A1 01 Staff Memo October 19, 2021 - Required Relocation of LUC Meetings.pdf — original pdf

TO: M E M O R A N D U M Mayor and Council Chairs of the following Boards, Commissions, and Committees: Zoning and Platting Commission; Planning Commission; Historic Landmark Commission; Board of Adjustment; Environmental Commission; Sign Review Board; Building and Standards Commission; Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals; Code and Ordinances Joint Committee; Design Commission; Electric Board; Mechanical and Plumbing Board; Small Area Planning Joint Committee; Waterfront Planning Advisory Board; and the Urban Forestry Board October 19, 2021 Change of location for land use related Commissions Denise Lucas, Development Services Department Director Rosie Truelove, Housing and Planning Department Director FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: On June 29, 2021, a memo was distributed regarding the opening of the Permitting and Development Center. As indicated within the memo, the PDC brings together resources and expertise from multiple City departments which provide permitting and development services for our community. The new facility is designed to provide a seamless development process, all in one place, for residential and commercial customers and special events permitting. All pertinent department representatives will be co-located at the PDC. As a next step for utilizing the PDC, liaisons to each respective board, commission, and committee will be asked to assist with coordinating the relocation of meetings to the PDC Conference Center, which is a key asset included in the approved design of the PDC. Coordination will include working with each board, commission, and committee to walk through the facility, identify and collaborate to solve for major concerns, and to develop and implement communications plans leading up to and through changes in meeting locations. The Conference Center is 5,000 square feet, will be equipped to televise meetings through ATXN by late February 2022, has sufficient room for 351-person occupancy and the capacity to be separated into small rooms, and has a 969-parking space garage connected to the PDC. Changes in meeting locations will not occur prior to February 2022. Rather, there will be initial discussions and opportunities to visit the PDC so that each respective board, commission, and committee has an opportunity to learn more about the PDC. This change will reduce the reliance on the City Hall Council Chambers and Boards and Commissions Room and reinforces the concept of the PDC serving as the City’s one-stop shop for all development and permitting related needs, which was a key recommendation in the 2015 Zucker Analysis. As with all public meetings, caution for health and safety will be considered as part of the change in location. Should you have any questions, please contact Andrew Moore, Program Manager at Andrew.Moore@austintexas.gov. xc: Spencer Cronk, City Manager J. Rodney Gonzales, Assistant City Manager Jannette Goodall, City Clerk Andy Moore, Redevelopment Project Manager, Financial Services