04 C14H-202400162 - Running Rope Ranch; District 10 Applicant Correspondence Part 1 — original pdf

7304 KNOX LANE Carter Design Associates (CDA) was retained to review existing research and the residential structure located at 7404 Knox Lane, Austin, Texas. The review was to determine whether the structure met the criteria for historic zoning by the City of Austin. On September 19th, 2024 CDA met on site with the Owner to assess the historic merits of the primary residence and if the criteria were met was there an intact historic structure that could be relocated onsite. The residential structure consists of multiple additions and modifications made by the Knox family throughout their lifetime and ownership of the property. All findings and hypotheses are based on visual observation and research limited to mapping, photographs (contemporary and historic) and written accounts. The original intent of CDA’s review concerned the historic criteria and how, if at all, the structure met the stated criteria. The history of the property suggested that the building had been modified, and there might be an “original” historic building that would better meet the criteria. Our work was to uncover this historic structure and determine how it could be relocated on the site. Findings The site visit forced a revision of the working hypotheses 1. The residence had been radically modified over time and what appeared to the historic features were actually constructed with replica materials. 2. The site/land is just as important as the residential structure 3. The outbuildings better tell the story of the Knox family, based on historic accounts. Today, the residence is a L-shaped plan with a two-story portion to the East; a curved, wrap around covered porch to the Southeast; enclosed shed-roofed porch to the West; and an early one-room addition to the South. Most of the exterior finishes such as the roof, board and batten siding, doors, windows, screens, siding, shutters and trim are modern construction and/or replacements. The finishes do not reflect an historic photo (See Photo X -) which appears to be the South façade of the residence, nor is there any of the (olive-green) stucco mentioned on page 71 of the Austin Originals – Chats with Colorful Characters by Robyn Turner. Many of the interior finishes have been replaced with modern materials chosen for aesthetic reasons by the Owners and intended to reflect an older rustic style. (Exhibit C) Using historical aerial photos, we can begin to put to piece together the evolution of the residence construction. The 1940, City of Austin aerial photograph shows the L-shaped plan with two perpendicular gable roofs, a rectangular covered porch to the Southeast, a faint shadow of where the fireplace is, and what would be the shed roofed covered porch to the West. In the 1958 aerial photo, we can see a faint outline of the single room addition to the South and a detached structure built to the West of the house. This configuration is visible until the 1984 aerial photograph. This roof line changed in the 1997 aerial photograph, which matches the roof line visible today. (Exhibit A) Historic photos and building permit records indicate major modifications were made to the residence in the early 90s. A search of Austin’s public permits shows several permits were pulled in April of 1990. The permits pulled included mechanical (1990-009682 MP), electrical (1990-009682 EP), water (1990- 290755A2W), and waste water (1990-173886 W). These permits coincide with the changes shown between the 1984 and 1997 aerial photos. The East wing of the original L-shaped plan was heavily modified, possibly demolished, to be more than double its original foot print and a second story added. The front porch was replaced with a larger rounded porch. The roof, siding, windows, doors, trim and decorative features reflect this 90s era of construction and replacement. There is little original material or finish left inside or out that reflect the pre-1990 structure. While the residence consists of an eclectic architectural style, which may be seen as unique and noteworthy, these defining features date to the early 90s and fall outside of the historic criteria. Although some historic materials have been retained, they have not been retained in their original location and have been used based on the Owner’s sense of aesthetics and not for historic preservation. Little material remains from the original house that retains its historic context to warrant preserving or relocating. The outbuildings prove more interesting, especially when viewed in light of the historic accounts of the family’s boy’s camp and wildlife rescue endeavors. The accessory outbuildings reflect typical utilitarian farm type uses with lean-to shed or simple gabled corrugated metal roofs and metal or board and batten walls. The detached structure and its attached greenhouse just East of the residence is a simple wood framed structure with a flat roof. A small single pen, square hewn, half notch corners, log structure with lean-to sheds on either side of the door sits under a large oak tree just to the Northeast of the residence, likely used for small animals such as chickens. A small wood tack shed set on skids sits to the Northeast of the log structure. Of the structures visible in the 1940s aerial photo, only the log structure, the horse stall shed, the tack shed and an equipment shed remain. Many of the outbuildings built in the 50s to 60s have either been demolished, collapsed, or partially collapsed. (Exhibit B) The Knox Family utilized the property as a farm for animals including horses, a refuge for small animals, and bee keeping as well as a day camp for boys. The outbuildings reflect the nature of these activities. Thus, the house becomes an accessory to the to the primary historic association of the property. Request: Allow for a full demolition of the primary residence and outbuildings not recommended for relocation. CDA’s Recommendations: keeping purposes. • The property’s existing conditions be documented and provided to historic archives for record • Relocate the tack shed and log structure to the East side of the proposed extension of Knox Lane. These would be relocated in the environmental protection area noted on the 2016 site plan. • Provide a historical marker and/or kiosk explaining the site’s history and evolutions over time. • Utilize this as a trailhead for a walking path connecting Knox Lane to Chimney Corners and passing the spring fed pool made by the Knox Family. • Be aware there may be archeological findings as construction for infrastructure and future residences is performed. We recommend shovel tests to help assess the archeological potential KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN BEARING BASIS E . U . P ' 0 1 ) T V P ( Y A W A I L A T A N 6 . E . U . P ' 0 1 7 8 9 0 1 K N O X L N 1 1 ( P V T ) 2 1 3 4 5 MIN. FFE: 841.5' MIN. FFE: 839.5' MIN. FFE: 841.0' 1 0' P . U .E . 2 1 N L X O N K ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION LAND USE SCHEDULE VICINITY MAP SUBMITTAL DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 2019 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER PRELIMINARY PLAN GENERAL NOTES 2 NORTH ARROW & SCALE 750 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTES OWNER DEVELOPER CHASE EQUITIES, INC. JIMMY NASSOUR CONSULTANTS / CONTRACTORS ENGINEER: ATWELL, LLC SURVEYOR: HOLT CARSON, INC. PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: LOT CURVE TABLE CITY APPROVAL PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 1 2 KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN COVER PRELIMINARY PLAN 1 OF 2 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. 5'/10' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 3 7 1 E G A P / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T 1 E 3 G A 3 / P L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D T N U O V I S C A R T 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 LEGEND LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS EXH.-A 1 OF 13 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. C L L C L C EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD LC TO BE REMOVED \ \ \\ 5'/10' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 \ \ PROJECT DATA EXISTING SHEDS TO BE REMOVED L C LC EXISTING SHEDS TO BE REMOVED L C LC C L L C L C C L L C L C C L TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH AUSTIN ENERGY ON THE RELOCATION/ REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING LINES/POLES. \\ LC LC L C LC L C L C LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION C L C L LC LC \ \ 3 7 1 E G A P C L / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 \ \ C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T LC LC EXISTING SHEDS TO BE REMOVED C L LC LC PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP \\ LC LC LC \\ LC LC C L L C 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 \\ L C LC L C EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED O D P R E N N G S . P E A S C M E T L . O T C L L C C L L C L C L C C L \\ \\ V I S C T N U O A R T C L LC L C LC C L LC \\ E 3 1 G A 3 / P L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D D R N O P G E . E N S S P M A T C . / E P . L U O . E T / \\ LC LC L C L C L C LC \ \ LC LC DEVELOPED CALC 25 YR FP DEVELOPED CALC 100 YR FP \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN DEMOLITION PLAN EXH.-B 2 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 NOTE: NOTES: LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE TC O O O TC T C O O O O O C T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CEF BUFFER/WETLAND CEF SETBACK O O O TC TC T C O O O O O O O D R O N P E G . N E S S P M A T C / E P . L U . O E T / O D N A L T E W K C A B T E S / R E F F U B F E C F E C TC O PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: O O ENCLAVE AT MESA SED/FILL POND C8-93-0047.1A O O O O O O O O O O O PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP g w d . M A D X O N K P \ y r a n m i i l i e r P s t h S \ n g s e D \ e n a L x o n K P C n o s l r a C e \ \ t a v i r P \ : T 4 5 : 0 4 : 9 0 - 4 2 , 3 0 . n a J : i e m T e a D / t t o P l 5 4 : 7 1 - 3 2 , 8 2 . c e D : d e i f i d o M t s a L t e i l v n a v c : r e s U LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE TC KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN PREDEVELOPED DRAINAGE AREA MAP EXH.-C 3 OF 13 0 50 100 SCALE: 1" = 100' 200 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 TC T C RAIN GARDEN PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP D R O N P G E . E N S S P M A T C . / E P . L U O . E T / D N A L T E W K C A B T E S / R E F F U B F E C F E C WQ/DET POND C T C T T C PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP C T ENCLAVE AT MESA SED/FILL POND C8-93-0047.1A TC C T O D P R E N N G S . P E A S C M E T L . O T POINT OF ANALYSIS DEVELOPED CALC 25 YR FP DEVELOPED CALC 100 YR FP CEF BUFFER/WETLAND CEF SETBACK PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN DEVELOPED DRAINAGE AREA EXH.-D 4 OF 13 LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE TC 0 50 100 SCALE: 1" = 100' 200 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 OU \\ OU OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU \\ OU \ \ OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. \ \ 3 7 1 E G A P / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 \ \ C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. \\ OU OU \\ PROPOSED POND U O O U D O R P N E G N . E S S P M A T C / E P . L U O . E T / \ \ \ \ OU OU O U \\ 5'/10' P.U.E. OU TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 OU OU \\ OU \ \ O U O U \ \ \ \ \ \ PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP \\ \\ 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 \\ H P \ \ DEVELOPED CALC 25 YR FP DEVELOPED CALC 100 YR FP O U U O T N \\ V I S C A R T \\ E 3 1 O U 3 / P G A L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D O P D E R N N G S P . E A S C E M T L . O T O U \\ LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE \\ OU OU KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN GRADING PLAN EXH.-E 5 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CEF BUFFER/WETLAND CEF SETBACK O O O O O PROPOSED POND WQ/DET POND C T D N A L T E W K C A B T E S / R E F F U B F E C F E C D O R P N E G N . E S S P M A T C / E P . L U O . E T / O O O O O O O O O O O O O O PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: C T T C TC O O O O O TC T C RAIN GARDEN T C PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP C T O O O O O T C O ENCLAVE AT MESA SED/FILL POND C8-93-0047.1A O O TC O O O O O O D P R E N N G S . P E A S C M E T L . O T T C O POINT OF ANALYSIS O DEVELOPED CALC 25 YR FP DEVELOPED CALC 100 YR FP LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE TC 0 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 40' 80 KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN WATER QUALITY PLAN EXH.-F 6 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 OU \\ OU OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU \\ OU \ \ OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU \\ OU OU TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. D O R P N E G N . E S S P M A T C / E P . L U O . E T / \ \ \ \ OU OU O U \\ 5'/10' P.U.E. OU TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 OU OU \\ OU \ \ O U O U \ \ \ \ \ \ PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. \\ OU OU \\ U O O U \ \ 3 7 1 E G A P / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 \ \ C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T O P D E R N N G S P . E A S C M E T L . O T \\ E 3 1 O U 3 / P G A L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D O U U O T N \\ V I S C A R T \ \ DEVELOPED CALC 25 YR FP DEVELOPED CALC 100 YR FP \\ \\ 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 O U \\ PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 100 YR FP \\ PRE-DEVELOPED CALC. 25 YR FP TABLE LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE \\ OU OU KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN SLOPE MAP EXH.-G 7 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. LC SF LC SF LC LC SF L C S F LC S F L C L C LC C L L C L C C L TF R L C L C SF C L LC SF T F L C L C R T F R TF T F R TF LC F T C L C L T F F T LC F T LC 3 7 1 E G A P . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 LC / 2 9 . L O V . C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T R T F TF LC F T LC F T C L R F T LC LC LC C L L C C L S F R TF C L C L R LC SF L C L C LC C L L C LC R LC TF R R T F LC L C LC C L F S F S L C L C F S LC F T L C T F F T SF LC LC LC LC C L L C LC LC L C C L L C 1 E 3 G A 3 / P L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D T N U O V I S C A R T 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. 5'/10' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: TREE LEGEND M H M M M H M M M M M M M H M M M M H H H M M M H H M H H M M M M M M M M H H H M M M M M M M H H M M M H H H H M M M H M M M M M H M M LEGEND 750 M M M M NOTES SPECIAL NOTES NORTH ARROW & SCALE KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN EXH.-H 8 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. L C LC LC LC LC LC LC LC L C LC LC LC LC L C L C L C L C LC L C L C LC L C L C LC O O O O NOTES: D O R P N E G N . E S S P M A T C / P E . L U . O E T / PROJECT DATA O OWNER / DEVELOPER O O S S W W L C LC O O CONSULTANTS: LC LC L C L C LC LC C L L C L C L C L C C L C L L C L C L C C L L C L C LC LC LC L C L C L C L C L C L C C L C L C L C L C L LC . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 O O O O LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC W W W W C L C L C L LC LC LC LC LC LC LC L C L C LC LC L C L C C L C L L C L C LC W W W W S S A I N W M W C L LC C L C L LC L C C L L C W W W W C L C L C L LC C L C L L C LC L C LC L C LC C L C L L C L C L C LC O D P R E N N G S . P E A S C M E T L . O T 1 E 3 G A 3 / P O P . U . E . L . 4 O C . V O O Y D T N U O V I S C A R T O O O LC LC O LC LC O LC LC O LC LC LC O C L L C LC LC O LC LC C L L C C L LC C L L C C L LC C L LC C L LC O C L L C O LC O LC O LC LC C L LC LC C L O LC O O TYPICAL PRIVATE STREET CROSS SECTION LEGEND 25' BLDG SETBACK LINE 7.5' PRIVATE LOT 20.0' 10' PUE 4' S.W. 2' 25' FOC-FOC 22' RD @ 2% SLOPE UTILITY, DRAINAGE, PRIVATE STREET LOT 30.0' 17.5' PRIVATE LOT 2' 4' S.W. 1' BUFFER 10' PUE 25' BLDG. SETBACK LINE 4.0 3.0 48" MIN. 36" MIN. 11.0' (TYP.) 2' MIN. 4.0' (TYP.) 2' MIN. 5.0' (TYP.) 9.0' MIN. 3. POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR BUILDINGS AND DRIVEWAYS HAVE BEEN SHOWN WHICH ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH HERITAGE TREE PROTECTION GUIDELINES. RESIDENTIAL HOME CONSTRUCTION WILL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED APART FROM THIS PRELIMINARY PLAN. 4. BUILDINGS AND DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT REPRESENT OR RESTRICT FINAL LAYOUTS. 5. EACH LOT WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL HAVE SEPARATE SEWER TAPS, SEPARATE WATER METERS, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE WATER AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SHALL BE POSITIONED OR LOCATED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CROSS LOT LINES. NORTH ARROW & SCALE KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN OVERALL UTILITY PLAN EXH.-I 9 OF 13 0 10 20 SCALE: 1" = 20' 40 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. O O O TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. O O 5'/10' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 O O O O O O O O O O O PROJECT DATA O O 3 7 1 E G A P / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 O C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T O 1 E 3 G A 3 / P L . 4 O O P . U . E . C . V O Y D T N U O O A R T V I S C O O 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 O O O O O TREE LEGEND NOTES LEGEND 750 OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN HERITAGE TREE COMPLIANCE EXH.-J 10 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 TREE LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 34/PAGE 17 5' P.U.E. 5' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 42/PAGE 15 7.5' P.U.E. 13 P.U.E. DRNG ESMT. & OPEN SPACE LOT D R O N P E G . N E S S P M A T C . / E P . L U O . E T / \ \ E 2 T O E N E S \ \ \ \ \\ 5'/10' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 43/PAGE 31 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 3 7 1 E G A P / 2 9 . L O V . . E . U . P ' 0 1 / ' 5 . 7 \ \ C O D Y T N U O C S I V A R T 18' \ \ \\ \\ 14 DRNG ESMT. & OPEN SPACE LOT \\ E 3 1 G A 3 / P L . 4 O P . U . E . C . V O Y D \\ V I S C T N U O A R T 15' P.U.E. TRAVIS COUNTY DOC. VOL. 92/PAGE 173 PROPOSED APPROX.182 LF MIN. 2' HIGH & 1' WIDE DIVERSION BERM \\ \\ LEGEND NORTH ARROW & SCALE I M A T C H L N E S E E T H S S H T I \\ OU OU TRAVIS C O U O NTY D 7.5' P.U.E. C. V OL. 42/PA G E 15 INSET NTS INSET I M A T C H L N E S E E T H S S H T I PROJECT DATA OWNER / DEVELOPER CONSULTANTS: KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS EXH.-K 11 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CWQZ (DOES NOT ENCROACH INTO ANY RESIDENTIAL LOTS) W W S S W W W W W W W W W W S S W W O O CONSULTANTS: O O O O O O NOTES: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CWQZ STARTS HERE DUE TO 64 ACRE DRAINAGE BASIN VERIFIED BY GIS SENIOR ANALYST WITHIN COA WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT. NO WQTZ IS REQUIRED BECAUSE OF THE URBAN WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION. O O O TYPICAL PRIVATE STREET CROSS SECTION LEGEND 25' BLDG SETBACK LINE 7.5' PRIVATE LOT 20.0' 10' PUE 4' S.W. 2' 25' FOC-FOC 22' RD @ 2% SLOPE UTILITY, DRAINAGE, PRIVATE STREET LOT 30.0' 17.5' PRIVATE LOT 2' 4' S.W. 1' BUFFER 10' PUE 25' BLDG. SETBACK LINE 4.0 3.0 48" MIN. 36" MIN. 11.0' (TYP.) 2' MIN. 4.0' (TYP.) 2' MIN. 5.0' (TYP.) 9.0' MIN. 0 10 20 SCALE: 1" = 20' 40 PROJECT DATA O OWNER / DEVELOPER O O 3. POSSIBLE LOCATIONS FOR BUILDINGS AND DRIVEWAYS HAVE BEEN SHOWN WHICH ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH HERITAGE TREE PROTECTION GUIDELINES. RESIDENTIAL HOME CONSTRUCTION WILL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED APART FROM THIS PRELIMINARY PLAN. 4. BUILDINGS AND DRIVEWAYS ARE SHOWN FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT REPRESENT OR RESTRICT FINAL LAYOUTS. 5. EACH LOT WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL HAVE SEPARATE SEWER TAPS, SEPARATE WATER METERS, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PRIVATE WATER AND SEWER SERVICE LINES SHALL BE POSITIONED OR LOCATED IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT CROSS LOT LINES. CITY APPROVAL PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN COLOR UTILITY MAP EXH.-L 12 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O EX 100 YR CALC. FP EX 25 YR CALC. FP PROPOSED 25 YR CALC. FP PROPOSED 100 YR CALC. FP O O O O O STRUCTURAL CERTIFICATE FOR THE BERM WILL BE PROVIDED DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE AS PER THE REQUEST OF THE FLOOD PLAIN REVIEWER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O EX 100 YR CALC. FP EX 25 YR CALC. FP Existing: (2) 42" RCP, 42 LF = 30 CY Proposed: (2) 8'x3' RCB, 64.5 LF = 115 CY Net Volume = 85 CY gained Net Total = 85 CY (Cut) -47.70 (Fill) = 37.3 CY (Cut) RANGE RANGE COLOR -4.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 -8.00 -4.00 -2.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 C U T F I L L 0 10 20 SCALE: 1" = 20' 40 PROJECT DATA O OWNER / DEVELOPER O O O O CONSULTANTS: O O O O O O LEGEND PROPOSED 25 YR CALC. FP PROPOSED 100 YR CALC. FP CUT & FILL TABLE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL KNOX PRESERVE PRELIMINARY PLAN CUT AND FILL EXHIBIT EXH.-M 13 OF 13 COA CASE NO: C8-2023-0233 Permitting and Development Center | 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752 | (512) 978-4000 Property Profile Report Residential Design Standards: LDC/25-2-Subchapter F Wildland Urban Interface: Proximity Class - Within 1.5 miles of a Wildland Area Zoning Map Northwest Austin Civic Association, Parmer/ Avery Island Neighborhood Assn. Zoning Guide The Guide to Zoning provides a quick explanation of the above Zoning codes, however, the Land Development Information Services provides general zoning assistance and can advise you on the type of development allowed on a property. Visit Zoning for the description of each Base Zoning District. For official verification of the zoning of a property, please order a Zoning Verification Letter. General information on the Neighborhood Planning Areas is available from Neighborhood Planning. Imagery Map General Information Location: Parcel ID: Grid: 7304 KNOX LN 0140030611 MH30 Planning & Zoning *Right click hyperlinks to open in a new window. Future Land Use (FLUM): No Future Land Use Map Regulating Plan: No Regulating Plan Zoning: Zoning Cases: SF-3 None: Zoning Ordinances: 19990225-070b Zoning Overlays: Infill Options: -- Neighborhood Restricted Parking Areas: Mobile Food Vendors: Northwest Austin CA Historic Landmark: Urban Roadways: -- Yes No No CWQZ NORTH No Yes Environmental Fully Developed Floodplain: FEMA Floodplain: Austin Watershed Regulation Areas: URBAN Watershed Boundaries: Shoal Creek Creek Buffers: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Verification Zone: Erosion Hazard Zone Review Buffer: Political Boundaries Jurisdiction: AUSTIN FULL PURPOSE Council District: 10 County: TRAVIS School District: Austin ISD Community Registry: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, NW Austin Neighbors, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Northwest Austin Civic Association, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, TNR BCP - Travis County Natural Resources Vicinity Map The Information on this report has been produced by the City of Austin as a working document and is not warranted for any other use. No warranty is made by the City regarding its accuracy or completeness. Date created: 9/25/2024