Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
Regular Meeting ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 20, 2024 The Zoning & Platting Commission convened in a meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 @ Chair Smith called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Betsy Greenberg – Vice-Chair Alejandra Flores - Parliamentarian William D. Floyd Dave Fouts Carrie Thompson - Secretary Hank Smith – Chair Absent Scott Boone Lonny Stern Kendra Garrett 2 Vacancies on the dais. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from February 6, 2024. Approval of minutes from February 6, 2024 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2023-0120 - Chaparral 10% Below; District 2 211 & 203 Chaparral Rd; 7005 & 7007 Circle S. Rd., South Boggy Creek Watershed Rundog Real Estate Group (Mr. Justin Poses) RD Chaparral Subd LLC SF-2 to SF-4A Recommended Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, Planning Department Motion to grant Applicant’s request for postponement of this item was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. 3. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2023-0121 - Bradshaw; District 2 10801 Bradshaw Road, Rinard Creek Watershed DRMTX Investments LLC Keepers Land Planning (Ricca Keepers) I-RR to SF-3 Recommended Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, Planning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of SF-3 district zoning for C14-2023-0121 - Bradshaw located at 10801 Bradshaw Road was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. 4. Zoning: Location: C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6 13504 ½ Briarwick Drive, 9100 Meadowheath Drive, 13332 Villa Park Drive, 13300-134011 Morris Road, Lake Creek Watershed Optimist Club of Town & Country Round Rock Thrower Design LLC (A. Ron Thrower) I-RR to GR-CO Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Planning Department Owner/Applicant: Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Postponement Request: Postponement request by Staff to March 5, 2024 Motion to grant Staff’ request for postponement of this item to March 5, 2024 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. BRIEFING 5. Equity-Based Preservation Plan Presenter: Cara Bertron, 512- 974-1446,, Planning Department Presentation regarding Equity-Based Preservation Plan provided by Cara Bertron of the Planning Department. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION 6. Discussion and possible action establishing a working group tasked with providing recommendations regarding the Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget. (Sponsors: Vice-Chair Greenberg and Commissioner Stern) Motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores to establish a Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget Working Group with the following members, Vice-Chair Greenberg and Commissioner Stern takes with providing recommendation to the commission was approved on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will not be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion or possible recommendation at a future meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee (Commissioners: Flores, Greenberg and Stern) Update provided Commissioner Flores. Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee (Commissioners: Fouts, Smith and Thompson) Update provided Commissioner Smith. Small Area Planning Joint Committee (Commissioners: Flores, Floyd and Greenberg) Update provided Commissioner Flores. Chair Smith adjourned the meeting without objection Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 6:24 PM Minutes approved on March 5, 2024 on the consent agenda on the motion by Vice-Chair Greenberg, seconded by Commissioner Flores on a vote of 6-0. Commissioners Boone, Stern and Garrett absent. Two vacancies on the dais. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rivera at the Housing and Planning Department, at 512-974-6508, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.