B-07 Additional Correspondence.pdf — original pdf

From: Janet Brooks Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 12:11 AM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov>; Janet Brooks Subject: C14-2021-0012 zoning case objection/materials for placement in zoning commission files by Aug.11th and public files by Aug. 13th part 1 of 2 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Heather, I was unaware Sherri would be unavailable when all file materials and public hearing forms are due. Will you be taking care of all of this and should other neighbors email their forms and materials to you? I already emailed Sherri a copy of what’s below so she’ll see it when she returns past this week’s deadlines. That’s when I received her out of office email to contact you. All of this email and supporting photos and TNRCC documents objecting to this rezoning case are to be included in the file given to zoning commission this Wed. And available to public this Fri. as described in Sherri’s previous email which did not give a deadline for inclusion. Items will be below this email which contains concerns/ objections/questions. Please confirm receipt and inclusion in zoning case file by prompt email. See contact info below. IF TNRCC plan cannot be sent with this email, it will be sent in next email as part 2 Environmental bjection concerns/ Questions: 1. Lot 11 multifamily proposal (SP2021-0124C includes using the wet pond in Lot 12, why isn’t Lot12/wet pond included if multi family in Lot 11 is using it, who will maintain wet pond/enforce codes and ordinances if it’s not included in rezoning/proposal, and how will increased demand from multifamily affect the adjacent Old Milwood neighborhood and their already strained 37 year old infrastructure, drainage, Walnut Creek And Edwards Aquifer watersheds and protection plans, floods, overflow, water, wastewater, etc.? Since about 1984, These watersheds have run through a wide and deep grassy drainage ditch in our neighborhood before flowing through pipes which empty into wet pond in Lot 12. 2. Is The existence of abandoned unfinished parking garage in Lot 11 a violation of pre-existing Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan issued by TNRCC? Since Karlin LLC et al are newer owners of these lots, are they responsible for any violation and/or requirements including that new owners cannot commence operations on these lots without a new watershed protection plan issued by the TECQ(formerly TNRCC)? In addition the geologic survey in this plan identified 4 caves, 4 sinkholes, and 3 solution cavities. Has this property become more unstable and unsafe for construction, workers, residents, snd adjacent neighborhoods? Shouldn’t a new geologic survey be required before rezoning is granted? 3. Parts of these 2 lots and other lots in this zoning case also are under protection of the Balcones Canyonlands and Walnut Creek watershed. Have these entities been contacted and given their approval of this rezoning case? See photos of adjacent neighborhood Lots 11 and 12 drainage, wet pond, and abandoned parking garage structures plus copy of existing Edwards Aquifer watershed protection plan and compliance rules in part 2 email if needed, and my contact info for prompt email receipt and file confirmation of emails part 1 snd 2. Thank you, Janet Brooks 6313 Avery Island Ave. Austin, TX 78727 512-731-1762 Grassy Walnut Creek Drainage Ditch perpendicular to Avery Island Ave. And houses bordering Lot 12 proposed as use by multi family in Lot 11 Houses near 6007 often have flooding in their backyards after heavy rains due to overflow from wet pond. Abandoned unfinished parking garage in Lot 11 Google view of ramp to unfinished level Street view of abandoned unfinished parking garage in Lot 11 Heather, please include the following questions and documents in files as described above and email Me prompt confirmation. I will also email my public hearing form/request to speak by this Tues. Thank you, Janet Brooks 6313 Avery Island Ave. Austin, TX 78727 512-731-1762 TNRCC 0625 TCEQ Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan,report, and rules from Nov 9 2000 and 1997 For Lots 11 and 12 c14-2021-0012 objections submitted in part 1 of 2 email and repeated below 1. Is abandoned unfinished parking garage in Lot 11 a violation of compliance rule 18? 2. Isn’t new owner Karlin LlC et al required to have a new TCEQ plan as rules in this document state before commencing operations on this land AND shouldn’t this happen before zoning approval? 3. Since original TNRCC geologic report indicated 4 caves, 4 sinkholes, and 3 solution cavities, isn't a new geologic survey required to assess changes to and potential dangers to construction, workers, residents, and adjacent homes buildings and and neighborhoods to ensure their health, welfare, and safety before zoning approval? From: Janet Brooks Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 5:25 AM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov>; Janet Brooks Subject: C14-2021-0012 Material to include in objection background file for zoning commission *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Objections and Solutions to What Karlin actually plans to build, not shown on zoning maps This map below is a pen and ink drawing version of Karlin Research Park website portfolio Map/plan for prospective investors…tap map to enlarge or To view complete and clearer map/plan Click on Portfolio Research Park view property at karlinre.com Avery Island Ave. 183 N (white left pointing arrow) (Right top to bottom) Riata Trace (top left to right) McNeil Rd. (Black area Bottom left to right) Oak Knoll (curvy thin white line above and parallel to McNeil Rd running left to right —also intersects at N183 on lower far right) Limited industrial and Mixed Use: To left and right of left pointing white arrow is an Amenities hub with an extremely tall pole, a restaurant, outdoor meeting spaces, possible vehicle hub/tall lighting poles. Most of Karlin’s other properties have recreational facilities, outdoor concert theaters, and food trucks with music. Might happen here, too! OBJECTIONS: if limited industrial and mixed use with 24 hour operation and increased decibel levels and tall bright lighting is approved, hub will negatively affect health and welfare by disrupting work, sleep and relaxation of adjacent neighbors whose 37 year old houses don’t have modern insulation/construction. Absense of parks within one mile by foot or car SOLUTIONS: Move Limited industrial mixed use zones such as amenities hub and multi families to other lots further away from single family homes. Provide 50 ft deep dense continuous maintained tall large tree buffers parallel to Avery Island houses and back fences beyond easement for utility work, chain link fence, and Austin Energy service road. Limit heights of nearest buildings to 35feet And lighting/poles to 8ft. and move them to other side of continuous tree buffer away from family homes to protect and preserve Integrity and quality of life of 37 year old peaceful quiet neighborhood with wooded views from Backyards. Instead of 8 story buildings blocking view and sky and 4 story multi family balconies and conversations within view and earshot, developer needs to make sure short ends of Units are facing Avery Island so long width of units with balconies are facing pre-existing wooded areas with other parallel units in the distance..a win win for reduced noise pollution and the quality of life for neighborhood residents and for people living in Research Park. Create a tree buffered running trail and park Area parallel to and adjacent to Avery Island with walking paths that can be accessed by both our neighborhood and Research Park residents. Despite Karlin application claim that there are several parks within one mile of Research Park, neither Our neighborhood nor Research Park has a park within one mile unless you can fly. Google map driving and walking distances are more than a mile for Rattan Creek which is a private MUD park with high fees for non residents and it’s even more miles away to YetiCreek and Riata Trace parks. A park shared by residents of our neighborhood and Research Park Would be another win win for everyone’s quality of life, animals, the environment, and reduce light and noise pollution.It would make Karlin a more well known and respected leader in innovative community development and solutions. Extremely Tall structures: Karlin hallmark item on most properties. OBJECTIONs: Traffic, Safety, health, and welfare: Karlin map Shows investors a monolith at Oak Knoll and 183 intersection which is so huge and distracting that it is a safety hazard impeding traffic sight lines and distracting drivers pedestrians and bicyclists which would cause more accidents. By building offices factories and multi family units in Research Park, thousands of additional trips are being added to already congested roads. The pole at the amenities is another extremely tall structure which would block neighborhood views of trees and sky during the day and when lit would keep neighbors awake at night adversely affecting their sleep and health. SOLUTIONS: Put Karlin in huge letters on top long side of Visa building in exchange for reducing their rent. Put huge Karlin letters on top long side of restaurant or other buildings you own in amenities hub and/ or closest building to McNeil Rd. If you build an outstanding innovative that meets the needs of the community, people will find you without monoliths and tall poles. Oak Knoll from 183 to McNeil: shown as a restricted private road on portfolio map instead of owned by City of Austin although city tried or is trying to buy it. (Karlin already put up private property warning signs. Also shows plan to straighten and move Oak Knoll to free up more land for developing offices, etc. OBJECTIONS: Traffic safety, increased impervious cover, and affordable housing: despite the fact that this section of Oak Knoll is and has been a private road, a precedent has been set for the past 30-40 years by the previous owners such as Texas Instruments who have allowed the free flow of traffic which alleviates some of backup at 183 and McNeil. This would improve safety for Research Park residents and workers as well as the public. It is already dangerous and often blocked by backup when entering and exiting Neighborhood streets on both sides of McNeil without protection of traffic lights and improved traffic flow. Construction Of redesigned Oak Knoll will cause closures and create additional traffic delays. Having more land for building only increase impervious cover.By restricting access to this section of road, Research Park becomes an exclusive country club like mixed use community with high rents and no possibility of alleviating Austin’s critical need for affordable housing. SOLUTIONS: Free access to Oak Knoll and make Research Park more accessible and affordable especially for renters. Agree to a percentage of qualified renters with reduced rents.Add public transportation to reduce thousands of additional trips and traffic. Keep existing no direct entrances and exits from Research Park parking lots onto Oak Knoll and McNeil to keep traffic flowing. Add full traffic light at McNeil and Oak Knoll, conduct full traffic impact study and implement recommendations in a timely manner to alleviate dangers to people using neighborhood streets like Avery Island and Magnolia Mound which are along McNeil Rd. Have a moratorium on additional multi family units condos etc along McNeil Road to avoid more congestion and protect safety. Changes, Construction, Damage snd Disruptions, Access to Austin Energy service road parallel to easement near Avery Island Ave.: Karlin has rights to use this road for property repairs and maintenance only, not construction Objections: safety and health, noise and service disruptions, traffic and vehicles/equipment, reimbursement and damage to nearby property SOLUTIONS: Karlin and any cable internet and phone company crews on or working for Karlin property must also comply with the following: 1.strict observance of enforceable and punishable violations including noise decibels and disturbance ordinances 2.No use or parking of vehicles and equipment except Austin Energy 3.No widening, other changes, and direct access to McNeil Rd. Which will worsen Traffic safety, increase traffic congestion, and negatively affect sleep and health if residents: 4:at least 48 hour notice to nearby residents for any disruption of service, variances, and demolition 5.Mandatory Reserve fund and process to fairly and quickly reimburse property owners for damage caused by any crews regardless of status such as contractor subcontractor etc performing work on Karlin property 6.All work and companies must have current permit and adhere to limits of permit. 7.limit use of variances and demolition From: Janet Brooks Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 5:58 AM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov>; Janet Brooks < Subject: C14-2021-0012 zoning case file materials for commission and public hearing due by noon today *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Zoning Case C14-2021-0012 Specific Lot objections and solutions Lot 12 existing wet pond and proposed use by 4-story 350 unit multifamily in Lot 11- Impacts drainage causing more watershed flooding. Needs to be in Lot 11 proposal. LOT 11 Insist on new TCEQ Edwards Aquifer protection plan required when land is sold to new owners. Karlin Research Park, LLC and Karlin Research Park LlC Development aren’t allowed to commence operations on Lot 12 and parts of Lot 11 without it. Register complaints with city and TCEQ. Include unfinished abandoned parking garage in Lot 11 for possible violation of #18 TCEQ Edwards Aquifer 2000 protection plan. The same report showed 4 caves, 4 sinkholes, and 3 solution cavities. Lots 11 and 12 might be more unstable and unsafe for use and construction. Ask for new geological survey. Lot 11 Easement service road along boundary with west side of Avery Island Ave. Oppose construction vehicles and equipment except for Austin Energy electrical substation maintenance. Ask for no access to McNeil, widening, or changes to road. Lot 14F, Lot 15, and Lot 10 limited industrial can operate 24 hours a day at higher decibel levels. Ask for stricter limits, no vehicle parking /operations/hubs of any kind, no tall lighting or poles within 500 ft. of west easement of Avery Island. Add 50 ft. Dense tall tree buffers on far side of service road, chain link fence, and easement far away from Avery Island no buildings over 35 ft and no lights poles over 8 ft. Near Avery sis land blocking view of sky and trees from backysrds Lots 14D,14F, and 16 light industrial bordering Oak Knoll as it approaches McNeil-oppose any changes/construction to current Oak Knoll roadway or at intersection with McNeil. No structures blocking visibility near intersections such as monoliths, multifamily, large office buildings, advertising signs, gates, or walls. Also no parking lot entrances and exits along Oak Knoll. Ask for a new full traffic light at Oak Knoll and McNeil and improvements at Avery Island and McNeil. Also ask for Traffic Impact Analysis reflecting increased traffic August-June due to reopening of schools, churches, and businesses plus new condo development at 6306 McNeil and unsafe unprotected turns onto or from McNeil by nearby residents. This section of Oak Knoll from 183 to McNeil is a private road. Support City of Austin purchasing it to avoid increased back up at McNeil From: Jenny Davila Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 11:02 AM To: sherry.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov; Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov> Subject: Oppose to Re-zoning of Research Park - case # C14-2021-0012 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hi, I am an owner of a house located on Avery Island Avenue in Mildwood. A neighbor mentioned the possible rezoning of Research Park to Commercial, Industrial and possible Multi-Family. I am deeply concerned with a possible change, I believe rezoning this area will bring more traffic to an area that has enough with the new Apple campus and new residence constructions, more pollution, years of construction noise and disruption, crowded schools, water runoff, damage to foundations, demands on infrastructure, etc. Please use this note as a neighbor'ss vote against this change and let me know if there are any questions. Thanks Jenny Davila