Zoning and Platting CommissionJan. 16, 2024

07 SPC-2021-0415D - Marshall Ranch Water Improvements.pdf — original pdf

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ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION HILL COUNTRY ROADWAY SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SPC-2021-0415D ZAP COMMISSION DATE: January 16, 2024 PROJECT NAME: Marshall Ranch Water Improvements ADDRESS: 904 1/2 S CAPITAL OF TEXAS HWY DISTRICT: 8 WATERSHED: Eanes Creek (Water Supply Suburban) AREA: 37.23 acres/0.89acres limits of construction APPLICANT: AGENT: Ian Clements, P.E. 3501 Southwest Parkway Building 3, Suite 100 AUSTIN, TX 78735 Ian Clements, P.E. 3501 Southwest Parkway Building 3, Suite 100 AUSTIN, TX 78735 CASE MANAGER: Chase Norris (512) 978-1623 Chase.Norris@austintexas.gov EXISTING ZONING: SF-2 PROPOSED USE: tank with associated improvements within the Medium Intensity Zone of the Loop 360 Hill Country Roadway Corridor. The applicant is proposing to include an elevated water storage REQUEST: The site is located within the Medium Intensity Zone of the Loop 360 Hill Country Roadway Corridor and must be presented to the Zoning and Platting Commission for approval, a Hill Country Roadway Ordinance requirement. WAIVER REQUEST: There are no waiver requests with this application. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR HCRC SITE PLAN: Staff recommends approval of this Hill Country Roadway site plan. The site plan complies will all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Code including all Hill Country Roadway Corridor development regulations. All comments have been cleared. The focus of granting the request should be based upon the site development regulations meeting the criteria of the Hill Country Ordinance and not the merits of the Council approved PUD. The question is to grant or deny; additional conditions may not be imposed. ZONING AND PLATTING COMMISSION ACTION: This is the first time this has come before ZAP. 1 of 307 SPC-2021-0415D - Marshall Ranch Water Improvements PROPOSED USE: Public PROPOSED HEIGHT: 35’ PROPOSED BLDG. CVRG: 87,912 (12%) PROPOSED IMP. CVRG.: 145,936 sf (19.91) PROVIDED: 44,790 sf or 98% PROPOSED PARKING:150 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT 1: 37.235 ACRES, BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 39.75 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SITUATED IN THE JOHN SWESEY SURVEY NO. 506, ABSTRACT NO. 702, IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS DESCRIBED IN THE CONTRIBUTION DEED TO EANES MARSHALL RANCH, LP DATED JUNE 21ST, 2016, AND RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2016114549 OF THE OFFICAIL PUBLIC RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THAT 2.50 ACREs CONVEYED IN VOLUME 8396, PAGE 991 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT CERTAIN 30 FOOT BY 35 FOOT TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 517, PAGE 177 OF DEED RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS TRACT 3: 024 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, IN THE JOHN SWESEY SURVEY NO. 506, ABSTRACT NO. 702 IN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING ALL OF THAT 30 X 35 FEET PARCEL DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO SHELBY ZEMPTER EANES DATED MARCH 18, AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 517, PAGE 177 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS EXIST. ZONING: SF-2 ALLOWED F.A.R.: FAR: 0.25:1 for 60%, 0.10:1 for 19%, 0.05:1 for 20% PROPOSED F.A.R.: .2179:1 ALLOWED HEIGHT: 40’ MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE: NA MAX. IMPERV. CVRG.: NA MIN. REQ. HC NATURAL AREA: 40% REQUIRED PARKING: NA SUMMARY COMMENTS ON SITE PLAN: Land Use: This project is to install a 750,000-gallon water storage tank at a parcel in the Northeast area of the proposed Marshall Ranch Subdivision (C8-2020-0037.1A) currently undergoing review. Additionally, the project will include approximately 2,800 linear feet of 10’ waterline extension per SER 4577 from Austin Water Utility. Environmental: This site is located in the Eanes Creek watershed and is subject to Water Supply Suburban Watershed regulations. All environmental comments have been addressed and cleared. Transportation: Access to the proposed site will be taken from Capitol of Texas Highway North. The site plan will comply with all transportation requirements prior to release. SURROUNDING CONDITIONS: North: Single-family residential (PUD and SF-1) East: Capitol of Texas Hwy, then preserve West: Preserve and single-family (SF-2 and ETJ) South: Single-family and office (SF-2 and LO) Street Capitol of Texas Hwy 380’ 140’ (split) NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: Classification Surfacing Highway R.O.W. Austin Neighborhoods Council Bat Conservation International, Inc. Bike Austin City of Rollingwood Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Lake Austin Collective 2 of 307 SPC-2021-0415D - Marshall Ranch Water Improvements Preservation Austin Rob Roy Homeowners Association, Inc. Save Our Springs Alliance SEL Texas Sierra Club The Island on Westlake Owners Assn. Travis County Natural Resources 3 of 307 SPC-2021-0415D - Marshall Ranch Water Improvements