DRAFT - Zoning and Platting Commission 2020-12-15 Minutes.pdf — original pdf

Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 Regular Meeting ZONING & PLATTING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 15, 2020 The Zoning & Platting Commission convened in a meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 @ http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live Chair Kiolbassa called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Commission Members in Attendance: Cesar Acosta Ana Aguirre – Secretary Nadia Barrera-Ramirez – Vice-Chair Timothy Bray Jim Duncan Bruce Evans David King Jolene Kiolbassa – Chair Ellen Ray Hank Smith Absent: Ann Denkler – Parliamentarian EXECUTIVE SESSION (No public discussion) The Zoning & Platting Commission will announce it will go into Executive Session, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from Legal Counsel on matters specifically listed on this agenda. The Commission may not conduct a closed meeting without the approval of the city attorney. Private Consultation with Attorney – Section 551.071 CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 1. Ms. Karen Reynolds – Ms. Reynolds voiced her concern regarding Commissioner Jim Duncan. Ms. Reynolds requested Commissioner Duncan resign and requested the City release the security video of the incident involving Commissioner Duncan. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 1, 2020. Minutes from December 1, 2020 was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Zoning: C14-2020-0111 - Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Austin, Texas, Inc.; District 6 13208 Morris Road, Lake Creek Watershed Location: Owner/Applicant: Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Austin, Texas, Inc. (Benjamin Koch) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Mathias Company (Richard Mathias) I-RR to GR for Tract 1 and MF-2 for Tract 2 Recommendation of MF-2 for Tract 1 and LO-MU for Tract 2 Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Housing and Planning Department Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation of MF-2 district zoning for Tract 1 and LO-MU district zoning for Tract 2, for C14-2020-0111 - Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Austin, Texas, Inc located at 13208 Morris Road was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. 2. Site Plan - SP-2020-0321C - Applied Materials Logistics Service Center; District 1 9614 East US 290 Highway Service Road Westbound, Decker Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Applied Materials (Tom Banholzer) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Tammi Migl, Migl Engineering To vary from LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to 12 feet. Recommended Pamela Abee-Taulli, 512-974-1879, pamela.abee-taulli@austintexas.gov Anaiah Johnson, 512-974-2932, anaiah.johnson@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation for SP-2020-0321C - Applied Materials Logistics Service Center located at 9614 East US 290 Highway Service Road Westbound was approved on the consent Environmental Variance Only: Location: Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 10- 0. Commissioner Denkler absent. 3. Site Plan - SPC-03-0005C(R2) - Ullrich Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal; District 8 3602-1/2 Redbud Trail, Lake Austin Watershed Conditional Use: Location: Owner/Applicant: City of Austin, Public Works Department Agent: Request: Shari Pape (MWM) Sites zoned Public (P) greater than one acre in size are a Conditional Use that require Land Use Commission approval [25-2-625]. Recommended Jeremy Siltala, 512-974-2945, jeremy.siltala@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Staff Rec.: Staff: Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation for SPC-03-0005C(R2) - Ullrich Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal located at 3602-1/2 Redbud Trail was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 4. Site Plan - Environmental Variance: Location: SPC-03-0005C(R2) - Ullrich Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal; District 8 3602-1/2 Redbud Trail, Bee Creek, Little Bee Creek, Lake Austin Watersheds Owner/Applicant: City of Austin, Public Works Department Agent: Request: Shari Pape (MWM) Consider and approve the following variances for upgrades to the water treatment plant. 1) LDC 25-8-261 to allow development in the Critical Water Quality Zone, and by extension in the Water Quality Transition Zone of a Water Supply Rural watershed in the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone South [LDC 25-8-452] for: a) Phase 2: switchgear enclosure, duct bank and access drive, and b) Phase 3: containment basin, electric building and related duct banks, sludge changeover facility, 6” water line; 2) LDC 25-8-281 to allow construction within a rimrock Critical Environmental Feature buffer for: a) Phase 2: duct bank and access drive; 3) LDC 25-8-301 to allow construction of a driveway on a slope with a gradient of more than 15 percent for: a) Phase 2: duct bank and access drive; 4) LDC 25-8-302(A)(1) to allow construction of a building on a slope with a gradient of more than 25 percent for: a) Phase 2: switchgear enclosure and b) Phase 3: sludge change-over facility; 5) LDC 25-8-341 to allow cut to sixteen (16) feet for: a) Phase 3: containment basin; 6) LDC 25-8-342 to allow fill to twelve (12) feet for: a) Phase 2: duct bank and access drive; and 7) LDC 25-8-423(C)(1)(a) to allow impervious cover to exceed the 20 percent limit for development in the uplands of a Water Supply Suburban watershed. Recommended Pamela Abee-Taulli, 512-974-1879, pamela.abee-taulli@austintexas.gov Jeremy Siltala, 512-974-2945, jeremy.siltala@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Staff Rec.: Staff: Public Hearing closed. Motion by Commissioner King, seconded by Commissioner Smith to grant Staff recommendation for SPC-03-0005C(R2) - Ullrich Low Service Pump Station Electrical Feed Renewal located at 3602-1/2 Redbud Trail was approved on a vote of 9-1. Chair Kiolbassa voted nay. Commissioner Denkler absent. Note: Staff to verify access road minimum deviation from Code. Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 5. Site Plan: Location: Owner/Applicant: Concordia University Agent: Request: SP-2020-0038C - Concordia University Campus Residence Hall; District 6 11400 Concordia University Drive, Bull Creek Watershed Brandon Hamman, P.E., LEED AP To vary from Lake Austin Watershed Ordinance No. 840301-F, Section 9- 10-409(a) to allow a fill exceeding four feet, and Section 9-10-409(b) to allow for a cut exceeding four feet Recommended Kristy Nguyen, 512-974-3035, kristy.nguyen@austintexas.gov Renee Johns, 512-974-2711, renee.johns@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Staff Rec.: Staff: Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation for SP-2020-0038C - Concordia University Campus Residence Hall located at 11400 Concordia University Drive was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. 6. Site Plan: Location: Owner/Applicant: Moore JH 502 LLC Agent: Request: SP-2020-0202C - 15th St Office Building; District 9 502 West 15th Street, Shoal Creek Watershed Vanessa Mendez, Dunaway / Urban Design Group A partial waiver of the Downtown Mixed Use Zone requirement to screen structure parking on the ground floor with pedestrian oriented uses. To be renotified to reflect correct Land Use Commission Randall Rouda, 312-974-3338, randall.rouda@austintexas.gov Aaron Jenkins, 412-974-1243, aaron.jenkins@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Staff Rec.: Staff: Item removed from agenda; no action required. 7. Site Plan - Conditional Use Permit: Location: Owner/Applicant: Ascension Seton Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: SPC-2020-0261A - Dell Children's Medical Center North; District 6 9010 North Lake Creek Parkway, Buttercup Creek Watershed GarzaEMC, LLC. (Joe M. Farias) Approval of a conditional use permit for a Hospital Services (General) use. Recommended Rosemary Avila, 512-974-2784, rosemary.avila@austintexas.gov Development Services Department Public Hearing closed. Motion to grant Staff’s recommendation for SPC-2020-0261A - Dell Children's Medical Center North located at 9010 North Lake Creek Parkway was approved on the consent agenda on the motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez on a vote 9-0. Commissioner Aguirre Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 recused due to a conflict of interest; member of board funded by Applicant. Commissioner Denkler absent. C. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION 1. Discussion and possible action to initiate a rezoning for property located at 6610 Shelton Road from single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to public (P) district zoning. (Sponsors: Commissioners Bray and Ray) Motion by Commissioner Duncan, seconded by Commissioner Acosta to initiate a rezoning for property located at 6610 Shelton Road from single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to public (P) district zoning was approved on a vote of 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. 2. Discussion and possible action regarding matters related to any proposed revisions to the Land Development Code including but not limited to staff updates, presentations and scheduling. (Sponsors: Chair Kiolbassa and Commissioner Duncan) Item disposed without discussion. 3. Discussion and possible action to adopt recommendations regarding the update to the Transportation Criteria Manual. (Sponsors: Chair Kiolbassa and Vice-Chair Barrera-Ramirez) Motion by Commissioner King, seconded by Vice-Chair Barrera Ramirez to forward to staff Transportation Criteria Manual recommendations and questions, was approved on a vote of 8-0. Commissioners Bray and Smith off the dais. Commissioner Denkler absent. Note: See Minutes Exhibit A, email from Chair Kiolbassa to staff. D. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Selection of three members to attend and participate in the virtual meeting Resilience Is Community – A Conversation with Austin Boards and Commissions Selection of Commissioners Aguirre and King to attend and participate in the virtual meeting Resilience Is Community – A Conversation with Austin Boards and Commissions was approved on the motion by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Duncan on a vote of 10-0. Commissioner Denkler absent. E. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will not be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion or possible recommendation at a future meeting. Commissioners King and Aguirre – Staff briefing regarding Tesla site. Submitted for approval on January 5, 2021 E. COMMITTEE REPORTS & WORKING GROUPS Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee (Vice-Chair Barrera-Ramirez; Commissioners Duncan and Denkler) No report provided. Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee (Commissioners: Aguirre, Evans and Smith) No report provided. Small Area Planning Joint Committee (Commissioners: Aguirre, King and Ray) No report provided. Onion Creek and Localized Flooding Working Group (Commissioners: Aguirre, King, Denkler and Smith) No report provided. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Andrew Rivera at the Housing and Planning Department, at 512-974-6508, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. Chair Kiolbassa adjourned the meeting without objection on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 7:20 p.m.