Electric Utility CommissionJune 13, 2022

Item 7: Budget and Audit Working Group Draft Recommendations — original pdf

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Austin Electric Utility Commission Budget and Audit Workgroup Purpose: To review Austin energy financial documents including budgets, expenditures, audits, and to develop recommendations to the EUC and City Council. Meeting Schedule: The workgroup will establish meeting times in conjunction with scheduled meetings of the Electric Utility Commission Discussion Items and Recommendations: June 2022 1. To ensure that City Council receives a broad cross-section of input from residential customers, Austin Energy should conduct a customer poll prior to the EUC and City Council review of rate changes proposed by the Independent Hearing Officer. 2. Recommend that AE rate review Include consideration of the underlying rationale for the budget deficit. The rate review should include an examination of expenses associated with system growth and the proper assignment of those expenses. 3. The EUC should receive a presentation from AE and have an opportunity to provide input and a recommendation to City Council on several proposed tariffs that are not being fully considered as part of the rate review, including the proposed EES tariff, budget and make-up of the programs related to consumer energy solutions, including residential and commercial solar, demand response and energy efficiency programs, the Community Solar Assessment tariff, and the Green Choice tariff. EUC has a role in ensuring that the EES and Community Solar Assessment and Green Choice tariff and resulting budget and programs support the demand reduction, energy efficiency and solar and renewable goals approved in the 2030 Resource Plan. 4. That the EUC and City Council should timely receive AE recommendations on residential customer equity programs to ensure that funding is available to maintain low-income discounts, fee waivers, and for low-income weatherization. Unspent funds collected for weatherization assistance should be budgeted and spent during the 2022-2023 budget cycle. 5. That EUC 2022 Agendas include regular updates from the Independent Consumer Advocate.