Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 30, 2024

06 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 2.pdf — original pdf

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ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION SITE PLAN EXTENSION REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SP-2020-0265C(R1) PC HEARING DATE: January 30, 2024 PROJECT NAME: South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements ADDRESS OF SITE: 1017 Fallwell Ln COUNCIL DISTRICT: 2 WATERSHED: Onion Creek & Colorado Rover JURISDICTION: Austin Full Purpose APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: Austin Water Bart Jennings Waller Creek Center 625 E 10th St Austin, TX 78701 CAS Consulting & Services, Inc. Cece Oestrick 7908 Cameron Rd Austin, Texas, 78754 (512) 836-2388 CASE MANAGER: Meg Greenfield Meg.greenfield@austintexas.gov (512) 978-4663 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is proposing to extend the construction period of a previously approved site plan to add phasing areas for a 25-year deferral. The South Austin Regional WWTP is one of Austin Water’s two major wastewater treatment plants. The plant has the permitted capacity to treat an annual average of 75 million gallons of wastewater per day. In SP-2020-0265C, Austin Water submitted a site plan that would allow the expansion of the SAR WWTP and that the life of the site plan would be extended for a 25-year period after approval for future phases. The Land Use Commission approved the site plan on March 29, 2022. However, it was not realized until recently that the submittal did not contain the request for the extended period for the site plan. This site plan revision of SP-2020-0265C will allow the current construction of the expansion to continue and for the consideration of the request for the extended construction period. No other modifications are proposed in the site plan revision. Phase 1 includes improvements to the primary & secondary clarifiers, aeration basins, equipment in the preliminary & secondary treatment buildings, and addition of electrical enclosures. Phase 2 includes, but not limited to, improvements to the solids handling facilities, plumbing, and wet wells. Phase 3 included, but not limited to, improvements to the influent lift stations, aeration basins, solids handling facilities, disinfection facilities, and tertiary filters. There is no change in impervious cover. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this site plan extension. 1 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 21 of 9 SP-2022-0101C The Acre at Berkman 25-5-21 - PHASED SITE PLAN. (A) An applicant may design a site plan to be constructed in development phases. An applicant shall identify development phases on the site plan and propose the dates for beginning construction of the first and final phases. The director may require that the applicant propose dates for beginning construction of all phases. (B) The director may approve development phasing if the date proposed for beginning construction on the final phase is not more than three years after the approval date of the site plan. Planning Commission approval is required for development phasing if the date proposed for beginning construction of a phase is more than three years after the approval date of the site plan. (C) The director shall approve a request for development phasing if the director determines that the site plan complies with the requirements of this subsection. (1) The entire development must be conducive to phasing, and each proposed phase must be a discrete and substantial part of the entire development. (2) Each development phase must independently satisfy the requirements of Section 25- 5-43 (Site Plan Release). (3) If a traffic impact analysis is required, the phasing plan must implement solutions to identified traffic problems that are approved by the director. (D) The Land Use Commission shall approve a request for development phasing and establish dates for beginning construction of each phase if the Land Use Commission determines that the site plan complies with the requirements of Subsections (C)(1) through (3) of this section and that the applicant has demonstrated a reasonable need for the requested phasing dates. (E) An interested party may appeal the Land Use Commission's decision under Subsection (D) PREVIOUS APPROVALS Previous site plan: SP-2020-0265C PROJECT INFORMATION SITE AREA EXISTING ZONING FLOOR-AREA RATIO BUILDING COVERAGE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE PARKING EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES 1,919,254 sq. ft. P Allowed NA NA 80% NA 44.06 acres Proposed NA NA 16.76% NA ZONING LAND USES Major Utility Facility (Wastewater Treatment Plant) Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant P ETJ P ETJ P Site North South East West ABUTTING STREETS Street Fallwell Ln Right-of-Way Width 45 feet (variable) Pavement Width Classification Approx. 25 feet Local Mobility NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Lost and Found Pets Del Valle Community Coalition 2 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 22 of 9 SP-2022-0101C The Acre at Berkman Del Valle Independent School District Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation SELTexas Sierra Club Austin Regional Group 3 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 23 of 9 1: 9600 Jurisdictions Fill Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE 1/24/2024 EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Appraisal Districts TCAD Parcels Zoning 1 Zoning LI P PUD RR Zoning Text 4 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 24 of 9 July 18, 2023 City of Austin Intake One Texas Center– 4th Floor 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, Texas 78704 Re: South Austin Regional WWTP Train A & B Improvements Project CIP ID No. 3333.017 Engineer’s Summary Letter for Completeness Check for Site Plan Revision Application CAS Consulting & Services, Inc. has been retained by STV, Inc. (formerly CP&Y, Inc.) / the City of Austin (COA) to obtain a Site Plan Revision for this project and hereby submits the required application materials for completeness check. This letter summarizes the proposed development information. The South Austin Regional WWTP is one of Austin Water’s two major wastewater treatment plants. The plant has the permitted capacity to treat an annual average of 75 million gallons of wastewater per day. In SP-2020-0265C, Austin Water submitted a site plan that would allow the expansion of the SAR WWTP and that the life of the site plan would be extended for a 25-year period after approval for future phases. Austin Water staff worked directly with Christine Barton-Holmes, Development Services Department, with regard to the extended period to the site plan to allow for further projects to be permitted in an expedited manner. Please see the attached letter dated February 15, 2022, to Director Denise Lucas. The Land Use Commission approved the site plan on March 29, 2022. However, it was not realized until recently that the submittal did not contain the request for the extended period for the site plan. We have discussed this matter with Ms. Barton-Holmes and have determined that a site plan revision of SP- 2020-0265C will allow the current construction of the expansion to continue and to allow the consideration of the request for the extended period for the site plan. No other modifications are proposed in the site plan revision. Because Ms. Barton-Holmes is familiar with this situation, we are requesting that she be identified as the Case Manager for this site plan revision. The South Austin Regional WWTP is located inside the city limits (full purpose jurisdiction). The plant is in the Onion Creek Watershed and Colorado River Watershed, both classified Suburban. The plant is not within the 100-year flood plain per FEMA Panel 48453C0630K. However, the levee protecting the Site has recently been decertified and the site is now shown to be in the COA fully developed 100-year flood plain. There is an ongoing CIP project to improve the levee and remove the site from the floodplain. In the meantime, this project will construct the new buildings on piers to raise the finished floor elevation at least two feet above the 100-year floodplain per LDC 25-7-92. The TCAD parcels are 109.20 acres and 201.61 acres, the LOC in the site plan application approved 5/16/2022 is 44.06 acres. No new impervious cover is proposed with this revision. Sincerely, CAS Consulting & Services, Inc. Thomas Rohlack Thomas Rohlack, P.E. Senior Engineer Austin Office - 7908 Cameron Road, Austin, TX 78754 - (O) 512.836.2388 - (F) 512.836.4515 State of Texas Registered Firm No. F-3572 5 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 25 of 9 February 15, 2022 Denise Lucas Director Development Services Department 505 Barton Springs Road Austin, Texas 78704 Re: Site Plan Phased Deferred Submittals SP-2020-0265C South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Trains A&B Improvements Dear Ms. Lucas: Austin Water, a department of the City of Austin, (“the Applicant”), is the owner and operator of the South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (“SAR WWTP”) with a capacity of 75 million gallons per day. The SAR WWTP was constructed in 1986 with expansions in 1988 and 2006 and serves south Austin. Austin Water owns, operates and maintains the property. The property contains a wastewater process treatment basin, equipment, chemical and electrical buildings, and other pipeline infrastructure. For Austin Water to provide continued resilient and reliable service in a timely manner, Austin Water respectfully requests deferrals of submittal requirements for future phases of the submitted site plan for SAR WWTP Trains A&B Improvements referenced by City of Austin Case No. SP- 2020-0265C (the “Project”) for up to twenty-five (25) years from the date of approval by the Land Use Commission. I understand from Christine Barton-Holmes, Program Manager III, Development Services Department, that the continued expansion of a wastewater treatment plant is a reasonable site plan in which to request such deferrals and that the Land Use Commission has previously deferred site plan phased submittals for comparable lengths of time. This request is made in accordance with Sections 25-5-21 and 25-5-22 of the Land Development Code and is in alignment with estimated multi-year future phased expansions of the SAR WWTP in 2026 and 2041. Under Section 25-5-21, the Land Use Commission’s approval is required if the phases extend beyond three years. In accordance with Section 25-5-22, the Director can defer the review of the submittal requirements for future phases. Austin Water shall complete all phases in compliance with applicable City Code requirements at the time of each review. Phased treatment facilities include, but not limited to, influent lift stations, aeration basins, solids handling facilities, disinfection facilities, and tertiary filters. The approval of the deferrals is necessary and would result in a smoother permitting and review process as the SAR WWTP future phased improvements and expansions occur. 6 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 26 of 9 If you have any questions, comments, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Respectfully, Charles Celauro, P.E. Division Manager, Facility Engineering City of Austin, Austin Water| Engineering Services 512-972-0208 | charles.celauro@austintexas.gov cc: Greg Meszaros, Director, Austin Water Shay Ralls-Roalson, P.E., Assistant Director, Austin Water Shwetha Pandurangi, P.E., C.F.M., Division Manager, Austin Water 7 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 27 of 9 WB-40 - Intermediate Semi-Trailer PCE(D) PCE(D) . C N I , Y & P C I N S T U A F O Y T CI 9 3 8 1 D E D N FOU SP-2020-0265C 25-5 Christine Barton-Holmes 06/10/2020 112 P SP-2020-0265C 8 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 28 of 9 . . C C N N T T N N E E I I M M E E , , G G S S A A N N E E A A M M C C N N O O I I I I T T V V C C U U R R R R T T S S E E N N O O S S C C | | T T & & N N E E M M E E G G G G A A N N N N A A M M I I M M T T A A R R L L G G O O U U R R P P | | S S G G N N N N R R E E O O E E N N G G C C N N E E L L I I V V C C S S A A C C I I I I I I 2 2 7 7 5 5 3 3 0 0 0 0 - - F F . . O O N N . . G G E E R R | | 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 7 7 X X T T , , n n i i t t s s u u A A | | d d a a o o R R n n o o r r e e m m a a C C 8 8 0 0 9 9 7 7 . . . . 5 5 1 1 5 5 4 4 6 6 3 3 8 8 2 2 1 1 5 5 : : x x a a F F | | 8 8 8 8 3 3 2 2 6 6 3 3 8 8 2 2 1 1 5 5 : : n n a a M M . . . . i i . C N I , Y & P C I N S T U A F O Y T CI 9 3 8 1 D E D N FOU 41 09/23/2020 112 SP-2020-0265C 25-5 Christine Barton-Holmes P 9 of 906 SP-2020-0265C(R1) - South Austin Regional WWTP Train A&B Improvements; District 29 of 9