03 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6.pdf — original pdf
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2023-0100 (Optimist Club Recreation) DISTRICT: 6 ADDRESS: 13504 ½ Briarwick Drive, 9100 Meadowheath Drive, 13332 Villa Park Drive, 13300-134011 Morris Road ZONING FROM: I-RR TO: GR-CO* *The applicant is proposing a conditional overlay (CO) to prohibit the following uses on the property: Bed & Breakfast Residential, Group 1 Bed & Breakfast Residential, Group 2 Short Term Rental Administrative & Business Offices Art Gallery Alternative Financial Services Art Workshop Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing of any type Bail Bond Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Commercial Off-Street Parking Communication Services Consumer Convenience Services Consumer Repair Services Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility Exterminating Services Financial Services Food Preparation Food Sales Funeral Services General Retail Sales – Convenience General Retail Sales – General Hotel-Motel Indoor Entertainment Medical Offices –Exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area Medical Offices – Not exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area Off-Site Accessory Parking Outdoor Entertainment Pawn Shop Services Pedicab Storage & Dispatch Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Pet Services 1 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 2 Plant Nursery Printing & Publishing Professional Office Research Services Restaurant – General Restaurant – Limited Services Station Software Development Special Use Historic Theater Custom Manufacturing College & University Facilities Community Recreation – Public Congregate Living Counseling Services Cultural Services Family Home Guidance Services Hospital Services – General Hospital Services – Limited Private Primary Educational Services Public Primary Education Services Private Secondary Educational Services Public Secondary Educational Services Residential Treatment Safety Services SITE AREA: 88.298 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Optimist Club of Town & Country Round Rock AGENT: Thrower Design, LLC (A. Ron Thrower) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends GR-CO, Community Commercial-Conditional Overlay Combining District, zoning. The conditional overlay will prohibit the following uses on the property: Bed & Breakfast Residential (Group 1 and Group 2), Short Term Rental, Administrative & Business Offices, Art Gallery, Alternative Financial Services, Art Workshop, Automotive Rentals, Automotive Repair Services, Automotive Sales, Automotive Washing (of any type), Bail Bond Services, Business or Trade School, Business Support Services, Commercial Off-Street Parking, Communication Services, Consumer Convenience Services, Consumer Repair Services, Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility, Exterminating Services, Financial Services, Food Preparation, Food Sales, Funeral Services, General Retail Sales (Convenience and General), Hotel-Motel, Indoor Entertainment, Medical Offices (Exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area), Medical Offices (Not exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area), Off-Site Accessory Parking, Outdoor Entertainment, Pawn Shop Services, Pedicab Storage & Dispatch, 2 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 3 Personal Improvement Services, Personal Services, Pet Services, Plant Nursery, Printing & Publishing, Professional Office, Research Services, Restaurant (General and Limited), Services Station, Software Development, Special Use Historic, Theater, Custom Manufacturing, College & University Facilities, Community Recreation (Public), Counseling Services, Cultural Services, Hospital Services (General and Limited), Private Primary Educational Services, Public Primary Education Services, Private Secondary Educational Services, Public Secondary Educational Services and Safety Services. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: January 16, 2024: Postponed to February 6, 2024 at the applicant’s request by consent (8-0, W. Floyd and A. Flores-absent); B. Greenberg-1st, D. Fouts-2nd. February 6, 2024 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 3 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6 4 C14-2023-0100 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question consists of 88.29 acres that is a legally platted lot (known as Lot 1, Block A of the Town & Country Park Addition Subdivision) and is developed with an Outdoor Sports and Recreation use (Town & Country Sports - Miracle Field). The property was annexed by the city in 2010 through Ordinance No. 20101118-031. However, it does not have permanent zoning and is currently designated as I-RR, Interim-Rural Residence. There is floodplain (Lake Creek) running through the property from the northwest to the southeast. The tracts of land to the north are located within the county and developed with a multifamily complex (Springs at Lakeline Apartment Homes). To the east, there are townhomes (Parmer Village Townhomes) zoned MF-4 and single-family residences in the county. The lots to the south and west, are designated I-SF-2 and are developed with single family and duplex residences. In this request, the applicant is asking for GR-CO zoning to establish permanent zoning on the site to accommodate both Outdoor Sport and Recreation and Indoor Sports and Recreation uses (please see Applicant’s Request Letter – Exhibit C). The proposed zoning will permit the existing baseball fields and associated surface parking on the property and will allow for new construction of a building that will accommodate an office and Indoor Sports and Recreation use (basketball court). The staff recommends the applicant’s request for GR-CO, Community Commercial-Conditional Overlay Combining District, zoning. The property meets the intent of the GR district as it will provide recreational services to meet neighborhood and community needs. This lot is accessible as it has three frontage points (Briarwick Drive, a Level 3/minor arterial roadway, that connects with Amberglen Boulevard, another Level 3/minor arterial roadway, that connects with W. Parmer Lane, a Level 4/principal of major arterial, to the east; Morris Road, a Level 1/local, residential collector, that leads out out to Anderson Mill Road, a Level 4/major arterial roadway, to the south and Meadow Heath Drive, a Level 1/local residential collector to the west). The proposed GR-CO zoning will allow for a reasonable use of the property as applicant has proposed a conditional overlay that will prohibit more intensive commercial uses from being developed at this location adjacent to residential homes. The proposed zoning will allow for a reasonable use of the property as it will bring the existing Outdoor Sports and Recreation use into conformance with use regulations in the City of Austin Land Development Code. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Community Commercial district is intended for office and commercial uses serving neighborhood and community needs, including both unified shopping centers and individually developed commercial sites, and typically requiring locations accessible from major traffic ways. Conditional Overlay combining district may be applied in combination with any base district. The district is intended to provide flexible and adaptable use or site development regulations by requiring standards tailored to individual properties. 4 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 5 2. The proposed zoning should allow for a reasonable use of the property. The proposed GR-CO zoning will allow for a reasonable use of the property as it will bring the existing Outdoor Sports and Recreation use into conformance with use regulations in the City of Austin Land Development Code. In addition, establishing permanent zoning on the site will permit the development of new recreational uses to provide additional services to the surrounding community. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site I-RR ZONING North County East MF-4, County South MF-2, I-SF-2 West I-SF-2 LAND USES Outdoor Sports and Recreation (Town & Country Sports - Miracle Field) Multifamily (Springs at Lakeline Apartment Homes) Townhomes (Parmer Village Townhomes), Single-Family Residences Undeveloped, Single-Family Residences, Duplex Residences Single-Family Residences, Duplex Residences NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: N/A WATERSHED: Lake Creek SCHOOLS: Round Rock I.S.D. Live Oak Elementary School Deerpark Middle School McNeil High School NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association of SW Williamson County Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group AREA CASE HISTORIES: NUMBER C14-2021-0103 (Marielle 2: 8600 Black Oak Street) REQUEST I-RR to MF-2 C14-2020-0111 (Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Austin, I-RR to Tract 1: MF-2 and Tract 2: GR COMMISSION 4/05/2022: Approved staff's recommendation of MF-2-CO zoning by consent (8-0, C. Acosta and R. Woody-off dais); B. Greenberg-1st, A. Denkler-2nd. 12/15/20: Approved staff's recommendation of MF-2 zoning for Tract 1 and CITY COUNCIL 5/05/2022: Approved MF- 2-CO by consent on all 3 readings (9-0, M. Kelly and L. Pool-absent); P. Renteria-1st, A. Alter-2nd. 2/04/21: The public hearing was conducted and a motion to close the public 5 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 66 hearing and approve multifamily residence-low density (MF-2) district zoning for Tract 1 and limited office-mixed use combining (LO-MU) district zoning for Tract 2 was approved on Mayor Adler's motion, Council Member Renteria's second on a 10-1 vote. Council Member Kelly voted nay. 2/06/20: Approved SF-6 zoning on 1st reading only, with direction to work on tree mitigation (7-0, L. Pool and A. Alter-abstain; K. Tovo and G. Casar-off the dais); J. Flannigan-1st, P. Renteria-2nd. 11/12/15: Approved GR- CO zoning on consent on all 3 readings (11-0); D. Zimmerman-1st, S. Gallo-2nd. C14-2023-0100 Texas, Inc.: 13208 Morris Road) LO-MU zoning for Tract 2 by consent (10-0, A. Denkler- absent); H. Smith-1st, N. Barrera-Ramirez-2nd. C14-2019-0124 (Ramendu Complex at Lyndon Lane: 12303 Morris Road) I-RR to SF-6 C14-2015-0110 (Dakota Plaza: 8516 Anderson Mill Road) I-RR to GR 11/05/19: Motion made to approve SF-6-CO zoning, with a maximum of 12 residential units, B. Evans-1st, A. Tatkow-2nd. Substitute motion made to approve SF-6-CO zoning, with a maximum of 11 residential units (8-1, D. King-No); A. Denkler-1st, J. Kiolbassa-2nd. 9/15/15: Approved staff’s recommendation of GR-CO district zoning, with a CO to limit development on the site to less than 2,000 vehicle trips per day, to allow for Personal Improvement Services as the only permitted GR district use, to allow for all other LR district permitted uses and will limit the site to LR district site development standards and with a clarification that no additional ROW is required at this time, on consent (11-0); T. Weber-1st, L. Brinsmade-2nd. 6 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 7 C14-2011-0072 (8915 Anderson Mill Road) I-RR to GR-MU 8/16/11: Approved staff’s C14-2014-0107 (Fredrickson 1.5: 8410 Anderson Mill Road) I-RR to W/LO I-RR to MF-3 C14-2011-0073 (Villages at Turtle Rock: 12800 Turtle Rock Road) C14-06-0236 (13201 Pond Springs Road) I-RR to CS-1 C14-06-0157 (Pond Springs Plaza – 13233 Pond Springs Road) I-SF-2 to Tract 1: CS Tract 2: CS-1 8/05/14: Approved staff recommendation of W/LO- CO zoning with ROW condition by consent (5-0, C. Banks and R. McDaniel-absent); P. Seeger-1st, S. Compton- 2nd. 8/16/11: Approved staff’s recommendation of MF-3- CO zoning, with CO to limit development on the site to less than 2,000 vehicle trips per day, by consent (6-0, G. Rojas- absent); D. Tiemann-1st, G. Bourgeios-2nd. recommendation of LR- MU-CO zoning, with CO to limit development on the site to less than 2,000 vehicle trips per day, by consent (6-0, G. Rojas- absent); D. Tiemann-1st, G. Bourgeios-2nd. 5/15/07: Approved staff rec. of GR-CO and CS-1- CO (7-0) 9/05/06: 1st Motion: Approved staff’s recommendation of GR-CO for Tract 1 and CS-1-CO for Tract 2, with additional condition to prohibit Pawn Shop Services, by consent (8-0, J. Shieh-absent); J. Martinez-1st, S. Hale-2nd. 2nd Motion: To rescind and reconsider 1st motion (6-0, J. Shieh-absent; T. Rabago, J. Martinez-off dais); 8/28/14: Approved W/LO-CO zoning, with conditions, on consent on first reading (7-0); B. Spelman-1st, L. Morrision-2nd. 9/25/14: Approved W/LO-CO zoning, with conditions, on consent on 2nd/3rd readings (7-0); B. Spelman-1st, L. Morrison-2nd. 9/22/11: Approved MF- 3-CO zoning on consent on all 3 readings (7-0); B. Spelman-1st, L. Morrison-2nd. 9/22/11: Approved LR- MU-CO zoning on consent on all 3 readings (7-0); B. Spelman-1st, L. Morrison-2nd. 6/08/07: Approved for GR-CO for Tract 1 and CS-1 for Tract 2 (7-0); on all 3 readings 12/07/06: Approved the ZAP recommendation, striking the requirement for double door access from the bar (Tract 2) to the deck (Tract 3) and adding the bar (Tract 2) to the deck (Tract 3) and adding a condition for speakers be removed from the deck area (7-0). 4/12/06: Approved GR- CO zoning for Tract 1, 7 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 8 CS-1-CO zoning for Tract 2, and GR-CO zoning for Tract 3 (6-0); 2nd/3rd readings J. Gohil-1st, K. Jackson-2nd. 3rd Motion: To postpone and place on the September 19, 2006 ZAP Agenda (6-0, J. Shieh-absent; T. Rabago, J. Martinez-off dais); J. Gohil-1st, K. Jackson-2nd. 9/19/06: Continued to October 3, 2006 by Zoning and Platting Commission (7-0, J. Martinez, J. Pinnelli-absent); S. Hale- 1st, J. Shieh-2nd. 10/03/06: Postponed to November 7, 2006 by the applicant (7-0, K. Jackson, J. Pinnelli-absent); J. Martinez-1st, S. Hale-2nd. 11/07/06: Approved staff’s recommendation of GR-CO zoning for Tract 1 (shopping center), CS-1-CO zoning for Tract 2 (bar area), and GR-CO zoning for newly created Tract 3 (deck area). The Commission added the following conditions to Tract 2: Prohibit Adult Oriented Businesses; To require double door access to the deck from the bar (if allowable by Code and Building Permit regulations); To place permanent signage on the property at the driveway entries to restrict motorcycle parking in the rear/alleyway. To place permanent signage along the fence/property line between the residential site to the west and the property in question designating the parking spaces in the rear/alleyway as, 8 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 9 “Employee Parking Only”. To construct an 8-foot masonry/or sound retardant fence around the deck to mitigate sound emanating from the deck. The Commission also placed the following conditions on Tract 3 (the deck area): Place an 85 decibel limit (in accordance with LDC Sec. 9-2-4) on the deck to reduce noise emanating from the deck. Restrict amplified sound on the deck. Place permanent signage on the deck for noise mitigation. Remove the pool table off of the deck. Vote: (7-2, B. Baker, J. Martinez- No); J. Shieh- 1st, S. Hale-2nd. RELATED CASES: C7A-10-001 – Annexation Case C8J-03-0041.0A – Subdivision Case SP-01-0273D – Site Plan Case 9 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 10 OTHER STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning Project Name and Proposed Use: 13300 MORRIS RD. C14-2023-0100. Project: Optimist Club Recreation. 88.298 acres from I-RR to GR-CO. The property is currently used for Outdoor Sports & Recreation use with 33 baseball fields and associated/customary parking and improvements. The rezoning will bring use of the property into compliance with zoning regulations and will allow for new construction of a building that will accommodate an office, and Indoor Sports and Recreation use, intended for indoor sports courts (basketball). Yes Imagine Austin Decision Guidelines Complete Community Measures Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map: Located within or adjacent to an Imagine Austin Activity Center, Imagine Austin Activity Corridor, or Imagine Austin Job Center as identified the Growth Concept Map. Names of Activity Centers/Activity Corridors/Job Centers: Mobility and Public Transit: Located within 0.25 miles of public transit stop and/or light rail station. Y Mobility and Bike/Ped Access: Adjoins a public sidewalk, shared path, and/or bike lane. (partial) Connectivity, Good and Services, Employment: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles to goods and services, and/or employment center. Connectivity and Food Access: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a grocery store/farmers market. Connectivity and Education: Located within 0.50 miles from a public school or university. Y Connectivity and Healthy Living: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles from a recreation area, park or walking trail. Connectivity and Health: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of health facility (ex: hospital, urgent care, doctor’s office, drugstore clinic, and/or specialized outpatient care.) Housing Choice: Expands the number of units and housing choice that suits a variety of household sizes, incomes, and lifestyle needs of a diverse population (ex: apartments, triplex, granny flat, live/work units, cottage homes, and townhomes) in support of Imagine Austin and the Strategic Housing Blueprint. Housing Affordability: Provides a minimum of 10% of units for workforce housing (80% MFI or less) and/or fee in lieu for affordable housing. Mixed use: Provides a mix of residential and non-industrial uses. Culture and Creative Economy: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a cultural resource (ex: library, theater, museum, cultural center). Culture and Historic Preservation: Preserves or enhances a historically and/or culturally significant site. Creative Economy: Expands Austin’s creative economy (ex: live music venue, art studio, film, digital, theater.) Workforce Development, the Economy and Education: Expands the economic base by creating permanent jobs, especially in industries that are currently not represented in a particular area or that promotes a new technology, and/or promotes educational opportunities and workforce development training. Industrial Land: Preserves or enhances industrial land. 2 Total Number of “Yes’s” 10 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 11 Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the Lake Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. The site is in the Desired Development Zone. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) Other Single-Family or Duplex Multifamily Commercial 50% 55% 60% 80% with Transfers 60% 60% 70% 90% According to floodplain maps there is a floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Based upon the location of the floodplain, offsite drainage should be calculated to determine whether a Critical Water Quality Zone exists within the project location.> Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the 2-year storm on site. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Fire Approved. No comments. Parks and Recreation There are no parkland dedication requirements associated with this proposed land use. 11 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 12 Site Plan A site plan will be required for any new development other than single-family, two-family or duplex residential. Any new development is subject to the design standards in Subchapter E of the Land Development Code. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540 ft. or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. For example, intensive recreational uses (including all ball fields and recreational buildings) may not be located within 50 feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district. In the event that demolition or relocation of existing buildings is proposed, the applicant is responsible for requesting demolition or relocation permits at the appropriate stage of the development process. The City Historic Preservation Office will review all proposed building demolitions and relocations. If a building meets city historic criteria, the Historic Landmark Commission may initiate a historic zoning case on the property. Transportation The adjacent street characteristics table is provided below: Name ASMP Classification Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route ASMP Required ROW Briarwick Drive 116 feet 87 feet 33 feet Yes No Cap Metro (within 1/4 mile) No Morris Drive 58 feet 70 feet 40 feet No No No 58 feet 60 feet 24 feet No No No Level 3/ Minor or Major Arterial Level 1/ Local, Residential Collector Level 1/ Local, Residential Collector MeadowHeath Drive A Neighborhood Traffic Analysis is required and will be performed for this project by ATD staff. Results will be provided in a separate memo. LDC 25-6-114. NTA requires three (3) consecutive 24-hour tube counts, preferably on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, during a non-holiday week when school is in session. Staff will contact the applicant to discuss the 12 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6C14-2023-0100 13 location of the tube counts. Results will be provided in a separate memo. LDC 25-6-114. NTA fees will be added in AMANDA. This comment will be cleared once the Memo is approved and the fees are paid.* *On October 12, 2023, the Transportation Planner, Sean Conway, confirmed with the engineers in the Transportation and Public Works Department that an NTA is not required in this instance. FYI – 116 feet of feet of right of way is required for BriarWick Drive in accordance with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. LDC 25-6-55. Please contact Williamson County regarding any potential required right-of-way dedication. Water Utility No comments on zoning change. FYI: The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the land use. The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All new development within the proposed project will be subject to City Code Chapter 25-9 and any future amendments relating to reclaimed water connections, water benchmarking, and mandatory onsite water reuse. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW A: Zoning Map B. Aerial Map C. Applicant’ Request Letter D. Postponement Request 13 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( C H A P ( ( EL D O W N S T ( ( ( ( ( B R ( I A R ( ( H O L L ( ( O W ( D R ( ( ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP-2007-0413D ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I-SF-2 ! ! ! ! T H D R A E D O W H A M E H A V E R S H A M C T R N I S D I-SF-2 A D O I V Y W O O D C V I-SF-2 I-SF-2 D N A M A R A D I-SF-2 SP07-0067D EXHIBIT A PUD C814-04-0066 W P A W P R A M R E M R E L R N L N ! R ! E D ! T S N O ! O N D ! ! V L ! ! N B O M B ! ! R I E ! L R E G ! M B ! A ! P Y R I ! T A ! ! R W I ! C ! ! ! ! ! ! F E L D S P A R D R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! K ! D ! R ! ! ! ! ! ! E D R A D R S I L I C W H I T E C O R A L D R ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! COUNTY C12M-2012-0002 O Y S T E R C A T C H E R D R W O O D S T O R K D R H A R R I E R D R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! W H I T E I B I S D ! R B L A C K V I R E O MF-4 C14-2010-0194 ! ! ! ! ! S P - 0 1 - 0 2 7 3 D ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I-RR I-RR B R I A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R H O L L O H A Z E L H U R S T D R W D R L E Y T O N S T I-SF-2 F R O S T W O O D T R L I-SF-2 B A N C R O F T T R L I-SF-2 I-SF-2 B R I D G E W O O D T R L I-SF-2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP-01-0208D ! ! ! ! ! ! WATER OAK LN I-SF-2 I-RR LYNDON LN I-SF-2 I-SF-2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C R O W N C T V I L L A P A R K D R I-SF-2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B L A C K O A K S T C14-2021-0103 MF-2-CO C14-2019-0124 SF-6 ! ! ! ! ! M ! O R R I S R D MF-2 C14-2020-0111 L O W O A K S T Y E L I-SF-2 S L A N T O A K D R G A T E W O O D T R L I-SF-2 S T I L L F O R E S T S T I-SF-2 I-SF-2 I-SF-2 P A R T A L N S I-SF-2 S N O W D E N C V LO-MU I-RR GR-CO C14-2015-0110 I-RR ZONING ZONING CASE#: C14-2023-0100 CHESTER FOREST ST CLEAR BRO O K T RL I-SF-2 T I L G H M A N T R L I-SF-2 I-RR C A I N W O O D L N SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ± SP-03-0454D SP-05-1720D D R S A G E G R O U S E D R N I G H T H E R O N D R R T D E R G D E E R ! ! ! ! ! I N C A D O V E D R L E G U L L D R T L I T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I-SF-2 SP-01-0208D I-RR I-SF-2 L R T K O O R B E L D D A S I-SF-2 W/LO-CO C14-2014-0107 A N D E R S O N M I L R D L R Y D E R H P M U H This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 600 ' This product has been produced by the Housing and Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or Created: 8/28/2023 14 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6EXHIBIT B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H39H38G39G38C14-2023-0100C14-2010-0194C14-2020-0111C14-2021-0103C14-2019-0124C14-2014-0107VILLAPARKDRMORRISRDWHITEIBISDRLYNDON LNWATEROAKLNBRIARHOLLOWDRHAZELHURSTDRSLANTOAKDRBANCROFTTRLBLACKVIREODRBRIDGEWOODTRLYELLOWOAKSTBLACKOAKSTFROSTWOODTRLBRIARWICKDRIVYWOOD CVOYSTERCATCHERDRWHITECORALDRMEADOWHEATHDRCROWNCTLEYTONSTSAGEGROUSEDRSTILLWATERLNI-RRI-RRMF-4I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2MF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-SF-2I-RRI-RRI-SF-2SF-6MF-2-COI-SF-2I-SF-2W/LO-COLO-MUI-SF-2I-RRI-SF-2Optimist Club Recreation±This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warrantyis made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.ZONING CASE#:LOCATION:SUBJECT AREA:GRID:MANAGER:C14-2023-010013504 1/2 Briarwick Dr;9100 Meadowheath Dr;13332 Villa Park Dr;13300-13401 Morris Rd88.298 AcresH38Sherri SirwaitisCreated: 10/31/2023SUBJECT TRACTZONING BOUNDARY!!!!!!PENDING CASECREEK BUFFER0200400600800100Feet15 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6EXHIBIT C Via Electronic Delivery August 8, 2023 Mrs. Lauren Middleton-Pratt Director, Planning Department City of Austin 1000 E 11th Street Austin, TX 78702 Dear Mrs. Middleton-Prat: Re: Rezoning Application – Optimist Club Recreation – 13504 ½ Briarwick Drive, 9100 Meadowheath Dr., 13332 Villa Park Dr., 13300-134011 Morris Road On behalf of the Owner(s) of the property referenced above, we respectfully submit the enclosed rezoning application. The subject lands are legally platted as Lot 1, Block A of the Town & Country Park Addition subdivision, comprised of 88.29 acres. The land is located within Council District 6, represented by Mackenzie Kelly and is owned by the Optimist Club. The subject tract is zoned “I-RR” and the request is to establish permanent zoning of “GR-CO” zoning to accommodate both Outdoor and Indoor Sports & Recreation uses. The property is currently used for Outdoor Sports & Recreation use with 33 baseball fields and associated/customary parking and improvements. The rezoning will bring use of the property into compliance with zoning regulations and will allow for new construction of a building that will accommodate an Indoor Sports and Recreation use, intended for indoor sports courts (basketball). The Conditional Overlay will prohibit the following uses: Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Automotive Sales Automotive Washing (of any type) Bail Bond Services Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility We respectfully request support for the requests made. Please contact our office should you have need for additional information. Thank you for your time and attention to this application. Kind regards, 16 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6Victoria Haase www.throwerdesign.com 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office 17 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6November 30, 2023 Ms. Sherri Sirwaitis, Case Manager City of Ausitn Planning Department 1000 E 11th Street Austin, Texas 78702 Re: Conditional Overlay Amendment - C14-2023-0100 Optimist of Town & Country (Town & Country Sports) Dear Mrs. Sirwaitis: We would like to amend the conditional overlay requested for the property to prohibit the following uses: Bed & Breakfast Residential, Group 1 Bed & Breakfast Residential, Group 2 Short Term Rental Administrative & Business Offices Art Gallery Alternative Financial Services Art Workshop Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Automotive Stales Automotive Washing of any type Bail Bond Services Business or Trade School Business Support Services Commercial Off-Street Parking Communication Services Consumer Convenience Services Consumer Repair Services Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility Exterminating Services Financial Services Food Preparation Food Sales Funeral Services General Retail Sales – Convenience General Retail Salse – General Hotel-Motel Indoor Entertainment Medical Offices –Exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area Medical Offices – Not exceeding 5,000 sq/ft of gross floor area Off-Site Accessory Parking 18 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6Outdoor Entertainment Pawn Shop Services Pedicab Storage & Dispatch Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Pet Services Plant Nursery Printing & Publishing Professional Office Research Services Restaurant – General Restaurant – Limited Services Station Software Development Special Use Historic Theater Custom Manufacturing College & University Facilities Community Recreation – Public Congregate Living Counseling Services Cultural Services Family Home Guidance Services Hospital Services – General Hospital Services – Limited Private Primary Educational Services Public Primary Education Services Private Secondary Educational Services Public Secondary Educational Services Residential Treatment Safety Services Kind regards, Victoria Haase www.throwerdesign.com 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office 19 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6EXHIBIT D From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Victoria Sirwaitis, Sherri Ron Thrower; Harden, Joi; Rivera, Andrew RE: Optimist Club Rezoning - C14-2023-0100 - UPDATE to CO Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:56:48 PM External Email - Exercise Caution Hello Sherri – We request a postponement of this case from the January 16th hearing date to the February 6th as we are looking into addressing a few remaining concerns of the neighborhood. Please confirm receipt of this request. Thank you, V Victoria Haase www.throwerdesign.com 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 20 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 621 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 622 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6From: Francesca Morales < Sent: Friday, January 26, 2024 5:21 PM To: Francesca Morales <; McGregor, Thomas <Thomas.McGregor@austintexas.gov>; Rivera, Andrew <Andrew.Rivera@austintexas.gov> Cc: Thompson, Carrie - BC <BC-Carrie.Thompson@austintexas.gov>; Greenberg, Betsy - BC <bc- Betsy.Greenberg@austintexas.gov>; Smith, Hank - BC <bc-Hank.Smith@austintexas.gov> Subject: Re: Zoning and Platting Testimony You don't often get email from iqj4@yahoo.com. Learn why this is important Here are my written comments you requested: External Email - Exercise Caution To: Zoning and Platting Andrew Rivera, Carrie Thompson, Hank Smith, Betty Greenberg Subject: Immediate Action Required: Concerns Over Rezoning Near Town and Country I am Francesca Morales, a thirty-five year resident living in close proximity to Town and Country on Morris Street. I am reaching out with a sense of urgency regarding the rezoning case C14-2023-0100. The zoning hearing was on January 16, 2024 but was postponed to February 6, 2024. I am deeply concerned about the potential rezoning of the nearby property from Rural Residence District to a Community Commercial district. This move would have detrimental effects on our neighborhood, including exacerbating traffic congestion, increasing noise and light pollution, and likely decreasing property values. Traffic Congestion: Since the building of the Vineyard Church on Morris we already often face traffic congestion during their events. The traffic backs into Anderson Mill Road and requires police to conduct traffic when they do their frequent food giveaways. In addition, we have hour-long traffic congestion due to Town and Country events every day, especially on the weekends. Our driveway exits onto Morris and sometimes drivers refuse to even let us get out of our driveway. We have to wait for traffic to disperse to leave our home. We only have two vehicle exits from our neighborhood. If Town and Country builds additional sports buildings traffic will be even more awful. 23 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6 Noise Levels: My home is on the corner of Yellow Oak and Morris so building additional sports facilities will result in increased noise levels. Right now I can hear the noisy games that are played at Town and Country at the end of Morris. They use loud announcers and I hear the people cheering. Imagine the noise levels if the facilities were directly across the street from me and consider the impact it will have on my neighbors as well. Lighting: For security purposes Town and Country will no doubt install public lighting. This increased lighting will negatively impact the privacy and security of my neighborhood. It is very much unwanted. Decreased Property Values: I have lived in my house and renovated it for thirty-five years. I expect that potential home buyers will consider my property to be worth less because it is across the street from these commercial facilities. It’s very disappointing and frightening that during the later years of my life, my home will decrease in value and I will have to endure noise and excessive lighting. The current proposal may be for the development of sports facilities, but once the property is rezoned, the possibilities become unpredictable. The future could bring changes in ownership or intent that may not align with our community’s interests. Such a permanent change to community commercial district is unacceptable and to add sports facilities and any other such commercial zoning is a risk I, and many of my neighbors, are not willing to take. We do not want this zoned as commercial for any purpose. I respect the need for community development but firmly believe that it should not be at the cost of the existing residents’ peace and quality of life. I urge you to oppose this rezoning application and support us in preserving the character and tranquility of our neighborhood. We are counting on you to represent our needs as community members and urge you not to take the side of developers over tax paying citizens. Please respond to me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and for advocating on behalf of our community. Warm regards, Francesca Morales 512-589-2187 24 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Victoria Sirwaitis, Sherri Ron Thrower; Harden, Joi; Rivera, Andrew RE: Optimist Club Rezoning - C14-2023-0100 - UPDATE to CO Wednesday, January 31, 2024 12:30:51 PM External Email - Exercise Caution We are still working on matters and need more time. Therefore, we request a postponement of this case to the February 20th ZAP hearing date. Please confirm receipt of this email/request. Hello Sherri, Thank you, Victoria Haase www.throwerdesign.com 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 25 of 2503 C14-2023-0100 - Optimist Club Recreation, District 6