Zoning and Platting Commission Q & A Report.pdf — original pdf

Zoning and Platting Commission Q & A Report B-02 C14-2021-0100 - Luby's Site Question Commissioner Denkler/ Response in blue. Does the Luby's site have to comply with current code requirements? Yes Pending Can Housing tell us what the rent maximums would be for an efficiency, a 1- bedroom or a 2- bedroom unit on the site for 2021 year? A representative of one of the neighborhood associations has complained the applicant is not using Flood Pro to model the site's drainage. Does the applicant have to use Flood Pro or can other modeling methods be approved? I reached out to Watershed Engineering Division staff and learned the following: The Applicant should definitely should be using the City’s effective floodplain model for the portion of the site impacted by Onion Creek that is available from our FloodPro website. The site is also impacted by an unnamed tributary to Onion Creek that is not currently studied (see attached map). The floodplain shown along this tributary in the current floodplain mapping is water that backs up from Onion Creek. Watershed Engineering Division staff is currently re-studying the Onion Creek watershed to incorporate Atlas 14 rainfall. This will include a study of the stream that runs through the site in question. Unfortunately, it will be at least 8 months before Watershed Engineering Division staff has an updated Onion Creek model and a new model for the unstudied tributary. In the interim, the Applicant should be using the 500-year floodplain from our regulatory Onion Creek model and performing their own study to delineate the regulatory floodplains for the unstudied tributary (since it has more than 64 acres of drainage their site). If the Applicant submits for site plan, they will need to have completed their own floodplain study of the unnamed tributary and consider the combination of the tributary and Onion Creek floodplains. Why does the applicant not have to plat? The Applicant isn’t required to plat because the configuration of the property hasn’t changed since annexation into the City limits and is eligible to receive City utility services. Review of environmental, drainage and utilities will occur with the site plan application. Has this part of the watershed been mapped for Atlas. The model has not yet been updated to include Atlas-14 rainfall. The City’s Watershed Engineering Division is in the process of performing a study update for Onion Creek, However it will be several months before there are updated models based on that study.