Electric Utility CommissionMay 13, 2024

Items 2-10 Draft RCAs — original pdf

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Item 2 Posting Language ..Title Authorize execution of a contract for padmount switchgears with Priester-Mell & Nicholson Inc., for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $24,000,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods and services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $1,600,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB) 1100 MEA1047REBID for these goods and services. The solicitation was issued on December 4, 2023, and closed on January 23, 2024. The recommended contractor submitted the only responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bid received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website. This information can currently be found at https://financeonline.austintexas.gov/afo/account_services/solicitation/solicitation_details.cfm?sid=139786 . For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Respondents to the solicitation and their Agents should direct all questions to the Authorized Contact Person identified in the solicitation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide Austin Energy (AE) with gas-insulated padmount switchgears, which are used in underground electrical infrastructure for large industrial and commercial customers and residential subdivisions. Switchgears control and protect power transformers and distribution circuits in the event of an electrical fault. They can instantaneously isolate the connected equipment from the electrical fault to avoid damage and allow the equipment to quickly come back online once the fault is cleared, thereby reducing outage time. AE maintains warehouse stock of padmount switchgears to ensure immediate issue to construction crews on an as-needed basis. The recommended contractor is local and is the current switchgear provider. Without this contract AE would not be able to support upcoming projects in a timely manner. Item 3 Posting Language ..Title Authorize execution of a contract for shoebox style luminaires and poles with Techline Inc., for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $7,705,000. [Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the goods required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $513,667 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Purchasing Language: The Financial Services Department issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB) 1100 PMC1008 for these goods. The solicitation issued on January 8, 2024 and it closed on February 6, 2024. Of the five offers received, the recommended contractor submitted the lowest responsive offer. A complete solicitation package, including a tabulation of the bids received, is available for viewing on the City’s Financial Services website, Austin Finance Online. This information can currently be found at https://financeonline.austintexas.gov/afo/account_services/solicitation/solicitation_details.cfm?sid=139935 . For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Respondents to the solicitation and their Agents should direct all questions to the Authorized Contact Person identified in the solicitation. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide light-emitting diode (LED) shoebox style luminaires and poles. The lights, which are available in 100, 250, and 400 watts, provide aesthetic improvements for commercial and residential neighborhoods throughout the Austin Energy service territory. Without this contract, Austin Energy will be without the required LED lighting for future replacements and new installations. The recommended contractor is local and is the current provider of these goods. Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to a contract for continued high call volume answering services with CX360, Inc., for an increase in the amount of $450,000 and extend the term by two years, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $1,666,000. [Note: This contract was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Item 4 ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Contract Amendment. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $75,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Prior Council Action: October 3, 2013 – Council approved a contract for high call volume answering services with West Notifications, Inc. doing business as Twenty First Century Communications. July 29, 2021 – Council ratified an amendment for increased high call volume answering services during Winter Storm Uri with Intrado Interactive Services Corporation. July 29, 2021 – Council approved an amendment for continued high call volume answering services for one year with Intrado Interactive Services Corporation. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The amendment will provide Austin Energy with continued high call volume answering services during power outages. In the event of a power outage, increased spikes in call activity quickly overload the utility contact center’s phone lines when customers attempt to report an outage or obtain information about an outage. With this service, customer outage calls can be answered and reported while allowing the utility contact center lines to be open to meet customers’ ongoing needs without interruption. Additional funding and time are needed to complete the competitive solicitation process and possibly transition to a new solution. Without this service, callers to the utility contact center will experience long wait times when calling during a power outage. Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to a contract for continued Veritas-Netbackup products and services with TEQSYS, Inc., to increase the amount by $1,300,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $7,300,000. [Note: This contract was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. Item 5 ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Contract Amendment. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $351,666 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. Prior Council Action: April 7, 2022 – Council approved a contract for Veritas-Netbackup products and services including maintenance, training, and support services with TEQSYS, Inc. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract is for Veritas-NetBackup products and services including maintenance, support, software, and training. Veritas NetBackup is utilized throughout Austin Energy (AE) to support the recoverability and integrity of corporate data stored on the network and North American Electric Reliability Corporation Cyber Infrastructure Protection (NERC/CIP) logs. AE’s original funding estimate for this contract was based on use of older hardware. Upon further review, AE determined that it was necessary to purchase new hardware with greater storage capacity to accommodate projected data growth and additional retention requirements. Due to this unplanned purchase, AE will not have sufficient funds to support its needs through the remainder of the contract. Without this amendment, AE will be unable to ensure that data can be backed up and restored in a reliable and efficient manner to meet retention policies for critical data, service level agreements and NERC/CIP compliance mandates. The requested authority is based on anticipated needs through the end of the contract, which expires April 7, 2025. Item 6 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for vegetation management software support, maintenance, hosting fees, and enhancements with GeoSpatial Innovations Inc., for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,845,000. [Note: Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Sole Source. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $397,340 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The Forester Utility Vegetation Management (UVM) software application allows Austin Energy (AE) to plan, schedule, track, and report vegetation management and maintenance work. The services include application maintenance and support, application hosting, and yearly professional services for integrations from the Forester UVM application to AE. The Forester UVM application provides AE’s vegetation management teams with configurable business rules which include environmental constraints (e.g., oak wilt timeframes), tree removal permit heights, and property owner notification timeframes related to planned work. Additionally, AE will implement software enhancements to fulfill Winter Storm Mara After Action Review items and address City vegetation management audit concerns. GeoSpatial Innovations, Inc is the sole provider of the Forester UVM solutions and services. GeoSpatial Innovations, Inc. does not authorize third-party consultants or contractors to provide technical services for the Forester UVM solutions due to its complexity and proprietary nature. Item 7 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for progression test validation with Ramsay Corporation, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $750,000. [Note: This procurement was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). For the services required for this procurement, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Professional Service. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $62,500 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide Austin Energy (AE) with job analyses and assessment validation for network electricians, transmission electricians, substation electricians, relay technicians and meter electrician job families. Assessments include consistent written and field tests across work groups and are part of AE’s internal apprenticeship programs, which are certified by the U.S. Department of Labor and the City’s Human Resources Department. An estimated 80 AE employees will be tested each year to determine if they have the knowledge and skills required before advancing to the next level in their Career Progression Plan. Ramsay Corporation provides specialized human resources consulting services for industrial, processing, and distribution industries. Without this contract, AE will be unable to provide consistency in testing and validation for electricians and mechanical technician workforce, which would compromise its internal apprenticeship programs and U.S. Department of Labor certification. Item 8 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for a market potential study with DNV Energy Insights USA Inc., in an amount not to exceed $400,000. [Note: This contract is exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Professional Service. Fiscal Note Funding for the total contract amount is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Energy’s Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan 2035 (the Plan) will be voted on by Council in December 2024.  To develop a plan that will provide affordable, reliable, and cost-effective energy services to customers, updated goals are needed for Austin Energy’s Customer Energy Solutions programs. A trusted third party is needed to do the analysis to determine the market potential for these programs which will largely influence how these goals are set. The recommended contractor is local and provided similar consulting services in 2012, 2015 and 2021. If a contract is not secured quickly, Austin Energy will not be able to reference a third-party evaluation on the market potential of what its Customer Energy Solutions portfolio can achieve for the Plan in sufficient time for Council approval in December. This data is essential to creating an accurate, achievable, and ambitious Plan and to provide affordable, reliable, and cost-effective energy and services to customers. Item 9 Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for a public records database subscription with LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL Inc. d/b/a LexisNexis Risk Solutions, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $500,000. [Note: Sole source contracts are exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority-Owned and Women- Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program); therefore, no subcontracting goals were established]. ..Body Lead Department Financial Services Department. Client Department(s) Austin Energy. Purchasing Language: Sole Source. Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $33,333 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Operating Budget of Austin Energy. Funding for the remaining contract term is contingent upon available funding in future budgets. For More Information: Direct questions regarding this Recommendation for Council Action to the Financial Services Department – Central Procurement at: FSDCentralProcurementRCAs@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2500. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: The contract will provide Austin Energy (AE) with online subscription services to access the Accurint for Government Plus public records database within the LexisNexis Data Management system. The database is specifically designed for government entities and helps prevent fraud. It is compliant with privacy regulations and allows users to instantly verify essential personal information and confirm the identities of businesses. AE utilizes the database to verify residential and commercial customer identities to create or update City utility customer accounts. Without this contract, AE will be unable to perform this function, which would impact the quality of services to AE customers. The Accurint for Government Plus database is not available from any other source. ..Title Posting Language Approve issuance of capacity-based incentives to Individuals Directed to Excellence and Achievement (IDEA) Public Schools, for installation of solar electric systems on their facilities shown in the table below, in an amount not to exceed $924,858. Item 10 ..De Lead Department Austin Energy Prior Council Action: Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $924,858 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Austin Energy Operating Budget. For More Information: Amy Everhart, Director Local Government Issues (512) 322-6087; Tim Harvey, Customer Renewable Solutions Manager (512) 482-5386. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. May 21, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Resource Management Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Energy requests approval to issue these capacity-based incentives (CBI) to the Customer for the installation of solar electric systems at their facilities to produce renewable energy for on-site consumption. The table below provides a summary of the combined system sizes, costs, proposed incentives, and environmental benefits: *All solar equipment meets Austin Energy program requirements ** Environmental Benefits based on the US Energy Information Association’s state-wide electricity profile *** According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalency Calculator 1,028 853 1,521,102 $1,952,478 $924,858 47% 680 761 1065 1,577,727 147 10,200 720 Solar System Details* Total System Size (kW-DC) Total System Size (kW-AC) Annual Estimated Production (kWh) Total System Cost ($) Total Incentive ($) Percent of Cost Covered Reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in tons Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in pounds Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) in pounds * Environmental Benefits**s nd Emission Reduction Equivalencies*** Equivalency of Vehicle Miles Driven Equivalency of Cars on Austin Roadways Equivalency of Trees Planted Equivalency of Forest Acreage Added Individuals Dedicated to Excellence and Achievement (IDEA) Public Schools is a not‐for‐profit charter school serving grades kindergarten through 12th grade. The table below shows the estimated percentage of the building’s historic energy consumption offset by the proposed solar systems. Proposed Solar Projects Site Address Incentive Rate System Cost Austin Energy Incentive Generation kWh/yr System Size kW DC System Size kW AC Energy Offset 700 Showplace Ln Austin, TX, 78753 9504 N IH 35 SVRD SB Austin, TX, 78753 1901 E Wells Branch Pkwy Pflugerville, TX, 78660 1438 E Yager Ln Austin, TX, 78753 1701 Vargas Rd Austin, TX, 78741 5816 Wilcab Rd Austin, TX, 78721 1700 E Slaughter Ln Austin, TX, 78747 $0.90 $279,072 $132,192 217,590 146.88 121.91 43% $0.90 $500,688 $237,168 388,765 263.52 218.72 83% $0.90 $198,018 $93,798 154,246 104.22 86.50 24% $0.90 $116,964 $55,404 91,109 61.56 51.10 13% $0.90 $402,192 $190,512 311,729 211.68 175.69 36% $0.90 $181,602 $86,022 140,948 95.58 79.33 15% $0.90 $273,942 $129,762 216,715 144.18 119.67 29% The purpose of the Austin Energy Solar PV CBI Program is to expand adoption of solar by nonprofit organizations by helping to offset the capital investment. Under this program, customers who qualify as nonprofit entities are eligible to receive $0.90/W-DC up to $433,800. Per program guidelines, the installation is expected to continue producing for a minimum of 20 years or may be subject to repay the incentive at a pro-rated amount, if it stops producing for any reason short of the stated minimum. This project will advance the stated goals of expanding locally sited solar, carbon reduction, and resiliency.