Austin Travis County Food Policy BoardJune 13, 2022

Backup_ATCFPB - Food Planning Presentation _June 2022 — original pdf

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A Food Plan for Austin Overveiw of the Com prehensive Food Plan, Food Appendix, and Resilience Hubs What is a Food System ? The Office of Sustainability defines the food system a s a n interconnected network th a t in clu des everyth in g th a t h a ppen s w ith food —w h ere a n d h ow it is grow n , dis tribu ted a n d s old, con s u m ed, a n d idea lly recovered. Th e food s ys tem is s h a ped by its s ta k eh olders , pra ctices , a n d th e la w s th a t regu la te both . Post Consumption & Waste Diversion Processing & Distribution Production Food Justice Consumption & Access Markets & Retail Did you k now ? ● 14.7% food in security in Travis Coun ty an d 18 out of 47 zip codes in Travis Coun ty don ’t have a full service grocery store ● 16.8 acres of farm lan d are lost every day in Travis ● Less than 1% of food con sum ed in Austin -Travis Coun ty is locally produced ● 1.24 m illion poun ds of food is w asted every day in Coun ty Austin Developing Austin’s firs t ever Food Pla n Resolution In June 2021, Austin City Council directed the City M anager to initiate a planning process and m ultilingual engagem ent strategy for the creation of the Austin Travis County Food System Plan, w hich shall convene experts and stak eholders to craft a 5-year plan. The Office Of Sustainability is the departm ent in charge of overseeing the achievem ent of this goal. Source: Austin City Coun cil RESOLUTION NO. 20210610-039 Why do w e need a Food Plan? ● The im pact of the Covid-19 pandem ic & Winter Storm Uri exposed and exacerbated deficiencies in our food system . ● A Food Plan w ill set clear Goals and Str ategi es to m itiga te th e im pa ct of fu tu re cris es , correct th e s ys tem ’s in equ a lities , a n d m ove tow a rd a m ore equ ita ble, s u s ta in a ble & res ilien t food s ys tem th a t s erves everyon e. ● Th is w ill be Au s tin ’s firs t ever Food Pla n ; w h en com pleted, it w ill provide a coordin a tin g s tru ctu re for a ll food rela ted in itia tives to w ork tow a rds a s h a red vis ion a n d a ddres s k ey is s u es State of the Food System 2022 Office of Sustainabil i ty is currently drafting an updated version of Austin’s State of the Food System . Builds off State of the Food System Reports from 2015 and 2018. The State of the Food System report w ill serve as a foundational docum ent to help ground participants in the planning process w ith context of our local food system . It w ill cover k ey term s, trends & challenges, k ey questions, and facts around the various sectors of the food system . Finding the Right Project Team The Office of Sustain ability is in the process of hirin g a Con sultan t Team experien ced in project plan n in g, food system s an d equitable com m un ity en gagem en t to support the developm en t an d im plem en tation Austin ’s first Food Plan . The proposals have been evaluated an d the decision w ill be shared w ith Coun cil for approval in late July. Project Organ ization Austin’s Food Plan Emergency Food and Water Appendix City and County Staff Austin-Travis Food Policy Board Consultant Team Community Food Ambassadors Community Advisory Committee *Potential Groups Issue Area Groups *Production AG General Public and Community Food Equity Toolkit *Access AG *Markets AG *Labor AG *Recovery AG Next Steps Com in g u p s oon Now Summer 2022 Fall 2022 Outreach an d Com m un ity Aw a ren es s Con s u lta n t On boa rdin g a n d Kick off Meetin g CAC Recru itm en t a n d Selection Project Tim elin e 1 2 3 6 7 Spring 2022 Summer - Fall 2022 Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Spring 2023 - Early 2024 1 2 4 5 7 5 3 4 6 Stay in volved Regu la r Upda tes State of the Food System Release Spread the w ord Sign up for our Food Plan In terest Form to stay in the loop! Dive deeper in to Austin ’s Food System . Available this Sum m er at austin departm en t/ sust ain ability Outreach m aterials com in g early this Sum m er. Em ail : Sergio.torres- peralta@austin for updates. Disaster Food & Water Appendix ● Work ing w ith Hom eland Security & Em ergency M anagem ent (HSEM ) and other departm ents ● Creating a plan to supplem ent the Em ergency Operations Plan ● Will include learnings from Winter Storm Uri, COVID-19, boil w ater notices, and other possible scenarios Project Overview HSEM a n d th e Office of Su s ta in a bility h a ve con tra cted Ha gerty Con s u ltin g to s u pport th e City of Au s tin in bu ildin g ou t th e ca pa bility a n d pla n n in g com pon en ts rela ted to f ood and dr i nk i ng w ater access oper ati ons speci f i c to di saster s. Th e goa l is to develop a pla n for res pon din g to va riou s types of dis a s ters w ith food a n d w a ter res ou rces th a t w ill be n eeded by ou r com m u n ity, a n d clea r roles a n d res pon s ibilities to im plem en tin g th e Pla n . Th e objectives a re to develop a Dis a s ter Food Acces s a n d Drin k in g Wa ter Appen dix th a t: ○ En ga ges City depa rtm en ts a n d k ey dis a s ter food/ w a ter pa rtn ers , ○ Bu ilds u pon th e cu rren t orga n iza tion s tru ctu re w ith in th e EOC to coordin a te dis a s ter food a n d w a ter res pon s e, ○ Levera ges les s on s lea rn ed from COVID-19 res pon s e a n d Win ter Storm Uri, a n d ○ In crea s es k n ow ledge th rou gh a Ma s s Ca re Tra in in g for City of Au s tin pers on n el a n d k ey s ta k eh olders . Project Overview Pr oject 1: Di saster Food Access and Dr i nk i ng W ater Appendi x Pr oject 2: M ass Car e Standard Oper ati ng Pr ocedure (SOP) ● Develop a n Appen dix to HSEM’s Em ergen cy Opera tion s Pla n th a t w ill des cribe dis a s ter food/ w a ter opera tion s a n d in corpora te les s on s lea rn ed from recen t em ergen cy even ts a n d provide tra in in g on th e Appen dix. ● Project du ra tion : 6 Mon th s . ● Crea te a u n ifyin g tool th a t in corpora tes th e ~ 15 exis tin g m a s s ca re-rela ted pla n s a n d gu ides coordin a tion betw een th e Ma s s Ca re Bra n ch Ch ief a n d oth er EOC lea ders h ip. ● Project du ra tion : 4 Mon th s . Resilience Hubs PLAN: • • • • DELIVERABLE: • • • Conduct an assessm ent to identify potential locations for resilience hubs. Explore "passi v e sur v i v abi li ty ", redundant pow er and w ater. Engagem ent w ith each com m unity, center the needs of the m ost v ulner able and affected com m unity m em bers. Potential resilience hubs are based on 15-m i nute w alk shed of each neighborhood. Budget sufficient to fund recom m endations and strategies to design and equip hubs. Plan, budget recom m endations, funding strategies, and a tim eline for designing and equipping an initial si x pi lot hubs f or di saster s. Intergovernm ental m em or andum necessary to m em orialize com m unity partnerships necessary to create resilience hubs.” W hy do w e need a Resilience Hub Netw or k ? Di saster Fr equency and Intensi ty i s Incr easi ng • • • Extrem e Weather Events Pow er and Water Outages Health & Safety em ergencies Ex tr em e W eather Ev ents Hi ghli ght the Need For : • • • • • Accessible com m unity spaces Distribution centers (w ater, food, m edicine, etc.) Back -up pow er & w ater Sheltering during events Truly engaging com m unity Equi ty Focus • • • Em pow er low -incom e com m unities and com m unities of color in the planning process Build an equity lens for all staff participating in the process M ove as m uch as possible tow ards com m unity leadership and ow nership of the w ork Intersections: Resilience Hub Netw ork + Dis a s ter Food & Wa ter Appen dix + 5-Yea r Food Pla n Disaster Food & Water Appendix to the EOP Resilience Hub Network 5-Year Comprehensive Food System Plan Feedback from 5-Year Food Planning process and table-top exercises (as well as lived experiences) inform amendments to Disaster Food & Water Appendix Than k You! /austinsustainability