A1 Ana Aguirre - Public Comment.pdf — original pdf

Dear Commissioners, I am reaching out to you regarding Item A.1, which is the City Staff’s proposal to move future Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission Meetings to a new location in far North Austin. In regards to this item, please know that I am not speaking on the behalf of the Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, but this item is on our next meeting's agenda, which is scheduled for December 13, 2021. It is listed on the SCNPCT Agenda as a "Discussion and Possible Action" item. The SCNPCT membership was alerted on this issue during our last meeting, but it was too late for us to formally consider and respond (vote) to any concerns we may have. I must say that we were extremely surprised to know this was even being considered. Our Contact Team represents residents from the City of Austin and Del Valle. As a D2 resident, I would fully support any efforts to ensure the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission meetings stay centrally located at City Hall. Moving the meetings would add an undue burden to the residents in far SE Austin and Travis County. As you are aware, our population is very diverse and mostly representative of low-income and people of color, plus there would be challenges in having access to public transportation in order to make meetings on time or even return home safely, if there is any public transportation available when the meetings run extremely late. I do not think the Equity Office was consulted on the impact this move would have for vulnerable populations? The City Hall location is central and the logically best location for all residents when it comes to equal access for all residents. Additionally, because City Hall is centrally located, the surrounding residents and businesses would be best equally served, including equally disadvantaged. If the meetings are moved far North, those living and/or working in South Austin, particularly SE Austin, will be at a much greater disadvantage to publicly engage in BOA, PC and ZAP hearings. This could have an adverse impact on our community when equal access to community engagement is not afforded to the residents of the City of Austin and Travis County. With all the growth in our area, specifically in Southeast Austin, it will make it harder if not impossible for our community to participate in the hearings in the future. Please let me know how I can help support you. I sincerely hope the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commissioners vote in support of keeping the BOA, PC and ZAP Commission meetings at City Hall. This would also ensure there would be no confusion on the location of zoning and land use hearings and where they would be heard regardless of which body is having the hearing: Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission or City Council. Thank you for your consideration and your continued service to our community. It is very much appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Ana Aguirre D2 Resident