Zoning and Platting CommissionSept. 15, 2020

B-02 (C8-2019-0100.0A Westover Hills Section Four Section Phase Two).pdf — original pdf

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SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2019-0100.0A Z.A.P. DATE: September 15, 2020 SUBDIVISION NAME: Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Two AREA: 0.4329 acres LOTS: 2 APPLICANT: Stephen and Ellyn Yacktman AGENT: Avalon Engineering (Bruce S. Aupperle, P.E.) ADDRESS OF SUBDIVISION: 4201 Hyridge Dr. WATERSHED: Bull Creek COUNTY: Travis EXISTING ZONING: SF- 3 JURISDICTION: Full Purpose PROPOSED LAND USE: Residential VARIANCE: none STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the subdivision, the plat meets all applicable State and City of Austin Land Development Code requirements. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block E, Westover Hills Section Four Phase Two composed of 2 lot on 0.4329 acres. The applicant proposes to resubdivide an existing lot for residential use. The developer will be responsible for all cost associated with required improvements. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala E-mail: cesar.zavala@austintexas.gov PHONE: 512-974-3404 1 of 48B-02 Legend Street Labels Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ TCAD Parcels Recorded Subdivision Zoning Text EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT 0.2 0 0.08 0.2 Miles NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet Date Printed: This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 1: 4,800 Notes 4201 Hyridge Dr. C8-2019-0100.0A 2 of 48B-02 3 of 48B-02 RCSUBJ}/WS/ON OF .lOT 3 BLOCK "g; ffESTO VCR H/llS' SCCJ7/OH FOUR PHASE rrro STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: K N O W ALL PER SON S B Y TH ESE PRESENTS: TH AT WE, STEPHE N YACKTM AN AND E LLYN YA CKTM AN , OWN ERS OF 0. 4329 ACRES OF LAND, B E I N G LOT 3, BLOCK "E" , WESTOVER H I LLS SECTION FOU R P H ASE TWO, A SU BDI VI SI ON I N TH E CI TY OF AUSTI N , TR AVI S COU N TY, TEXAS, A CCORD I N G TO TH E MAP OR PLAT TH EREOF RECORDE D I N VOLU ME 52, P AGE 87, P LAT RECORDS, TR A VI S COU N TY, TEXAS, SAID LOT 3 H A� N G BEEN CON VEYED TO U S B Y GENERAL WAR R AN TY DEED RECORDED I N DOCU M E N T NO. 2009 024294, OFFI C I A L PU BLIC R ECORDS, TR A VI S COU N TY, TEXAS; SAI D S U B D I VI SI O N HAVI N G B E E N APPROVED FOR RESU BD I VI SI ON P U R SU AN T TO TH E PU B L I C NOTI FI CATI ON AND H E ARI N G PROVI SI ON OF CH APTER 21 2. 01 4 OF TH E LOCAL GOVER N M E N T CODE, DO H E R EBY R ESU B D I VI D E SAI D 0 . 4329 ACRE TO BE K N OWN AS: RESU B D I VI SI ON OF LOT 3 B LOCK "E" WE STO VER WI LLS SECTI ON FOUR PH ASE TWO I N ACCOR D A N CE WI TH TH E M AP O R PLAT S H O WN H EREON, AN D D O H ER E B Y D E D I CATE TO TH E PU BLI C TH E U SE OF ALL STREETS AND E A SEM E N TS SH OWN H EREON , SU BJECT TO AN Y AN D ALL EASEM ENTS OR R ESTR I C TI ON S H ERETOFOR E GR ANTED AND N OT R E LEASED . S TI 3571 FAR WEST �OU LE VARD #82 AU STI N , TEXA S 78731 ELLYN YACKTM AN 3571 FAR WEST B OU LEVA R D #82 AU STI N , TEX AS 78731 STA TE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: BEFORE M E , TH E UN DERS I GNED A U TH OR I TY, ON TH I S DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED STEPH EN YA CKTM AN, K N OWN TO B E TH E P ER SON OR AGE N T WH OSE N AM E IS SU B SCRIBED TO THE FORE GOI NG I N STR U M E N T AND ACKN OWLEDGED TO M E TH AT HE E XECU TED TH E SAM E FOR TH E P URPOSES AND CON SI D ERATIONS TH EREI N EXPRESSED AND IN TH E CAPACI TY STA TED . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL O F OFFI CE THIS THE P S D AY OF , 202(:)_, A. D . , N OTAR Y PU B LI C I N AN D FOR TRAVI S � _Jlnvt,;v2.y COU N TY, TE XAfo c:_ e s e s e e o e e o [ ,, KRISTA INFANTE � ,�._ • ._ •��;:.'. Notary ID # 1 3 2027279 \��:'./ My Commission Expires � May 24, 2023 N OTAR Y: ----------­ PRI N T OR S TAMP N AM E H ER E \Jvtt;i 24, 7-D'Z-3 -, :c IM M I SSION E XP I R E S STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: BEFORE M E , TH E U N D ERSI GNED A U TH OR I TY, O N TH IS DAY P ERSON ALLY APPEARED ELLYN YA CK TM AN , K N OWN TO B E TH E PERSON OR AGEN T WHOSE N AM E I S SU BSCRI BED TO TH E FORE GOI NG I N STR U M EN T AND ACKN OWLEDGED TO M E TH AT S H E EXECU TE D THE SAME FOR TH E P U RPOSES AND CON SI DERATION S TH EREIN E XPRESSED AN D IN TH E CAPACI TY STATE D . GI VEN U N DER M Y H AN D AND SEAL O F OFFICE TH I S TH E D A Y O F , 202Q_, A . D . , N OTAR Y P U B LI C I N AND FOR TR AVI S \ !:> � COU N TY, T X�S., -�\$,�/; N OTAR Y: -�=�====�- · 'f-. Notary ID # 1 3 2027279 ·� \��./:/ My Commission Expires ,;� � , , , , , , , , , [ KRISTA INF ANTE May 24, 2023 P R I N T OR STA M P N AM E H ERE \\.,\ 11 :IT 2 "1 . 2o z � M Y CO M M I SS I ON EXP I R E S JURISDICTION: TH I S SU BDIVI S I ON PLAT I S LOCA TED WI TH I N TH E FULL PUR PO SE JU R I SD I CTION OF TH E CI TY OF AUSTI N , TH I S TH E ______ DAY OF 202 __ , A. D . APPROVE D , ACCEPTED AND AUTH OR I ZED FOR RECORD B Y TH E D I R ECTOR, DEVELOPM E N T SERVI CES DEPA R TM EN T, CI TY OF AU STI N , COU N TY OF TRAVI S, THI S TH E DAY OF _________ , 202 ___ AD. D E N I SE LU CAS, D I RECTO R D E VE LOP M E N T S E R VI CES DEPARTM EN T B U I LDING SETBACK LINES SH ALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WI TH CI TY OF AU STIN ZON I N G ORDIN AN CE NOTES: 1 . N O LOT I N THI S SU BDIVI SI ON SH ALL BE OCCU P I ED U N TI L TH E STRU CTU RE I S CONNECTED TO TH E CI TY OF AU STI N WATER AND WASTEWA TER UTILI TY. 2. ELECTRI C SERVI CE TO TH I S SU BDI VI SI ON SH ALL BE PROVIDED BY AUSTI N EN ERGY. 3. WATER/WASTEWATER SERVI CE WI LL B E PROVI DED BY THE CI TY OF AUSTI N WATER & WASTEWATER UTI LI TY. 4. ALL STREETS, DRAINAGE, SIDEWALKS, EROSI ON CON TROLS, AND WATER AND WASTE WA TER LINES ARE REQUIRED TO BE CONSTRUCTED AN D INSTALLED TO CITY OF AU STI N STANDAR D S, LDC 25-6-1 71 (0). 5. PRIOR TO CON STRUCTION ON LOTS IN TH I S SUBDIVISION, DRAIN AGE PLAN S MUST BE SUB M I TTED TO THE CI TY OF AU STIN FOR REVIEW. RAI N F ALL R U N OFF SH ALL BE HELD TO TH E AMOUNT EXISTING AT U N DEVELOPED STATU S BY PONDI NG OR OTH ER APPROVED M ETH ODS. ALL PROPOSED CON STRUCTION OR SITE ALTE RATI ON ON LOTS 3A AND 3B, BLOCK "E" REQUIRES APPROVAL OF A SEPAR ATE DEVELOP M EN T PERMIT. 6. THE OWN ER OF TH I S SUBDI VI SION, AND H I S OR HER SUCCESSORS A N D ASSI GNS, ASSUMES RESPONSI BILI TY FOR TH E PLAN S FOR CON STRUCTI ON OF SUBDIVI SI ON IMPROVEMENTS WH I CH COMPLY WI TH APPLI CABLE CODES AND REQU I REMENTS OF THE CI TY OF AU STIN. TH E OWNER U N DERSTANDS AND ACKN OWLEDGES TH AT PLAT VACATI ON OR REPLATTI N G MAY BE REQUI RED, AT TH E OWNER'S SOLE EXPENSE, IF PLANS TO CON STRUCT THI S SUBDIVI SI ON DO NOT COMPLY WI TH SUCH CODES A N D REQUI REMEN TS. 7. REQUIREMENTS. 8. NO BUILD I N GS, FENCES, LAN DSCAPING OR OTHER STRUCTURES ARE PERM I TTED I N DRAI N AGE EASEM ENTS EXCEPT AS APPR OVED B Y THE CITY OF AU STI N . 9 . ALL DRAIN AGE EASEMENTS ON PRI VATE PROPERTY SH ALL BE M AI N TAINED B Y THE PROPERTY OWN ERS OR HIS ASSIGNS. 1 0. PROPERTY OWN ER S SH ALL PROVI DE FOR ACCESS TO DRAIN AGE EASEM EN TS AS MAY BE N ECESSARY BE N ECESSARY AND SH ALL NOT PROH IBIT ACCESS BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTH ORI TIES. 1 1 . AUSTIN EN ERGY H AS TH E RIGHT TO PRUN E AND /OR REMOVE TREES, SHRUBBERY AND OTHER OBSTRU CTIONS TO THE EXTENT N ECESSARY TO KEEP THE EASEMENTS CLEAR. AUSTI N E NERGY WI LL PERFORM ALL TREE WORK I N COM PLI AN CE WITH CHAPTER 25-A, SUBCH APTER B OF THE CITY OF AUSTI N LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. 1 2. TH E OWNER/DEVELOP ER OF TH I S SU BDIVI SI ON /LOT SHALL PROVI DE AU STI N ENERGY WI TH AN Y EASEM ENT A N D /OR ACCESS REQU IRED, IN ADDITI ON TO TH OSE I N DI CATED , FOR THE I N STALLATI ON AN D ON GOIN G MAI N TENANCE O F OVERH EAD A N D UN DERGROU ND ELECTRICAL FACILI TI ES. THESES EASEMEN TS AN D/OR ACCESS ARE REQU I RED, TO PROVI DE ELECTRIC SERVI CE TO THE BUILDI N G AND WI LL N OT BE LOCATED SO AS TO CAU SE THE SITE TO BE OU T OF COMPLI ANCE WI TH CHAPTER 25- 8 OF TH E CITY OF AU STI N L. D . C. 1 3. TH E OWN ER SH ALL B E RESP ON SI BLE FOR I NSTALLATI ON OF TEM PORARY EROSI ON CONTR OL, REVEGETATI ON AND TREE PROTECTI ON . I N ADDITI ON, TH E OWN ER SH ALL BE RESPO N SI BLE FOR AN Y IN I TI AL TREE P R U N I N G AN D TREE REMOVAL TH AT I S WI TH I N TEN FEET O F THE CEN TER LIN E OF TH E PROPOSED OVERH EAD ELECTR I CAL FACILI TI ES DESI GNED TO PROVI DE ELECTRIC SERVICE TO TH I S PROJECT. THE OWN ER SHALL I N CLUDE AUSTI N ENERGY'S WORK WITH I N THE LI M I TS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR TH IS PROJECT. 1 4. THI S SUBDI VI SI ON SH ALL BE DEVELOPED, CON STRUCTED AND M AI N TAI N E D I N ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITI ON S OF CH APTER 25 OF THE LAN D DEVELOPMENT CODE. ( a) EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION ON EACH LOT, PU R SU A N T TO THE LD C A N D THE ENVIRON MENTAL CRITERI A MANU AL. ( b ) M AINTENAN CE OF WATER QU ALI TY CON TROLS REQUIRED ABOVE SH ALL BE TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFI CATI ON S CON TAI NED IN THE LDC AN D THE EN VIRON MENTAL CRI TERIA M AN U AL AND OTHER ORDIN ANCES AND REGULATI ON S OF TH E CITY OF AU STI N . ( c) FOR A MINIMAL TRAVEL DI STANCE OF 2 5 FEET FROM THE R OADWAY EDGE, DRIVEWAY GRADES M AY EXCEED 1 4% ONLY WI TH WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE SU RFACE AND GEOM ETRIC D ESI GN PROPOSAL BY THE TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS, AND PLANNING AND DEVELOPMEN T DEPARTMENTS OF TH E CITY OF AUSTI N . 1 5. THE WATER AN D WASTEWATER U TI LI TY SYSTEM SERVI N G THI S SU BDI VISI ON M U ST B E IN ACCORDANCE WI TH THE CI TY OF AUSTI N U TI LI TY DESI GN CRI TERI A. THE WATER AND WASTEWATER U TI LI TY PLAN MUST BE REVI EWED AND APPROVED BY AUSTI N WATER U TI LI TY. A LL WATER AN D WASTEWATER CONSTRU CTI ON M U ST BE INSPECTED BY TH E CI TY OF AUSTI N . THE LANDOWNER M U ST PAY TH E CITY I NSPECTION FEE WITH TH E UTI LITY CONSTRUCTI O N . 1 6. BY APPROVI N G THI S PLAT, TH E CITY OF AU STI N ASSU MES NO OBLI GATI ON TO CON STRU CT ANY INFRAST RU CTU RE IN CON NECTI ON WITH THI S SUBD I VISION . ANY SUB D I VI SI ON I NFRASTRUCTURE REQU IRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOTS IN THI S SUBDI VI SION IS TH E RESPON SI BILI TY OF THE DEVELOPER AND/OR THE OWNERS OF TH E LOTS. FAI LURE TO CONSTRUCT ANY REQU I RED I N FR ASTRUCTURE TO CI TY STANDARDS MAY B E JU ST CAUSE FOR THE CITY TO DENY APPLICATIONS FOR CERTAI N DEVELOPMENT PERM I TS, SI TE PLAN APPROVALS, AND/OR CERTI FI CATES OF OCCUPANCY. 1 7. PU BLI C SIDEWALKS, BUILT TO THE C I TY OF AUSTI N STANDARDS, ARE REQU IRED ALON G H YRI DGE DRI VE AS SHOWN BY A DOTTED LI NE ON TH E FACE OF THE PLAT. THE REQUIRED SIDEWALKS SHALL BE I N PLACE PRIOR TO TH E LOT BEING OCCU PIED. FAILURE TO CONSTRU CT THE REQU IRED SIDEWALKS M A Y RESULT I N THE WI TH H OLDI N G OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPAN CY, BU ILDI N G PERMITS, OR U TILI TY CON NECTI ON S BY THE GOVERN I NG BODY OR UTI LI TY COM PAN Y. LDC 25- 6- 351 1 8. A 1 0 FOOT ELECTRI C AND TELECOM M U N I CATI ONS EASEMEN T IS HEREBY DEDICATED ALONG TH E ROW OF HYRI DGE DRIVE. 1 9. ALL RESTRICTIONS AND NOTES FROM THE PREVIOU S EXI STI NG SU BDIVI SI ON, WESTOVER HILLS SECTI O N FOUR PHASE TWO, AS RECORDED IN VOLUM E 52, PAGE 87, PLAT RECORDS, TRAVI S COU N TY, TEXAS, SH ALL APPLY TO THI S RESUBDIVISION PLAT. 20. THI S SUBDI VI SI ON IS LOCATED OVER THE EDWARDS AQUI FER RECH ARGE ZONE. 21 . THE OWN ERS OF LOT 3, BLOCK "E", SH ALL REALI GN THE E XI STING SEWER SERVICE LI N E SO THAT I T WILL NOT CROSS COM M ON LOT LIN ES . 2 2 . THI S PROJECT IS SU BJECT TO TH E VOI D AND FLOW M I TI GATI ON RULE ( CI TY O F AUSTIN ENVI RONMENTAL CRI TERIA M AN U AL AN D CITY OF AUSTIN STAN DARD SPECIFI CATIONS M AN U AL). 23. PRI OR TO CONSTRUCTI ON, EXCEPT DETACHED SIN GLE FAM ILY ON AN Y LOT IN THIS SU BDI VI SI ON , A SI TE DEVELOPMEN T P ERMIT M U ST BE OBTAI N ED FR OM TH E CI TY OF AUSTIN (LDC 25- 5- 1 ) . 24. FOR M AI N TEN ANCE O F THE DETENTI ON FACI LITY, SEE AGREEMENT FI LED I N DOCU M EN T NO. OFFICIAL P UBLI C RECORDS, TR AVIS COUN TY, TEXAS. 25. SLOPES IN EXCESS OF 1 5% EXI ST ON LOT 3A AN D 3B. CONSTRUCTI ON ON SLOPES IS LIM I TED PER LAND DEVELOPM EN T CODE. 26. A FEE-IN LIEU OF PARKLAND D EDI CATI ON AND PARK DEVELOPMENT H A S BEEN PAI D FOR ONE RESIDENCE N O FEE WAS CH ARGED FOR THE EXI STI N G RESI DEN CE. I F ADDI TION AL RESI D ENCES ARE PLANN ED, ADD I TI ONAL FEES M AY BE ASSESSED AT TH E TI ME OF BUILDING PERMI T. 27. TH E DRIVEWAY FOR TH E SITE SHALL BE LOCATED I N A POSITION TH AT M AXIMI ZES THE VISI BILI TY OF A VEH I CLE TO THE ADJACEN T I N TERSECTI ON. 28. ALL STREETS WILL BE CONSTRUCT ED TO THE CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARDS. LDC 25- 6 -1 71(a). 29. FOR IMPERVIOUS COVER LIMITATIONS ON LOT 3A & 3B, SEE RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FILED IN DOCUMENT NO. ______________, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS. ACCEPTED AND AU TH ORI ZED FOR RECOR D B Y TH E ZON I N G AND P LATTI N G COM M ISSION OF TH E CI TY OF AU STI N , TEXAS, ON TH I S TH E ___ DAY OF ______ , 202 ___ AD. STA TE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF lRAVIS: I , D A N A D E BEAU VOI R , CLERK OF TR A VI S COUN TY, TEXAS, DO H ER E B Y CER TI FY TH AT TH E FOREGOING I N STR U M EN T OF WRI TI N G A N D IT' S CERTI FI CATE OF AU TH EN TICATI ON WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN M Y OFFI CE ON TH E ______ D A Y OF , 202 __ , A.D. AT JOLE N E K I OLBASSA, CHAI R A N A AGU I R RE, SECRE TARY _______ O'CLOCK ____ M . , DULY R ECOR D ED ON THE ___ D A Y OF __ _ 202 ___ _ A. D . A T ____ O ' CLOCK ___ M . , PLAT RECORDS I N SAI D COU N TY AN D STATE I N DOCU M E N T N O. _______ _ OFFI CI A L P U B LIC R ECOR D S OF TR AVI S COU N TY, TEXAS. D A N A D E BEAU VOI R , COU N TY CLE RK TR A VI S COU N TY, TE XAS D E P U TY PROJECT DA TA OWNER: STEP H EN YACKTM AN & ELLYN YACKTM AN 3571 FAR WE ST B OU LEVARD #82 A U STI N , TEXAS 78731 WA TERLOO SU R VEYORS I N C. P O BOX 1 6 01 76 AU STI N , TEX AS 7871 6 - 0 1 76 Phone: 51 2 - 481 - 9 602 www. waterl oosu rveyors.com T. B . P . L. S . FI RM#1 01 2 4400 J1 5568P LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEI N G 0 . 4329 ACRE OF LAN D - LOT 3 , B LOCK "E" WESTOVER H I L LS SECTI ON FOU R PH ASE TWO, A SU B D I VI SI ON I N TR AVI S COU N TY, TEXAS, ACCO R D I N G TO TH E MAP OR P LAT RECORDED I N VOL U M E 52, PA GE 8 7 , P L A T RECORDS TR AVI S COU N TY, TE XAS. TWO LOTS /ON E BLOCK SU B M I TTA L D A TE: JU N E 20, 2 0 1 9 C A S E # C S - 2 0 1 9 - 0 1 0 0 . 0 A P A G E 2 O F 2 4 of 48B-02 5 of 48B-02 6 of 48B-02 7 of 48B-02 8 of 48B-02 9 of 48B-02 From: Sent: To: Subject: David Dubin <David@dubinadvisorygroup.com> Monday, August 03, 2020 10:00 AM Zavala, Cesar re: #CB-2019-0100.0A, Aug 4th, 2020 Public Hearing, Zoning, & Platting *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Cesar, My family and I reside at 8609 Green Vly. Austin, Texas 78759, and we wanted to express our opposition to the resub of this lot. The owners have never resided on this property, adding another structure would cause the removal of a live oak tree, and it will add an additional driveway into Hyridge, which is a street that is not targeted for higher density by the city. Pease feel free to contact me with any questions Best, David Dubin, Ph.D. Industrial/Organizational Psychology Managing Partner at Dubin Advisory Group Cell: 512-947-5688 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-dubin-phd-36177920/ Website: http://dubinadvisorygroup.com/ E-Mail: David@DubinAdvisoryGroup.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to CSIRT@austintexas.gov. 10 of 48B-02 11 of 48B-02 From: Sent: To: Subject: Don Carrington <don@carringtonroofs.com> Tuesday, August 25, 2020 3:15 PM Zavala, Cesar; Edmond, Cindy Fwd: C8-2019-0100.0A *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Please, see forwarded email and document regarding case number C8-2019-0100.0A. Thank you. Respectfully, Don Carrington ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Don Carrington <don@carringtonroofs.com> Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 12:57 PM Subject: C8-2019-0100.0A To: <cindy.edmond@austin.tx.gov> Cindy, Attached are my written objections to the proposed resubdivision of the lot located at 4201 Hyridge Dr. I do not understand how this could even be considered because it would put the curb cut for a driveway into the intersection itself. Surely, there are guidelines and/or restrictions that would not allow that. It seems all of this effort (mailings, scheduling, hearings, etc) is not a good use of tax dollars and, in my opinion, should have been nixed when this first came up in the past. This is not my first response to this issue. To recap what I have written and signed: It would make a dangerous intersection even more dangerous. It is in a curve and on an incline. There are approx 15 driveways within 150' plus 2 other intersections. It is on a major cut-through route to area schools, including a high school. Sidewalks are few. Lots of people walking with inadequate lines of sight. The house located at 8700 Mountain Ridge Dr has had several cars crash into it because of the incline and curve (the previous owner had big rocks placed at the corner of his lot to act as a barricade to protect his property) Thank you for your attention to this and your consideration of these matters. Respectfully, Don Carrington 12 of 48B-02 From: Sent: To: Subject: Maria Winchell <winchellorama@gmail.com> Monday, August 03, 2020 9:02 AM Zavala, Cesar Case # C8-2019-0100.0A RE: Public Hearing August 4, 2020, Zoning & Platting Commission *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Mr Zavala, I am writing to object to the proposed resubdivision of 4201 Hyridge Dr. by Avalon Engineering & Land Development, & owners, Stephen & Ellyn Yacktman. The owners of the property seeking this subdivision have never used this property as a residence. Dividing the current small, wooded lot so that another structure can be added will mean uprooting lovely old trees & adding another driveway entrance to a neighborhood road. And, Hyridge is not a major artery area where adding housing density has been targeted by the city. Thank you for your consideration, David Spence (512-554-9350) & Maria Winchell (512-576-1658) 8607 Green Valley, Austin, Tx 78759 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to CSIRT@austintexas.gov. 13 of 48B-02 14 of 48B-02 15 of 48B-02 16 of 48B-02 17 of 48B-02 18 of 48B-02 19 of 48B-02 20 of 48B-02 21 of 48B-02 22 of 48B-02 23 of 48B-02 24 of 48B-02 Victoria Cantu Exhibits 25 of 48B-02 26 of 48B-02 27 of 48B-02 28 of 48B-02 29 of 48B-02 30 of 48B-02 31 of 48B-02 32 of 48B-02 33 of 48B-02 34 of 48B-02 35 of 48B-02 36 of 48B-02 37 of 48B-02 38 of 48B-02 39 of 48B-02 40 of 48B-02 CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT CASE NUMBER: REVISION #: UPDATE: CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala PHONE #: C8-2019-0100.0A 00 U0 512-974-3404 PROJECT NAME: Westover Hills Section Four Phase Two Resubdivision of Lot 3 Block ''E'', LOCATION: 4201 HYRIDGE DR SUBMITTAL DATE: July 12, 2019 REPORT DUE DATE: August 9, 2019 FINAL REPORT DATE: Sept 13, 2019 STAFF REPORT: 35 DAYS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE UPDATE DEADLINE This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. However, until this happens, your application is considered disapproved. Additional comments may be generated as a result of information or design changes provided in your update. If you have any questions, problems, concerns, or if you require additional information about this report, please do not hesitate to contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by writing to the City of Austin, Development Services Department, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78704. UPDATE DEADLINE (LDC 25-4-56; 25-4-82): It is the responsibility of the applicant or his/her agent to update this subdivision application. The final update to clear all comments must be submitted by the update deadline, which is July 25, 2020. Otherwise, the application will automatically be denied. If this date falls on a weekend or City of Austin holiday, the next City of Austin workday will be the deadline. UPDATE SUBMITTALS: A formal update submittal is required. Please bring a copy of this report with you upon submittal to Intake. Please submit 10.0 of the plans and 10.0 copies of a letter that address each comment for distribution to the following reviewers. Clearly label information or packets with the reviewer’s name that are intended for specific reviewers. No distribution is required for the Planner 1. Updates may be submitted between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Updates submitted after 3 pm may be processed on the following business day. Please note: if Austin Water rejects a plan on Update 2, a fee is due at or before resubmittal. Please contact Intake for the fee amount. REVIEWERS: Planner 1 : Cindy Edmond 911 Addressing : Cathy Winfrey City Arborist : Caitlin Campbell PARD / Planning & Design : Scott Grantham Subdivision : Cesar Zavala Water Quality : Christine Perez Electric : Karen Palacios Drainage Engineering : Christine Perez Environmental : Hank Marley Site Plan Plumbing : Brad Ward AW Utility Development Services : Bradley Barron Transportation Planning : Jaron Hogenson 41 of 48B-02 Subdivision Review - Cesar Zavala - 512-974-3404 SR 1. Provide the plat on 18 x 24 inch sheets and remove the area or border showing a revision table, engineer’s information, and property address. Additional comments may be generated after the plat is provided on 18 x 24 inch sheets. SR 2. Include a scale on the plat. SR 3. Annotate the 25 foot building line inside the lots with a dashed line. SR 4. Add the application submittal date on the plat, June 20, 2019. SR 5. Update the case number on the plat o read as C8-2019-0100.0A. SR 6. On Sheet 2 in the director’s approval block, remove J. Rodney Gonzalez as Director and list Denise Lucas as Director. SR 7. Update the commission approval block to reference the Zoning & Platting Commission. Accepted and authorized for record by the Zoning & Platting Commission of the City of Austin, Texas, on this, the ______day of ______20__. ___________________________ ________________________ Jolene Kiolbassa, Chair Ana Aguirre, Secretary SR 8. On Note #28 the document number in the blank field will be needed prior to the recording of the plat. SR 9. Submit a scaled drawing that shows the existing structures and the new lot lines with annotated setbacks. The structures must meet zoning setbacks from the new lot lines. SR 10. Contact the Intake Department to verify the application fees, the case currently shows an outstanding balance. SR 11. The following items that are needed to approve and record the plat at Travis County. After the plat has been approved by the Commission, the plat is sent to Millers to have a mylar copy made (this takes 1-3 working days). Recording fees will be calculated after the plat is approved and all related documents are available. • Plat containing original signatures, with appropriate seals and dates. The seals must be legible and in black ink. • 8 ½“ x 11” paper copy of the plat • Original tax certificate(s) showing all taxes paid for the previous year. • Any document to be recorded with the plat such as a Subdivision construction agreement (SCA), easement document, etc. • Check for the plat recordation fee and any document to be recorded with the plat. 42 of 48B-02 Electric Review - Karen Palacios - 512-322-6110 EL 1. The shown 10’ Elec/Telecomm shown needs to be labled in the legend with wording below. (Ten foot electric distribution, electric telecommunications, and electric fiber easement) Show the easement on the face of the plat. If additional ROW is required by the City of Austin the easement must be from the new ROW. 911 Addressing Review - Cathy Winfrey - 512-974-2398 AD1: This plat review is rejected for the following reasons. AD2: Please include the street type in the labels for the dedicated rights of way included on your plat: WESTOVER CLUB DR, MARTINDALE DR. Drainage Engineering Review - Christine Perez - 512-974-3568 Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. DE 1. DCM 1.2.2(D) states, “Stormwater runoff peak flow rates shall not be increased at any point of discharge from a site for the two (2), ten (10), 25 and 100-year storm frequency events.” Please provide the information necessary to verify compliance. How are flow increases from Lot 3A being addressed? DE 2. Detention or RSMP participation will be required for the increase in runoff from existing to developed conditions. DCM 1.2.2(E) states, “Regulation of peak flows to allowable levels, as determined by the provisions of this policy, shall be achieved by storage on-site or off-site or by participation in an approved Regional Stormwater Management Program. The Stormwater Management Section of this manual provides a guide to acceptable methods, but does not limit the designer to the methods presented therein. Guidelines for participation in the Regional Stormwater Management Program are contained in the Stormwater Management Section of this manual.” DE 3. If the applicant desires to participate in the Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP), please request participation at RSMP@austintexas.gov and copy this reviewer. A feasibility meeting will be set; please include this reviewer. DE 4. For the RSMP process, please visit http://www.austintexas.gov/RSMP for more information including the meeting request form, application, participation guidance. DE 5. To request the City’s existing HEC-HMS models please email floodpro@austintexas.gov or obtain them online at atxfloodpro.com. DE 6. To request the City’s existing StormCAD models please contact Rupali Sabnis, P.E. at rupali.sabnis@austintexas.gov. DE 7. If detention is elected, the following items will be required: 43 of 48B-02 1. A drainage plan including runoff calculations, detention pond design and analysis including an electronic model of the pond for pre-developed and post-developed runoff conditions; 2. A Drainage Easement With Required Maintenance for the stormwater management facilities; Please show the easement on the plat. 3. Provide a sealed engineer’s fiscal estimate for construction of the stormwater management facilities; 4. Once the fiscal estimate has been approved, please post fiscal with the Fiscal Surety office prior to filing the exemption and prior to approval of the final plat. Once posted, please provide a receipt of payment to this reviewer. Fiscal surety is for construction of the stormwater management facilities and is required for these improvements. (Fiscal may be returned to the applicant after an engineer’s concurrence letter is received by the City of Austin that states that the stormwater management facilities have been constructed according to City of Austin standards); 5. Coordinate exemption with DAC. After approval, the pond design will need to be submitted to DAC for a site plan exemption. This reviewer will let the applicant know when they can move forward with submittal. Additional comments may be generated once the information from the above comments is provided. DE 8. Engineer's seal, signature and date required DE 9. For resubdivision of platted lots a copy of the existing recorded plat must be provided with the resubdivision submittal. Please provide a copy of the existing recorded final plat. DE 10. Please add the following note: [LDC 25-5-1] "Prior to construction, except detached single family on any lot in this subdivision, a site development permit must be obtained from the City of Austin." DE 11. Please add the following note: For maintenance of facility, see agreement #___________________, official public records, Travis County, Texas. the detention filed in document DE 12. Please revise Note 5 as follows: "Prior to construction on lots in this subdivision, drainage plans will be submitted to the City of Austin for review. Rainfall run-off shall be held to the amount existing at undeveloped status by ponding or other approved methods. All proposed construction or site alteration on Lot(s) _____ Block(s) ______ requires approval of a separate Development Permit." DE 13. The Floodplain Note must be certified with signature and seal of registered engineer. DE 14. Please clearly delineate the offsite drainage area on the drainage area map and provide the fully developed flows and the corresponding acreage of the contributing offsite area. Drainage easements are required for conveyance of offsite flows [LDC 25-7-61 & 25-7-151]. DE 18. Remove or clarify the use of Note 27. Provide supporting documentation. DE 15. Remove Note 22. DE 16. Remove Note 23. DE 17. Remove Note 24. DE 19. Remove Note 28. 44 of 48B-02 Environmental Review - Hank Marley - 512-974-2067 Endangered Species EV 01 According to COA GIS, this site is located within the endangered species area. Notify the following individuals via email of the proposed development and cc this EV reviewer: Travis County: BCCP@traviscountytx.gov US Fish and Wildlife: Tanya Sommer tanya_sommer@fws.gov (512)490-0057 X222 Kimberlee Harvey at BCCP: kimberlee.harvey@austintexas.gov [LDC 25-8-691 through 696] Slopes & Impervious Cover EV 02 and comment regarding LDC 25-8-301 & 302 are pending. Revise the slope map shown on sheet 6 based on a 2 foot contour interval. Additional review EV 03 comment are pending. [LDC 25-8-423] Revise the Q1 table based on a 2 foot contour interval. Additional Q1 and Q2 table review and EV 04 not 25%. Update the Q2 table as necessary. [LDC 25-8-423] The allowable impervious cover in the Water Supply Suburban watershed classification is 30%, EV 05 The total proposed impervious cover shown in the Q2 table must be based on the sum of the impervious cover assumptions provided in LDC 25-8-64 for lot 3A and lot 3B. Based on LDC 25-8-64, the assumed impervious cover for lot 3A is 3500 square feet and the assumed impervious cover for lot 3B is 2500 square feet. Revise the Q2 table such that the total proposed impervious cover is 6000 square feet. Notes EV 06 Edit plat note #26 to state the following: “This project is subject to the Void and Water Flow Mitigation Rule (City of Austin Environmental Criteria Manual and City of Austin Standard Specifications Manual).” EV 07 The final plat proposes single family residential lot(s) with slopes in excess of 15%. Per LDC 25- 8-303, add a plat note stating: “Slopes in excess of 15% exist on Lot 3A & 3B. Construction on slopes is limited per the Land Development Code.” PARD / Planning & Design Review - Scott Grantham - 512-974-9457 PR 1: Parkland dedication and park development fees are required (City Code 25-1-601) and must be paid prior to approval. Based on SF-3 zoning and the size of the proposed lots, a total of 4 residential units could be allowed, 2 per lot. However, no parkland fees will be collected for the existing residence, so the fee for 3 units is required at this time. An invoice will issued in AMANDA with the next update. Please confirm that there is currently one unit on the site. PR 2: Add the following note to the plat: A fee-in-lieu of parkland dedication and park development has been paid for 3 residences. No fee was charged for the existing residence. 45 of 48B-02 AW Utility Development Services - Bradley Barron - 512-972-0078 WW1. The proposed subdivision is currently served with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. Each lot must have a separate water and wastewater utility connection and no existing or proposed plumbing may cross lot lines. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any future water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, system upgrades, utility relocations and or abandonments to serve each lot. WW2. Obtain copies of your current tap records from the AW TAPs office at 512-972-0000 and contact Brad Ward at 512-972-0339 to determine if any non-compliant tap or private plumbing violations will be created by the proposed subdivision and obtain his approval. Written approval from Mr. Ward will be required for successful plat release. FYI. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. Water Quality Review - Christine Perez - 512-974-3568 Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. WQ 1. Please demonstrate compliance with Environmental Criteria Manual (ECM) 1.6.8 and Land Development Code (LDC) LDC 25-7-61(B)(3) regarding the on- site control of the 2-yr storm for erosion control purposes. ECM 1.6.8 states, “On-site control of the two-year storm is achieved when the developed- conditions peak runoff rate leaving the site for a given drainage area is less than or equal to the existing-conditions runoff rate. The flow rates can be considered equal if the developed rate is no more than one-half (0.5) cfs greater than the existing rate or if the developed rate is no more than one-half (0.5) percent greater than the existing rate and there are no existing erosion problems downstream of the site” (LDC 25-7-61). Please provide data and calculations necessary to verify compliance. WQ 2. Please provide compliance with § 25-1-83 which requires all commercial and multi-family applications for subdivision, site plan, and building permit on tracts greater than one acre or on tracts one acre or less, but within an abandoned landfill buffer as shown on the City of Austin closed landfill map to provide a: 1. City of Austin Certification of Compliance Form; 2. Certificate sealed by a Professional Engineer certifying the site is not over a closed landfill and describing the basis for that determination, or; 3. Development permit from the TCEQ, or; 4. Letter from TCEQ stating that the project is not subject to the requirements of TAC Ch. 330, Subchapter T. The form is on the City of Austin website at http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Watershed/regulations/Landfill_Verification_ Form.pdf. 46 of 48B-02 City Arborist Review - Caitlin Campbell - 512-974-1341 Please be advised that additional comments may be generated as update information is reviewed. If an update has been rejected, reviewers are not able to clear comments based on phone calls, emails, or meetings, but must receive formal updates in order to confirm positive plan set changes. CA 1: Please provide a tree survey for trees 19” and greater in diameter. The tree survey list must include the following: 1) 2) 3) Heritage trees must be indicated with an ‘H’ on the tree survey list; Multi-trunk trees must be indicated with an ‘M’ and each stem must be listed; List the particular species (such as Live Oak, Cedar Elm, Texas Ash, etc) for each tree. Indicating only Oak or only Ash for example, does not comply with ECM requirements. Indicate the date of the survey next to the tree list. The survey must not be older than 5 years. 4) CA 2: CA 3: Please provide a buildability study for the proposed second lot. Based on the maximum impervious cover allowed by code, please include conceptual building footprints, driveway, grading and utility route locations in relation to the protected and Heritage trees on the lot. Please be aware that resubdivisions cannot create a hardship that prevents reasonable use or access to the lot at the time of building permit submittals. The second lot will need to comply with tree preservation regulations at the time of building permit submittal. If there is a possibility that one or several of the trees on the proposed second lot may be considered dead, diseased or an imminent hazard, then I suggest having a third party arborist conduct a condition assessment of those trees to determine if they are worth designing around. Site Plan Plumbing - Brad Ward - 512-972-0339 Rejected Records indicate that there are possibly (2) Water and (2) Wastewater Taps on this property. One of each on the west side and one of each on the east side. Need field verification of which Taps are used by the existing structure, to determine whether a lot line crossing exists with the proposed lot line. Lot line crossing with private plumbing is prohibited by Plumbing Code, and re-subdivision may not cause a code violation. Industrial Waste Review - Rachel Reddig - 512-972-1074 Update #0 July 24, 2019 Approved IW1. The Industrial Waste signature line on the cover sheet is not needed. IW2. Based on the plans submitted, the requirements under Chapter 15-10 of the Austin City Code (Wastewater Regulations) do not apply. 47 of 48B-02 Transportation Planning - Jaron Hogenson - 512-974-2253 TR1. TR2. On final plats, provide a plat note stating that streets will be constructed to City of Austin standards. LDC 25-6-171(a). If the fee for sidewalks has already been provided, provide the receipt. If not, the below comments will apply. • Sidewalks are required on the subdivision side of Hyridge Drive. Identify the location of the sidewalks by a dotted line on the final plat and include the sidewalk symbol within the Legend. LDC 25-6-351. TCM, 4.2.1. • Provide the following plat note: "Public sidewalks, built to City of Austin standards, are required along the following streets and as shown by a dotted line on the face of the plat: Hyridge Drive. These sidewalks shall be in place prior to the lot being occupied. Failure to construct the required sidewalks may result in the withholding of Certificates of Occupancy, building permits, or utility connections by the governing body or utility company." LDC 25-6- 351. • Remove note 17 regarding sidewalk payment. Sidewalk payment can be discussed during the time of residential review. TR3. The resubdivision of the site creates a sight distance issue for the proposed driveway, however it will be allowed due to the site being on a controlled intersection. Add the following note to the plat: • “The driveway for the site shall be located in a position that maximizes the visibility of a vehicle to the adjacent intersection.” End of report 48 of 48B-02