A1 05 A&F Recommendation - BOA Proposed Bylaws Revision.pdf — original pdf

(D) The board shall meet monthly 5:30p.m. on the second Monday of each month at Austin City Hall. In November of each year, the board shall adopt a schedule of the meetings for the upcoming year, including makeup meeting dates for the holidays and cancelled meetings. (E) The chair may call a special meeting, and the chair shall call a special meeting if requested by three or more members. The call shall state the purpose of the meeting. A board may not call a meeting in addition to its regular scheduled meetings as identified in its adopted meeting schedule, more often than once a quarter, unless the meeting is required to comply with a statutory deadline or a deadline established by Council. I (F) Six members constitute a quorum,_however, in order to approve a zoning variance or special exception, or to reverse an administrative decision on appeal, the following rules apply: (i) The affirmative vote of three-fourths of all qualified voting members is required. If all positions have been appointed and no board member is disqualified from voting, the minimum number of votes required is 9 out of 11. (ii) For purposes of calculating a required super-majority, the total number of positions excludes any vacancies (i.e., seats for which no appointment has been made) and members who are legally disqualified from voting on a particular case. For example, if one position is vacant and another position is held by a member who is legally required to recuse herself on a particular matter, then the required super-majority for that case would be 7 votes (i.e., three-fourths of 9, rounded to the nearest whole number). (G) If a quorum for a meeting does not convene within one-half hour of the posted time for the meeting, then the meeting may not be held. (H) To be effective, a board action must be adopted by: (i) an affirmative vote of the number of members necessary to provide a quorum; or (ii) for zoning variances, special exceptions, and administrative appeals, a three-fourths supermajority as determined under Subsection (F) of this article. (I) The chair has the same voting privilege as any other member. (J) The board shall allow citizens to address the board on agenda items, except individual cases under Article 2(A)(l) through (3) and (B)(l) and (2).lf a citizen requests in writing that a matter within the scope of the board's responsibilities other than a case under Article 2(A)(l) through (3) and (B)(l) and (2), the staff liaison shall place the matter on the agenda within a reasonable time and during a period of time set aside for citizen communications. The chair may limit a speaker to three minutes. (K) The staff liaison shall prepare the board minutes. The minutes of each board meeting must include the vote of each member on each item before the board and indicate whether a member is absent or failed to vote on an item. (L) The city clerk shall retain agendas, approved minutes, internal review reports and bylaws. The Development Services Department shall retain all official board documents. The documents are public records under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 552 (Texas Public Information Act). (M) The chair shall adjourn a meeting not later than 10 p.m., unless the board votes to continue the meeting. (N) Each person and board member attending a board meeting should observe decorum pursuant to Section 2-1- 48 of the City Code. (0) A member of the public may not address a board at a meeting on an item posted as a briefing.