Design Commission - Feb. 24, 2025

Design Commission Regular Meeting of the Design Commission

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the DESIGN COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2025, 6:00 PM PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, ROOM 1405 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO DRIVE AUSTIN, TEXAS Some members of the Design Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Nicole Corona, at 512-974-3146 or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair David Carroll Nkiru Gelles Kevin Howard Conners Ladner AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Brita Wallace Brendan Wittstruck Vacancy, District 6 The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on January 27, 2025. 1. 2. STAFF BRIEFINGS Staff briefing regarding the process for corridor planning. Presented by Cole Kitten, Transportation and Public Works. Sponsors: Vice Chair Meiners and Commissioner Carroll. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discussion and action to recommend the Austin Core Transportation Plan to City Council. Presented by Cole Kitten, Transportation and Public Works. Discussion and action to create a working group on improving sidewalk design. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioners Howard and Gelles. DISCUSSION ITEMS Discussion of past Downtown Density Bonus Program projects from the past ten years to conduct analysis on outcomes. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioners Carroll, Howard, Gelles, and McKinney. Discussion on types of city projects that are required to present to the Design Commission. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Gelles. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the representative of the Urban Design Guidelines Working Group regarding the meeting on February 7, 2025, and February 14, 2025. Update from the representative of the Downtown Commission regarding the meeting on February 17, 2025. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Note: City Code requires two board members sponsor an item to be included on an agenda. This section of the agenda provides members an opportunity to request items for future agendas. Staff should assume …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

01. Draft Meeting Minutes January 27, 2025 original pdf

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DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, January 27, 2025, at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Salinas called the Design Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair David Carroll Nkiru Gelles Kevin Howard Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Brita Wallace Brendan Wittstruck Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Conners Ladner PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on December 9, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 12/09/2024 were approved on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Commissioner Wallace’s second on a 9-0-1 vote. Commissioner Gelles abstained. One vacancy on the dais. STAFF BRIEFINGS 1. 1 Staff briefing regarding the process and implementation of the Downtown Density Bonus Program, including the Design Commission and Staff review process for compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. Presented by Jorge Rousselin, Planning Department. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. The presentation was made by Jorge Rousselin, Planning Department. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and action to support the Downtown Density Bonus Program applicant preparedness for their required presentation to the Design Commission. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. The motion to recommend modifications to the Design Commission Project Review Application in the “Exhibits to Present” section to expound on exhibits and the “Project Review Process: Density Bonus Projects” to potentially provide applicants more time between meeting with the Planning and Urban Design Working Group and the presentation to Design Commission was approved with the following friendly amendments on Commissioner McKinney’s motion, Commissioner Gelles’ second on a 9-1 vote. Commissioner Wallace voted nay. One vacancy on the dais. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Gelles was to expound on “Exhibits to Present #6 Elevations and 3D views” to include all building and alley elevations with 3D views prioritizing street level pedestrian experience. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner McKinney, and Commissioner Gelles, who seconded the motion. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Howard was to recommend intentional language in the “Project Review Process: Density Bonus Projects” section to advise applicants on the level of design development preparedness at the Planning and Urban Design Working Group stage and the Design Commission stage. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

02. Briefing on Corridor Planning original pdf

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Capital Planning and Programming Identifying and Prioritizing Major Corridor Improvements Design Commission February 24, 2025 1 Overview • Where are we today? • Background and history of Major Corridor Improvements • Where are we going? • Existing pipeline of projects • Identifying needs and projects • The project development process • Prioritizing projects for implementation 2 History of Major Corridor Improvements • 2009 – 2012 • 2009 Project Prioritization Process identified "Strategic Corridors" for investment • 2010 and 2012 Transportation Mobility Bond programs funded the Corridor Development Program (aka Corridor Mobility Planning) • City Council adopted Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan with “Activity Corridors” • 2014 – Complete Streets Policy adopted by City Council Map from 2012 Austin Strategic Mobility Plan 3 History of Major Corridor Improvements • 2016 – 2018 • 2016 Transportation Mobility Bond program funded construction and additional plans for major corridors, Regional Mobility bonds and Local Mobility bonds • Corridor Program Office and Corridor Construction Program was created to manage and deliver corridor mobility bonds • 2019 – City Council adopted Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) with recommendations for future Corridor Mobility Improvements • 2020 – Transportation Mobility Bond program funded additional Substandard Streets and Major Capital Improvements • 2023 – Citywide re-organization – • Corridor Program Office/Construction Program folded into new Capital Delivery Services Department (CDS). • Corridor Mobility Planning and Capital Programming established under Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) • 2024 – 2025 – Capital Delivery Services continues to deliver the 4 original “Strategic Corridors” and more Map from 2016 Corridor Mobility Bond Program History of Major Corridor Improvements Where we started Where we are today 2010-2017 2018 2018-2019 2019 2021+ 5 Programming, Developing, and Delivering Major Corridor Improvement Projects: Where we are going 1) Existing project pipeline from the 2010, 2012, 2016, and 2020 bonds. 2) Current effort - Identifying/prioritizing future needs while continuing to see existing pipeline through to completion. 3) TPW's Capital Planning and Programming team will oversee the project pipeline through the development of an annual Implementation Plan, including: i. Monitoring project status ii. Prioritizing projects Identifying funding iii. Initiating new projects iv. 6 Map from 2019 Austin Strategic Mobility Plan - as amended Identifying Needs and Projects Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Modal Plans Small Area Mobility Plans Modal Plans Identify Needs Small Area Plans Identify Projects From Those Needs Prioritizing Major Corridor Improvement Projects Citywide Strategic Plan (CSP) Anchors …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

03. Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan original pdf

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Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan Small Area Mobility Plan of the ASMP: Downtown Austin Design Commission – February 24, 2025 Agenda • ACT Plan Purpose and Background • Planning Process • ACT Plan Project Recommendations • Implementation Plan • Next Steps 2 ACT Plan Purpose • The ACT Plan is a Small Area Mobility Plan covering Downtown Austin and will be adopted by Council as an attachment to the ASMP. • It is an update to previous transportation focused efforts Downtown – dating back to 2000 • Why are we updating the transportation plan for Downtown? • changes in transit and bicycle planning, • changes in highway improvements serving Downtown, • changes in national best practices on urban street design, and • disruptions to traditional mobility • The ACT Plan will create a unified vision for transportation Downtown and align the many projects and initiatives under one actionable plan to help accomplish the goals in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. 3 Background • Great Streets Master Plan, 2001 • The goal of the Great Streets program is to pursue the vision of streets for people • Downtown Access and Mobility Plan, 2002 • The emphasis of the access and mobility study was on modeling and simulating intersection traffic operations and determining existing and future levels-of- service and operational needs • Downtown Transportation Framework, 2008 • The Downtown Transportation Framework Plan builds on the Great Streets Master Plan, further developing the system of “priority streets by mode”, and developing more detailed streetscape cross sections of all of the different street types and variations • Downtown Austin Plan, 2011 • Established the vision to develop a multimodal transportation system that improves access to and mobility within Downtown 2001 2002 2008 2011 4 Background • New policy • The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) aspires to achieve a 50/50 mode share where 50% of commuters use means other than driving alone to get to work in 2039 • Transit planning • The Project Connect Long Term Vision Plan established a High-Capacity Transit System and was adopted as an element of the ASMP – an initial investment was funded in 2020 • Managing demand • Transportation Demand Management programming, parking policy, and curb management are becoming critical strategies to manage congestion • New street design • The Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative shows how to reimagine the allocation of space • Many new projects …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

03. Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan Phase 1 and 2 Public Engagement Summary original pdf

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Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan Phase 1 & 2 Engagement Summary August–October 2022 | November 2022–March 2023 1. "What is the ACT Plan" informational brochure 2. Phase I Feedback Summary 3. Phase I Engagement Report 4. Phase 2 Feedback Summary 5. City Council Mobility Committee May 11, 2023 Presentation WHAT IS THE AUSTIN CORE TRANSPORTATION (ACT) PLAN? The ACT Plan is studying mobility options into, out of, through and within Downtown Austin. With Project Connect transit plans and the I-35 Capital Express Central rebuild project bringing significant change to the area, it is important to reexamine the form and function of the street network to interact with those changes and meet future needs and modes of transportation. WHAT WILL ACT DO? The ACT Plan will produce a list of projects and a vision for how Downtown Austin streets should operate. These projects will work within our real-world constraints, providing safe and efficient mobility enhancements. Whether people are delivering food, commuting to work, enjoying entertainment or appreciating our public spaces, the ACT Plan seeks to make accomplishing those tasks easier. WHAT WILL ACT DO? Austin Transportation Department wants to hear from all stakeholders and travelers to downtown Austin. Comments are best provided through online surveys, emailing the team or attending community meetings. Scan here for more info @AustinMobility /ATXtransportation 512-974-23OO ¿QUÉ ES EL PLAN DEL CASCO CENTRAL DE AUSTIN (ACT)? El Plan ACT está estudiando opciones de movilidad hacia, desde, a través y dentro del centro de Austin. Con los planes de tránsito del Proyecto Connect y el proyecto de reconstrucción de la I-35 Capital Express Central trayendo cambios significativos al área, es importante reexaminar la forma y función de la red de calles para interactuar con esos cambios y satisfacer las necesidades futuras y los modos de transporte. ¿QUÉ HARÁ ACT? El Plan ACT producirá una lista de proyectos y una visión de cómo deberían operar las calles del Centro de Austin. Estos proyectos funcionarán dentro de nuestras limitaciones del mundo real, brindando mejoras de movilidad seguras y eficientes. Ya sea que las personas estén entregando alimentos, yendo al trabajo, disfrutando del entretenimiento o apreciando nuestros espacios públicos, el Plan ACT busca facilitar el cumplimiento de esas tareas. ¿CÓMO PUEDO PARTICIPAR EN ACT? El Departamento de Transporte de Austin quiere escuchar a todas las partes interesadas y viajeros al centro de Austin. Puede enviar comentarios a través de …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

05. Downtown Density Bonus Program Project List original pdf

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DDBP Case Tracking Project Case Number Project Location In Date Bonus Request (FAR) Bonus Request (Height in ft Bonused Sq. Ft. Status of Project Design Commission (Working Group Date) Date Reviewed by Design Commission Design Commission Outcome Aspen Heights Apartments (now Rise) SP-2013-0434C 805 Nueces Street (516 W. 8th Street) 11/1/2013 8 86,840 Approved with Memo 5th & West SP-2013-0454C 501 W. 5th Street 1/31/2014 19.7 194,854 Approved with Memo 11/25/2013 2/24/2014 Recommendation of Compliance with additional recommendations (see letter) Recommendation of Non-Compliance with list of means for compliance (see letter) 7th & Congress (Element & Aloft Hotels) SP-2014-0068C 619 & 621 Congress Ave. (109 E. 7th Street) 5/15/2014 21.2 145,977 Approved with Memo 5/27/2014 Recommendation of Compliance 5th & Brazos SP-2014-0406C 501 Brazos 10/3/2014 19.7 408,999 Approved with Memo 10/27/2014 Recommendation of Compliance Third and Shoal SP-2015-0346C 607 W. 3rd 4/4/2016 10.2 77,720 Approved with Memo 4/25/2016 Recommendation of Compliance SP-2016-0106C 1201 Red River 1/25/2017 133,140 Approved with Memo 3/27/2017 Recommendation of Compliance 405 Colorado SP-2016-0260C 405 Colorado 7/21/2016 85,634 Approved with Memo 1/9/2017 4/24/2017 & 5/22/2017 Recommendation of Non-Compliance SP-2016-0300C 304 E. Cesar Chavez 10/6/2016 243,677 Approved with Memo 05/22/2017 & 6/05/2017 Recommendation of Compliance 48 East Ave Apts SP-2016-0391C 48 East Avenue 8/9/2016 125,055 Approved with Memo 1/23/2017 Recommendation of Compliance SP-2016-0452C 1400 Lavaca 10/3/2016 4.11 66,600 Approved with Memo 11/28/2016 Recommendation of Compliance Town Lake Lofts SP-2017-0107C 16 N I-35 Service Dr 7/22/2016 15 109,214 Approved with Memo 12/19/2016 Recommendation of Compliance 700 11th St SP-2017-0166C 700 11th St 9/7/2017 10.43 85,702 Approved with Memo 10/23/2017 Motion for Recommendation of Compliance failed for lack of votes 6th + Guadalupe SP-2017-0301C.F1 600 Guadalupe Street 5/24/2018 565,109 Approved with Memo 8/27/2018 Recommendation of Compliance Block 71 (UT System Property) SP-2017-0311C 200 W. 6th St 10/26/2017 1,296,080 Approved with Memo 11/27/2017 Recommendation of Compliance 300 Colorado SP-2018-0096C 300 Colorado Street 5/22/2018 15.71 191,424 Approved with Memo 6/25/2018 Recommendation of Compliance 91 Red River SP-2018-0111C 91-93 Red River Street 7/5/2018 13.12 164,768 Approved with Memo 9/24/2018 Recommendation of Compliance Waterloo Park Tower Marriott at Cesar Chavez 1400 Lavaca (now SXSW Center) 200 430 328 420 391 371 363 381 342 171 352 344 838 555 455 326 15 13 15 15 25 25 City of Austin - Planning Zoning Department - Urban Design Division - December 2018 DDBP Case Tracking The Travis Ph.1 SP-2018-0159C 80 Red River Street 2/22/2019 - …

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:31 a.m.

06. Design Commission Workflow Chart original pdf

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Design Commission Flow Chart 2025 City Council directs the workflow of the Design Commission through ordinances and resolutions City Boards Provide advisory recommendations to City Council on items requested by City Council or project sponsor § 2-1-130 DDBP Gatekeeper Requirement: Requires projects participating in the Downtown Density Bonus Program to seek a recommendation from the Design Commission § 25-2-586 – Downtown Density Bonus Program City buildings & development: Resolution directing staff to present plans for all municipal buildings & associated site development to the Design Commission to ensure compliance with city design & sustainability standards Resolution No. 20071129-046 Municipal AEC rule: Reiterates Resolution No. 20071129-046 and directs staff to seek Design Commission input on projects seeking Alternative Equivalent Compliance Resolution No. 20100923-086 Alley vacation: Requires the review of all alley vacation requests within the downtown area by the Design Commission Ord. No. 20100805-028 Infrastructure guidelines: Resolution directing staff to work with the Design Commission on recommendations for design guidelines for infrastructure projects commissioned by the City of Austin Resolution No. 20100819-035 UDG Update: Resolution directing the update to the Urban Design Guidelines Resolution No. 20210902-046 Design Commission Working Groups & Committees City Council and/or City staff consider the recommendations by Design Commission when passing ordinances or approving projects, respectively

Scraped at: Feb. 20, 2025, 10:31 a.m.