MCPD Special Called Meeting back up document for Friday April 17, 2020 — original pdf

Section 0500 Scope of Work SOLICITATION NO. RFP 4400 BYS3004 DESCRIPTION: QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY FOR AUSTINITES WITH DISABILITIES 1.0 Introduction Austin is a beacon of sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity; where diversity and creativity are celebrated; where community needs and values are recognized; where leadership comes from its community members and where the necessities of life are affordable and accessible to all (Imagine Austin Vision). Because Austin’s greatest asset is its people: we are committed to improving the quality of life of Austin’s whole community. In keeping with the vision of Imagine Austin and the Strategic Outcomes of Austin Strategic Direction 2023, Austin is committed to a City that works for every Austinite, at every stage of life, regardless of their physical and/or intellectual ability. According to the 2017 US Census Bureau, Austin is home to more than 100,000 people with disabilities. Despite the significant size of this population, the City of Austin has not administered an official city-wide data collection nor survey effort to better understand the experiences of the Disabled community. These experiences include their ability to navigate and access healthcare, housing, employment, public services and transportation systems. To improve the experiences for people with disabilities, it is critical for Austin to conduct a data-driven study that evaluates the quality of life Austin’s disabled community. The results of this study will help identify challenges, determine gaps, align resources and guide policy decisions aimed toward inclusivity, equity, and innovative measures that build trust with Austin’s Disabled community. Purpose 2.1 The City of Austin (COA) seeks a qualified contractor and/or team of contractors to conduct a Quality of Life Study for Austinites with disabilities that supports the following goals: Quantifies the demographics of Austin’s disabled population with specific regard to complexity of physical and intellectual abilities and their intersection with age, race, gender, and socio-economic status. Outlines strategies for connecting with populations that have historically been difficult to reach within the broader disabled community; Identifies the factors that most impact the quality of life of members of the disabled community; Reports the current state of those factors in comparison to the population as a whole; Recommends metrics for measuring and reporting progress toward equity throughout the community; Is useful to policymakers now and in the future in making decisions on resource allocation, regulations, business practices, service delivery and City policies. 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.0 3.0 Background The City of Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities (Committee) serves as an advisory body to the city council and city manager regarding problems affecting persons with disabilities in the Austin area. The Committee was established to encourage, assist and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the City, achieve maximum personal independence, become gainfully employed, use and fully enjoy all public and private facilities available within the community. Section 0500, Scope of Work Page 1 of 5 Section 0500 Scope of Work SOLICITATION NO. RFP 4400 BYS3004 DESCRIPTION: QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY FOR AUSTINITES WITH DISABILITIES On or about May 2, 2019, the Committee submitted a request for the Austin City Council to allot $200,000.00 within the FY 2020 budget to conduct a Quality of Life study for Austinites with Disabilities. The request was made after a series of testimonials was heard each month from the disabled community that described consistent problems with: housing affordability, health disparities, safe accessibility of infrastructure, lack of employment opportunities, exclusion of public resources/services, systemic discrimination and law enforcements/public officials lack of knowledge and understanding on how to interact, engage and communicate with Austinites with Disabilities. The Commission has defined this study as a Power Analysis rather than a Needs Assessment. Through a Power Analysis, it is to identify and analyze the institutional systems external to the community that create the internal realities that many people experience daily. Use of demographic data collection shall be one of many important components of the Power Analysis, as well as more holistic, narrative pieces that told the stories of often unheard and/or unaccounted for members of the Disabled community. The Commission is committed to ensuring historically underserved populations are accounted for in this effort and that disabled community members have the opportunity to help shape the effort in an on-going, multi-step and co-creative process. 4.0 Tasks/Requirements 4.1 Contractor’s Responsibilities. The Contractor shall: 4.1.1 Develop a comprehensive plan for a Quality of Life study that includes the following: Review sample quality of from other Austin Commissions, as well as other cities’ Disability Quality of Life Commissions and Boards. life studies Review the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities 2019/20 meeting notes and critical initiatives; meet with working group to discuss ideas, goals, and feedback to date. Explore subcontracting expert organizations, local nonprofits, and/or community leaders to both inform the design of the study and meaningfully connect with the most marginalized populations in the Disabled community. Use multiple data collection mediums, particularly in regard to the priority of connecting with the most marginalized populations in the Disabled community. Propose plan and data collection timeline(s) to Commission; explain factors that contributed to decisions, mindful of the lack of expertise in study design among the Commissioners. 4.1.2 Develop and implement demographic data collection to include: Multiple statistically valid data collection options and the benefits and drawbacks of the census estimate they might each offer, particularly regarding the priority of connecting with the most Section 0500, Scope of Work Page 2 of 5 Section 0500 Scope of Work SOLICITATION NO. RFP 4400 BYS3004 DESCRIPTION: QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY FOR AUSTINITES WITH DISABILITIES historically underrepresented members of the Disabled community. Statistically valid options for extrapolating projections of difficult-to- Present the preliminary data collection plan in person to the reach populations. Commission. Respond to questions and/or incorporate potential feedback from the Commission into data collection plan. Deliver monthly meetings updates on data collection in person to Share findings and related implications to the Commission. Create data summary and analysis document for the Commission the Commission. and City Council use. Propose other ways in which findings might be presented to other significant populations related to the disabled community in Austin. Propose suggestions for future demographic studies. Develop a Power Analysis implement a holistic, narrative study of marginalized 4.1.3 Develop and population(s): Work with the Commission to identify priority communities and assess possible options given local resources, study budget, ideal timeline, etc. Explore subcontracting expert organizations, local nonprofits, and/or community leaders to both inform the design of the study and meaningfully connect with the most marginalized populations in the community. Employ mixed-methods, co-creative, and participatory research approaches in the study design process. Implement and/or manage study design and information gathering. Present the preliminary data collection plan in person to the Respond to questions and/or incorporate potential feedback from the Commission into data collection plan. Deliver periodic updates on data collection in person to the Commission. Commission. Share findings and related implications to the Commission. Create data summary and analysis document for the Commission and City Council use. Propose other ways in which findings might be presented to other significant populations related to the disabled community in Austin. Propose suggestions for future similar studies. 4.2 City’s Responsibilities. The City of Austin will: 4.2.1 Work with contractor to provide goals, strategies, related data and research, background information and materials as needed. 4.2.2 Support the study via distribution of messaging through the COA’s Section 0500, Scope of Work Page 3 of 5 Section 0500 Scope of Work SOLICITATION NO. RFP 4400 BYS3004 DESCRIPTION: QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY FOR AUSTINITES WITH DISABILITIES communication channels, including the COA website, City of Austin related e-newsletters and social media accounts. 4.2.3 Provide a single point of contact to serve as a liaison for billing and invoicing. 4.2.4 Measure the Contractor's performance based on the quality, reach, and effectiveness of the overall power analysis/quality of life study. 4.2.5 Provide contractor(s) with names of partnering agencies to include but are not limited too: ADAPT, University of Texas at Austin Pickle Research Center (HOGG Foundation), Texas A&M’s Center of Disability and Development, and Navigate Life Texas, to name a few. 4.3 Contractor’s Minimum Qualifications and Experience 4.3.1 Previous experience working with Disabled populations and an understanding of their collective histories. 4.3.2 Previous experience and skills in best practices for demographic data the their collection of Disabled populations, with particular complexities of both physical and intersection with age, race, gender, and socio-economic status. intellectual disability and regards to 4.3.3 Minimum of three years of experience in project design and complex data collection efforts. 4.3.4 Experience in completing survey design and implementation of affiliated projects along with utilizing mixed-methods research (quantitative and qualitative). Proven record of connecting and translating study findings to direct positive implications and impact for the community. 4.3.5 Minimum of three years of previous experience in co-creative and participatory research methodologies. 4.3.6 Minimum of three years of previous experience conducting a community power analysis. 4.3.7 Minimum of three years of previous experience in working with non-profits and/or other organizations for the purpose of including marginalized populations in data collection efforts and/or studies (i.e. organizations lead by people with disabilities and community-based organizations.) Section 0500, Scope of Work Page 4 of 5 Section 0500 Scope of Work SOLICITATION NO. RFP 4400 BYS3004 DESCRIPTION: QUALITY OF LIFE STUDY FOR AUSTINITES WITH DISABILITIES Deliverables/Milestones 5.0 The Contractor shall schedule a program kickoff meeting within ten (10) business days after the contract effective date or within a timeframe agreed to by the Commission or its designee. A draft project timeline shall be provided to the City within 30 days of the kickoff meeting. The major milestones indicated below shall be shown in the Contractor’s timeline. The deliverables indicated below may be modified by the Contractor to create the final schedule for the Commission's approval. Deliverables/Milestones Description Data collection plan Collecting demographic data of community Timeline (due/completion date, reference date, or frequency) 1 Month Performance Measure/ Acceptance Criteria Plan addresses qualitative and quantitative data gathering efforts, targeting hard to reach populations specifically Committee votes to approve data collection plan Number of unduplicated participants in each category Every identified population has enough data collected to be statistically significant and representative Increase number of unduplicated participants of target categories N/A Presentation of Data Collection plan to Mayors Committee for People with Disabilities Data Collection Rollout Present the data collection plan 2 Month Rollout and implantation of Data Collection plan 6 Months Status Update: Preliminary findings Present preliminary figures to Commission, with emphasis on statistical significance of data collected so far 1 Month Adjusted strategies, if needed to reach more participants Adjustment of outreach strategies, if necessary, to reach a larger audience 2-3 Weeks Status Update 2-3 Weeks Provide status update on the progress of the Quality of Life Study for Austinites with Disabilities Present data findings overview of the Quality of Life Study to the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Present full report of the Quality of Life Study for Austinites with Disabilities for the public Data findings overview 2 Months Committee receives Briefing Data Findings detailed report and delivery of hard data 2 Months Full report and anonymized data is made available to the public Section 0500, Scope of Work Page 5 of 5