Zoning and Platting CommissionApril 5, 2022

C-01 Kiolbassa -ASMP Recommendations.pdf — original pdf

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Zoning and Platting Commission Austin Strategic Mobility Plan recommendations Transparency: Property owners whose frontage is listed for potential Right-Of-Way acquisition should be notified in their primary language before the City Council vote. Advance notice would prevent owners and tenants not realizing their property was targeted for potential procurement, like with the September 3, 2020, City Council vote on property acquisition for the Corridor Construction Program, until after the fact. Since the ASMP amendments are intended to be an alignment of existing city documents, specify which criteria, code, rules or documents bolster the proposed changes. ASMP technical changes should increase accountability, predictability and provide a better understanding of the rationales behind any changes. Provide definitions of terms. Minimize the impact: Increase the Right-Of-Way only when needed for specific, planned projects and when the required width is stated in the Transportation Criteria Manual. Make technical changes only for projects proposed in the Bike and Sidewalk Master Plans. Given that the ASMP team publicly states that changes are not imminent, and that plans can change (as these ASMP amendments attest), ask for only what is necessary. Austin is at the heart of Flash Flood Alley: Do not increase impervious cover by expanding Right-Of-Way in flood zones or areas with a documented history or increased potential, pending the completion of a study, of localized flooding. Require drainage studies for Right-of-Way acquisition of more than 4,000 square feet through individual or combined parcels. Equity: Include the Equity Office to ensure vulnerable communities are provided safe and equal access to all forms of mobility – pedestrian, bike, vehicle, and public transportation. The input of the Equity Office must provide guidance to ensure public transportation is affordable to all residents and adjusted based on their income while also protecting them from displacement. All public transportation locations must provide shelter from rain and sun, include lighting at night for safety.