Agenda — original pdf
ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, February 6, 2024 The Zoning and Platting Commission will convene at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Some members of the Zoning and Platting Commission may be participating by videoconference. The meeting may be viewed online at: Scott Boone (District 1) Alejandra Flores (District 5) William D. Floyd (Mayor) David Fouts (District 2) Kendra Garrett (District 9) Betsy Greenberg - Vice-Chair (District 6) Hank Smith – Chair (District 8) Lonny Stern (District 3) Carrie Thompson – Secretary (District 10) District 4 - Vacant District 7 - Vacant EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Attorney: Steven Maddoux, 512-974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from January 30, 2024. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: Whats Up Texas LP Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: C14-2023-0126 - Spicewood Springs Residential; District 10 4920 Spicewood Springs Road, Bull Creek Drenner Group (Amanda Swor) LO-CO to MF-3-CO Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Planning Department 3. Zoning: Location: C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6 13504 ½ Briarwick Drive, 9100 Meadowheath Drive, 13332 Villa Park Drive, 13300-134011 Morris Road, Lake Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Optimist Club of Town & Country Round Rock Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Thrower Design LLC (A. Ron Thrower) I-RR to GR-CO Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, Planning Department Applicant postponement request to February 20, 2024 Postponement Request: 4. Site Plan: Location: Owner/Applicant: Peter Pham c/0 Platron Manuf. Agent: Request: SP-2023-0053C - Howard Plaza Warehouse 3 Addition 3127 E HOWARD LANE, Harris Branch Way Atmadja, PE, Way Consulting Engineers Compatibility Waiver for Parking Lot Improvements 5 feet from property line. Recommended Randall Rouda , (512) 974-3338, Development Services Department Staff Rec.: Staff: FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will not be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion or possible recommendation at a future meeting. Attorney: Steven Maddoux, 512-974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS 5. Nominate and elect an interim parliamentarian. COMMITTEE REPORTS Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee (Commissioners: Flores, Greenberg and Stern) Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee (Commissioners: Fouts, Smith and Thompson) Small Area Planning Joint Committee (Commissioners: Flores, Floyd and Greenberg) ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rivera at the Planning Department, at 512-974-6508, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Attorney: Steven Maddoux, 512-974-6080 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 SPEAKER REGISTRATION All participants wishing to address the commission must register to speak. Public participation is available by teleconference or in-person. Teleconference Registration Registration for participation by teleconference closes on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 2 PM. Teleconference code and additional information to be provided after the closing of teleconference registration. In-Person Registration While it's encouraged for attendees to register in advance, in-person registration ends at 5:30 PM on the day of the meeting. In-person speakers can register by scanning the QR code provided in Council chambers using their mobile devices. Additionally, public-use mobile devices will be available at the meeting for speaker registration. Speaker Donation of Time For discussion cases, speaker donation of time is an available option for in-person participants. Both the registered speaker donating time and the speaker recipient must be present when the public hearing is conducted. See chart below regarding speaker time allotments. Each speaker may receive up to 3 minutes of donated time. Click on link below or scan the QR code and submit the form to register to speak. Speakers should submit a separate registration form for each item of interest. Please contact Andrew Rivera, Commission Liaison, for questions regarding speaker registration at or by phone 512-974-6508. PARKING & VALIDATION Parking is available at the City Hall parking garage and is free with validation. Speakers Testimony Time Allocation Primary speaker in favor and primary speaker opposed All other speakers in favor or opposed 6 minutes each, up to 9 total minutes with donation of time. 3 minutes each, up to 6 minutes total with donation of time. Presentations and handouts are requested to be e-mailed to Commission Liaison Andrew Rivera at by 1:00 PM day of the meeting.