Question and Answer Report.pdf — original pdf

Question and Answer Report Commissioner Aguirre 1. The concerns of the surrounding neighborhoods is flooding along Marble Creek, including downstream properties, which have experienced increased flooding. Will the applicant continue to work with WPD to ensure measures are taken to mitigate flooding and ensure no adverse impact is experienced to properties adjacent to and downstream of this property? 2. Residents have voiced concerns regarding flooding. Will applicant continue to stay in close communication with neighborhood residents to gain input from them and inform residents of efforts the applicant, with WPD input, are taking to mitigate flood safety concerns. 3. Will the applicant agree to not place any wastewater line(s)along Marble Creek. 4. What level of affordable housing will the applicant consider providing? 5. What efforts are being made to increase access to public transportation? Response: Pending B-2 B-3 Commissioner Aguirre / Response Staff: Regarding B-3, it was presented to the Environmental Commission in May 2020 and was denied. After the revisions were made by staff, per the December 2020 Memorandum, was the case subsequently referred to the Environmental Commission for reconsideration? Is so, the Commission’s action is missing. If not subsequently referred, please explain why not. Response: The case was not reconsidered by the Environmental Commission. Although changes to a project between consideration by the Environmental Commission and the Land Use Commission are rare, our standard process for the Environmental Commission is that only changes between hearings that would be environmentally detrimental necessitate a case to be reconsidered by the Environmental Commission. Since Public Works did agreed to partner with the Watershed Protection Department and add the stream restoration components to the project providing a positive environmental benefit, I did not feel that reconsideration by the Environmental Commission was warranted for this case. Additionally, the Public Works roadway project has been significantly delayed by the time required to design the stream restoration component and have the plans reviewed again by staff, so I wanted to minimize further disruption to their schedule.