B-06 (C8-2020-0174.0A - Rome Hudson Subdivision; District 1).pdf — original pdf

SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2020-0174.0A Z.A.P. DATE: February 2, 2021 SUBDIVISION NAME: Rome Hudson Subdivision AREA: 1.64 acres LOTS: 2 APPLICANT: Rome LLC AGENT: WGI (Thomas Lombardi, Jr.) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 6002 Hudson Street WATERSHED: Fort Ranch COUNTY: Travis EXISTING ZONING: CS-MU-CO-NP JURISDICTION: Full Purpose PROPOSED LAND USE: Office VARIANCE: none STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The request is for the approval of the Rome Hudson Subdivision, comprised of 2 lots on 1.64 acres. The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. If the applicant submits an update to address the reasons for disapproval, that update will be presented to the Land Use Commission within fifteen days of submittal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Disapproval for reason listed in Exhibit C in the support material. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: cesar.zavala@austintexas.gov PHONE: 512-974-3404 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed plat Exhibit C: Comment report dated January 28, 2021 1 of 9B-6EXHIBIT A Legend Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ 0.3 0 0.14 0.3 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. CASE NO.: C8-2020-0174.0A SUBDIVISION NAME: Rome Hudson ADDRESS : 6002 Hudson Street 1: 8,931 Notes 2 of 9B-6JESSE C. TANNEHILL LEAGUE SURVEY NO. 29 ABSTRACT NO. 22 LOT 5 WILCAB COMMERCIAL PARK VOL. 95, PG. 365 P.R.T.C.T. AUSTIN POLICE ASSOCIATION DOC. NO. 2015131622 O.P.R.T.C.T. CALLED 1.883 ACRES TOMA DIMOVA AND AMANDA DIMOVA DOC. NO. 2012121812 O.P.R.T.C.T. LOT 1, BLOCK "A" MATOKA ENVIROMENTAL DOC. NO. 200700329 O.P.R.T.C.T. MISION VIDA CHRISTIANA DOC. NO. 2011155499 O.P.R.T.C.T. [F] LOT 2 LOT 1 [H] CALLED 1.6140 ACRE WILLIAM C. MONROE ET AL DOC. NO. 2013192706 O.P.R.T.C.T. DESCRIBED IN VOL. 1324, PG. 266 D.R.T.C.T. CALLED 0.72 ACRE JORGE HERNANDEZ DOC. NO. 2013170281 O.P.R.T.C.T. [G] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] LOT 1, BLOCK "A" THE AVIARY DOC. NO. 201700020 O.P.R.T.C.T. 6009 HUDSON LLC DOC. NO. 2020016050 O.P.R.T.C.T. [A] CALLED 1.00 ACRE MARCELL MEDLOCK VOL. 5865, PG. 1078 D.R.T.C.T. [B] CALLED 1.00 ACRE MARTHA JO THOMPSON TCAD NO. 196397 [C] CALLED 1.00 ACRE MARTHA JO THOMPSON DOC. NO. 2014015903 O.P.R.T.C.T. [D] CALLED 1.00 ACRE WILLIAM BEALL DOC. NO. 2012046230 O.P.R.T.C.T. [E] CALLED 1.0 ACRE BRADLEY TOLOCKO DOC. NO. 2018137322 O.P.R.T.C.T. [F] CALLED 1.005 ACRES MIRELA IVAN GLASS AND MAURICIO SANCHEZ DOC. NO. 2012215781 O.P.R.T.C.T. [G] CALLED 0.32 ACRE GO GREEN, LLC DOC. NO. 2015114141 O.P.R.T.C.T. [H] HUDSON STREET (R.O.W. VARIES) EXHIBIT B ROME HUDSON SUBDIVISION City of Austin, Travis County, Texas A Limited Liability Company PO Box 90876, Austin Texas 78709 WWW.4WARDLS.COM (512) 537-2384 TBPELS FIRM #10174300 3 of 9B-6ROME HUDSON SUBDIVISION City of Austin, Travis County, Texas A Limited Liability Company PO Box 90876, Austin Texas 78709 WWW.4WARDLS.COM (512) 537-2384 TBPELS FIRM #10174300 4 of 9B-6CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT EXHIBIT C CASE NUMBER: REVISION #: CASE MANAGER: C8-2020-0174.0A 00 Cesar Zavala UPDATE: U0 PHONE #: 512-974-3404 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: Rome Hudson Subdivision 6002 HUDSON ST SUBMITTAL DATE: January 4, 2021 REPORT DUE DATE: February 2, 2021 FINAL REPORT DATE: January 28, 2021 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. If you have any questions, concerns or if you require additional information about this report, please contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by using the contact information listed for each reviewer in this report. Any change to the plan/plat shall not cause noncompliance with any applicable code or criteria. In addition, any change to the plat may trigger new comments. UPDATE DEADLINE INFORMATION (LDC 30-2-56; 30-2-82): All comments must be addressed by filing an updated submittal prior to the update deadline of April 5, 2021. Otherwise, the application will expire. If this date falls on a weekend or City of Austin holiday, the next City of Austin workday will be the deadline. Extension of Review Period, Extension of Update Deadline and Tolling of Application Period do not apply to applications for preliminary plan, plat or subdivision construction plans (LDC). UPDATE SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS (LDC 30-1-113): 1. Applicants must make an appointment with Intake Staff (512-974-1770 or LURIntake@austintexas.gov) in order to submit an update. 2. Your update must include the following items: a. This report b. The revised plat/plan in pdf format c. A letter that addresses each comment in the master comment report 3. Updates must be submitted on an approved submittal date, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Refer to the submittal calendar for a list of approved submittal dates. REVIEWERS: Planner 1 : Addison Ptomey Site Plan Plumbing : Cory Harmon Transportation Planning : Adam Fiss Electric : Andrea Katz 911 Addressing : Jorge Perdomo Drainage Engineering : Jay Baker Water Quality : Jay Baker City Arborist : Taylor Horton Subdivision : Cesar Zavala 5 of 9B-6 Electric Review - Andrea Katz - 512-322-6957 EL x. LDC § 25-4-132 - EASEMENTS AND ALLEYS. (A) Easements for public utilities and drainage ways shall be retained in all subdivisions in the widths and locations determined necessary by the director. All easements shall be dedicated to public use for the named purpose and shall be aligned to minimize construction and future maintenance costs. Source: § 13-2-421; Ord. 990225-70; Ord. 010607-8; Ord. 031211-11; Ord. 20131017-046 Ten (10’) foot electric distribution, electric telecommunications, and electric fiber easement is required adjacent to Hudson St. Show the easement on the face of the plat. 911 Addressing Review - Jorge Perdomo - 512-974-1620 AD1: This plat review is rejected for the following reasons: HUDSON ST is incorrectly labeled AD2: The label for HUDSON ST must be shown on the ROW AD3: Please remove the present label [H] and replace with HUDSON ST §25-4-155 ATD Engineering Review - Bryan Golden - 512-974-2426 ATD 1. No comments. Drainage Engineering Review - Jay Baker - 512-974-2636 Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. GENERAL COMMENTS DE 1. Engineer's seal, signature and date required [LDC 25-7-62]. DE 2. Surveyor's seal, signature and date required. PLAN/PLAT NOTES DE 3. Add the following Detention Note [LDC 25-7-61, DCM 1.2.2, DCM 8.2.1, DCM 8.3.2]: "Prior to construction on lots in this subdivision, drainage plans will be submitted to the City of Austin for review. Rainfall run-off shall be held to the amount existing at undeveloped status by ponding or other approved methods. All proposed construction or site alteration on Lot(s) _____ Block(s) ______ requires approval of a separate Development Permit." Environmental Review - Hank Marley - 512-974-2067 Approved per EV 6 of 9B-6PARD / Planning & Design Review - Scott Grantham - 512-974-9457 PR1. Subdivision does not include residential units or a hotel use; it is not adjacent to or impacting parkland. Therefore, there are no additional parkland requirements. Transportation Planning - Adam Fiss - 512-974-1684 TR1. The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) requires 60 ft. of right-of-way (ROW) along this section of Hudson Street. 30 ft. of ROW is required from the centerline of Hudson Street. It appears that 40 ft. of ROW is made available from centerline through 10 ft. dedication. Please explain if centerline is unusual. A 5’ dedication may only be required. Comment may be cleared informally. AW Utility Development Services - Bradley Barron - 512-972-0078 AW1. Per Utility Criteria Manual Section 2, §15-9, §25-4, §25-5, §25-9, and the Uniform Plumbing Code: The landowner intends to serve each lot with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. Each lot must have a separate water and wastewater utility connection and no existing or proposed plumbing may cross lot lines. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing the water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, system upgrades, utility relocations and or abandonments to serve each lot. FYI. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. Water Quality Review - Jay Baker - 512-974-2636 PLAN/PLAT NOTES WQ 1. Add the water quality plat note to read as follows: LANDFILL WQ 2. Provide landfill certification [ LDC 25-1-83.] Site Plan Plumbing - Cory Harmon - 512-974-2882 "Water quality controls are required for all development pursuant to the Land Development Code. [LDC 25-8-211] Pursuant to compliance with Sections 307.1, 609.6, and 721.1 of the 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code, add a plat note that conveys the following: Each Lot within this subdivision shall have separate sewer taps, separate water meters, and their respective private water and sewer service lines shall be positioned or located in a manner that will not cross lot lines. City Arborist Review - Taylor Horton - 512-974-1218 CA1 – 3 Cleared 7 of 9B-6CA4 Not Cleared. Please pay the City Arborist Review fee. This fee is based on the number of existing trees (47). Provide the number of trees within the LOC/Boundary of plat. Submit a corrected Addendum. The submitted addendum incorrectly indicates there are no trees on the property. Subdivision Review - Cesar Zavala - 512-974-3404 SR 1. Show all existing easements on the plat, annotate easements accordingly if provided by separate instruments. (L.D.C 25-1-83) SR 2. The plat is demonstrating a pipeline easement, verify if the plat should comply with the Hazardous Pipeline section of the Land Development Code, Sections 25-4-134 and 25-2-516. If the pipeline meets the definition of a Hazardous Pipeline, the lots will need to comply with lot sizes as stated in 25-4-134(D) and other requirements as listed by code. A sign off or acknowledgement that the pipeline is not considered a Hazardous Pipeline will be needed from the Fire Department reviewer to clear this comment. SR 3. Show the application submittal date on the plat, January 4, 2021. (L.D.C 25-1-83) SR 4. Include the case number on the lower right corner of each plat sheet, C8-2020-0174.0A. (LDC 25-1-83) SR 5. Verify the scale on the plat measures correctly to avoid future amendments on the plat during the construction or site plan phases. (L.D.C 25-1-83) SR 6. Remove the scale measurement from below the location map. (L.D.C 25-1-83) SR 7. The site contains existing structures. If the structures will be removed or demolished, the plat can be approved, but will not be recorded until the structures are demolished. The plat must be recorded no later than 80 business days after approval. 25-1-83 If the structures will remain, submit a scaled drawing that shows the existing structures and the new lot lines. The structures must meet setbacks from the new lot lines, and the new lots must comply with any applicable impervious cover (IC) and building cover (BC) limits. Include calculations for IC and BC. 25-1-83; 25-2-491 SR 8. Update the owner’s preamble on the plat to list the property owner listed on the most current deed, reference the property legal description, and show Texas Local Government Code chapter: (T.L.G.C. Sec. 212.004) That (owner) being the owner of that certain (acreage) tract of land out of the (survey/abstract) situated in _______ County, Texas, as conveyed by deed as recorded in Document No. ( XX ) of the official public records of _______ County, Texas, does hereby subdivide (XX) acres of land in accordance with the attached map or plat shown hereon, pursuant to Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code, to be known as: TITLE OF SUBDIVISION And do hereby dedicate to the public, the use of the streets and easements shown hereon, subject to any easements and/or restrictions heretofore granted and not released. SR 9. Provide a copy of the most current deed, the owner listed on the deed should match the owner listed on the plat preamble. (T.L.G.C. Sec. 212.004) set by zoning or ordinances. SR 10. Delete plat Note # 9 referencing uses on the lots. The lots will follow development requirements 8 of 9B-6 SR 11. Because this area falls within the Airport Overlay, add a plat note that states: “Development of these lots shall comply with requirements of the Airport Hazard and compatible land use regulations, (Chapter 25-13) as amended.” SR 12. Will fiscal be required for the case? If fiscal is needed for the case replace Note #11 with the following note. A construction agreement will be generated by the Fiscal Office if a fiscal amount is posted.(25-1-83) "This subdivision plat was approved and recorded before the construction and acceptance of streets and other subdivision improvements. Pursuant to the terms of a Subdivision Construction Agreement between the subdivider and the City of Austin, Dated ____________, 20__, the subdivider is responsible for the construction of all streets and facilities needed to serve the lots within the subdivision. This responsibility may be assigned in accordance with the terms of that agreement. For the Construction Agreement pertaining to this subdivision, see the separate instrument recorded in Doc#. ____________________, in the Official Public Records of _________ County, Texas." SR 13. Update the director’s approval block to show Denise Lucas as the Director, (L.D.C. 25-1-83: APPROVED, ACCEPTED AND AUTHORIZED FOR RECORD BY THE DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, CITY OF AUSTIN, COUNTY OF TRAVIS, THIS THE ____ DAY OF __________________, 2020, AD. _________________________________________________ Cesar Zavala, for: Denise Lucas, Director, Development Services Department SR 14. The plat will need commission approval since the property requires a Service Extension Request, add the Land Use Commission approval block as follows 25-1-83: Accepted and authorized for record by the Land Use Commission of the City of Austin, Texas, on this, the ______day of ____________2021. ___________________________ ________________________ Chair Secretary SR 15. Verify that this plat may be approved administratively if the following criteria is met, (T.L.G.C 212.0065): consists of four or fewer lots fronting on an existing street and does not create a new street, or is an replat/resubdivision described in Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code; for which water and wastewater service for development on the proposed lots is immediately available without a service extension; and for which a variance is not required. SR 16. The following items are needed to approve the case and record plat at Travis County, listed items are provided after all reviewers comments have provided sign offs. (T.L.G.C 212.004(d) / T.L.G.C 212.014): Mylars containing original signatures, with appropriate seals and dates. All signatures, seals and stamps on the plat must be legible and in black ink. Original tax certificate(s) showing all taxes paid for the previous year. (can be provided after approval of the plat) Check for plat recordation fee & any associated documents. (can be provided after approval of the plat) END OF REPORT 9 of 9B-6