Zoning and Platting CommissionJuly 16, 2024

02 C14-2024-0089 - 7900 Persimmon Trail; District 5 Staff Report — original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET TO: SF-3 DISTRICT: 5 CASE: C14-2024-0089 (7900 Persimmon Trail) ADDRESS: 7900 Persimmon Trail ZONING FROM: MH SITE AREA: .2441 acres (10,633.93 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Anna Cecilia Berry AGENT: Texas Permitting Solutions (Shae Willard) CASE MANAGER: Beverly Villela (512-978-0740, Beverly.Villela@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends SF-3, Family Residence District, zoning. See the Basis of Recommendation section below. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 16, 2024: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is an undeveloped lot within the Greenleaf Estates subdivision. The Greenleaf Estates and the Brownleaf Estates, the adjacent subdivision to the north, are manufactured home subdivisions and were zoned mobile home residence (MH) district in the mid-1980s. Some of the lots contain one or more manufactured homes, and other lots have single family residence or two-family residence uses. In this case, the applicant has requested SF-3 zoning to build a single-family residence. Staff is recommending the Family Residence (SF-3) district zoning. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. C14-2023-0000 2 The Family residence (SF-3) district is the designation for a moderate density single- family residential use and a duplex use on a lot that is a minimum of 5,750 square feet. An SF-3 district designation may be applied to a use in an existing single-family neighborhood with moderate sized lots or to new development of family housing on lots that are 5,750 square feet or more. Up to three units are permitted under single- family residential development standards. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. 2. The staff supports the applicant’s request because the property is located in an area that is developed with a mixture of manufactured homes, single family residences, and two-family residences. The SF-3 zoning district would be compatible and consistent with the surrounding uses and there are existing SF-3 and SF-2-CO zoned properties located to the north and east that are currently developed with single- family residential uses. In addition, many of the manufactured homes in this area have been enclosed with framed facades making it difficult to recognize them as manufactured homes and not single family structures. LAND USES Undeveloped Manufactured Home, Single-Family Residences Undeveloped Undeveloped, Single-Family Residences Manufactured Home MH ZONING MH, SF-2-CO EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site North MH, SF-3 South MH East West MH NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: N/A WATERSHED: South Boggy Creek (Suburban) CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR: No SCHOOLS: Austin I.S.D. Casey Elementary School COMMUNITY REGISTRY LIST: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Go Austin Vamos Austin 78745 Homeless Neighborhood Association Matthews Lane Neighborhood Assn. Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation SCENIC ROADWAY: No Bedichek Middle School Akins High School Onion Creek Homeowners Assoc. Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club Austin Regional Group South Austin Neighborhood Alliance (SANA) AREA CASE HISTORIES: NUMBER C14-2023-0059 (7800 Persimmon Trail) C14-2021-0105 Wynne Lane Rezoning: 7702 Wynne Lane) C14-2019-0139 (Forest Wood Road: 7708 Forest Wood Rd) C14-2019-0060 (7507 Wynne Lane) C14-2016-0076 (7605 Wynne Lane Rezoning) C14-2014-0122 (LeBoeuf Rezoning: 7900 Wynne Ln) REQUEST MH to SF-3 COMMISSION To Grant SF-3 (07/11/2023) SF-2 to SF-3 To Grant SF-3 (08/03/2021) SF-2 to SF-3 To Grant SF-3 (12/03/2019) MH to SF-3 To Grant SF-3 (05/07/2019) MH to SF-3 To Grant SF-3 (09/06/2016) MH to SF-1 To Grant SF-3 (09/02/2014) CITY COUNCIL Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (08/31/2023) Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (09/02/2021) Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (01/23/2020) Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (06/06/2019) Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (10/13/2016) Approved SF-3 as Commission Recommended (09/25/2014) RELATED CASES: The property is platted as Lot 12, Block B of the Greenleaf Estates Section 2 subdivision, recorded on February 15, 1970 (C8-69-047). ADDITIONAL STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning Project Name and Proposed Use: 7900 PERSIMMON TRAIL. C14-2024-0089. Project: 7900 Persimmon Trail. 0.2441 acres from MH to SF3. Existing: residential (0 sf). Proposed: residential (1,200 sq ft). No demolition is proposed, and application proposes one single family 2-bedroom residential unit. Yes Imagine Austin Decision Guidelines Complete Community Measures * C14-2023-0000 4 Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map: Located within or adjacent to an Imagine Austin Activity Center, Imagine Austin Activity Corridor, or Imagine Austin Job Center as identified the Growth Concept Map. Names of Activity Centers/Activity Corridors/Job Centers *: Mobility and Public Transit *: Located within 0.25 miles of public transit stop and/or light rail station. Mobility and Bike/Ped Access *: Adjoins a public sidewalk, shared path, and/or bike lane. Connectivity, Good and Services, Employment *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles to goods and services, and/or employment center. Connectivity and Food Access *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a grocery Connectivity and Education *: Located within 0.50 miles from a public school or university. Y Connectivity and Healthy Living *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles from a recreation store/farmers market. area, park or walking trail. • 0.3 miles to Dittmar Recreation Center, and Dittmar Neighborhood Park Connectivity and Health *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of health facility (ex: hospital, urgent care, doctor’s office, drugstore clinic, and/or specialized outpatient care.) Housing Choice *: Expands the number of units and housing choice that suits a variety of household sizes, incomes, and lifestyle needs of a diverse population (ex: apartments, triplex, granny flat, live/work units, cottage homes, and townhomes) in support of Imagine Austin and the Strategic Housing Blueprint. Housing Affordability *: Provides a minimum of 10% of units for workforce housing (80% MFI or less) and/or fee in lieu for affordable housing. Mixed use *: Provides a mix of residential and non-industrial uses. Culture and Creative Economy *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a cultural resource (ex: library, theater, museum, cultural center). Culture and Historic Preservation: Preserves or enhances a historically and/or culturally significant site. film, digital, theater.) Creative Economy: Expands Austin’s creative economy (ex: live music venue, art studio, Workforce Development, the Economy and Education: Expands the economic base by creating permanent jobs, especially in industries that are currently not represented in a particular area or that promotes a new technology, and/or promotes educational opportunities and workforce development training. Industrial Land: Preserves or enhances industrial land. Y Not located over Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone or Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone 2 Number of “Yes’s” Drainage The developer is required to submit a pre- and post-development drainage analysis at the subdivision and site plan stage of the development process. The City’s Land Development Code and Drainage Criteria Manual require that the Applicant demonstrate through engineering analysis that the proposed development will have no identifiable adverse impact on surrounding properties. C14-2023-0000 5 Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the South Boggy Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. The site is in the Desired Development Zone. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) Other Single-Family or Duplex Multifamily Commercial 50% 55% 60% 80% with Transfers 60% 60% 70% 90% According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the 2 year storm on site. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Fire No comments on zoning change. PARD – Planning & Design Review Parkland dedication will be required for the new applicable uses proposed by this development, single family with SF-3 zoning, at the time of subdivision or site plan, per City Code § 25-1-601. Should fees in-lieu be required, those fees shall be used toward park investments in the form of land acquisition and/or park amenities within the surrounding C14-2023-0000 6 area, per the Parkland Dedication Operating Procedures § 14.3.11 and City Code § 25-1-609, as amended. If the applicant wishes to discuss parkland dedication requirements in advance of site plan or subdivision applications, please contact this reviewer: thomas.rowlinson@austintexas.gov. At the applicant’s request, PARD can provide an early determination of whether fees in-lieu of land will be allowed. Site Plan Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540-feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. Compatibility Standards The site is subject to compatibility standards. Along the North property line, the following standards apply: No structure may be built within 15 feet of the property line. No structure in excess of two stories or 30 feet in height may be constructed within 50 feet of the property line. No structure in excess of three stories or 40 feet in height may be constructed within 100 feet of the property line. No parking or driveways are allowed within 15 feet of the property line. A landscape area at least 25 feet wide is required along the property line. In addition, a fence, berm, or dense vegetation must be provided to screen adjoining properties from views of parking, mechanical equipment, storage, and refuse collection. For a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. An intensive recreational use, including a swimming pool, tennis court, ball court, or playground, may not be constructed 50 feet or less from adjoining SF-3 property. Additional design regulations will be enforced at the time a site plan is submitted. FYI This site is within the Hazardous Pipeline Overlay. Austin Transportation and Public Works Department – Engineering Review C14-2023-0000 7 The adjacent street characteristics table is provided below: ASMP Classification ASMP Required ROW Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) Level 1 58’ 50’ 16’ No No No Name Persimmon Trail TIA: Is not required. Austin Water Utility No comments on zoning change. FYI: The landowner intends to serve the site with existing City of Austin water utilities. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. For more information pertaining to the Service Extension Request process and submittal requirements contact the Austin Water SER team at ser@austintexas.gov. INDEX OF EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS TO FOLLOW: Exhibit A: Zoning Map Exhibit A-1: Aerial Map Exhibit B: Applicant’s Summary Presentation and Letters of Support ( DR SF-3-CO C14-2022-0004 SF-6-CO C14-2022-0110 SF-2 C14-2007-0184 ( SF-6-CO C14-05-0091 E A G L E S H A L E C V 05-0091 SF-3 C14-2023-0006 MH M/H R D I B I L A C14-2012-0042 SF-6-CO C14-05-0091 M/H C14-2011-0056 MH M/H M/H MH M/H M/H M/H M/H ( MH M/H M/H SF-3 C14-2008-0001 M/H ANN TAYLOR DR GO SPC-03-0019C RENO DR C14-2014-0122 SF-1 M/H M/H M / H C14-84-425 M/H C14-2015-0140 C14-2017-0110 SF-3 C14-2019-0060 M/H MH M/H M/H MH M/H M/H C14-2012-0110 SF-3 W Y N N E L N C14-84-425 M/H SF-3 C14-2016-0076 M/H M/H MH ( M/H M/H MH M/H M/H M/H ( C14-2021-0105 92-0002 SF-3 ( ( ( SF-2 ( ( ( ( F O R E S T W O O D R D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3 ( C14-2019-0139 SF-3 C14-03-0095 M/H ( SF-2 ( M/H M /H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M /H M/H M/H M/H M /H M/H D A RV O N E C I R M/H M/H MH M/H M/H M/H MH M/H M/H M/H ( M/H ( D Y M A L O R C I R M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H UNDEV SF-2 DITTMAR PARK AND RECREATION 86-148 P SF-2 SF-2 C14-2023-0004 SF-3 SF-2 SH ERWOOD RD LANDSCAPE\DESIGN SF-3 C14-2013-0082 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-2 W O O D C L I F F D R ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( E L M F O R E S T R D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( M/H ( ( ( M/H SF-2 ( ( ( ( ( M/H OAK HEDG E PL ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-6 C14-2019-0090 DR ( ( WHSE S T E P H A N Y T A Y L O R C V ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3 C14-2023-0059 M/H M /H M/H M/H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M/H ! ! M/H M/H M/H MH M/H M/H M /H M/H L R T N O M M S R E P I M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M/H M /H MH M/H M/H M/H M/H KEVIN TAYLOR DR 84-453 SF-2-CO C14-96-0126 DR SF-6-CO C14-02-0039 NO-MU-CO 02-0069 SF-2-CO DR 96-0126 MARC TAYLOR DR UNDEV ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-4A-CO ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( N L N O T S E L D D U H ( ( ( Y A W N O T G N K C O T I ( ( ( ( 93-0122 ( ( ( SF-4A-CO ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 93-0122 ( ( SF-4A-CO ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( W DITTMAR RD ( ( ( 93-0122 ( ( ( ( PATCHWAY LN ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-4A-CO ( ( ( LATT E RID G E D R P O N D N L Y R U B S D N O M L A SF-4A-CO UNDEV ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 93-0122 C14-84-425 UNDEV UNDEV SP97-0202C WHSE MF-1-CO C14-2021-0119 CHURCH LO C14-96-0075 96-0075 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 85-319 ( ( ( ( ZONING T E T B U R Y L N SF-2 ± SF-2 SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ZONING CASE#: C14-2024-0089 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 6/4/2024 REHABILITATION CENTER POND SP-02-0436D ( ( ( ( ( SF-2 ( ( 93-0023 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( BR EC ON LN SF-2 P A L A C E P K W Y 9700 PERSIMMON TRAIL Request to rezone from MH to SF3 7900 PERSIMMON TR • Current Zoning: MH • Requested Zoning: SF 3 • Status: Empty lot • Proposed Development: Single Family Home 7900 PERSIMMON • Proposed Construction Plans 40'19'6'19'55'25'-4"8'Drawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA101SITE PLAN1/16" - 1' 0"1N CORRUGATEDMETAL SIDINGSCREENPORCHPATIO~5' varies7'15'-1 5/8"54'1'BUILDINGSKIRT7'CORRUGATEDMETAL SIDINGSCREENPORCHBUILDINGSKIRTPLANTERDECKDrawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA201EAST ELEVATION3/16" - 1' 0"1SOUTH ELEVATION3/16" - 1' 0"1 40'PLANTERCORRUGATEDMETAL SIDINGSLIDING GLASSDOORSPATIOCORNER WINDOW16'-1 5/8"2'1'Drawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA202WEST ELEVATION3/16" - 1' 0"1NORTH ELEVATION3/16" - 1' 0"1 w/dfrtrashdwclclclclbench16'8'16'44'8'38'7'-6"11'-2"9'-1 1/2"3'-6"2'-6"2'2'7'-6"9'3'3'1'-6"19'13'3'8'-2"15'9'-7 1/2"5'10'-6"PRIMARYBEDROOMSECONDBEDROOMENTRYBATH 2LIVINGSCREENPORCHDINING /KITCHENPANTRY /MECH.POWDERBATH 1CLOSETdeskBACKPATIOPRIVATEDECKDECK7'-6"11'-7 1/2"HALLDrawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA102FLOOR PLAN3/16" - 1' 0"1N1A3011A3022A301 KITCHENENTRYHALLattic7'-6"10'14'11'-7 1/2"3'7'-6"3'3'9'LIVINGSCREENPORCHPOWDERDININGKITCHEN7'7'-6"13'1'-6"6'-9"3'-6"3'-6"12'~5' varies8'1'16'9'-6"3'Drawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA301PUBLIC SECTION3/16" - 1' 0"1CROSS SECTION3/16" - 1' 0"2 PRIMARYBEDROOMBATH 1HALLSECONDBEDROOMw/dcl7'-6"11'-2"9'-1 1/2"2'-6"5'-6"2'-6"3'-6"2'7'-6"10'1'Drawn By: LB + CSChecked By: LB + CSDrawing No.NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONBERRY RESIDENCE7900 PERSIMMONS DR.AUSTIN, TX 78745BEN NEWMAN STUDIOS+LIVIA BARRETT,CORY SUBASICRevision:No.DateDescription012023-04-03For ReviewA302PRIVATE SECTION3/16" - 1' 0"1 7 9 0 0 P E R S I M M O N C U R R E N T Z O N I N G M A P LETTERS OF SUPPORT THANK YOU