s mission and definitions - current status • Building a Generation Plan July Workshop: • Energy options, including technology readiness assessments, costs, benefits, and risks August Workshop: • Focus on the modeling, balancing priorities September Workshop: • Review the new plan