Approved Minutes — original pdf
Regular Meeting Minutes ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PANEL The Art in Public Places Panel convened a regular meeting on Monday, January 6, 2020 at 5202 E. Ben White Blvd, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78741. Panel Chair Chris McCray called the Meeting to order at 6:06 PM. Panel Members in Attendance: Panel Chair McCray, Arts Commission Liaison Brett Barnes, Panel Members Sarah Carr, Jacob Villanueva, Stephanie Lemmo, and Joel Nolan. Vice Chair Tammie Rubin arrived at 6:11 PM. Staff in Attendance: Sue Lambe, Anna Bradley, Curt Gettman, Alex Irrera, Laura Odegaard, Frank Wick, Art in Public Places. Kevin Johnson, Parks and Recreation Department. Jill Fagan, Economic Development Department. Natalie Serna, Austin Transportation Department. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The minutes from the meeting on Monday, December 2, 2019 were approved on the motion of Panel Member Villanueva, Panel Member Carr seconded. Passed 6-0-0. Vice Chair Rubin was absent for the vote. 2. None. 3. None. 4. CHAIR’S REPORT ARTS COMMISSION LIAISON REPORT NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and Action Items i. ii. Approve the Final Design by Artist Yareth Fernandez for the Dove Springs Recreation Center Art in Public Places Project AIPP Project Manager Anna Bradley introduced the Dove Springs Recreation Center Art in Public Places Project. Artist Yareth Fernandez presented her final design for the project. Discussion ensued. Vice Chair Rubin made a motion to approve. Panel Member Lemmo seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. Review the Mid Design by Artist Olaniyi Akindiya aka AKIRASH for the E. 51st Streetscape Art in Public Places Project AIPP Project Manager Anna Bradley introduced the E. 51st Streetscape Art in Public Places Project. Artist Olaniyi Akindiya presented his mid-design for the project. Discussion ensued and no action was taken. iii. Discussion and possible action regarding 2021-2023 Pre-Qualified Artist Pool(s) AIPP Program Manager Sue Lambe presented a process for the 2021-2023 Pre- Qualified Artist Pool(s). Discussion ensued. Vice Chair Rubin made a motion to approve. Panel Member Nolan seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. OLD BUSINESS 5. a. Discussion and Action Items i. Art in Public Places Guidelines Review Working Group Update– Chair McCray, Panel Members Carr and Villanueva. Discussion ensued. No action taken. 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS AIPP Program Manager Sue Lambe provided updates on the Corridor Program Artist Pool Request for Qualifications, the Planning and Development Center project, the Arts Commission/MJR Consultants – Cultural Funding Review Process, and TEMPO. Panel Member Villanueva agreed to …