C-03 - TCM Feedaback.pdf — original pdf

Transportation Criteria Manual Kiolbassa recommendations Bicycles As the bicycle program grows into a robust and well-organized plan, the Transportation Criteria Manual needs to reflect this. Speed humps are not mentioned in the current TCM and are only mentioned in reference to automobiles in the draft TCM (section 3.3.0) yet are starting to be used on neighborhood bikeways. Criteria should be established for determining when to employ speed humps because of their expense, their difficulty for some bicyclists, they slow bikes down and the challenge they may pose for emergency vehicles. Recommended criteria include: 1. Conducting a safety and speed study 2. Lower the posted speed limit first 3. Installing a speed hump only on the block where the speed has been measured because speed can vary on different segments of the road 4. Bike-car accidents 5. NACTO also recommends where “the neighborhood feels traffic speeds are too high and are supportive of speed management treatments.” Neighborhood bikeway intersections with arterials should be safe. Section 5.2 and Figure 5.4 of the draft TCM depicts intersections; they should include a requirement that the grade of the streets at the intersection should adhere to best practices, which is no more than 5%. (i.e. Seattle Right-Of-Way Improvements Manual) Sidewalks Incorporate current Subchapter E Section 2.2 sidewalk requirements for each type of roadway. From: To: Subject: Date: King, David - BC Rivera, Andrew Re: Item C-3 - Transportation Criteria Manual - Comments Friday, December 11, 2020 1:51:37 PM Andrew, I corrected the Council meeting date in item 1 in the email below that I just sent you. Thank you, David From: King, David - BC Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 1:49 PM To: Rivera, Andrew <Andrew.Rivera@austintexas.gov> Subject: Item C-3 - Transportation Criteria Manual - Comments Hello, Andrew, Please include the following comments with ZAP commissioners' feedback for item C-3, Transportation Criteria Manual, on the agenda for our meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM): 1. How will the new street impact fee program and ordinance approved by the Austin City Council on December 10, 2020, affect the proposed TCM? 2. How will the Project Connect Bond and Anti-Displacement Funding approved by Austin voters this past November affect the proposed TCM? Can projects funded by Project Connect bonds override or receive exemptions from or modifications to any parts of the TCM? 3. Has the Equity Office reviewed the proposed TCM and provided feedback or 4. How does the proposed TCM affect the current Neighborhood Traffic Analysis recommendations? thresholds and requirements? 5. How does the proposed TCM specifically address centers (regional, town, neighborhood, job, etc.) identified in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan? Regards, David David King Zoning and Platting Commission - District 5 Scheduled Meeting Disclosure Information: Written disclosure is required by visitors when attending a scheduled meeting with a City Official regarding a municipal question for compensation on behalf of another person. Anyone scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official must either acknowledge that the disclosure requirement does not apply or respond to the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCVisitorLog David King Boards and Commissions Scheduled Meeting Disclosure Information: Written disclosure is required by visitors when attending a scheduled meeting with a City Official regarding a municipal question for compensation on behalf of another person. Anyone scheduling or accepting a meeting invitation with a City Official must either acknowledge that the disclosure requirement does not apply or respond to the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BCVisitorLog IMPORTANT NOTICE: The City of Austin provides e-mail addresses for members of its boards and commissions for their use as board members. This address should not be used for private or personal messages. The views expressed in e-mail messages reflect the views of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any board or commission of which the author may be a member. In particular, the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Austin, or any of its departments, employees or officials. E-mail messages may be subject to required public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. -----Original Message----- From: Aguirre, Ana - BC <BC-Ana.Aguirre@austintexas.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:17 PM To: Rivera, Andrew <Andrew.Rivera@austintexas.gov> Subject: Re: December 15, 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Agenda Hello Andrew, In reviewing the TCM questions, I figured I better send you the questions that I’m going to ask: 1. How is parking vs bicycle lanes determined? 2. How does actual neighborhood engagement taken into consideration? Thank you! Ana