03 SP-2022-0020C Concordia University Sports Complex Variance Presentation.pdf — original pdf

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY SPORTS COMPLEX 8200 KILIAN ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS, 78726 SP-2022-0020C Mel Fuechec Environmental Review Specialist Senior Development Services Department 1 SITE LOCATION Site Location Austin ETJ Austin City Limits Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the- ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Watershed Protection Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 2 PROPERTY DATA • Bull Creek, Water Supply Suburban Classification • Full Purpose Jurisdiction • Council District 6 • Drinking Water Protection Zone • Located over Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone • 6 Critical Environmental Features • 1 Minor Critical Water Quality Zone • Subject to Schlumberger Planned Development Area, Ordinance No. 20070215-042 (as amended) and Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F as stated in the Planned Development Area 3 4 VARIANCE REQUEST To vary from Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F - Section 9-10-409(a) – for fill exceeding four feet (to ~12’) - Section 9-10-409(b) – for cut exceeding four feet (to ~15’) In order to construct NCAA compliant training and playing facilities, associated parking and pedestrian improvements, and biofiltration ponds and rain gardens 5 BACKGROUND The natural slope of the property, the locations of CEF setbacks, the size and orientation required of NCAA compliant facilities, and the requirement that such playing fields maintain a constant elevation necessitate the proposed grading. In an effort to balance the required earthwork and minimize the cut and fill required to the maximum extent practicable, portions of the emergency access road are proposed at the maximum allowable slope for an emergency access road; and the tennis courts are tiered to reduce the amount of grading required for their construction. All developed runoff will be treated by two biofiltration ponds, two detention ponds, and rain gardens. No developed runoff will flow to the critical environmental features. 6 7 FINDINGS OF FACT Land Use Commission variance determinations from Section 9-10-377 of A. the City Code: 1. Are there special circumstances applicable to the property involved where strict application deprives such property owner of privileges or safety enjoyed by other similarly situated property with similarly timed development? Yes In site plan case #SP-2007-0231C, a variance to Lake Austin Ordinance #840301-F, Sections 9-10-409(a) and 9-10-409(b) was granted for a max cut of +/-5.8’ and a max fill of +/- 17.5’ to construct a parking area, baseball field, and fieldhouse. Thereafter, a variance to the same code sections was granted for a max cut of +/- 9.25’ and a max fill of +/- 14.85’ to construct a water quality and detention facility, a water quality channel, a softball field, and associated parking in site plan case #SP- 2013-0476C. A similar variance for cut of +/-8.7 feet and fill of +/-9 feet was granted in site plan case #SP-2020-0038C to construct two water quality/detention facilities, a four story residence hall, and associated parking. 8 FINDINGS OF FACT Does the project demonstrate minimum departures from the terms of the ordinance 2. necessary to avoid such deprivation of privileges enjoyed by such other property and to facilitate a reasonable use, and which will not create significant probabilities of harmful environmental consequences? The variance is the minimum departure necessary to avoid the deprivation of Yes privileges enjoyed by such other property and to allow for the University to construct NCAA sports fields and associated parking and improvements, in accordance with the allowable land use and which will not create significant probabilities of harmful environmental consequences. The natural slope of the property, the locations of CEF setbacks, the size and orientation required of NCAA compliant facilities, and the requirement that such playing fields maintain a constant elevation necessitate the proposed grading. In an effort to balance the required earthwork and minimize the cut and fill required to the maximum extent practicable, portions of the emergency access road are proposed at the maximum allowable slope for an emergency access road; and the tennis courts are tiered to reduce the amount of grading required for their construction. All developed runoff will be treated by two biofiltration ponds, two detention ponds, and rain gardens. No runoff will flow to the critical environmental features. 9 FINDINGS OF FACT The proposal does not provide special privileges not enjoyed by 3. other similarly situated properties with similarly timed development, and is not based on a special or unique condition which was created as a result of the method by which a person voluntarily subdivided land after October 20, 1983. The proposal does not provide special privileges not enjoyed by Yes other similarly situated properties with similarly timed development and it is not based on a special or unique condition which was created as a result of the method by which a person voluntarily subdivided land after October 20, 1983. The +/- 490-acre Concordia University property is currently subdivided into two large lots. The proposed improvements are on Lot 2 of the Amended Plats of Lot 2, 3, and 4 Schlumburger Subdivision which amended Lots 2, 3, and 4 into one +/- 383-acre lot. This amendment to the plat has no effect on cut or fill. 0 1 VARIANCE RECOMMENDATION Staff determines that the findings of fact have been met. Staff recommends the following conditions: The site shall be graded so that no developed surface runoff 1) drains to the CEF to the east of the track and field. COA 609S native seeding and planting shall be installed in any 2) disturbed area adjacent to the track and field. A one-acre tract shall be dedicated as a conservation 3) easement. 1 1 ADDITIONAL INFO 2 1 RETAINING WALLS Height of wall ranges from ~1’ to ~11’ Height of wall ranges from <1’ to ~6’ 3 1 REVEGETATION 4 1 TREES - Heritage Tree Ordinance does not apply to project - One acre is being dedicated as a conservation easement - One large tree is being preserved and made a focal point of the plaza - Two large trees are having transplant feasibility studies done 5 1 EV COMMISSION MOTION 6 1