Question and Answer Report.pdf — original pdf

Question and Answer Report B-03 Commissioner Denkler: commission? 1) Is there a concurrent site plan filed or a conceptual plan that can be shared with the Applicant Response: We have not yet filed our site plan application since we need to get through annexation and zoning case first, but I have attached our draft site layout. See, attachment. 2) What is the latest trip count for McKinney Falls Road and Thaxton Road? When and where were the counts taken? Applicant Response: We have not yet filed our site plan application since we need to get through annexation and zoning case first, but I have attached our draft site layout. 3) Are there any plans for roadway improvements on Thaxton Road adjacent to the site by the applicant or the city? Applicant Response: This will be determined at the time of subdivision or site plan in conjunction with the City or County. The applicant would be happy to coordinate on any roadway improvements. 4) When is annexation proposed to occur? Applicant Response: Concurrently with zoning 5) Can ZAP recommend a public restrictive covenant requiring annexation? Response to be forward separately. \ \ \ L H O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ L H O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\\ 12"SS \\\ 12"SS O H L \\ \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ O H L \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ \ \\ 8 " W O H L \ \\ \\ \ \\\ \\ \ \\\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ 8 " W \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ 8"W \ \\ \\\ 8"W \\\ 8"W \\\ \\\ \\\ 8"W \\\ Marble CreekFEMA 1% AnnualChance BoundaryFEMA 0.2% Annual ChanceBoundary (COA 100-yr FullyDeveloped Floodplain)75" Buffer ZoneArea withinCWQZ/Floodplain to beperserved in natural stateLEGENDUndevelopable AreaBuffer Zone