Q & A Report.pdf — original pdf

November 29, 2021 Joint Meeting of BOA, PC and ZAP Question and Answer Report Item A1 Land Use Commissions Use of Austin City Hall Commissioner Richard Smith, Board of Adjustment: 1. Why did City management decide to move BOA meetings to PDC without informing BOA or the public? 2. When City management made its decision to move BOA meetings to PDC, what considerations were given to the PDC's lack of central location, and the burden on the public and BOA members to come to PDC rather than City Hall? 3. What are City management's responses to the "Whereas" points made in the BOA resolution dated November 8, 2021? 4. When City management made its decision to move BOA meetings to PDC, what considerations were given to possible public perceptions of the move, such as the perceived importance (or lack thereof) of BOA to City development and growth. Pending Pending Pending Pending Vice-Chair Kiolbassa, Zoning and Planning Commission: Why was the ICRC certification meeting held at the PDC instead of in City Council Chambers, like it was in 2013? Staff Response: Room within City Hall were unavailable. What groups will be using council chambers when the land use commissions vacate? Pending; forwarded to Office of the City Clerk for response. Where in the Zucker Report does it recommend that land use commissions move from City Hall? Staff Response: The Zucker report has no recommendations on meeting locations.