B-07 (Citizen Comment).pdf — original pdf

From: Michael Harbers Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12:42 PM To: Rivera, Andrew <Andrew.Rivera@austintexas.gov> Subject: Dell's Children Medical Center North *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Zoning and Platting Commission I am AGAINIST this proposed development. Concerns Traffic on Lakeline. Apartments and Hospital and Medical Buildings. The new routing of traffic is dangerous and surely is a temporary fix. Drive the intersection for your proof. I drive it daily and incur blocked lanes, mud, rock, debris on the roads. Along with merging lanes confusing drivers. The developers need to do a traffic study and then pay to have the roads and intersections constructed properly to handle the increase in traffic. What is the setback on building specifications from residential housing. We only have a 5 foot easement from our property. How far from that 5 ft easement will structures be set back or any improvement added? What is actually being built since it has changed from residential to commercial? Noise from air conditioning, back up alarms, burglar alarms, and any other mechanical systems it takes to operate all these different type of buildings? Like a Hostiptal, Medical Buildings, Apartment Complexes. Drainage issues with new roads, buildings, and all the concrete Thank You Michael Harbers 10408 Cannon Mark Way Austin, TX 78717