Design Commission - Jan. 27, 2025

Design Commission Regular Meeting of the Design Commission

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the DESIGN COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025, 6:00 P.M. PERMITTING AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, ROOM 1405 6310 WILHELMINA DELCO AUSTIN, TEXAS Some members of the Design Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, call or email Nicole Corona, at 512-974-3146 or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS/COMMISSIONERS: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair David Carroll Nkiru Gelles Kevin Howard Conners Ladner AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Brita Wallace Brendan Wittstruck Vacancy, District 6 The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on December 9, 2024. 1. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff briefing regarding the process and implementation of the Downtown Density Bonus Program, including the Design Commission and Staff review process for compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. Presented by Jorge Rousselin, Planning Department. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. 4. 5. 6. Discussion and action to support the Downtown Density Bonus Program applicant preparedness for their required presentation to the Design Commission. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Urban Design Guidelines Working Group regarding the meetings on December 23, 2024 and January 17, 2025. Update from representative of the Downtown Commission regarding the meeting on December 18, 2024. Update from representative of the Joint Sustainability Committee regarding the meeting on December 18, 2024. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Note: City Code requires two board members sponsor an item to be included on an agenda. This section of the agenda provides members an opportunity to request items for future agendas. Staff should assume that if there is no objection from other members expressed at the meeting, the members’ silence indicates approval for staff to include on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. …

Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2025, 3:20 p.m.

01. Draft Meeting Minutes December 9, 2024 original pdf

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1. 2. DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2024 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024, at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Salinas called the Design Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair Kevin Howard Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney – Commissioner McKinney joined the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Brita Wallace Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Brendan Wittstruck PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on November 19, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 11/19/2024 were approved on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Chair Salinas’ second on a 6-0 vote. Commissioner McKinney was off the dais. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. STAFF BRIEFINGS Staff briefing regarding an update to the Great Streets Program. Presented by Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Carroll. The presentation was made Jill Amezcua, Planning Department. 1 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and action on whether the Asian American Resource Center Phase II Improvement Project, located at 8401 Cameron Road, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. Presented by David Sweere and Trey Trahan, Trahan Architects. There was a motion by Commissioner Luckens, seconded by Chair Salinas, that the Asian American Resource Center Phase II Improvement Project, located at 8401 Cameron Road, complies with the City Design and Sustainability Standards. The motion was approved with the following friendly amendment on motion by Commissioner Howard, seconded by Chair Salinas on a 7-0 vote. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Howard was that the project meets the City Design and Sustainability Standards with additional investigation for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to ensure appropriate accommodation of bicycle and transit usage and of circulation through the site in future phases. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner Luckens, and Chair Salinas, who seconded the motion. Commissioners Carroll, Gelles, and Ladner were absent. One vacancy on the dais. Discussion and action to recommend to City Council guidance on billboard placement and community and urban design impacts due to the Interstate Highway 35 corridor improvements. Presented by Margaret Lloyd, Scenic Texas, and Jim Walker and Girard Kinney, Cherrywood Neighborhood Association. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Wittstruck. There was …

Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2025, 3:20 p.m.

02. Briefing on Downtown Density Bonus Program Review Process and Implementation original pdf

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Downtown Density Bonus Program Administration Staff Process Briefing and Case Studies Agenda 1. Downtown Density Bonus Program (DDBP) requirements. 2. Overview of Staff process. 3. Integration of Design Commission’s comments and recommendations. 4. Examples of Commission’s recommendations 5. Coordination and dialogue with applicant on compliance. 6. Case Studies Program Requirements 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(i)-(ii) (1) Gatekeeper Requirements. Administrative process (a) To receive bonus area, the director must determine that the project substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines. (i) The applicant must submit to the director a schematic level site plan, building elevations, and other drawings, simulations or other documents necessary to fully describe the urban design character of the project and relationship of the project to its surroundings. (ii) The Design Commission shall evaluate and make recommendations regarding whether the project complies with the Urban Design Guidelines and the director shall consider comments and recommendations of the Design Commission. Submittal requirements Role of DC * Emphasis by Staff Process Applicant meets with Staff to discuss DDBP request* Applicant files site development permit (SP) SP is distributed to Urban Design team Great Streets review starts Design Commission recommendation on compliance with Urban Design Guidelines *Greatest success when meeting with Staff prior to filing the DDBP request Process Staff reviews submittal requirements for DDBP in accordance with 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(i) and will work with applicant if any elements are missing Design Commission Working Group scheduled, and feedback is given to the applicant DDBP request is scheduled for Design Commission evaluation and recommendation Design Commission issues evaluation and recommendation letter to Staff and applicant on compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines Process Staff commences review of DDBP request based on DC’s evaluation and recommendation and review of project submittal Staff works with the applicant to address specific guidelines that were found to be deficient – back and forth dialogue Once compliance is reached, Staff certifies project for compliance with the UDG based on the DC evaluation and recommendation as well as Staff review Public hearings are scheduled if project seeks additional FAR entitlements. Otherwise, Staff issues administrative memo granting entitlements under the Program Process Staff review for substantial compliance with the Urban Design guidelines commences after receiving the Commission’s comments and recommendations for each specific project. Working Group input is not the DC recommendation. Process ”the director shall consider comments and recommendations of the Design Commission” - LDC 25-2-586 (C)(1)(a)(ii) Elements in DC’s comments and …

Scraped at: Jan. 23, 2025, 3:20 p.m.

02. 61 Rainey original pdf

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David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Art Zamorano Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20201026-01A Date: October 28, 2020 Subject: Design Commission recommendation for the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue. Aan Coleman Seconded By: Jessica Rollason Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue, as presented on October 26, 2020, substantially complies with the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines. The Commission further recommends that the applicant explores providing more permeability on the retail space façade, like operable walls or overhead doors. Additionally, the Commission recommends the applicant explores expressing the entry to the café more definitively. Rationale: Dear Honorable Mayor, City Council, Planning Commission, and Director of Housing and Planning Department, This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the River Street Residences project, located at 61-69 Rainey Street and 60 East Avenue, as presented to us on October 26, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. Our review found the following: 1. The project proposes terraced landscaped planters 2. The project proposes integrating artwork at street level 3. The project proposes 15,180 square feet of affordable housing. 4. The project proposes $1,204,575 in fees-in-lieu to NHCD. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: Ben Luckens, Aan Coleman, Jessica Rollason, Evan Taniguchi, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Beau Frail, Samuel 7 - 1 - 1 Franco Against: David Carroll Abstain: Josue Meiners Absent: Bart Whatley, Martha Gonzalez Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for River Street Residences Page 1 10 Building Information Parking Table Land Use Units Sq. Ft. Parking Ratio Req'd Spaces Reduced Req't* Prov'd (Reg) Req'd ADA Prov'd ADA Req'd ADA Van Req'd Loading Prov'd Loading Req'd Bike Prov'd Bike Prov'd ADA Van 319 7 8 1 2 2 2 35.8 45 Impervious Cover Table Existing Proposed Removal Proposed Addition Building 3,962 3,962 22,213 Parking/Driveway & Others 5,803 5,803 1,366 Sidewalk Wood Decks (50% IC) Total (Area) Gross Site Area Total (Percent) - 1,165 10,930 - - 1,165 …

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:20 p.m.

02. 617 Colorado original pdf

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David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Patrick Colunga Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200930-01A Josue Meiners Seconded By: Design Commission recommendation for the hotel project, located at 617 Colorado Street. Date: October 05, 2020 Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the hotel project, located at 617 Colorado Street, as presented on September 30, 2020, substantially complies with the City’s Urban Design Guidelines. Rationale: Dear Director of Planning and Zoning Dept., This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the hotel project, located at 617 Colorado Street, as presented to us on September 30, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. Our review found the following: Jessica Rollason 1. The project proposes no parking, which means it will reduce the amount of parking currently on site. 2. The project proposes street level public art, which complements the adjacent art museum. 3. The project proposes a designated rideshare drop off, outside the thru-lanes of traffic. 4. Proposed amenities on the second level will be open to the public with an intent to have a special discount program for local area teachers. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: David Carroll, Ben Luckens, Aan Coleman, Jessica Rollason, Evan Taniguchi, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Josue 8 - 0 - 0 Meiners, Beau Frail Absent: Bart Whatley, Martha Gonzalez, Samuel Franco Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for 617 Colorado Page 1

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:21 p.m.

02. Hanover original pdf

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David Carroll, Chair Melissa Henao-Robledo, Vice Chair Aan Coleman Beau Frail Samuel Franco Martha Gonzales Ben Luckens Josue Meiners Jessica Rollason Evan Taniguchi Bart Whatley Jorge Rousselin, Executive Liaison Aaron D. Jenkins Staff Liaison Patrick Colunga Staff Liaison City of Austin Design Commission DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20200622-01C June 26, 2020 Josue Meiners Seconded By: Evan Taniguchi Design Commission recommendation for the Hanover Brazos Street project. Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the Hanover Brazos Street project, located at 201 East 3rd Street, substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines. Rationale: Dear Director of Planning and Zoning Dept., This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the Hanover Brazos Street project, located at 201 East 3rd Street, as presented to us on June 22, 2020 substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. The applicant addressed many of the concerns identified by the Working Group’s previous review. Our review found the following: 1. Project includes restaurant/retail space with overhead doors that open to the public ROW. In addition, there is an adjacent patio with built-in planters and overhead protection at the intersection of 3rd and Brazos. These all serve to activate the public ROW. 2. The proposed design utilizes brick at street level, which breaks down the scale of the large building and pays homage to the existing structure. 3. The existing public art will remain 4. The Brazos Street side includes windows in and overhead protection. Additionally, the garage entrance doors are pushed back from façade to provide pedestrians with a better experience crossing the driveway. 5. Vertical landscaping has been proposed on the façade at the utility room to soften the hard building edge. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: David Carroll, Bart Whatley, Evan Taniguchi, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Josue Meiners, Samuel Franco, Beau 8 - 0 - 0 Frail, Ben Luckens Against: None Absent: Martha Gonzalez, Jessica Rollason, Aan Coleman Attest: David Carroll, Chair of the Design Commission 1 of 1 Design Commission - Recommendation for the Hanover Brazos Street Page 1

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:22 p.m.

02. Stonelake original pdf

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DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20220822-4 Date: Subject: September 1, 2022 Design Commission recommendation for the project 5RR, located at 506 E 5th Street Commissioner Coleman Commissioner Whatley Motioned By: Seconded By: Recommendation: The City of Austin Design Commission recommends that the project located at 506 E 5th Street, as presented to us on August 22, 2022, substantially complies with the City of Austin Urban Design Guidelines. Rationale: Dear Director of Housing and Planning Department, This letter is to confirm the Design Commission’s recommendation that the project located at 506 East 5th Street substantially complies with the Urban Design Guidelines as one of the gatekeeper requirements of the Downtown Density Bonus Program. Our review found the following positive attributes: 1. PS1: Protect the pedestrian where the building meets the street: A large awning is indicated at the corner of 5th & Red River. 2. PS4: Reinforce pedestrian activity: ROW / sidewalk is activated with art, light and plants. 3. PS8: Install street trees: Eleven trees are indicated on East 5th Street and Red River as proposed. 4. PS9: Provide pedestrian-scaled lighting: Festoon lighting is proposed in the public plaza. 5. PS12: Provide generous street-level windows: Full-height windows are indicated at street fronts. 6. PZ11: Provide visual and spatial complexity in public spaces: Large murals, plants, and light are disbursed among the open space at the exterior ground floor. Respectfully, City of Austin Design Commission Vote: For: 8-0-0 None None Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: Chair Weaver, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Coleman, Commissioner Franco, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner Salinas, Commissioner Taniguchi, Commissioner Whatley Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Henao-Robledo, Commissioner Rollason Jen Weaver, Chair of Design Commission 1 of 1 ” 0 - ’ 0 3 T U C B R U C G N T S X E I I T S R E V R D E R I S. Stookey 05/14/2023

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:23 p.m.

03. Design Commission Project Review Application original pdf

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C i t y o f A u s t i n Design Commission Project Review Application Photo courtesy of Jorge E. Rousselin C i t y o f A u s t i n Design Commission Project Review Application The Design Commission provides advisory recommendations to the City Council to assist in developing public policy and to promote excellence in the design and development of the urban environment. The Design Commission reviews three types of projects: 1. City projects (see page 3 for process) The Commission reviews all municipal buildings and associated site plans to ensure they demonstrate compliance with city design and sustainability standards (Council Resolution No. 20071129-046), including those seeking Subchapter E Design Standards Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) (Council Resolution No. 20100923-086). 2. Density Bonus projects (see page 4 for process) The Commission reviews density bonus projects for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin in accordance with the Gatekeeper requirements of LDC 25-2-586 for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 3. Advisory Recommendations for Private projects (see page 3 for process) The Commission will consider Project Review Applications from private projects during its regularly scheduled monthly public meetings and may issue an advisory recommendation in the form of a Project Review Letter to the Applicant. Page 2 Design Commission - Project Review ApplicationPhoto courtesy of Jorge E. Rousselin This Project Review Application must be submitted before your project can be presented to the Design Commission for their review. Design Commission requests project be presented in their Conceptual/ Schematic Design phase. This application primarily addresses inhabited buildings and structures and their effect on the public realm; please refer to Appendix A for infrastructure type projects. The Commission’s review of projects is based on the planning/design principles in the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. Ensure that all applicable principles are addressed in the application questions and in your presentation. The Design Commission supports the vision and principles of Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, especially those that affect the urban environment and fabric. All projects should consider this vision and principles, many of which are similar to the Urban Design Guidelines. Refer to Appendix C for the most pertinent sections of Imagine Austin. The Design Commission expects the applicant’s design team to present their project with those most knowledgeable and encourages the inclusion of sub-consultants at the presentation, when deemed necessary. EXHIBITS TO PRESENT 1. Completed Project Review Application …

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:25 p.m.

03. Downtown Density Bonus Program Checklist original pdf

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Downtown Density Bonus Packet Checklist The Downtown Density Bonus packet checklist outlines all the required elements in the applicant’s request. Completed DDBP Request Form Attached completed site plan application Vicinity plan locating the project in its context, and showing a minimum 9 block area around the project Location and nature of nearby transit facilities Drawings: • Site plan • Floor plans • Exterior elevations (all sides) • Three-dimensional views • Other items that may be submitted: additional renderings, photos, narrative, or anything that further helps describe the project Design Commission Recommendation Letter Urban Design Guidelines Approval Letter Great Streets Plan and Approval Letter Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) Letter of Intent Executed Restrictive Covenant Affordable Housing Certification Letter Downtown Density Bonus Program | 5 Request Form

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:25 p.m.

03. Downtown Density Bonus Program Request Form (Example) original pdf

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DDBP Request Form This form should be used by a property owner or representative who wishes to request additional floor- to-area (FAR) entitlements as outlined the Downtown Density Bonus Program (DDBP) per the Land Development Code (LDC) 25-2-586. 1 COMPLE TED SITE P L A N A PPL IC ATIO N Please include the completed site plan application as part of this DDBP request. Site Plan Number: Is the Completed Site Plan Application Attached? 2 PRO JECT NAM E & ANTIC IPATE D PROJ ECT A D D RES S 3 DENSI T Y BO NUS CA LCUL ATI ON Calculate the proposed additional FAR including the site area and amount per square foot according to the Community Benefits calculations described in § 25-2-586 (E)(1-12). Project Name: Anticipated Project Address: Site Area (sf): Proposed FAR (ratio): Proposed FAR Calculation: Total Gross Building Area (sq): If providing fee in lieu payment: Current Bonus fee ($/sq): Fee in lieu payment for density bonus ($): Existing FAR (ratio): Proposed Bonus area (sf): Total Fee in Lieu Amount (% or sq): If seeking additional FAR from City Council, a public hearing will not be scheduled until all gatekeeper requirements are complete. Downtown Density Bonus Program | 1 Request FormEXAMPLE DDBP Request Form 4 COMMU NIT Y B ENEFITS An applicant may achieve bonus area by providing community benefits as outlined below. A project must achieve at least 50 percent of the desired bonus area by providing affordable housing community benefits. Please indicate the selected community benefit(s) for this project, including the percentage allotted to each benefit. For more information on each community benefit please see Ordinance No. 20140227-054. Please describe which community benefit(s) will be used and how they will be applied (on site, fee in lieu, or a combination of the two). 1 Affordable Housing Rainey Street Subdistrict Historic Preservation Day Care Services 2 3 4 Cultural Uses 5 Live Music 6 On-Site Improvements for Historic Preservation Select % or SQ FT Select % or SQ FT 7 8 9 Development Bonus Fee for Off-Site Historic Preservation Green Building Publicly Accessible On-Site Plaza 10 Off-Site Open Space Development Bonus Fee 11 Green Roof 12 Other 5 GATEKEEPER REQUIREM EN TS The following gatekeeper requirements must be completed to participate in the DDBP. The applicant shall acknowledge these requirements by checking the boxes below. 1 Urban Design Guidelines Acknowledge To receive bonus area, the …

Scraped at: Jan. 24, 2025, 8:25 p.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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DESIGN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 The Design Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, January 27, 2025, at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas. Chair Salinas called the Design Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Jon Salinas, Chair Josue Meiners, Vice Chair David Carroll Nkiru Gelles Kevin Howard Ben Luckens Marissa McKinney Brita Wallace Brendan Wittstruck Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Conners Ladner PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Design Commission regular meeting on December 9, 2024. The minutes from the meeting of 12/09/2024 were approved on Vice Chair Meiners’ motion, Commissioner Wallace’s second on a 9-0-1 vote. Commissioner Gelles abstained. One vacancy on the dais. STAFF BRIEFINGS 1. 1 Staff briefing regarding the process and implementation of the Downtown Density Bonus Program, including the Design Commission and Staff review process for compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. Presented by Jorge Rousselin, Planning Department. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. The presentation was made by Jorge Rousselin, Planning Department. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and action to support the Downtown Density Bonus Program applicant preparedness for their required presentation to the Design Commission. Sponsors: Chair Salinas and Commissioner Howard. The motion to recommend modifications to the Design Commission Project Review Application in the “Exhibits to Present” section to expound on exhibits and the “Project Review Process: Density Bonus Projects” to potentially provide applicants more time between meeting with the Planning and Urban Design Working Group and the presentation to Design Commission was approved with the following friendly amendments on Commissioner McKinney’s motion, Commissioner Gelles’ second on a 9-1 vote. Commissioner Wallace voted nay. One vacancy on the dais. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Gelles was to expound on “Exhibits to Present #6 Elevations and 3D views” to include all building and alley elevations with 3D views prioritizing street level pedestrian experience. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner McKinney, and Commissioner Gelles, who seconded the motion. The friendly amendment from Commissioner Howard was to recommend intentional language in the “Project Review Process: Density Bonus Projects” section to advise applicants on the level of design development preparedness at the Planning and Urban Design Working Group stage and the Design Commission stage. This was accepted by the maker of the motion, Commissioner …

Scraped at: March 1, 2025, 4:30 a.m.

Recommendation 20250127-003: Modifications to Project Review Application original pdf

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DESIGN COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20250127-003 January 27, 2025 Modifications to Design Commission Project Review Application Date: Subject: Motioned By: Recommendation Recommendation that staff provides modifications to the “exhibits to present” section of the project review application to better expound on these exhibits and the project review process timeline to potentially allow or to advise applicants for more time to between the working group recommendations and presenting at the commission With the following friendly amendments Seconded By: Commissioner Gelles Commissioner McKinney  That exterior elevations should include all street elevations, including alley  3D views to include both street level and birds-eye view, with priority of street level views that  express the pedestrian experience Include intent language regarding the level of development of the design with an emphasis on less preparedness is preferred for the working group vs the presentation at the design commission Rationale: Due to the various size of buildings presented to the commission, we feel the language in the required documentation should be modified to allow the applicant to focus their efforts on areas of the development that express their compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines. This is not a request to provide more documentation than what is required, but rather provide more information to the applicant of what we, as a commission, typically focus our efforts on. Also, language to emphasize to the applicant that presentation to the working group is expected to be schematic and not fully developed to allow for discussion and modification prior to presenting to the full design commission. Vote For: 9-1 Chair Salinas, Vice Chair Meiners, Commissioner Carroll, Commissioner Gelles, Commissioner Howard, Commissioner Ladner, Commissioner Luckens, Commissioner McKinney, Commissioner Wittstruck Against: Commissioner Wallace Abstain: Absent: Vacancy: District 6 Attest: Jon Salinas, AIA – Chair, Design Commission 1 of 1

Scraped at: March 1, 2025, 4:30 a.m.